Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
10855051 | Play | Hip Pop Boogie | 12:12 Tools | |
10855048 | Play | T.A.B.O.O | 03:15 Tools | |
87267774 | Play | Can't let you go | 04:19 Tools | |
10855050 | Play | このままもっと | 04:43 Tools | |
10855053 | Play | 夢でいいから | 03:04 Tools | |
10855049 | Play | Fly on Friday | 04:21 Tools | |
52341471 | Play | Hey Yeah! | 04:20 Tools | |
52341472 | Play | sugar and salt | 04:32 Tools | |
10855054 | Play | Touch Me Now | 03:42 Tools | |
52341474 | Play | Rolling days | 05:05 Tools | |
52341473 | Play | Unti Unti | 03:42 Tools | |
87267775 | Play | Yume De Ii Kara | 04:10 Tools | |
52341477 | Play | Sunshine | 04:10 Tools | |
10855060 | Play | Love Light | 02:47 Tools | |
10855055 | Play | Can't Take My Eyes Off You | 05:13 Tools | |
10855057 | Play | Fly To The Moon | 06:42 Tools | |
10855056 | Play | Where is the Love | 03:39 Tools | |
10855059 | Play | 星になるまで | 04:15 Tools | |
10855061 | Play | Anti-Anti | 03:33 Tools | |
10855072 | Play | Konya Wa Boogie Back | 05:53 Tools | |
10855065 | Play | Joyful | 03:10 Tools | |
10855066 | Play | T.A.B.O.O | 03:15 Tools | |
10855067 | Play | Anti Anti | 03:47 Tools | |
87267776 | Play | Can't Take My Eyes Off of You | 04:00 Tools | |
10855077 | Play | Hip Pop Boogie | 04:10 Tools | |
10855073 | Play | Hot Cake Mix | 03:38 Tools | |
10855058 | Play | とまどいながら | 03:37 Tools | |
10855096 | Play | Chou Arigatou | 04:06 Tools | |
10855063 | Play | ペンの指す方向 Chapter III | 02:51 Tools | |
10855068 | Play | どこにいても | 00:00 Tools | |
10855074 | Play | Christmas Song | 05:11 Tools | |
10855135 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter III [Sho] | 04:00 Tools | |
10855103 | Play | Kono Mama Motto | 04:43 Tools | |
10855069 | Play | ペンの指す方向 Chapter I | 06:04 Tools | |
52341478 | Play | Yes No (remix) [Sho] | 04:43 Tools | |
10855094 | Play | Hoshi ni naru made | 05:46 Tools | |
87267777 | Play | Christmas Kyoku | 03:42 Tools | |
10855097 | Play | 今夜はブギーバック | 04:17 Tools | |
52341482 | Play | sugar and solt | 04:16 Tools | |
10855076 | Play | Make Me Happy | 04:50 Tools | |
52341480 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter III (remix) [Sho] | 04:50 Tools | |
10855095 | Play | Hoshi ni Narumade [Sho] | 04:16 Tools | |
52341481 | Play | Anti Anti (Unti Unti remix) [Sho] | 04:16 Tools | |
10855071 | Play | ペンの指す方向 Chapter II | 04:20 Tools | |
10855081 | Play | The Love Like | 00:00 Tools | |
10855089 | Play | Make me happy~shake | 04:50 Tools | |
10855127 | Play | Anti Anti (Unti Unti remix) | 03:47 Tools | |
87267778 | Play | Oretachi no Song | 03:47 Tools | |
10855085 | Play | どこにいても (feat. SHIN) | 04:29 Tools | |
52341483 | Play | Namida no Nagareboshi (Sho Sakurai Version) | 04:29 Tools | |
77012615 | Play | Where is the love? | 04:32 Tools | |
87267779 | Play | ペンの指す方向 chapter 2 | 00:00 Tools | |
10855111 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter I | 05:17 Tools | |
10855190 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter I [Sho] | 05:17 Tools | |
10855080 | Play | ペンの指す方向 Chapter 3 | 06:04 Tools | |
10855084 | Play | 二人の記念日 | 02:42 Tools | |
87267780 | Play | Touch me now [Sho] | 02:42 Tools | |
10855093 | Play | クリスマス曲 | 04:46 Tools | |
52341486 | Play | Unti Unti [Sho] | 02:42 Tools | |
52341487 | Play | Fly to the moon [Sho] | 02:42 Tools | |
10855193 | Play | ALL or NOTHING (Eye of the Tiger remix) | 03:13 Tools | |
10855083 | Play | ペンの指す方向 Chapter 1 | 00:00 Tools | |
10855117 | Play | Dokoni itemo | 04:32 Tools | |
10855119 | Play | Can’t Let You Go | 04:19 Tools | |
52341488 | Play | Hoshi ni Narumade | 04:32 Tools | |
10855079 | Play | Doko ni itemo | 04:30 Tools | |
10855156 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter III ~Remix~ [Sho] | 04:12 Tools | |
52341489 | Play | sugar and salt | 04:23 Tools | |
10855225 | Play | feat. DJ S. [Sho] | 04:28 Tools | |
10855070 | Play | Fly on Friday | 04:20 Tools | |
10855078 | Play | Where's the Love? | 01:11 Tools | |
10855091 | Play | 今夜はブギー・バック | 04:16 Tools | |
87267781 | Play | Fly To The Moon ~Studio Version~ | 04:16 Tools | |
10855128 | Play | アンチアンチ | 03:28 Tools | |
52341490 | Play | Arashi Rap | 01:33 Tools | |
52341491 | Play | Yes? No? (remix) | 04:16 Tools | |
10855137 | Play | Choo Choo Train | 03:09 Tools | |
10855087 | Play | T.A.B.O.O. | 03:15 Tools | |
10855108 | Play | Sketch | 05:17 Tools | |
52341492 | Play | Unti Unti (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
10855086 | Play | 超ありがとう | 04:06 Tools | |
52341495 | Play | Tomadoi Nagara | 04:46 Tools | |
10855124 | Play | Christmas Kyoku [Sho] | 04:46 Tools | |
52341493 | Play | Joyful [Sho] | 04:46 Tools | |
52341494 | Play | Unti-Unti | 04:46 Tools | |
10855075 | Play | 超²ありがとう | 04:06 Tools | |
10855146 | Play | Can’t Let You Go | 05:05 Tools | |
52341498 | Play | Oretachi no Song (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:26 Tools | |
52341496 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houko ~Chapter 2~ (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:26 Tools | |
52341497 | Play | Make me happy~Shake [Sho] | 04:26 Tools | |
52341499 | Play | ペンの指す方向 ~Chapter 1~ | 04:26 Tools | |
52341500 | Play | Kouya (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:26 Tools | |
52341501 | Play | ペンの指す方向 chapter 3 remix ver. | 06:04 Tools | |
10855147 | Play | Can`t Let You Go | 04:19 Tools | |
10855174 | Play | Make Me Happy - Shake | 04:50 Tools | |
52341502 | Play | ALL or NOTHING (Eye of the Tiger remix) (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:50 Tools | |
10855114 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter III ~Remix~ | 04:12 Tools | |
77012618 | Play | futari no kinenbi | 04:06 Tools | |
10855189 | Play | The Love Light | 01:17 Tools | |
10855107 | Play | 超2ありがとう | 04:06 Tools | |
52341503 | Play | Can't Let Go | 03:44 Tools | |
52341504 | Play | RAINBOW | 01:17 Tools | |
52341505 | Play | a Day in our Life (remix) | 03:41 Tools | |
52341506 | Play | ハダシの未来 | 01:17 Tools | |
52341507 | Play | Lucky Man (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 01:17 Tools | |
10855163 | Play | Dokoniitemo | 04:29 Tools | |
10855104 | Play | ペンの指す方向 | 03:59 Tools | |
10855157 | Play | Gori Muuchu (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 01:36 Tools | |
52341508 | Play | Sho Beat [2005.11.05] | 01:36 Tools | |
52341509 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter II + MC [Sho] | 00:20 Tools | |
52341510 | Play | a Day in our Life | 01:36 Tools | |
52341511 | Play | 今夜はブギーバッグ | 01:36 Tools | |
52341512 | Play | Lucky Man | 01:36 Tools | |
10855215 | Play | どこに行っても | 04:32 Tools | |
52341513 | Play | Tomadoinagara | 04:32 Tools | |
10855109 | Play | feat. DJ S. | 04:28 Tools | |
10855118 | Play | 俺たちのSong | 04:01 Tools | |
52341514 | Play | a Day in our Life (remix) (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:01 Tools | |
52341515 | Play | サクラ咲ケ | 03:08 Tools | |
52341520 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter II | 05:12 Tools | |
10855150 | Play | Where's The Love? (Sho Rap Original Remix) | 01:26 Tools | |
52341516 | Play | TOUCH ME NOW ( How's It Going 2003) | 01:26 Tools | |
52341517 | Play | Only Love | 01:26 Tools | |
10855099 | Play | Christmas 曲 | 05:12 Tools | |
52341518 | Play | Where's the Love? (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:12 Tools | |
52341519 | Play | Yes? No? (remix) (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:12 Tools | |
10855221 | Play | ペンの指す方向 chapterIII | 06:04 Tools | |
77012620 | Play | Cool & Soul (Demo ver.) | 02:48 Tools | |
87267782 | Play | Jam | 05:17 Tools | |
52341522 | Play | Overture | 04:00 Tools | |
52341523 | Play | Thank you for my Days (remix) | 03:22 Tools | |
52341524 | Play | Kotoba yori taisetsuna mono (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341525 | Play | MC #4 (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341526 | Play | MC #1 (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341527 | Play | Pen No Sasu Houkou Chapter 1 | 04:00 Tools | |
52341528 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter 2 | 04:00 Tools | |
52341529 | Play | Only Love (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341530 | Play | Hey Hey Loving You (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341531 | Play | ペンの指す方向 III ~Remix~ | 04:00 Tools | |
10855172 | Play | ペンの指す方向 ~Chapter 3~ (Remix) | 04:55 Tools | |
52341549 | Play | Hey Yeah! | 04:00 Tools | |
52341532 | Play | Introduction ~storm~ (remix) | 04:55 Tools | |
10855113 | Play | The LoveLike | 02:28 Tools | |
52341533 | Play | Fan No Chapter 3 | 02:28 Tools | |
52341550 | Play | Where Is The Love (Sakurai Sho) | 04:00 Tools | |
52341534 | Play | ペンの指す方向 ~Chapter 3~ | 02:28 Tools | |
87267783 | Play | Pen No Sasu Houkou Ii | 02:28 Tools | |
52341536 | Play | Yume de Iikara | 02:28 Tools | |
87267784 | Play | 夢でいいから (Yume de Ii Kara) | 02:28 Tools | |
10855161 | Play | Pen no sasu houkou ~ Chapter 1 | 05:17 Tools | |
52341538 | Play | 俺たちのソング | 05:17 Tools | |
52341539 | Play | Overture (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
52341540 | Play | 言葉より大切なもの | 05:17 Tools | |
77012621 | Play | Yume de li Kara | 05:17 Tools | |
52341542 | Play | Hadashi no Mirai (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
52341543 | Play | Shinchousa No Nai Koibito (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
52341544 | Play | Introduction ~storm~ (remix) (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
52341545 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou Chapter 3 | 05:17 Tools | |
52341546 | Play | Yosaku | 05:17 Tools | |
52341547 | Play | Sketch (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
52341548 | Play | JAM (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 05:17 Tools | |
10855175 | Play | Yume de ii kara (Sho's solo) | 04:51 Tools | |
10855129 | Play | ペンの指す方向 III | 04:00 Tools | |
77012622 | Play | ペンの指す方向 chapter3 | 04:00 Tools | |
10855145 | Play | Chou 2 Arigatou | 04:06 Tools | |
52341551 | Play | Unti Unti (ARASHI FIRST CONCERT 2006 in Taipei Live) | 04:06 Tools | |
10855140 | Play | Choo Choo Train (EXILE cover) | 03:09 Tools | |
52341552 | Play | Luv Like.. w/ Ha-J | 03:09 Tools | |
52341553 | Play | Pen no Sasu Houkou | 03:09 Tools | |
52341554 | Play | wedding song | 03:09 Tools | |
52341555 | Play | ペンの指す方向 ChapterⅠ | 03:09 Tools | |
52341556 | Play | ペンの指す方向 ChapterⅡ | 03:09 Tools | |
52341557 | Play | Fly to the moon(Studio Ver) | 03:09 Tools | |
52341558 | Play | Sakura Sake (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 03:09 Tools | |
52341559 | Play | Where is the Love [Sho] | 03:09 Tools | |
52341560 | Play | 身長差のない恋人 | 03:09 Tools | |
52341561 | Play | Konya wa Boogie-Bakku | 03:09 Tools | |
52341562 | Play | 五里霧中 | 03:09 Tools | |
52341563 | Play | Choo Choo Train (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 03:09 Tools | |
52341564 | Play | Thank you for my Days (remix) (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 03:09 Tools | |
52341565 | Play | Sho Beat [02.03.08] | 03:09 Tools | |
52341566 | Play | Sho Beat [03.02.08] | 23:53 Tools | |
52341567 | Play | MC #2 (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 03:09 Tools | |
77012623 | Play | MC #3 (THE SHOW Solo Con) | 03:09 Tools |
Track name
Sakurai Sho (櫻井翔; born January 25, 1982 in Minato, Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese idol singer, actor, host, and newscaster, as well as a member of the Japanese idol group, Arashi. Sakurai joined Johnny's Entertainment in October 1995 and made his debut with Arashi in Hawaii. While juggling his work as an idol, he attended Keio University and graduated with a degree in Economics in 2004 and has inspired many other juniors from the same agency to also pursue a higher education after high school. Sakurai is the designated rapper of the group, and has written the raps in the band's songs from the single ハダシの未来/言葉より大切なもの onwards. Fans affectionately call it "Sakurap". Sakurai's breakthrough in rapping made it easier for his juniors to rap as well despite being idols, and became an idol for them to look up to. According to TOKIO's 国分太一 (Kokubun Taichi) and KAT-TUN's member, 田中聖 (Tanaka Koki), they starting rapping because of Sakurai. In 2006, he became a newscaster for News ZERO, with a segment every Monday. In 2007, he was chosen to help host NTV's ZEROxSenkyo 2007, a special program, regarding the upcoming House of Councillors elections. Sakurai became the first pop idol to host such a program. He was chosen as the main caster for Fuji TV's broadcast of the 2007 Volleyball World Cup. This marked the first time ARASHI, who were special supporters for the 1999 competition, has been involved with the Volleyball World Cup after eight years. In 2008, Sakurai was appointed as the main caster for NTV's coverage of the Olympic Games in Beijing and in 2010, was appointed as a special caster for NTV's coverage of the Vancouver Games. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.