
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
你的眼神 03:48 Tools
被遗忘的时光 02:41 Tools
渡口 03:46 Tools
被遺忘的時光 20:13 Tools
恰似你的温柔 07:32 Tools
恰似你的溫柔 03:59 Tools
出塞曲 02:58 Tools
月光小夜曲 04:00 Tools
不了情 03:24 Tools
我有一段情 03:30 Tools
我的思念 03:47 Tools
三年 04:44 Tools
张三的歌 04:47 Tools
明月千里寄相思 02:51 Tools
今宵多珍重 02:49 Tools
把悲伤留给自己 05:22 Tools
情人的眼泪 03:01 Tools
抉擇 03:36 Tools
绿岛小夜曲 04:52 Tools
抉择 03:38 Tools
庭院深深 03:13 Tools
再爱我一次 02:57 Tools
读你 04:08 Tools
想你的时候 02:50 Tools
缺口 04:47 Tools
偶然 04:18 Tools
最後一夜 04:59 Tools
情人的眼淚 02:59 Tools
痴痴的等 05:05 Tools
六月茉莉 03:13 Tools
南屏晚钟 02:33 Tools
怎么能 03:36 Tools
再愛我一次 03:04 Tools
跟我說愛我 03:44 Tools
點亮霓虹燈 04:26 Tools
跟我说爱我 03:44 Tools
机遇Ⅰ 04:09 Tools
神秘女郎 03:35 Tools
想你的時候 02:49 Tools
怎麼能 03:24 Tools
心太急 00:00 Tools
綠島小夜曲 03:30 Tools
相思河畔 03:15 Tools
秦淮河畔 03:14 Tools
我心是海洋 04:06 Tools
最后一夜 04:57 Tools
夜来香 03:14 Tools
外婆的澎湖湾 03:56 Tools
重相逢 03:25 Tools
天涯歌女 04:53 Tools
落花流水 02:43 Tools
油麻菜籽 03:44 Tools
木棉道 04:04 Tools
03:32 Tools
明日之歌 04:07 Tools
怀念 03:48 Tools
情人山 02:54 Tools
寒雨曲 04:08 Tools
爱像一首歌 04:04 Tools
那些事那些人 00:00 Tools
花天走地 04:15 Tools
夜上海 00:00 Tools
点亮霓虹灯 00:00 Tools
降雪 04:46 Tools
乡间小路 03:28 Tools
蝶衣 04:16 Tools
意难忘 00:00 Tools
蓝色的梦 02:59 Tools
魂萦旧梦 03:47 Tools
明天你是否依然爱我 04:05 Tools
再别康桥 04:55 Tools
用心良苦 04:08 Tools
魂縈舊夢 03:01 Tools
祈祷 04:36 Tools
梦中人 03:34 Tools
送别 03:04 Tools
讀你 04:04 Tools
總有一天等到你 04:40 Tools
海上花 03:54 Tools
秋瑾 04:11 Tools
白发吟 02:47 Tools
微风往事 03:39 Tools
祝我幸福 04:18 Tools
藍色的夢 03:00 Tools
我要如何不想他 02:05 Tools
大约在冬季 03:18 Tools
愛斷情傷 04:49 Tools
谢幕曲 04:44 Tools
爱断情伤 00:00 Tools
夢中人 03:34 Tools
懷念 03:48 Tools
謝幕曲 04:44 Tools
假如我是真的 03:36 Tools
夜來香 04:14 Tools
00:00 Tools
给电影人的情书 04:50 Tools
意難忘 04:14 Tools
昨夜你对我一笑 03:04 Tools
不了情&新不了情 07:22 Tools
我和我自己的影子 04:41 Tools
不悔 01:51 Tools
天台的月光 05:02 Tools
相思雨 03:29 Tools
其实你不懂我的心 03:27 Tools
把月光射下来 03:40 Tools
小窗相思 04:11 Tools
一年又一年 03:59 Tools
午夜香吻 03:21 Tools
問白雲 03:14 Tools
时间的河 04:24 Tools
你是最冷的情人 04:37 Tools
分分秒秒 04:39 Tools
月光 03:43 Tools
昨夜你對我一笑 03:05 Tools
红蔷薇 03:28 Tools
愿嫁汉家郎 02:56 Tools
伤心小站 04:48 Tools
天天天天 03:30 Tools
驿动的心 03:22 Tools
未识绮罗香 03:29 Tools
我的兄弟姊妹 04:10 Tools
初恋 02:33 Tools
昨夜之灯 02:39 Tools
雪歌 04:01 Tools
流浪者的独白 04:34 Tools
未識綺羅香 03:33 Tools
白髮吟 02:47 Tools
秋夜 04:46 Tools
敖包相会 04:03 Tools
苏醒 03:28 Tools
好春宵 04:01 Tools
如梦令 04:11 Tools
爱情就是这样 05:21 Tools
常喜 03:57 Tools
其實你不懂我的心 03:27 Tools
願嫁漢家郎 02:57 Tools
问白云 03:14 Tools
給電影人的情書 04:42 Tools
小夜曲 08:23 Tools
情是什么 04:23 Tools
屈原 03:49 Tools
微風往事 03:39 Tools
送別 03:07 Tools
恋痕 02:59 Tools
月满西楼 03:28 Tools
初恋女 04:34 Tools
晚霞 03:33 Tools
愛像一首歌 04:04 Tools
大女人 03:20 Tools
人生就是戏 03:05 Tools
平安夜 02:59 Tools
空中歌声 03:01 Tools
外婆的澎湖灣 03:56 Tools
愛你太濃 05:09 Tools
茉莉花 03:11 Tools
戀痕 03:03 Tools
未完成的歌 03:46 Tools
南屏晚鐘 03:24 Tools
再別康橋 04:55 Tools
痴情泪 03:32 Tools
初戀 02:35 Tools
吻別 04:09 Tools
新感情舊回憶 00:00 Tools
空中歌聲 03:02 Tools
把悲傷留給自己 05:25 Tools
香煙迷濛了眼睛 03:34 Tools
如果没有你 03:09 Tools
一生都給你 04:17 Tools
一場遊戲一場夢 04:12 Tools
鄉間小路 03:28 Tools
希望还能遇见你 03:29 Tools
一生都给你 00:00 Tools
夢裡相思 02:37 Tools
牧者之歌 03:40 Tools
一场游戏一场梦 04:12 Tools
关于爱情 05:30 Tools
港都夜雨 03:33 Tools
远扬的梦舟 03:26 Tools
恨不相逢未嫁时 05:03 Tools
红泪 03:31 Tools
只有分離 03:44 Tools
雨後花 04:09 Tools
初戀女 04:39 Tools
新娘 03:54 Tools
我听见我的心在哭 05:24 Tools
04:55 Tools
祈禱 04:18 Tools
思慕的人 04:25 Tools
尘封的记忆 03:23 Tools
洛神 04:12 Tools
哈利路亞 04:51 Tools
隨風去 04:33 Tools
流转的时光 03:33 Tools
诉衷情 04:20 Tools
為了愛夢一生 04:12 Tools
飘零的落花 04:02 Tools
康定情歌 02:52 Tools
我不哭泣 03:37 Tools
静夜星空 01:28 Tools
吻别 04:09 Tools
明月几时有 03:23 Tools
恰是你的溫柔 00:00 Tools
希望還能遇見你 03:25 Tools
張三的歌 03:25 Tools
新不了情 01:28 Tools
靜夜星空 04:30 Tools
忽然想起你 04:22 Tools
飄零的落花 04:04 Tools
秋梦 03:04 Tools
機遇 04:16 Tools
火舞 04:14 Tools
小白菜 03:32 Tools
流轉的時光 03:00 Tools
被遺忘的時光 - Remastered 04:05 Tools
紅薔薇 03:28 Tools
示愛 05:18 Tools
傻話 04:03 Tools
爱神的箭 04:20 Tools
烟雨斜阳 03:32 Tools
關於愛情 05:30 Tools
傻话 00:00 Tools
在那遥远的地方 06:03 Tools
昨日 03:21 Tools
是夢是真 04:04 Tools
痴情一世人 04:24 Tools
月光组曲 03:09 Tools
永远的微笑 04:22 Tools
随风去 00:00 Tools
天天天蓝 (Intro) 01:26 Tools
永遠的微笑 03:17 Tools
是梦是真 04:05 Tools
流浪者的獨白 04:34 Tools
出人头地 03:01 Tools
梦里相思 02:57 Tools
塵封的記憶 03:23 Tools
春风吻上我的脸 04:24 Tools
天天天藍 (Intro) 01:25 Tools
往事只能回味 02:46 Tools
遠颺的夢舟 03:22 Tools
爱你太浓 05:10 Tools
月滿西樓 03:28 Tools
動情以後 04:56 Tools
只有分离 03:45 Tools
機遇 I 04:10 Tools
菜根譚 03:18 Tools
尘缘 03:31 Tools
菜根谭 03:19 Tools
恨不相逢未嫁時 05:04 Tools
好預兆 03:13 Tools
走西口 04:12 Tools
訴衷情 04:18 Tools
愛神的箭 04:20 Tools
弯弯的月亮 04:05 Tools
當孤獨遇到寂寞 04:32 Tools
情鎖 03:57 Tools
傷心小站 04:52 Tools
一個人唱歌 00:00 Tools
青青湖畔 02:48 Tools
你是我心中云一朵 04:35 Tools
为了爱梦一生 04:12 Tools
春风吻上了我的脸 03:19 Tools
紅淚 03:29 Tools
示爱 05:18 Tools
癡癡的等 05:05 Tools
新月 04:36 Tools
科罗拉多之月 03:45 Tools
情迷 03:41 Tools
Those were the days 02:45 Tools
心上没有人 04:18 Tools
難忘的鳳凰橋 03:54 Tools
苦戀歌 04:03 Tools
禮物 03:44 Tools
远方 03:36 Tools
想你一整夜 03:46 Tools
明天你是否依然愛我 04:10 Tools
地下情 04:09 Tools
癡情淚 03:32 Tools
昨夜之燈 02:58 Tools
永远永远不变 03:14 Tools
可憐戀花再會吧 04:05 Tools
情锁 03:56 Tools
盼与寄 02:53 Tools
动情以后 04:54 Tools
可爱的一朵玫瑰花 03:10 Tools
老曲磐 04:10 Tools
情是什麼 04:24 Tools
心恋 03:33 Tools
赠别 03:29 Tools
细雨 04:01 Tools
直到那一天 03:45 Tools
甜蜜的家庭 02:43 Tools
如果你要离去 03:50 Tools
月亮代表我的心 04:03 Tools
機遇 II 01:55 Tools
雨后花 04:15 Tools
花针引线线穿针 04:10 Tools
晨書 03:22 Tools
我相信你是真的 04:31 Tools
醉在你懷中 02:55 Tools
永久的城 03:37 Tools
大約在冬季 03:22 Tools
心上沒有人 03:58 Tools
童年往事 03:53 Tools
時間的河 04:29 Tools
枯叶 04:01 Tools
寂寞是火 00:00 Tools
扇子歌 03:01 Tools
舞衣 03:26 Tools
人生就是戲 03:08 Tools
零点十七分 03:32 Tools
怎麽能 03:32 Tools
归来吧!苏莲多 03:29 Tools
探歌 05:15 Tools
等著你回來 02:34 Tools
團圓 03:38 Tools
香烟迷濛了眼睛 03:34 Tools
印度之歌 04:15 Tools
飄浪之女 03:44 Tools
决择 04:43 Tools
出人頭地 03:03 Tools
如果沒有你 03:09 Tools
家家有本難念的經 03:14 Tools
六月茉莉(回到尘世) 02:30 Tools
好预兆 03:11 Tools
秋夢 03:36 Tools
继续 04:20 Tools
被遺忘的時光 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:06 Tools
我聽見我的心在哭 05:29 Tools
不了情 & 新不了情 07:18 Tools
把月光射下來 03:38 Tools
机遇Ⅱ 01:53 Tools
盼與寄 03:15 Tools
老曲盘 04:11 Tools
我的天啊 03:32 Tools
驛動的心 03:22 Tools
青春湖畔 03:17 Tools
00:00 Tools
新感情旧回忆 10:05 Tools
香烟迷蒙了眼睛 03:35 Tools
春光曲 03:21 Tools
我的兄弟姐妹 04:47 Tools
感觉 00:00 Tools
六月茉莉 (回到塵世) 02:31 Tools
机遇 I 04:12 Tools
恰是你的温柔 04:13 Tools
爱与酒 03:58 Tools
情愿孤独 03:51 Tools
绿洲 04:47 Tools
旧情绵绵 04:12 Tools
舊情綿綿 00:00 Tools
假装我们还相恋 03:46 Tools
太阳出来了 04:51 Tools
全新飛翔 04:21 Tools
月夜愁 03:04 Tools
我怎能离开你 03:22 Tools
给我一个吻 03:48 Tools
愛情就是這樣 05:24 Tools
第一次青春 04:27 Tools
请假装你会舍不得我 01:52 Tools
情願孤獨 03:52 Tools
太陽出來了 04:50 Tools
我怎能離開你 03:25 Tools
贈別 03:28 Tools
晨书 03:28 Tools
甜蜜蜜 03:22 Tools
12月22 00:00 Tools
序幕 00:45 Tools
顺应着 03:36 Tools
阮不知啦 04:05 Tools
寂寞路 03:42 Tools
爱情的喜悦 00:00 Tools
一个人的时候 04:50 Tools
寂寞的风 04:10 Tools
醉在你的懷中 02:56 Tools
痴情淚 03:34 Tools
等着你回来 02:34 Tools
塔里的女人 04:19 Tools
03 你的眼神 04:11 Tools
开一扇窗 04:10 Tools
最後一封信 03:51 Tools
追寻 03:13 Tools
花落谁家+夜上海 03:52 Tools
你是我心中雲一朵 04:39 Tools
在那银色月光下 03:11 Tools
康定情歌+青春舞曲 03:33 Tools
歌声与微笑 03:50 Tools
何日君再来 03:24 Tools
落一滴泪 04:05 Tools
恨夜长 00:00 Tools
女儿圈 04:12 Tools
午夜钟声 04:27 Tools
夢裏相思 02:32 Tools
乡恋 03:24 Tools
痴痴地等 05:03 Tools
在那银色的月光下 00:00 Tools
燒肉粽 04:19 Tools
被遺忘的時光II 03:23 Tools
灵感 04:35 Tools
飘鸟 04:35 Tools
04 想你的时候 04:12 Tools
被遺忘的時光 - 電影﹕無間道 插曲 04:12 Tools
我曾經來過 03:50 Tools
知音何处寻 03:54 Tools
机遇 II 03:28 Tools
科羅拉多之月 03:40 Tools
你一定要是个孩子 03:09 Tools
忘不了 03:51 Tools
再活一遍 00:00 Tools
我的家庭真可爱 05:51 Tools
不了情 新不了情 05:54 Tools
感覺 04:53 Tools
得不到的爱情 04:53 Tools
旅程 04:35 Tools
我有一段情 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:40 Tools
淡水河邊 04:20 Tools
憶難忘 00:00 Tools
媽媽請你也保重 03:48 Tools
一点温柔 04:07 Tools
我曾经来过 03:54 Tools
过尽千帆 03:55 Tools
最后的梦 04:23 Tools
魂萦旧梦+许我向你看 04:53 Tools
家家有本难念的经 03:14 Tools
老曲盤 04:11 Tools
往事難忘 01:20 Tools
全新飞翔 04:21 Tools
03 被遗忘的时光 03:06 Tools
追梦人 03:52 Tools
塵緣 03:24 Tools
癡情一世人 04:24 Tools
繼續 04:20 Tools
親愛主牽我手 03:31 Tools
01 出塞曲 04:20 Tools
白桦林 04:15 Tools
明月千里奇相思 03:33 Tools
寂寞 02:18 Tools
03:45 Tools
永远的微笑+花落谁家 03:49 Tools
聆听 03:58 Tools
月光組曲 00:00 Tools
你的眼神 - Remastered 00:00 Tools
我的相思 03:06 Tools
搖籃曲 01:54 Tools
心中的彩虹 02:18 Tools
枯葉 03:57 Tools
当我们小的时候 03:58 Tools
飘浪之女 03:49 Tools
难忘凤凰桥 04:35 Tools
六月茉莉 (回到尘世) 04:35 Tools
OEA 04:30 Tools
小拜年 02:18 Tools
阁楼 03:25 Tools
一个人唱歌 04:12 Tools
当孤独遇到寂寞 00:45 Tools
一人卡拉OK 04:19 Tools
一片痴情+我要等着你 04:19 Tools
OVERTURE - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 01:58 Tools
明月千里寄相思 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:28 Tools
摇篮曲 01:52 Tools
不管你是谁 03:55 Tools
流水年华 03:18 Tools
永遠永遠不變 03:11 Tools
明日几时有 03:25 Tools
你不要那样看着我的眼睛 04:30 Tools
被遺忘的時光 (Those were the days) 02:45 Tools
亲蜜爱人 03:22 Tools
河上的月色 03:18 Tools
卿卿如晤 05:19 Tools
遠揚的夢舟 03:37 Tools
落一滴淚 04:24 Tools
過盡千帆 01:52 Tools
新感情 旧回忆 04:56 Tools
女兒圈 03:42 Tools
午夜鐘聲 04:26 Tools
是谁在敲打我窗 02:45 Tools
抉擇(民歌版) 03:31 Tools
愛與酒 04:07 Tools
我要等着你 03:16 Tools
我心底的窗 03:31 Tools
塔裡的女人 04:05 Tools
谁怜父母心 04:23 Tools
被遗忘的时光II 03:23 Tools
你的失望 04:28 Tools
爱的铃声 03:03 Tools
明月千裏寄相思 03:21 Tools
雨峰路上 03:23 Tools
我是浮萍一片 04:28 Tools
海鸥 04:28 Tools
Music instruments 04:28 Tools
闭幕曲 04:42 Tools
01 被遗忘的时光 04:42 Tools
羅蕾萊之歌 03:04 Tools
礼物 03:44 Tools
野百合也有春天 03:16 Tools
望你早归 03:23 Tools
望你早歸 03:21 Tools
誰知道 04:40 Tools
醉在你的怀中 04:05 Tools
14 绿岛小夜曲 03:21 Tools
心戀 03:33 Tools
Over the rainbow 01:52 Tools
07 蓝色的梦 01:52 Tools
糾纏一生 01:52 Tools
02 秋瑾 01:52 Tools
纠缠一生 05:13 Tools
等你回來 02:34 Tools
出塞曲 (Farewell My Country) 03:05 Tools
零點十七分 03:28 Tools
青春悲喜曲 03:03 Tools
一曲难忘+永远的微笑 (演奏曲) 03:03 Tools
迟来的人 05:54 Tools
醉过 04:40 Tools
家家有本難唸的經 03:31 Tools
順應著 00:45 Tools
再騙我一次 04:24 Tools
那些是那些人 03:31 Tools
新不了情 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:23 Tools
抉择(民歌版) 03:34 Tools
谁知道 03:51 Tools
现在的心情 04:43 Tools
Overture 01:57 Tools
一千個春天 04:13 Tools
魂牵梦萦 01:52 Tools
恨夜長 04:01 Tools
忽然想起你 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:01 Tools
就這樣詠嘆一段美麗的愛情 03:48 Tools
醉在你怀中 02:56 Tools
009.情人的眼泪 02:59 Tools
雨中城市 04:36 Tools
慢舞 04:05 Tools
18.被遗忘的时光 04:12 Tools
08 恰似你的温柔 04:12 Tools
遠方 03:33 Tools
綠洲 03:38 Tools
聆聽 03:58 Tools
靈感 04:36 Tools
春風吻上我的臉 03:20 Tools
恰似你的溫柔 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 07:32 Tools
最後一夜 (Remastered) - Remastered 00:00 Tools
你的眼神 Your Eyes 04:01 Tools
恰似你的溫柔 (As Your Tenderness) 04:05 Tools
夜外景 00:30 Tools
不曾放弃 04:26 Tools
南都夜曲 04:01 Tools
06 不了情 03:33 Tools
細雨 04:01 Tools
15 魂系旧梦 03:03 Tools
綠島小夜曲 (Scars of Love) 04:40 Tools
六月茉莉(回到塵世) 02:31 Tools
迷宫物语 00:00 Tools
童年往事(蔡琴) 03:55 Tools
流水年華 00:30 Tools
秋缠 02:08 Tools
在那遙遠的地方 06:02 Tools
魂縈舊夢 - 修復版 01:39 Tools
煙雨斜陽 03:34 Tools
願嫁漢家郎 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:48 Tools
未識綺羅香 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:39 Tools
醉過 04:38 Tools
不了情/新不了情 04:11 Tools
蘇州河邊 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 04:11 Tools
春風吻上了我的臉 03:19 Tools
现在不想见你 03:19 Tools
深夜梦里人 03:19 Tools
飄鳥 03:16 Tools
歌声与微笑 (庆典版) 03:39 Tools
風箏 04:43 Tools
17.你的眼神 03:49 Tools
01:59 Tools
抉擇 (Choice) 03:49 Tools
雨中的城市 04:36 Tools
19.想你的时候 02:51 Tools
远的梦舟 03:22 Tools
科罗拉多之夜 03:41 Tools
恋乡 03:02 Tools
02.不了情 03:21 Tools
我們不是天使 04:39 Tools
07 梦中人 05:54 Tools
遗失的情歌 05:52 Tools
04 抉择 05:52 Tools
心酸酸 03:04 Tools
靠近我如果你懂 05:54 Tools
竹籬外的春天 03:42 Tools
13 庭院深深 04:01 Tools
塵緣 (Destiny) 03:29 Tools
苦恋歌 04:04 Tools
罗蕾莱之歌 04:13 Tools
給我一個吻 04:01 Tools
16 秋梦 04:01 Tools
09 希望还能遇见你 04:39 Tools
我有一段情 - 修復版 03:21 Tools
情人的眼淚 (Lover's Tears) 02:59 Tools
橄榄树 04:43 Tools
爱上你的悲剧 04:43 Tools
10 远方 04:04 Tools
不了情 (Endless Love) 03:55 Tools
Opening你的眼神 04:05 Tools
As time goes by 04:38 Tools
小城故事 02:56 Tools
细语 03:53 Tools
08 怀念 03:47 Tools
03.用心良苦 02:56 Tools
I Don't Know 04:47 Tools
Floating Woman 03:21 Tools
02.祝我幸福 02:56 Tools
Mamma Please Take Care 04:18 Tools
16.抉择 03:30 Tools
愛情的喜悅 03:46 Tools
05 细雨 04:01 Tools
前世有約 04:01 Tools
我看不見你 04:05 Tools
02 情是什么 04:01 Tools
你不要那樣看著我的眼睛 03:42 Tools
南屏晚鐘 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:34 Tools
往事难忘 04:05 Tools
几度花落时 (彩云追月) 04:56 Tools
13 送别 04:01 Tools
菜根谈 04:01 Tools
11 零点十七分 04:04 Tools
就這樣約定 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:08 Tools
晚霞 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:04 Tools
10.初恋 02:34 Tools
春風吻上我的臉 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:04 Tools
祝我生日快乐 04:04 Tools
你是春日風 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 04:07 Tools
最後一夜 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 01:39 Tools
抉擇 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 00:35 Tools
月光 (Remastered) - Remastered 03:58 Tools
漫漫长夜 03:39 Tools
庭院深深 - 修復版 02:06 Tools
親蜜愛人 03:58 Tools
远颺的梦舟 04:38 Tools
序言 01:52 Tools
讀你 (Remastered) - Remastered 03:35 Tools
02:02 Tools
银色月光下 03:41 Tools
15.恰似你的温柔 04:02 Tools
六月茉莉(回到尘世) 02:52 Tools
你的眼神(Your Eyes) 04:11 Tools
UTOPIA SONG 张三的歌 00:00 Tools
团圆 04:43 Tools
彎彎的月亮 04:39 Tools
謎底 03:57 Tools
为何不早说 00:00 Tools
孤女的願望 03:41 Tools
11.神秘女郎 02:47 Tools
09 屈原 03:02 Tools
04.怀念 03:48 Tools
未织绮罗香 04:54 Tools
幸福 03:48 Tools
如果你要離去 03:48 Tools
可怜恋花再会吧 03:31 Tools
庙院钟声 00:00 Tools
寂寞的風 04:13 Tools
我等待的愛情 05:05 Tools
油麻菜籽(Live) 03:39 Tools
情歌 02:55 Tools
不曾放棄 04:26 Tools
碰到你的时候 04:01 Tools
海上良宵 04:01 Tools
何日君再來 03:03 Tools
El Condor Pasa - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 01:25 Tools
最後的夢 04:23 Tools
15 问白云 04:46 Tools
夢裡相思 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 05:43 Tools
現在不想見你 05:11 Tools
情人的眼淚 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 05:13 Tools
海上良宵 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:38 Tools
爱断情伤(Live) 04:46 Tools
在银色的月光下 04:08 Tools
新的開始 04:05 Tools
爱神的箭/夜上海 04:05 Tools
金色樓梯 04:08 Tools
南屏玩钟 04:05 Tools
被遗忘的時光 04:05 Tools
魂系旧梦 03:01 Tools
昨日你对我一笑 03:02 Tools
菜根談 03:02 Tools
13.情人山 02:52 Tools
05.梦中人 03:35 Tools
被遺忘的時光(無間道) 02:45 Tools
09.假如我是真的 02:45 Tools
珍重今宵 03:24 Tools
14.出塞曲 02:45 Tools
午夜的钟声 04:36 Tools
06.恋痕 03:02 Tools
难忘的凤凰桥 03:54 Tools
渡口 - Remastered 03:54 Tools
讓你疼我 05:05 Tools
11 初恋女 00:00 Tools
悲剧 04:44 Tools
開一扇窗 04:10 Tools
一點溫柔 04:06 Tools
閣樓 04:06 Tools
我聽見我的心在哭 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:06 Tools
歌声与微笑 (流浪版) 04:10 Tools
空中歌聲 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:48 Tools
愛神的箭 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 01:13 Tools
六月苿莉 03:13 Tools
初戀 (First Love) 05:11 Tools
出賽曲 03:53 Tools
明月幾時有 03:26 Tools
神祕女郎 00:00 Tools
空中歌聲 (Song in the Air) 02:38 Tools
16 月光组曲 02:38 Tools
讀你 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:14 Tools
人生就是戲 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 00:43 Tools
归来吧!苏莲多 04:21 Tools
02 读你 03:35 Tools
夢中人 (Dream Lover) 03:35 Tools
重相逢 - 修復版 03:50 Tools
意難忘 - 修復版 02:55 Tools
在愛我一次 03:35 Tools
渡口(Ferry) 03:47 Tools
花落誰家+夜上海 03:35 Tools
知音何處尋 03:35 Tools
天天天藍(Intro) 04:16 Tools
被遺忘的時光 (國) 04:16 Tools
六月茉莉(回到塵世) 04:16 Tools
誤點夢 04:47 Tools
歌声与微笑(庆典版) 01:26 Tools
01.重相逢 00:00 Tools
风中的我 02:06 Tools
請假裝你會捨不得我 03:31 Tools
Gang Dou Ye Yu 04:47 Tools
07.未识绮罗香 00:00 Tools
竹篱外的春天 03:24 Tools
風中的我 03:48 Tools
最后打烊的酒馆 04:27 Tools
天天天藍 (INTRO) - Intro 04:27 Tools
祝我生日快樂 04:04 Tools
女兒圈 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:53 Tools
03.蓝色的梦 00:00 Tools
08 渡口 00:00 Tools
被遺忘的時光 -失われた時間(とき)- 04:54 Tools
08.一场游戏一场梦 00:00 Tools
夢裏相思 (Missing You in Dreams) 00:00 Tools
癡情淚 (Infatuation Tears) 04:56 Tools
误点梦 04:19 Tools
十八姑娘一朵花 02:19 Tools
魂榮舊夢 (Can't Forget Old Dreams) 04:10 Tools
竹籬外的春天 - Remastered 03:09 Tools
魂索旧梦 00:00 Tools
愛上你的悲劇 04:10 Tools
明月千里寄相思 - 修復版 03:21 Tools
抉择 跟我说爱我 00:00 Tools
秋夜 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 06:21 Tools
地下情 (Remastered) - Remastered 00:00 Tools
不了情 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 04:07 Tools
04 你的眼神 03:49 Tools
搖搖童謠 03:03 Tools
十八姑娘一朵花 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 03:03 Tools
你的眼神 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 02:06 Tools
可怜恋花再会啦 03:13 Tools
我和我自己的影子 (Remastered) - Remastered 02:06 Tools
情鎖 - Remastered 02:06 Tools
003.梦中人 00:43 Tools
情人眼淚 00:00 Tools
蘇州河邊 04:21 Tools
10 恰似你的温柔 00:00 Tools
你的眼神 (You Eyes) 03:50 Tools
未識綺羅香 (Unknown Fragrance of Qi Luo) 03:50 Tools
Music instruments+ending 02:30 Tools
送別 (Farewell) 03:10 Tools
01 最后一夜 03:10 Tools
机遇I 04:08 Tools
渡口-蔡琴-流行歌曲 03:47 Tools
忧郁的影子 03:22 Tools
恰似你的温柔(Just Like Your Tenderness) 04:16 Tools
被遗忘的时光(The Forgotten Time) 04:16 Tools
被遗忘的时光 - 蔡琴 03:23 Tools
点亮霓红灯 04:27 Tools
天天天蓝 01:26 Tools
我的思念(My Yearning) 03:52 Tools
龍的傳人 03:20 Tools
歸來吧!蘇蓮多 04:12 Tools
出塞曲(Song for Departure) 03:52 Tools
孤戀花 04:47 Tools
我的心中藏著一首歌 03:06 Tools
12 不了情 03:21 Tools
憂鬱的影子 04:18 Tools
五月的誕生 05:16 Tools
機遇Ⅰ 04:27 Tools
天天天藍 03:21 Tools
可怜恋花在会啦 03:21 Tools
11.我心是海洋 03:21 Tools
雨過天青 04:38 Tools
機遇Ⅱ 04:04 Tools
Hot Rice Dumplings 04:27 Tools
被遺忘的時光 - 2007 Live 03:21 Tools
孤女的愿望 04:06 Tools
恰似你的温柔 As Same As Your Tendemess 03:21 Tools
紅薔薇 (Red Rose) 03:21 Tools
採檳榔 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 01:14 Tools
我看不见你 03:09 Tools
02 恰似你的温柔 04:29 Tools
何日君再來 - Live in Hong Kong / 2010 04:29 Tools
抉择 Choice 03:21 Tools
一生都给你(Live) 03:21 Tools
花針引線線穿針 00:00 Tools
你的眼神 (Remastered) 04:27 Tools
蝶衣 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:27 Tools
戀 - Remastered 00:00 Tools
神秘女郎 (Mysterious Woman) 00:00 Tools
想你的時候 (When I Miss You) 00:00 Tools
再骗我一次 00:00 Tools
明月千裏寄相思 (Moon Conveys My Love Far Away) 02:50 Tools
歸來吧! 蘇蓮多 02:55 Tools
太陽出來了 (Remastered) - Remastered 03:03 Tools
未完成的歌 (Unfinished Song) 04:08 Tools
時間的河 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:08 Tools
08 秋梦 03:03 Tools
07 寂寞路 02:30 Tools
03 过尽千帆 02:30 Tools
魂縈舊夢+許我向你看 02:30 Tools
我要等著你 03:30 Tools
可爱的玫瑰花 00:00 Tools
歸來吧!蘇蓮多 03:29 Tools
07 一生都给你 04:19 Tools
哈利路亚 03:52 Tools
亲爱主牵我手 05:26 Tools
午夜的鐘聲 04:38 Tools
前世有约 04:38 Tools
04 情人的眼泪 02:58 Tools
想你的时候(When I Miss You) 04:12 Tools
10 送别 03:06 Tools
The Last Letter 03:06 Tools
03:06 Tools
溫泉鄉的吉他 03:06 Tools
一个人卡拉OK 04:18 Tools
谜底 03:05 Tools
我要一段情 03:31 Tools
再活一回 05:16 Tools
风雨虹 03:53 Tools
Nan Wang Feng Huang Qiao 03:53 Tools
01.天天天蓝 (Intro) 04:27 Tools
Bei Yi Wang De Shi Guang 03:19 Tools
04.其实你不懂我的心 04:27 Tools
寒雨 04:08 Tools
古厝 00:00 Tools
Good-Bye Pitiful Flower Lover 04:19 Tools
可憐戀花再會 04:19 Tools
月光小夜曲 (Moonlight Serenade) 01:14 Tools
長途旅行 04:27 Tools
送别(经典老歌之二) 01:14 Tools
金色楼梯 04:27 Tools
我等待的爱情 03:19 Tools
廟院鐘聲 03:19 Tools
05 我的思念 04:27 Tools
南屏晚钟 (Live) 04:27 Tools
我的心中藏着一首歌 04:27 Tools
傷心小站 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:27 Tools
我有一段情 (I Owned Love) 03:34 Tools
油麻菜子 04:27 Tools
07 盼与寄 04:27 Tools
菜根譚 (Roots of Wisdom) 04:38 Tools
05 决择 04:38 Tools
09 怎么能 00:00 Tools
痴情淚 - 修復版 03:03 Tools
遺失的情歌 03:03 Tools
月光小曲 - 修復版 03:03 Tools
飄零的落花 - 修復版 03:03 Tools
明日之歌(國) 03:03 Tools
雪歌 - Remastered 02:55 Tools
相思雨 (Missing Rain) 03:31 Tools
梦醒时分 03:31 Tools
归来吧!苏连多 04:06 Tools
青青河畔 03:22 Tools
04 蝶衣 03:22 Tools
08 油麻菜籽 03:22 Tools
06 塔里的女人 03:22 Tools
01 爱情就是这样 05:26 Tools
香烟迷朦了眼睛 03:22 Tools
被遗忘的时光 II 05:26 Tools
05 出塞曲 02:59 Tools
08 秋瑾 04:13 Tools
機遇I 04:13 Tools
10.点亮霓虹灯 04:13 Tools
远飞的梦舟 03:25 Tools
再爱我一次(Love Me Once More) 03:15 Tools
機遇II 03:15 Tools
抉择(Choice) 04:43 Tools
11.海上花 04:43 Tools
怎么能(How Could) 03:30 Tools
假裝我們還相戀 03:30 Tools
Yuan Jia Han Jia Lang 03:09 Tools
海鷗 03:05 Tools
未織綺羅香 03:05 Tools
Zui Hou Yi Feng Xin 03:53 Tools
01.天天天藍 (Intro) 03:53 Tools
夢里相思 03:53 Tools
蔡琴 - 渡口 03:53 Tools
出赛曲 03:53 Tools
我的思念 My Missing 03:53 Tools
07 出塞曲 03:53 Tools
相思雨 Missing Rain 03:53 Tools
魂萦梦旧 03:53 Tools
Song Of Bitter Love 03:53 Tools
05.为了爱梦一生 03:53 Tools
风筝 03:53 Tools
清唱歌曲 04:19 Tools
总有一天等你 04:19 Tools
你是我最冷的情人 04:19 Tools
让你疼我 04:19 Tools
敖包相會 03:31 Tools
愛的鈴聲 04:19 Tools
被遗忘的时光 (Live) 04:19 Tools
在那銀色月光下 03:19 Tools
忆难忘 04:19 Tools
不了情 (Everlasting Love) 03:22 Tools
09 - 被遺忘的時光 03:19 Tools
可愛的一朵玫瑰花 03:09 Tools
如果没有你/醉在你的怀中/魂萦旧梦 03:09 Tools
12 闭幕曲 03:19 Tools
秋纏 04:27 Tools
感覺 - Remastered 04:27 Tools
小窗相思 - 修復版 04:27 Tools
情鎖 (Remastered) - Remastered 04:27 Tools
雨过天青 04:27 Tools
最后一页(Live) 04:16 Tools
亲密爱人 03:39 Tools
就這樣詠歎一段美麗的愛情 03:39 Tools
魂索舊夢 04:36 Tools
歌声与微笑(流浪版) 04:36 Tools
被遗忘的時光~電影「無間道」插曲 04:36 Tools
初戀 - 修復版 04:36 Tools
02 跟我说爱我 02:55 Tools
06 我不哭泣 02:55 Tools
Yuan Jia Han Jia Lang 02:55 Tools
11 再爱我一次 02:55 Tools
閣樓 (Remastered) - Remastered 02:55 Tools
你是我心中雲一朵 (Remastered) - Remastered 02:55 Tools
秋瑾 (Qiu Jin) 02:55 Tools
09 相思雨 02:55 Tools
懷念 (Yearning) 03:49 Tools
採檳榔 03:49 Tools
11 昨日 03:49 Tools
明日之歌 (Song of Future) 04:06 Tools
10 谁知道 00:00 Tools
細說從頭 00:00 Tools
我们不是天使 04:06 Tools
12 船 04:06 Tools
10 枯叶 04:06 Tools
09 醉过 00:00 Tools
16 赠别 00:00 Tools
秦准河畔 00:00 Tools
01.恰似你的温柔 00:00 Tools
  • 287,928
  • 10,145
  • 287928
    top track count

Tsai Chin (Chinese: 蔡琴; pinyin: Cài Qín; Minnan: Chhoà Khîm) is a pop and folk singer from Taiwan (her ancestral home is in Hubei). She sings in both Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese (Min Nan) and is known for her naturally magnetic rich vocals and witty persona. Her well-known hits include 《被遺忘的時光》、《恰似你的溫柔》、《最後一夜》、《讀你》、《你的眼神》 and more. The peak of her popularity in Taiwan was from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s but she remains popular in mainland China. Taiwan songstress Tsai Chin is an unquestionably enduring force on the music scene, after achieving her earliest hits in the late 70s, scoring unparalleled fame in the 80s, and having her voice dominate much of the Chinese radio airwaves throughout the 80s and a good half of the 90s. Even today, at the age of 49, Tsai Chin is never quite out of sight of her fans with all her ongoing concerts and musicals. Today, Our reporter Xiaohua reveals the amazing career of music legend Tsai Chin. It's not easy to describe just how popular Tsai Chin has been with mere words, so perhaps the best proof comes from a classic scene in the Hong Kong movie "The Infernal Affairs ", in which two opponents meet in a music shop and sit down shoulder to shoulder to appreciate the songs of Tsai Chin. One of the two makes a comment something like this: "Her soprano tenor is sweet, while the alto is accurate, and the contralto bass is deep. In a word, it's transparent." This sums up the opinions of most fans really well. Her thick, natural, magnetic voice and captivating persona give Tsai Chin enduring charm. The track you've been listening to is one of Tsai Chin's older hits called "The Forgotten Time". The song features Tsai Chin singing solo, her comfortable mezzo-soprano vocals featured, with barely any musical accompaniment at the opening. As its name suggests, the song aims to call back deeply buried memories within people's hearts, be they sweet or bitter. Tsai Chin's voice evokes soft melodies and deep emotions, already enough to ripple the serene surface of ones soul like a gentle breeze, even without the help of lyrics. Tsai Chin's legend began with a singing competition during her first year in college. At that time, singing Taiwan school ballads with a guitar was very popular. Through that competition, she found her favorite guitar and started on her successful music career. She reached her prime in the 80s, picking up numerous music awards from Taiwan and Hong Kong touring across Asia, Europe and the USA. Tsai has released 41 albums all told and is widely popular throughout the Chinese world. One saying goes "Wherever there are Chinese, you will find Tsai Chin." "Just like Your Tenderness" is the song that won Tsai Chin thundering fame in 1980. It was composed by late Taiwan musician, Liang Hongzhi, who passed away twenty years after writing the legendary hit. After all her ups and downs, Tsai has now really achieved a better understanding of the song: "Actually, it's not a melancholy song. What it tells of is a kind of loneliness. Now after I've gone through many ups and downs in life, I understand the loneliness of the composer even better. Imagine his loneliness. He compares himself to an isolated island with no one around, where only the tender hand of the waves brings him comfort." Now with that explanation in mind, let's have a listen to this ever popular number, which is still the most requested song wherever Tsai Chin appears. Although she's had a singing career spanning almost three decades, she's still not perceived as being out of date. She grows with time the way wine gets better with age---and she's forever the favorite of music aficionados. Now after going through all the joys and sorrows of life, Tsai Chin's songs seem to have an even richer emotional quality. The warmth in her songs aims directly at the very soft corners of the heart, making a direct hit. The last song we're going to play for you is entitled "Ferry Crossing". The intensely poetic lyrics, written by famous Taiwan poet Xi Murong, go like this: "Let us shake hands one last time, then I will withdraw my hand. There's not even a wild flower at the ferry crossing to give as a parting gift, so that we can only stare at each other. Take my blessings on the front of your gown. Tomorrow you'll be at the other end of the world." The song is a beautiful showcase of Tsai Chin's full-throated and rich voice, filled with nuance and emotion. Trivia : In one scene of the 2002 hit Hong Kong thriller movie Infernal Affairs, two rivals meet in a music shop and sit to appreciate the music of Tsai Chin. She was once married to Taiwanese Director Edward Yang. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.