
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Kääpiö-Saaren salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Ajatukset ja asiat 00:00 Tools
Evil Attack Robot Empire 00:00 Tools
Salaiset kauniit paikat 00:00 Tools
Kuuntele tää 00:00 Tools
Ihmeellinen parannuskone 00:00 Tools
Acid Alien 00:00 Tools
Manifiesto futu 00:00 Tools
Threshold of Transcendescence 00:00 Tools
Unessaelämä 00:00 Tools
O-Vals (avp remix) 05:24 Tools
Syyskansan tarinoita 00:00 Tools
Et In Arcadia Ego (if you star 00:00 Tools
Vapausvoima 00:00 Tools
Valo, voima ja vapaus 00:00 Tools
Korento 00:00 Tools
Auringon Kanssa 00:00 Tools
Naidenie Flowers 00:00 Tools
Zarjaz Beats! 00:00 Tools
Goa's Special: Swastik Brand Masala 00:00 Tools
Goddess Guerrilla 00:00 Tools
Stone Age Economics & Space Age Tools 00:00 Tools
Kaikki-Alla 00:00 Tools
Dance Of Tomorrow 00:00 Tools
Talvenkulma 00:00 Tools
Just Before Sundown 00:00 Tools
Kotiin haltiakansan luo 00:00 Tools
The Seven Lamps of Trance 00:00 Tools
Crusaders of The Crystal Matrix 00:00 Tools
Et In Arcadia Ego (If You Start, You'd Better Goa All The Way) 00:00 Tools
Roadside Attractions on The Way to Bliss 00:00 Tools
Kapteeni Intia ja Kenraali Goa lähtevät maailmalle (ja joutuvat ylälttävään seikkailuun) 00:00 Tools
Beyond The Veil of Sleep 00:00 Tools
Tulevaisuuden samea vesi 00:00 Tools
The Golden King of The Forest 00:00 Tools
Uin halki avaruuden tähtien 00:00 Tools
Tao Tao 00:00 Tools
Farewell Tomorrow, Welcome Yesterday 00:00 Tools
Hampurilaisravintolamusiikkia 00:00 Tools
Everything's still fine 00:00 Tools
Superautoja ja muskelimalleja 00:00 Tools
Until the lasers of this world blaze no more 00:00 Tools
Suvetar 00:00 Tools
onnellisen apinan jenkka talvi-illaksi 00:00 Tools
Sanxion 00:00 Tools
Kung-funk 00:00 Tools
Tie ja vaeltaja 00:00 Tools
Discipline 00:00 Tools
Pirates of Fox Bay 00:00 Tools
Kuolemankello 00:00 Tools
Black stars, white sky 00:00 Tools
3EHNT 00:00 Tools
Visio paremmasta 00:00 Tools
A Time Traveller's Guide to Cooking With Oscillators and Flowers 00:00 Tools
Hengen aurinko 00:00 Tools
Fluoropaviaanin päiväuni 00:00 Tools
Banaanialkio 00:00 Tools
Et In Arcadia Ego 00:00 Tools
Kesäturilaan pitkä kotimatka 00:00 Tools
Kalsarininjan kosto 00:00 Tools
Survival of the free 00:00 Tools
Videovallankumous 00:00 Tools
Untitled 00:00 Tools
Viaton maailma 00:00 Tools
Katso kukkaa 00:00 Tools
Julmaa juolua 00:00 Tools
the uncounted scales of the multihued dragon that lies between the dimensions 00:00 Tools
Tonttujen jouluyö 00:00 Tools
Kaipaus ja ikävä ennen aamunkoittoa 00:00 Tools
Ruumistalkoot 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 01 - Et In Arcadia Ego 00:00 Tools
Fungi for Breakfast 00:00 Tools
Pelihallimusaa 00:00 Tools
the road and the wanderer 00:00 Tools
mint on a mountain 00:00 Tools
Nostalgiahoure 00:00 Tools
Groove apinahappo 00:00 Tools
No Fancy Stuff 00:00 Tools
Ultimate Cosmic Evil 00:00 Tools
Je Vivroie Liement (AVP Heart of Winter Mix) 00:00 Tools
Deep Roots 00:00 Tools
Silver Blossom Secrets Of The Moon 00:00 Tools
Apina pilkillä 00:00 Tools
Nitro 00:00 Tools
Hilloa ja tekopeniksiä 00:00 Tools
Oravien vastainen tyrannirintama 00:00 Tools
CarniWhore 00:00 Tools
B57 00:00 Tools
Tamburiini ja apina 00:00 Tools
Kaltereiden takaa poies 00:00 Tools
Parhaat asiat 00:00 Tools
Voyages: To The Strangest Sea 00:00 Tools
Hikinen uupunut merisiili 00:00 Tools
Kuolleiden kirja 00:00 Tools
Kovasti apuna 00:00 Tools
A Goa Trance For Lately Bass 00:00 Tools
Julma huutelija 00:00 Tools
Unenkuva 00:00 Tools
Disperin 00:00 Tools
Ryynimakkarat oksettaa 00:00 Tools
To The Death! 00:00 Tools
Ultimate Violence 00:00 Tools
Every Mountain Can Dream 00:00 Tools
Henkiolento 00:00 Tools
Keväthuuto 00:00 Tools
Vuo 00:00 Tools
Apinasapiska 00:00 Tools
Destination Vesala 00:00 Tools
Surullinen sirkusvaeltaja ja iloinen metsänotus 00:00 Tools
Kuusenkerkko 00:00 Tools
Commodore Shiva 00:00 Tools
Lisää hyvää syntymäpäivää 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 02 - Auringon kanssa 00:00 Tools
Area 51 00:00 Tools
Draculan talo 00:00 Tools
Ynseä rehkijä 00:00 Tools
New Dawn 00:00 Tools
Demechanize Me 00:00 Tools
Discobahn 00:00 Tools
Osta munaa 00:00 Tools
Mega-Passenger 00:00 Tools
Elintarvikekioski 00:00 Tools
Mörhöjuntta 00:00 Tools
Rivo Apinaherttua 00:00 Tools
Pieni rikkinäinen rasia 00:00 Tools
Kunnian hitaammat päivät 00:00 Tools
Gug 00:00 Tools
Once Upon a Time in Hyperspace 00:00 Tools
Jos tulet vaimoksi minulle 00:00 Tools
Aurinkoisen paviaanin säkenöivät kasvot 00:00 Tools
Ylösnousemuskone 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 03 - Zarjaz Beats! 00:00 Tools
Rivo basariumpaa 00:00 Tools
Ninro's Theme 00:00 Tools
Pillenwaffer 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 06 - Dance of Tomorrow 00:00 Tools
No Colour From Any Light We See 00:00 Tools
In The Court Of The Bling-Blong King 00:00 Tools
Haato Stainless 00:00 Tools
Unissa Kaukana Maa 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 04 - Kaiki-Alla 00:00 Tools
Kääpiösaaren salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Particularily Funky 00:00 Tools
Epäsikiö 00:00 Tools
Oracula Divina 00:00 Tools
mätajuu? 00:00 Tools
Lords And Ladies of Leisure 00:00 Tools
Salaperäisten Tanssi 00:00 Tools
Kapteeni Intia ja Kenraali Goa lähtevät maailmalle (ja joutuvat yllättävään seikkailuun) 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 07 - Vapausvoima 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 05 - Goddess Guerilla 00:00 Tools
Meneeks tää nauhalle 00:00 Tools
Emäräme 00:00 Tools
Dreaming of Leaving 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 08 - Stone Age Economics & Space Age Tools 00:00 Tools
Drifting 00:00 Tools
Ultori 00:00 Tools
Et in Arcadia Ego - If You Go, You'd Better Goa All the Way Mix 00:00 Tools
Aavepyora - Goddess Guerilla - 09 - Je Vivroie Liement (AVP Heart of Winter mix) 00:00 Tools
Beyond Koiraukko 00:00 Tools
Increase The Dose Or Drop The Poison 00:00 Tools
Crusaders Of The Crystal Matrix (Mayan Dreamtime Mix) 00:00 Tools
Nemesis The Warlock (malleus maleficarum mix) 00:00 Tools
Matkalla 00:00 Tools
Järvimaisema 00:00 Tools
Cometarum Caudae 00:00 Tools
Celephais 00:00 Tools
The Seven Lamps Of Trance (Analog Craft Mix) 00:00 Tools
Roadside Attractions On The Way To Bliss (Prisoners Of The Casbah Mix) 00:00 Tools
Kotiin Haltiakansan Luo (2012 Remaster) 00:00 Tools
Kaikki Pienet Ötökät 00:00 Tools
Space 00:00 Tools
Sunny Day's Rain 00:00 Tools
A Morning, a Star, a Rain of Crystals 00:00 Tools
Judas Revival 00:00 Tools
The Golden King Of The Forest (Winter 2012 Mix) 00:00 Tools
Planet D50 00:00 Tools
Into the Fray 00:00 Tools
Je Vivroie Liement 00:00 Tools
Gardens Of The Mind 00:00 Tools
Primal Gonadi 00:00 Tools
Spore Clearance 00:00 Tools
Kaapio-Saaren Salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Ctulu Factory 00:00 Tools
Kapteeni Intia ja Kenraali Goa 00:00 Tools
Straktobeam - Namaste Nanobots (shoot them lasers mix) 00:00 Tools
Kapteeni Intia ja Kenraali Goa lähtevät maailmalle 00:00 Tools
Salaperaisten Tanssi 00:00 Tools
Je Vivroie Liement (AVP Heart 00:00 Tools
Farewell Tomorrow, Welcome Yesterday (2012 Remaster) 00:00 Tools
Stone Age Economics & Space Age Tools - 2011 Remaster 00:00 Tools
Kaikki Pienet Otokat 00:00 Tools
Dance of Tomorrow - Vapausvoima 00:00 Tools
GOSSS 00:00 Tools
Stone Age Economy & Space Age 00:00 Tools
Straktobeam - Namaste Nanobots - Shoot Them Lasers Mix 00:00 Tools
Every hippie needs a home or a few 00:00 Tools
Kaleidoscillator 00:00 Tools
Gardens Of The Mind (Vocals – Airis Kambarata) 00:00 Tools
Järvimaisema (apinan silmin) 00:00 Tools
The uncounted scales of the multihued dragon that lies between the dimensionss 00:00 Tools
Lazy on the best days of summer 00:00 Tools
Je Vivroie Liement - Avp Heart of Winter Mix 00:00 Tools
Survival Of The Free (Analog Mix) 00:00 Tools
Kддpiц-Saaren salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Some reasons to spend time in trains 00:00 Tools
Uin Lapi Avaruuden Tahtien (2012 Remaster) 00:00 Tools
Threshold of Transcendence 00:00 Tools
Cave Crew Extended Mix 00:00 Tools
Sanxion (Haltiakuninkaan Suosikki) 00:00 Tools
I Sing of Dancing Stars 00:00 Tools
Kääpiösaaren Salaisuus (LauLau mix) 00:00 Tools
Uin Läpi Avaruuden Tähtien (2012 Remaster) 00:00 Tools
Searching for Shambhala 00:00 Tools
The Seven Lamps of Trance - Analog Craft Mix 00:00 Tools
Roadside Attractions On the Way to Bliss - Prisoners of the Casbah Mix 00:00 Tools
videopelivallankumous 00:00 Tools
Manifesto Futu 00:00 Tools
Stone Age Economics & Space Age Tools (2011 Remaster) 00:00 Tools
Syyskansan Tarinoita - V.2 00:00 Tools
Fluoropaviaanin Paivauni 00:00 Tools
The Golden King of the Forest - Winter 2012 Mix 00:00 Tools
Crusaders of the Crystal Matrix - Mayan Dreamtime Mix 00:00 Tools
G.O.S.S.S. 00:00 Tools
Syyskansan tarinoita v.3 (the analog mix) 00:00 Tools
Stone Age Economy & Space Age Tools 00:00 Tools
Kotiin Haltiakansan Luo - 2012 Remaster 00:00 Tools
Kesaturilaan pitka kotimatka 00:00 Tools
Et In Arcadia Ego (if you go, you'd better goa all the way mix) 00:00 Tools
http://worldpsy.ru/ 00:00 Tools
Fluoropaviaanin Pдivдuni 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 04 the golden king of the forest 00:00 Tools
Unessaelдmд 00:00 Tools
4 Tracks for Freedom 00:00 Tools
Kaapio-Saaren_salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Lisaa hyvaa syntymapaivaa 00:00 Tools
uin läpi avaruuden tähtien 00:00 Tools
Bonuskaupungin aaveet salaisuus 00:00 Tools
Kapteeni Intia ja Kenraali Goa lahtevat maailimalle 00:00 Tools
track title 10 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 03 crusaders of the crystal matrix 00:00 Tools
Just Befor Sundown 00:00 Tools
Naidene Flowers 00:00 Tools
Baby Saiga Walk 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 02 roadside attractions on the way to bliss 00:00 Tools
Slaiset kauniit paikat 00:00 Tools
Farewell Tomorrow, Welcome Yesterday - 2012 Remaster 00:00 Tools
Kaikki alla 00:00 Tools
Suvetar (Tuli Maasta Mix) 00:00 Tools
Kuuntele tдд 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 06 kotiin haltiakansan luo 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 01 the seven lamps of trance 00:00 Tools
Kaiki alla 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 08 tulevaisuuden samoea vesi 00:00 Tools
Tonttujen jouluyo 00:00 Tools
aavepyora - kotiin haltiakansan luo - 05 beyond the veil of sleep 00:00 Tools
Aurinkoisen paviaanin sakenoivat kasvot 00:00 Tools
  • 87,128
  • 7,424
  • 87128
    top track count

From the hazy clouds of Imukone, back in 1994 or so... Aavepyörä was born around 1997. Taika-Kim joined the happy fellowship in 1999, and along the years people came and went. Now he is the only member left and still producing music. Devoted to free culture & open distribution policy from the very start, their music has been always freely downloadable. For a long time there was a problem with http://aavepyora.net and some virus that we could not remove, but now the page is operational again, running under Wordpress, guaranteed virus-free! Aavepyörä wasn't supposed to be goa, so they had a side project called Summamutikka. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.