Antoine Busnois

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Amours Amours Amours 00:00 Tools
De tous bien plein 00:00 Tools
Alleluya 00:00 Tools
Fortuna desperata 00:00 Tools
Noel, noel: Noel 00:00 Tools
Gaude caelestis Domina 00:00 Tools
In hydraulis 00:00 Tools
Magnificat Octavi Toni 00:00 Tools
Le Serviteur, à 4 00:00 Tools
Conditor Alme Siderum 00:00 Tools
Resjois-toy, terre de France / Rex pacificus 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": I. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
A une damme j’ay fait veu 00:00 Tools
Amours nous traitte honnestement / Je m’en voy 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": II. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": III. Credo 00:00 Tools
Anima mea liquefacta est 00:00 Tools
Ja que li ne s’i attende 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": V. Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Est-il merchy de quoy on pueut finer ? 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": IV. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Vostre beauté / Vous marchez du bout du pié 00:00 Tools
Incomprehensibilia / Praeter rerum ordinem 00:00 Tools
Noel, noel 00:00 Tools
Noel, noel, noel 00:00 Tools
Mass "O crux lignum": VI. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Anthoni usque limina 00:00 Tools
A Une Damme J'ay Fait Veu 00:00 Tools
Fortuna desperata (Cornetto & Viols) 00:00 Tools
Victimae Paschali Laudes 00:00 Tools
Amours Nous Traitte Honnestement 00:00 Tools
Est-il merchy de quoy on pueut finer? 00:00 Tools
Gaude celestis domina 00:00 Tools
Ja que li ne s'i attende 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Sanctus 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 2, Hosanna: L'homme arme 00:00 Tools
Amours nous traitte honnestement/Je m'en voy 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Gloria 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Credo 00:00 Tools
Resjois-toy, terre de France/Rex pacificus 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Busnois: Fortuna desperata I - Original three-part chanson 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: I. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Busnois: Fortuna desperata: III - Three-part instrumental version 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: II. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: V. Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Rondeau 00:00 Tools
Busnois: Fortuna desperata: II - Six-part version (Agricola) 00:00 Tools
Credo 00:00 Tools
Fortuna desperata (1976 Digital Remaster): III - Three-part instrumental version 00:00 Tools
Magnificat sexti toni 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: III. Credo 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: IV. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Je ne puis vivre ainsy tousjours 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum: VI. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Amours nous traitte honnestement / Je m'en voy 00:00 Tools
Gloria 00:00 Tools
Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Je ne puis vivre ainsy - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
Fortuna desperata (1976 Digital Remaster): I - Original three-part chanson 00:00 Tools
Je ne fay plus, je ne dis ne escrips 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 6: Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Incomprehensibilia/Praeter rerum ordinem 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Vostre beaute / Vous marchez du bout du pie 00:00 Tools
Ja que li ne s'i attende, virelai 00:00 Tools
Motet: Gaude caelestis Domina 00:00 Tools
Missa "O crux lignum": Kyrie - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum - Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Gaude Coelestis Domina 00:00 Tools
Fortuna desperata (1976 Digital Remaster): II - Six-part version (Agricola) 00:00 Tools
Alleluia, Verbum caro factum est, motet for 4 voices 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum - Gloria 00:00 Tools
L'homme Arme' Mass No. 1, Sanctus: L'homme, L'homme 00:00 Tools
Cent mille escus quant je vouldroye 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 6: Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Anthoni Usque Limina (Arr. Wood) 00:00 Tools
Guade coelestis domina, motet for 4 voices 00:00 Tools
J'ay pris amours tout au rebours 00:00 Tools
Le Serviteur 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Gloria 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum - Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Benedictus 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 6: Gloria 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 6: Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa "O crux lignum": Sanctus - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
Benedictus 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum - Credo 00:00 Tools
In Hydraulis (Arr. Wood) 00:00 Tools
Fortune espérée 00:00 Tools
Vostre beauté/Vous marchez du bout du pié 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa L'homme armé: Credo 00:00 Tools
Je Ne Puis Vivre Ainsi Tousjours 00:00 Tools
Chanson: A une damme j'ay fait veu 00:00 Tools
Je Ne Puis Vivre Ainsi Tousjours 00:00 Tools
Regina cœli lætare - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
L'homme arme' Mass No. 6: Credo 00:00 Tools
Missa "O crux lignum": Gloria - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
Corps digne - Dieu quel mariage - Arr. for Guitar 00:00 Tools
Missa O Crux lignum - Sanctus 00:00 Tools
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Antoine Busnois (also Busnoys) (c. 1430 – November 6, 1492) was a French composer and poet of the early Renaissance Burgundian School. While also noted as a composer of sacred music, such as motets, he was one of the most renowned 15th-century composers of secular chansons. He was the leading figure of the late Burgundian school after the death of Guillaume Dufay. Biography While details of his early life are largely conjectural, he was probably from the vicinity of Béthune in the Pas de Calais, possibly from the hamlet of Busnes, to which his name seems to refer. He may have been related to the aristocratic family of Busnes; in particular, a Philippe de Busnes, canon of Notre-Dame in Lens, could have been a relative. He clearly received an excellent musical education, probably at a church choir school somewhere in northern or central France. An aristocratic origin may explain his early association with the French royal court: as early as the 1450s references to him appear there, and in 1461 he was a chaplain at Tours. That he was not entirely a man of peace is indicated by a petition for absolution he filed in Tours, dated February 28, 1461, in which he admitted to being part of a group that beat up a priest, "to the point of bloodshed", not one but five times.[1] While in a state of anathema he was foolhardy enough to celebrate mass, an act which got him excommunicated; however Pope Pius II pardoned him. He moved from the cathedral to the collegiate church of St. Martin, also in Tours, where he became a subdeacon in 1465. Johannes Ockeghem was treasurer at that institution, and the two composers seem to have known each other well. Later in 1465 Busnois moved to Poitiers, where he not only became "maîtrise" (master of the choirboys), but managed to attract a flood of talented singers from the entire region; by this time his reputation as singing teacher, scholar, and composer seems to have spread widely. However he departed just as suddenly as he came, in 1466; no reason was given, but the former maîtrise was given his old job back. Busnois then moved to Burgundy. By 1467 Busnois was at the court of Burgundy, and he had begun composing for them immediately before the accession of Charles to the title of Duke on June 15, since one of his motets — in hydraulis — contains a dedication indicating that he was still Count. Charles, on becoming Duke of Burgundy, quickly became known as Charles the Bold, for his fierce and sometimes reckless military ambitions (which indeed got him killed ten years later). In addition to his love of war, however, Charles loved music, and in his employ Busnois was appreciated and rewarded. Also in 1467 Busnois was listed along with Hayne van Ghizeghem and Adrien Basin as a "chantre et valet de chambre" to Charles. In addition to his duties as a singer and a composer, Busnois accompanied the Duke on his military campaigns, as did Hayne van Ghizeghem. Busnois was at the siege of Neuss in Germany in 1475, and survived (or did not attend) the disastrous Battle of Nancy in 1477 at which Charles was killed and the expansion of Burgundy was forever stilled. Busnois remained in the employ of the Burgundian court until 1482, but nothing exact is known about his exploits between then and 1492, when he died. At the time of his death, he was working for the church of St. Sauveur in Bruges. Throughout this time he was exceptionally well-known as a composer, and his music circulated widely. Works and Style The contemporary reputation of Busnois was immense; he was the probably the best-known musician in Europe between the time of Guillaume Dufay and Johannes Ockeghem. Busnois wrote sacred and secular music. Of his sacred music, two cantus firmus masses and eight motets survive (most likely many others are lost). He wrote several settings of the Marian antiphon Regina coeli. Stylistically, his music can be heard as a mid-point between the simplicity and homophonic textures of Dufay and Binchois, and the pervading imitation of Josquin and Gombert. He uses imitation skillfully but occasionally, writes smooth and singable melodic lines, and has a strong feeling for triadic sonorities, anticipating 16th-century practice. According to Pietro Aron, Busnois may have been the composer of the famous tune L'homme armé, one of the most widely distributed melodies of the Renaissance, and the one more often used than any other as a cantus firmus for mass composition. Whether or not he wrote the first mass based on L'homme armé, his was by far the most influential; Obrecht's mass, for example, closely parallels the setting by Busnois, and even the mass by Dufay quotes from it directly. Busnois may even be the composer of a cycle of six masses all based on the same tune, found in Naples, based on stylistic comparison. Busnois also wrote chansons, French secular songs, and these are the work on which his reputation mainly rests. Most are rondeaux, but they include some bergerettes as well; many of these compositions became popular songs, and some were perhaps based on popular songs, now lost. He probably wrote his own texts for almost every one. Some of his tunes were used as source material for cantus firmus mass composition more than a generation after he died, for instance Fortuna desperata (which was used both by Obrecht and Josquin). An unusual chanson is Terrible dame, which not only is an antiphonal dialogue, unique in the chanson literature, but has an Old French title which requires no specialized skill to translate. While most of Busnois's secular songs are based on French texts, there are also at least two on Italian texts and one on a Flemish text. Most are for three voices, although there are a few for four. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.