
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Let the Horror and Chaos Come 06:40 Tools
By the Blessing of Satan 04:25 Tools
Born in the Serpent of the Abyss 04:36 Tools
Demonic Fleshtemple 04:45 Tools
My Soul For His Glory 05:52 Tools
Night of the Blasphemy 04:46 Tools
Cathedral Of The Ultimate Void 05:02 Tools
Black Metal Baptism 07:16 Tools
Sota valon jumalaa vastaan 03:32 Tools
And All Believers Shall Be Damned 03:15 Tools
My Stigmas Bleeding Black 05:17 Tools
Christ Forever Die 05:28 Tools
6.6.6. 03:17 Tools
Fist of the Satanist 07:44 Tools
Blessed Be the Darkness 04:21 Tools
Towards the Father 03:55 Tools
The Flames of the Blasphemer 05:44 Tools
Sieluni Saatanan vihasta roihuten 06:37 Tools
Baphomet's Call... 05:37 Tools
Celebration of Christ's Fall 05:44 Tools
Mouth of Leviathan 06:34 Tools
Rituale Satanum 03:59 Tools
Saatanan varjon synkkyydessä 05:55 Tools
Watchers of My Black Temple 08:26 Tools
Under the Eye of Lord 07:17 Tools
Cave Of The Dark Dreams 03:48 Tools
Wrathful Dragon Hau-Hra 04:06 Tools
The Poisonous Path 05:08 Tools
Death's Black Light 03:33 Tools
Circle Me... 05:42 Tools
Where the Devil Spoke 04:40 Tools
We Burn With Serpent Fire 06:18 Tools
Intro 01:07 Tools
Awaken Tiamat 06:09 Tools
Luciferian Will 00:00 Tools
Temple of the Silent Curses 05:25 Tools
Shining Death 04:37 Tools
Kiss of Our Dark Mother 07:14 Tools
The Wand Of Shadows 07:14 Tools
Rakkaudesta Saatanaan 05:51 Tools
Ritual of flesh & blood 07:01 Tools
Umbra Luciferi 05:38 Tools
beyond the shadow of my lord 06:30 Tools
A Sword of Protean Fire 05:51 Tools
Tyrant of Luminous Darkness 05:51 Tools
Chalice Of The Abyssal Water 05:51 Tools
Canto I: Invocation of Zabulus 05:04 Tools
Intro - the Summoning 00:00 Tools
Intro / The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Pentagram of the Black Earth 05:51 Tools
Gallows of Inversion 05:51 Tools
Canto II: Melancholic Remembrances of Dark Times 05:18 Tools
Canto VI: Canticle (For ye Lord) 05:10 Tools
Canto IV - Void... 04:38 Tools
Beyond The Dark Graves 02:44 Tools
Canto V - Holy Foul 05:00 Tools
The Summoning 01:05 Tools
The Queen of Blood & Lust 05:02 Tools
The Land Of The Troll 07:51 Tools
Eternal Realm 04:57 Tools
Derision For Jesus 05:51 Tools
A Distant Call From Darkness 08:16 Tools
Distant Call from Darkness 08:16 Tools
Canto III - From The Devil's Chalice 04:52 Tools
Canto III - from the Devil's Chalise 04:48 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessд 05:55 Tools
Distant Call form Darkness 08:16 Tools
Celebration Of Chris't Fall 05:43 Tools
A Sword Of Promethean Fire 05:43 Tools
The Luciferian Will 05:13 Tools
Death´s Black Light 03:33 Tools
Queen Of Apostasy 03:33 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydess 06:00 Tools
Canto III - From the Devils Chalice 04:43 Tools
Intro/The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Baphomets Call.. 00:00 Tools
Intro - Summoning 01:07 Tools
Intro (The Summoning) 01:06 Tools
Canto II - Melancholic Remembr 05:18 Tools
Canto IV: Void... 04:47 Tools
Canto III - From the Devils Ch 04:48 Tools
Behexen - Ritual of Flesh and blood 04:48 Tools
Celebration Of Christ´s Fall 00:00 Tools
Void ... 04:51 Tools
Canto V: Holy Foul 05:05 Tools
04-Celebration of Christ's Fall 05:43 Tools
Holy Foul 05:07 Tools
Wand of Shadows 01:05 Tools
Luminous Darkness 01:05 Tools
Behexen - Distant Call form Darkness 08:16 Tools
From the Devil's Chalice 04:45 Tools
Invocation of Zabulus - Canto I 05:04 Tools
Sword of Promethean Fire 05:18 Tools
Void... - Canto IV 04:51 Tools
Black Storm of Satans Glory 01:05 Tools
Canticle (for Ye Lord) - Canto VI 05:10 Tools
Chalice of Abyssal Water 01:05 Tools
Melancholic Remembrances Of Dart Times - Canto II 05:18 Tools
Sota valon jumalaa 00:00 Tools
From the Devil's Chalice - Canto III 04:52 Tools
04 - Celebration of Christ's Fall 05:43 Tools
07-Baphomets Call 05:43 Tools
01 - Intro - The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Celelebration of Christ's Fall 05:42 Tools
Holy Soul - Canto V 05:08 Tools
Void... 04:50 Tools
Void 04:47 Tools
04 - O.O.O. 03:17 Tools
666 03:17 Tools
Canto III: From The Devil's Chalice 04:52 Tools
Canto III: From The Devils Chalice 04:48 Tools
07 - Baphomet's Call... 05:36 Tools
Baphomet’s Call 05:45 Tools
Intro-The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Nightside Emanations 00:00 Tools
6.6.6 03:17 Tools
01-Intro/The Summoning 01:05 Tools
06-Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 05:56 Tools
Distain Call form Darkenss 08:19 Tools
The Summoning (Intro) 01:05 Tools
Celebration Of Christs Fall 05:43 Tools
Circle Of Black Cult 05:35 Tools
O.O.O 03:17 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 03 - Night Of The Blasphemy 03:17 Tools
Blessed By The Darkness 04:07 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 02 - Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 04:07 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 01 - Intro - The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Canto II - Melancholic Remembe 05:15 Tools
Canto III - from the Devil's C 04:48 Tools
05 - Behexen - Ritual Of Flesh And Blood 07:12 Tools
Canto III - From the Devils Chalise 04:48 Tools
07 - Behexen - A Distant Call From Darkness 08:20 Tools
Verta Koirille 05:13 Tools
6 - Watchers of My Black Temple 08:26 Tools
Canto I 05:04 Tools
Näkyjen Tuhkasta 04:59 Tools
Rautamyrsky 04:20 Tools
Into The Summoning 01:06 Tools
Canto II: Melancholic Rememberances of Dark Times 05:15 Tools
Canto IV 04:51 Tools
Canto VI 05:10 Tools
We Burn With Serpant Fire 06:17 Tools
Celebration of Christ's Fal 05:42 Tools
Canto II 05:18 Tools
Canto III 04:52 Tools
Canto V 05:08 Tools
Invocation 03:23 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 04 - Christ Forever Die 03:23 Tools
Behexen - A Distant Call from Darkness 03:23 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 05 - Towards The Father 03:23 Tools
Horna - Rautamyrsky 05:18 Tools
Intro The Summoning 05:08 Tools
Saatanan Varjo Synkkyydessä 05:58 Tools
02-Horna-Rautamyrsky 07:38 Tools
Baphometh's Call... 05:36 Tools
Melancholic remembrances of dark times - Canto II 05:18 Tools
Behexen - Ritual Of Flesh & Blood 05:08 Tools
Where Eternity Awaits 07:38 Tools
Kätketyn Jumaluuden Vartija 03:31 Tools
Behexen / Satanic Warmaster - Where The Devil Spoke (4:41) 00:00 Tools
Canto IV - Void 04:47 Tools
03-Horna-Sverta Koirille 05:18 Tools
Baphomet´s Call... 05:35 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - Let The Horror And Chaos Come (6:40) 11:06 Tools
Black Storm Of Satan's Glory 05:56 Tools
Holy foul - Canto V 05:08 Tools
Horna - Näkyjen Tuhkasta 11:06 Tools
01-Horna-Näkyjen Tuhkasta 03:31 Tools
06-Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessд 03:31 Tools
05-Behexen-Ritual Of Flesh & Blood 03:31 Tools
04-Horna-Kätketyn Jumaluuden Svartija 05:08 Tools
02-behexen-born_in_the_serpent_of_the_abyss 03:31 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 06 - Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 03:31 Tools
06-Behexen-Beyond The Shadow Of My Lord 11:06 Tools
horna - verta koirille 01:05 Tools
Behexen / Satanic Warmaster - Mouth Of Leviathan (6:33) 11:06 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 09 - Blessed Be The Darkness 11:06 Tools
mad-max.nnm.ru_Let the Horror and Chaos Come 11:06 Tools
02 - Canto II - Melancholic Rememberances of Dark Times 05:15 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - My Soul For His Glory (5:52) 11:06 Tools
Behexen - Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 11:06 Tools
A Distant Call From The Darkness 08:16 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 07 - Baphomet's Call 08:16 Tools
Introduction (The Summoning) 01:05 Tools
0.0.0. 04:45 Tools
03-behexen-demonic_fleshtemple 04:45 Tools
04-behexen-o.o.o. 04:45 Tools
03 - Blessed Be the Darkness 05:10 Tools
Melancholic Rememberances of Dark Times 05:15 Tools
Canto IV- Void... 04:45 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 08 - The_Flames_Of_The_Blasphemer 05:44 Tools
My Soul to the devil 06:40 Tools
Baphomet's Call… 05:42 Tools
Intro [The Summoning] 04:55 Tools
Horna - Kätketyn Jumaluuden Vartija 04:59 Tools
Behexen - Distant Call from Darkness 08:16 Tools
Intro - The Summoning. 01:05 Tools
03 - Canto III - From the Devils Chalise 04:48 Tools
Katketyn Jumaluuden Vartija 05:24 Tools
Night of The Blasphemy (Raw Black Metal) 04:45 Tools
Saatanan varjon synkkyydessä 05:55 Tools
06-behexen-my_soul_for_his_glory 05:24 Tools
Ô.Ô.Ô. 03:17 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - My Stigmas Bleeding Black (5:17) 11:06 Tools
Baphomet's Call 11:06 Tools
01-behexen-let_the_horror_and_chaos_come 03:17 Tools
Ritual of Flesh Blood 07:10 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessن 05:56 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - Demonic Fleshtemple (4:45) 05:56 Tools
08. Temple Of The Silent Curses 11:06 Tools
6. My Soul For His Glory 11:06 Tools
By The Blessing Of Satan 2004 07:17 Tools
Behexen - Ritual of Flesh and 05:56 Tools
Nakyjen Tuhkasta 04:59 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - 6.6.6. (3:17) 11:06 Tools
By the blessing 04:59 Tools
All Believers Shall Be Damned 04:55 Tools
behexen - 04 - celebration of 04:59 Tools
Canto III: from the Devil's Chalise 04:48 Tools
01 The Summoning 11:06 Tools
06 - Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 05:56 Tools
Distant Call Form Da 11:06 Tools
Intro_The Summoning 07:17 Tools
Under 07:17 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 10 - Rituale_Satanum 07:17 Tools
01 - Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessa 05:59 Tools
Black metal babtism 04:55 Tools
03. Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihuten 06:36 Tools
07 - Baphomet's Call 05:42 Tools
Circle Me 05:42 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - Cathedral Of The Ultimate Void (5:02) 01:00 Tools
Canto V- Holy foul 05:01 Tools
Canto I- Invocation of Zabulus 04:55 Tools
04. Celebration of christ´s Fall 05:42 Tools
SieluniSaatananVihastaRoihuten 05:42 Tools
Sota Valon Jumaala Vastaan 04:55 Tools
Beyond The Shadow Of 05:42 Tools
By the Blessing of Satan (Full Album) 06:40 Tools
Intro: The Summoning 01:00 Tools
A Distant Call Form Darkness 01:00 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydess? 05:42 Tools
Canto III- From the Devils chalice 05:42 Tools
Intro/ The Summoning 01:05 Tools
04 - Celebration Of Christ´s Fall 05:42 Tools
black metal 05:42 Tools
behexen - 01 - by the blessing 05:42 Tools
06 Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessä 05:56 Tools
Canto I – Invocation of Zabulus 05:04 Tools
behexen - 05 - black metal bap 05:56 Tools
02 - behexen - fist of the satanist 07:43 Tools
behexen - 07 - under the eye o 07:43 Tools
01-Intro - The Summoning 01:05 Tools
Behexen - And All Believers Shall Be Damned 07:43 Tools
06-Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydess 01:05 Tools
04-Celebration Of Christ's Fal 01:05 Tools
Celebration Of Christ`s Fall 05:42 Tools
Outro 06:40 Tools
Circle Me… 01:06 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessd 05:42 Tools
04 A Sword of Promethean Fire 05:42 Tools
Under the eye o 05:42 Tools
Behexen - By The Blessing Of Satan 04:25 Tools
Live In Holland 23-10 37:56 Tools
01 - behexen - by the blessing of satan 37:56 Tools
Temple of Silent Curses 37:56 Tools
Behexen - Black Metal Baptism 37:56 Tools
Wrathful Dragon Hau Hra 04:05 Tools
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory - 06--my_soul_for_his_glory 05:53 Tools
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory - 01--let_the_horror_and_chaos_come 06:40 Tools
02.Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 06:40 Tools
Nightside Emanations 2012 06:40 Tools
behexen - night of the blasphemy 03:17 Tools
Behexen-Ritual Of Flesh & Blood 06:40 Tools
From The Devils Chalice 06:40 Tools
01-Ritual of Flesh & Blood 06:40 Tools
Let The Horror & Chaos Come 05:16 Tools
Intro-The_Summoning 06:40 Tools
04. Christ Forever Die 06:40 Tools
Canto II- Melancholic remembrances of dark times 01:05 Tools
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory - 02--born_in_the_serpent_of_the_abyss 04:37 Tools
The Burning Eyes Of The Werewolf 05:16 Tools
01 by the blessing of satan 05:16 Tools
03 Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihuten 06:36 Tools
Distant Call From the Darkness 06:36 Tools
behexen - 02 - fist of the sat 04:25 Tools
Baphomet´s call 04:25 Tools
05 Umbra Luciferi 04:05 Tools
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory - 03--demonic_fleshtemple 04:46 Tools
Behexen - My Soul For His Glory - 04--o.o.o. 03:17 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydess„ 05:56 Tools
Wrathfull Dragon Hau-Hra 03:00 Tools
Poisonous Path, The - Rakkaudesta Saatanaan (8:40) 03:00 Tools
Hautamyrsky 03:17 Tools
Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Roihut 03:17 Tools
Vihasta_Roihuten 03:17 Tools
The Burning Eyes Of The Werewolf (Acoustic Version) 05:16 Tools
Behexen - O.O.O. 05:16 Tools
Ave Satani 07:17 Tools
Saatanan_Varjon_Synkkyydessa 05:16 Tools
02-Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastan 05:16 Tools
night_of_the_blasphemy 05:16 Tools
01-Into The Summoning 05:16 Tools
02 Fist Of The Satanist 07:43 Tools
07 Baphomets Call 05:42 Tools
And All Belivers Shall Be Damned 03:14 Tools
Canto II - Melancholic Remembrance of Dark Times 05:18 Tools
03 Demonic Fleshtemple 04:45 Tools
Canto VI- Canticle(for ye Lord) 04:37 Tools
Behexen - Celebration of Christ's Fall 04:45 Tools
Saatanan Varion Synkkyydessa 04:45 Tools
04 Celebration of Christ's Fall 05:42 Tools
05 Black Metal Baptism 05:42 Tools
Invocation of Zabulus. 03:24 Tools
Celebration_Of_Christs_Fall 03:24 Tools
Mouth of Leviathan (edit) 03:24 Tools
Hateful Dragon Hau-Ma 04:05 Tools
Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessה 04:25 Tools
behexen - christ forever die 04:25 Tools
Baphomet`s Call... 04:05 Tools
Sieluni Saatanan Vihasta Koihuten 04:05 Tools
Poisonous Path, The - The Poisonous Path (5:59) 04:05 Tools
The Flames Of The Blaspheme 04:05 Tools
3. Night Of The Blasphemy 04:05 Tools
Kiss of the Dark Mother 04:05 Tools
Intro / Summoning 01:06 Tools
behexen - 03 - sieluni saatana 01:06 Tools
01. Intro 01:06 Tools
Blessed Be The Darkness (Demo) 01:06 Tools
The Flames Of Blasphemy 05:44 Tools
The Flames of the Blasphemer (Demo) 01:06 Tools
The Burning Eyes Of The Werewo 05:44 Tools
4. Christ Forever Die 05:56 Tools
Poisonous Path, The - Pentagram Of The Black Earth (5:00) 05:56 Tools
09. Blessed Be the Darkness 01:06 Tools
02. Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 01:06 Tools
Under_The_Eye_Of_Lord 01:06 Tools
behexen - 06 - watchers of my 01:06 Tools
07 Under The Eye of Lord 07:17 Tools
Black_Metal_Baptism 07:17 Tools
Behexen / Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 07:17 Tools
01 The Poisonous Path 07:17 Tools
B1a69b5e37e4ba 07:17 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - And All Believers Shall Be Damned (3:14) 07:17 Tools
03. Night of the Blasphemy 07:17 Tools
03-Distant Call from Darkness 07:17 Tools
My Soul For His Glory - Born In The Serpent Of The Abyss (4:36) 07:17 Tools
By The Blessing Of Satan - 01 - By The Blessing Of Satan 07:17 Tools
Behexen - Distant Call form Da 07:17 Tools
Intro(The Summoning) + Sota Valon Jumalaa Vastaan 07:17 Tools
Canto V Holy Foul 07:17 Tools
behexen - 02 - fist of the satanist 07:17 Tools
Baphomets_Call 07:17 Tools
THE BLESSING 04:25 Tools
06-Saatanan Varjon Synkkyydessф 04:25 Tools
Rituale Satanum - 06 - saatanan varjon synkkyydessa 04:25 Tools
Fist of the Satanist Behexen 04:25 Tools
06-Sataan Varjon Synkkyydessa 04:25 Tools
Baphomet's Call.... 04:25 Tools
  • 2,003,583
  • 51,240
  • 2003583
    top track count

The current line-up is: Hoath Torog - Vocals Wraath - Guitars (Celestial Bloodshed / One Tail, One Head) Horns - Drums The unattractive worm of Behexen hatched out in 1994 with members Torog, Horns & Reaper. The first expression of frustrating hate "Reality is in Evil" was despaired in '95 by the ugly larva. The worm remained but went through mutation and vomited the depression "Eternal Realm" in '97. After that worm created the dobbelganger and continued to brutalize infecting the insulting "Blessed be the Darkness" in '98, the third blasphemic desecration. Then Reaper left the etheric fraternity, and Gargantum became the next victim for the ugly maggot and as it grew more and more hungry, Lunatic was the next sick soul soon to be devoured. "Blessed be the Darkness" brought deal from Sinister Figure and the debut illness "Rituale Satanum" was created to darken the next millenium. After this the worm started bubbling and shivering and waited 3 years for having its teeth & hunger growing... Then the next offering joined, Veilroth, and after that the deal was made with the Finnish Woodcut Records and the desperate symphony of blasphemies "By the Blessing of Satan" was finally bred. Not so long after that it was time for larva to fart out the next stinking piece of wet shit, the split-lp with Horna. But then it became relevant for maggot to cut out the bubbling tumour, Lunatic, in order to be able to continue more efficiently to consume the tissue and let the unholy anti-matter burst out from inside. This worm will continue spreading diseases... Behexen are from Hämeenlinna / Tampere, Finland. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.