Claudette Soares

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Feitinha Pro Poeta 02:06 Tools
Ao Amigo Tom 02:16 Tools
Shirley Sexy 02:22 Tools
Vivo Sonhando 02:21 Tools
Januária 02:13 Tools
A Um Amor Dormindo 03:03 Tools
Os Grilos (Crickets Sing For Ana Maria) 02:13 Tools
Triste 02:50 Tools
Os Grillos 01:44 Tools
Parte de Seu Mundo (Part of Your World) [From the Little Mermaid] 05:20 Tools
O Cravo Brigou Com a Rosa 05:02 Tools
Você 02:09 Tools
Eles Querem Amar 02:51 Tools
Por Quem Morreu De Amor 02:00 Tools
Vem Balançar 00:00 Tools
Êles Querem Amar 02:43 Tools
Adeus Maria Fulo 00:00 Tools
Nem De Ouro, Nem De Lama 00:00 Tools
Primavera 05:36 Tools
Que Marvilha 00:00 Tools
Barquinho Diferente 02:09 Tools
Gente 01:50 Tools
Mancada 02:57 Tools
Chuva 03:32 Tools
Part Of Your World 05:00 Tools
Frevo Rasgado 01:37 Tools
Clara 02:40 Tools
Bandolim 01:45 Tools
Parte de Seu Mundo (Part of Your World) 05:02 Tools
Lia 02:35 Tools
A Resposta 02:19 Tools
De Tanto Amor 02:48 Tools
Eles Querem Amar - 2007 - Remaster; 02:51 Tools
Bom Tempo 03:00 Tools
Remelexo 01:51 Tools
Deus Vos Salve Esta Casa Santa 02:50 Tools
Desencontro 02:23 Tools
Tem Que Ser Azul 04:09 Tools
So Falt Av A Voce 02:44 Tools
super bacana 01:51 Tools
Preciso Aprender a Ser So 01:51 Tools
Lua Cheia 02:46 Tools
Domingou 02:56 Tools
Baião 02:10 Tools
Que Maravilha 02:08 Tools
Parte de seu mundo 05:00 Tools
Valsa De Eurídice 03:54 Tools
Garota de Ipanema 03:04 Tools
Rosa da Gente 02:38 Tools
Mar, Amar 01:59 Tools
Sem Bronquear 02:47 Tools
Superbacana 00:00 Tools
Parte DE SEU Mundo <Part Of Your World> [The Little Mermaid] 05:00 Tools
Ela, Felicidade 01:56 Tools
O Que Tinha de Ser 02:30 Tools
Azul Contente 02:19 Tools
Kosmus 03:04 Tools
parte de seu mundo [the little mermaid] 01:56 Tools
Iemanja 01:56 Tools
Não me Culpe 03:39 Tools
Preciso Aprender a Ser Só 02:59 Tools
Gloria Glorinha 03:15 Tools
E Agora 03:22 Tools
Ode a Primavera 03:15 Tools
Trem de Ferro 03:24 Tools
Desde Que O Samba É Samba 03:22 Tools
Razao de Viver 03:15 Tools
Ah! se eu Pudesse 02:02 Tools
Ode à Primavera 03:08 Tools
Tema de Simone 03:15 Tools
Canoeiro 02:15 Tools
Hoje 03:13 Tools
Eu Só Queria Ser 02:08 Tools
...E Fim! 02:59 Tools
Balada do Tempo e da Vida 01:59 Tools
Meia Volta 02:33 Tools
Razão de Viver 03:23 Tools
Atras do Trio Eletrico 02:18 Tools
Onde Está Você / Apelo / Insensatez / Primavera - Ao Vivo 02:18 Tools
Samba do Avião 02:33 Tools
Conselho a Quem Quiser Voltar 02:16 Tools
Vem é Primavera 01:58 Tools
Correnteza 03:02 Tools
Seu Carinho 02:45 Tools
Bossa na Praia 03:45 Tools
Ao Redor 02:08 Tools
Eu So Queria Ser 02:52 Tools
Romina e Juliano 02:48 Tools
Gloria, Glorinha 03:10 Tools
Ao Redor (Tema De Amor) 02:13 Tools
Rosa-dos-Ventos 03:10 Tools
Mar Amar 02:02 Tools
Samba Só 02:25 Tools
Crediário do Amor 02:28 Tools
Vermelho 03:18 Tools
Vim 03:13 Tools
Proposta 02:49 Tools
I Don't Care 03:00 Tools
Cancao de Chorar 02:50 Tools
Vestido De Bolero 02:36 Tools
Tristeza de Nós Dois 02:02 Tools
Pra Que Chorar 00:00 Tools
Nós e o Mar 03:46 Tools
As Flores do Jardim de Nossa Casa 03:27 Tools
Parte de Seu Mundo ("Part of your World") 05:02 Tools
Sem Você 03:16 Tools
Evolução 02:47 Tools
Carolina, Carol Bela 02:15 Tools
Se Você Quiser, Mas Sem Bronquear 04:29 Tools
Samba Com Pressa 01:48 Tools
Glória, glorinha 02:48 Tools
Chove Outra Vez 02:15 Tools
Ciúme 01:41 Tools
Adeus, Maria Fulo 01:49 Tools
Fraqueza 02:38 Tools
Solidão 01:40 Tools
Sinhazinha 02:46 Tools
Este Seu Olhar 04:29 Tools
Psiu 02:48 Tools
Brinquedo 02:49 Tools
A Noite da Ilusão 02:28 Tools
Nós 02:18 Tools
Eles Querem E Amar 02:55 Tools
Tarde 01:57 Tools
Glória Glorinha 03:15 Tools
Deixa Pra lá 02:16 Tools
Pra' Que Chorar 02:52 Tools
Como É Grande O Meu Amor Por Você 03:08 Tools
Juliana 02:31 Tools
Lá Eu Não Vou 02:18 Tools
Adeus, Maria Fulô 01:49 Tools
vem, e primavera 01:57 Tools
Adeus Maria Fulô 03:11 Tools
Ao Reder(Tema De Amor) 02:48 Tools
Só Faltava Você 02:09 Tools
Tenderly 04:29 Tools
Qui Nem Giló 03:07 Tools
Amiga 01:59 Tools
Para Você Sómente 02:46 Tools
Baião de Dois 02:46 Tools
Carolina Carol Bela 03:21 Tools
O Amor e Chama 03:39 Tools
I don't care (Não quero nem saber) 02:52 Tools
Nos 02:52 Tools
O Que É Amar 03:08 Tools
A Volta 02:18 Tools
Quem Viu Helo? 01:43 Tools
Foi a Noite 02:25 Tools
Parte Do Seu Mundo 01:59 Tools
A Noite Da Ilusao 02:28 Tools
Mar-Amar 03:24 Tools
O Amor é Chama 03:41 Tools
Se eu Errei 04:29 Tools
Suas Maos 03:24 Tools
Minha Namorada 04:29 Tools
Onde Está Você / Apelo / Insensatez / Primavera 04:29 Tools
Amor em Paz 02:25 Tools
Amigo 02:28 Tools
Evocação 02:16 Tools
Vida Real 03:11 Tools
Tão Doce Que É Sal 03:11 Tools
Castigo 03:08 Tools
O Céu de São Paulo 02:24 Tools
Vem e Primavera 01:55 Tools
Veamelho 03:18 Tools
Os Dentes Brancos do Mundo 02:35 Tools
Sem Voce 03:16 Tools
Apelo 03:34 Tools
Eu Corro Pra Ver 02:52 Tools
Eles Querem É Amar 04:29 Tools
As Mesmas Histórias 03:02 Tools
Coisas 03:07 Tools
Ave Maria 03:08 Tools
Canoeiro (Pescaria) 03:08 Tools
Doce Mentira 03:05 Tools
Homenagem a Sylvinha Telles: Discussão/ Samba Torto/ Eu Preciso de Você 04:29 Tools
Parte De Seu Mundo(The Little Mermaid) 04:29 Tools
Esquecendo Você 04:29 Tools
Retrato em Branco e Preto 03:11 Tools
Casualmente 01:38 Tools
Faz de Conta 03:11 Tools
Para Voce Somente 02:25 Tools
Segredo - Ao Vivo 03:08 Tools
Parte de Seu Mundo ["Part Of Your World"] 02:25 Tools
Corpo e Alma 04:44 Tools
Beijo Sideral 04:44 Tools
Parte DE SEU Mundo <Part Od Your World> [The Little Mermaid] 05:00 Tools
Eu Ando Precisando De Encontrar Voce 03:06 Tools
Outra Noite 03:08 Tools
Até Quem Sabe 03:36 Tools
La Eu Nao Vou 02:18 Tools
Por Causa de Você 03:36 Tools
Qui Nem Jiló 02:48 Tools
Choratina 03:08 Tools
Gloria Glorighna 03:05 Tools
O Nosso Olhar 02:51 Tools
Dentes Brancos Do Mundo 02:25 Tools
Meiga Presença 01:38 Tools
Carinho e Amor 02:41 Tools
Deixa Pra La 02:14 Tools
O Amor Em Paz 02:52 Tools
Canção De Amor 03:08 Tools
Demais 03:08 Tools
Iemanjá 02:57 Tools
Frevo da Saudade 02:14 Tools
Samba do Aviao 02:14 Tools
Ciumes 01:38 Tools
Samba Prelúdio 05:15 Tools
Parte de Sue Mundo (Part of Your World) 03:08 Tools
De Voce Eu Gosto 02:46 Tools
Frase De Adeus 04:20 Tools
E Preciso Dizer Adeus 02:51 Tools
Cala, Meu Amor 03:08 Tools
Somos Dois 02:51 Tools
02:41 Tools
Desalento 02:51 Tools
Fracassos de Amor 02:34 Tools
Fiz do Amor meu Canto 03:33 Tools
Sonho e Saudade 02:34 Tools
Escada Para o Anti-sol 02:57 Tools
Amigo Amado 02:31 Tools
Manequim 02:34 Tools
Razào de Ser 03:08 Tools
Nós Dois 03:08 Tools
Meia volta (Ana Cristina) 02:24 Tools
Parte De Seu Mundo (The Little Mermaid) 03:08 Tools
Derradeira Primavera 02:35 Tools
O Barquinho (Ao Vivo) 03:07 Tools
Nick Bar 02:57 Tools
Fotografia 02:51 Tools
Cenário 02:51 Tools
Andam Dizendo 03:06 Tools
Pout-Pourri: Gente / A Resposta / Samba De Verão 03:21 Tools
Fim de Caso 02:51 Tools
Se você quiser mas sem bronquear 02:51 Tools
Minha Serenata 02:51 Tools
Ao AM Tom 02:41 Tools
Ciume 01:39 Tools
Depois 03:15 Tools
Nao Diga Nao 02:34 Tools
O Cravo Brigou Com A Rosa - Claudete Soares 02:41 Tools
Vida Breve 02:41 Tools
Preciso aprender a só ser 03:36 Tools
Meu Mundo Caiu / Resposta / Ouça 03:36 Tools
Chorar E Cantar 03:12 Tools
Bar da Noite / Meu Nome É Ninguém 03:36 Tools
As Flores Do Jardim Da Nossa Casa 03:23 Tools
Sucedeu Assim 04:20 Tools
Eles Querem Amar (2007 - Remaster) 02:51 Tools
Parte de Seu Mundo (Part of Your World) {From the Little Mermaid} 02:51 Tools
Que Nem Giló 02:36 Tools
Claudette Soares / Ceu E Mar 02:34 Tools
Palavras Mágicas 02:34 Tools
E Aí? 02:57 Tools
Ave-Rara 03:26 Tools
Cansei de Ilusoes 01:39 Tools
A Noite do Meu Bem / Foi a Noite / Fim de Noite 03:15 Tools
Mundo Novo, Vida Nova - Ao Vivo 02:34 Tools
Manias / Contra-Senso 02:57 Tools
Crediario do Amor 02:28 Tools
Tristeza de nos dois 02:46 Tools
Prá Que Chorar 02:52 Tools
Evocação (Evocação Nº 1) 02:52 Tools
Rosa Dos Ventos 03:15 Tools
Um dia no circo 04:20 Tools
Eu Sou a Outra / Orgulho / Baralho da Vida 04:20 Tools
Condenados 04:20 Tools
08 - O Cravo Brigou com a Rosa 02:35 Tools
Suas mãos 02:36 Tools
Resposta (Ao Vivo) 04:20 Tools
Cenário - Ao Vivo 04:20 Tools
Evolucao 03:21 Tools
Samba So 02:25 Tools
Tomara 02:25 Tools
Credia'rio Do Amor 03:21 Tools
Arianna, Arianna 02:36 Tools
Chove La Fora 02:36 Tools
Parte do Seu Mundo (A Pequena Sereia) 02:36 Tools
Quero te Assim 02:36 Tools
Um Novo Sol 03:15 Tools
Crediário do Amor - Ao Vivo 03:27 Tools
Ciúmes 02:24 Tools
Tola Foi Você 02:24 Tools
Nunca Mais 02:24 Tools
Saia do Caminho / Molambo 02:24 Tools
Dó-Ré-Mi 02:24 Tools
Resposta ao Tempo 02:24 Tools
Ela Foi Embora 02:57 Tools
Abre Alas 03:34 Tools
Ao Reder (Tema De Amor) 02:57 Tools
Parte De Seu Mundo (The Little Mermaid) 05:00 Tools
Tatuagem 05:00 Tools
Tudo Isto É Amor 02:57 Tools
04 - desencontro (chico buarque) 05:00 Tools
O Cravo Brigou Com a Rosa / Carolina Carol Bela / Que Maravilha 02:57 Tools
23 - Clara (Com Gilberto Gil) 05:00 Tools
Sabiá 02:57 Tools
Não Quero Ver Você Triste 02:36 Tools
Cansei De Ilusões 02:36 Tools
Quero-te assim 02:36 Tools
Bosa Na Praia 02:36 Tools
Cancoes dos Olhos Tristes 02:36 Tools
Gauchinha bem me Quer 02:36 Tools
Seu Carinho/あなたの優しさ 02:36 Tools
Se é Por Falta de Adeus 02:24 Tools
Tao Doce Que E Sal 02:24 Tools
So Faltava Voce 03:15 Tools
Se Eu Pudesse Te Dizer Tudo Que Sinto 03:15 Tools
As Flores Do Jardim De Nossa Cas 03:27 Tools
Clara (Com Gilberto Gil) 02:57 Tools
Segredo (Ao Vivo) 02:57 Tools
O Que eu Gosto de Você 02:57 Tools
Psiu... 02:57 Tools
Só Saudade 02:57 Tools
Atrás do Trio Elétrico 02:57 Tools
Inútil Paisagem/ Estrada do Sol 03:12 Tools
Evoluc, Ao 02:57 Tools
Tristeza De No's D Ois 02:57 Tools
Ceu E Mar 02:57 Tools
  • 64,837
  • 14,697
  • 64837
    top track count

Claudette Soares started her career at the age of ten in the radio program conducted by Renato Murce known as Papel Carbono. Her musical path shows someone who was never attached to songs of a certain period and someone who always had good taste. Claudettes unique style went through different stages: from the time of protest with songs that were presented in festivals (when she launched the composer called Gonzaguinha during the II University Festival of the Brazilian Music in Rio de Janeiro, with the song MUNDO NOVO,VIDA NOVA (New World, New Life); she also went through the period of Bossa Nova and the romantic era of the Brazilian Popular Music (MPB). Chosen by Ronaldo Boscoli, she took part in the biggest Bossa Nova event of all times called The Night of the Smile, Love and Flower on May 20, 1960 in the old building of the University of Architecture of Rio de Janeiro. She participated in Bibi Ferreira show called Brasil 60 as well, shown on TV Excelsior(SP) and in the LP New Generation in Samba Beat. Upon Ronaldo Boscoli request she went to Sao Paulo in the 60s so as to introduce and divulge Bossa Nova in night clubs there.Some of these discos were Baiuca, Cambridge,Ela, Cravo e Canela (inaugurated by her with the show called Um Show de Show( A Hit of a Show ), where she introduced Pedrinho Mattar). At that time, Paulo Cotrim, a journalist, opened the night club Joao Sebastiao Bar especially for both Claudette and Pedrinho Mattar.It was known not only as a temple for Bossa Nova in Sao Paulo, and a landmark of night life there, but also as a temple where Claudette was known as the most successful interpreter of BOSSA NOVA. She has numerous recordings composed of 40 LPs and CDs. She also recorded CLAUDETTE IS THE BOSSA OWNER(the so called Claudette é Dona da Bossa) together with Cesar Camargo Mariano in 1963. It was again launched in 1992 by Image, the recording company, as a historic document. By the way, César was then being launched in the record world by Claudette as a pianist and arranger as well. In reality, this CD has been in Japan since March 1996. Besides these projects, Claudette and Cesar took part in various important events connected with music such as the Samba Biannual in 1968, where they sang BOM TEMPO composed by Chico Buarque de Holanda. Some of her other projects are also part of some singles done by Phylips and Odeon. In 1966, Claudette was awarded the Euterpe Trophy as the best singer of the year and also participated in the I International Song Festival (RJ), where she sang Cry and Sing (CHORAR E CANTAR), composed by Vera Brasil and Sivan Castelo Neto. Still in 1966, she took part in the pocket-show called First Half 5x0 (PRIMEITO TEMPO 5X0) in the Teatro Princesa Isabel (RJ), produced by Miele and Boscoli, together with Taiguara and Jongo Trio. In this very show, Claudette initiated the young singer Taiguara. In 1967, she was hired by Record Net ( Rede Record ) thus participating in the show known as Jovem Guarda, where she sang How Big My Love is For You (Como é grande o meu amor por voce ), composed by Roberto Carlos and Erasmo. In 1968, she recorded a LP exclusively with songs written by Chico Buarque, Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso. A year after that, she prepared the LP called SHE - WHO IS NOT THE TALLEST HAS TO BE THE BEST (QUEM NAO EH A MAIOR TEM QUE SER A MELHOR), launched by Philips. In 1969, she participated in the II University Song Festival, where she sang New World, New Life (Mundo Novo, Vida Nova) by Gonzaguinha. She took part in the show called FICA COMBINADO ASSIM (That´s What Has Been Agreed Upon) with Agildo Ribeiro and Pedrinho Mattar at Teatro Princesa Isabel (RJ) in 1970. It is worth recalling that in 1971, Claudette was in first place in the hit parade for fifty six weeks with the song DE TANTO AMOR(WITH SO MUCH LOVE ) composed by Roberto Carlos and Erasmo. At the end of the 70s, she came up with the idea of having a project of recording a series of LPs together with Dick Farney. In the end, she was able to record only two TUDO ISTO EH AMOR(ALL THIS IS LOVE) (Vol.1 and 2), due to Dick´s death, her good friend. The two LPs were launched again by EMI-ODEON in the series 2 em 1 (in 1993 and 2003). After being away for some time, Claudette Soares returned to stage with NOVA LEITURA (New Reading). Right after it, she presented NAO HA MULHERES IGUAIS (There Are No Similar Women), where the singer again sang 42 songs, to honor the best Brazilian composers, from Chiquinha Gonzaga to Rita Lee. The show called Claudette Soares Sings Vinicius took off in 1993, which allowed the singer to have an old dream come true: to elaborate a tribute to Vinicius de Moraes, who in addition to being a great friend, also gave her two of his most beautiful songs, specially composed for her:APELO( Appeal ) and ROSA DESFOLHADA ( Stripped Rose ) - respectively in 1967 with the help of Baden Powell and in 1975, with Toquinho ). Now she has several shows such as, The Bossa of Claudette Soares based on her new CD known as Claudette Soares and Leandro Braga, CLAUDETTE SOARES EN-CHANTS TAIGUARA, GENERATION 70 , when she sang with the Orchestra of Cellos, Cellos in Sampa (Sao Paulo) singing in the Memorial of Latin America in Sao Paulo for the first time in May, 1996. Moreover, she pays homage to her friend Taiguara, from whom she received three pearls of the Brazilian Popular Music ( MPB ) known as HOJE (Today ), COISAS ( Things ) and ESTRADA ESTREITA ( Narrow Road ). Claudette, a Carioca ( born in Rio ) singer, went to Sao Paulo in the 60s, when she introduced the Bossa Nova beat, making the song PRIMAVERA (Spring) become the landmark of the Bossa Nova movement in the Paulista temple called Joao Sebastiao Bar. And in 1996 she was given one of the desired titles of Sao Paulos Citizen, a prize offered by the Camara Municipal of the City of Sao Paulo (the Municipal House of Representatives of the city in question). Claudette participated in a memorable musical project in Joao Pessoa (the capital of the State of Paraiba) and in Recife (Pernambuco) called ENCONTRO COM VILLA LOBOS, JAZZ E BOSSA NOVA (A Meeting With ….) on June 15th and 16th 1997, respectively. She sang two serenades – NA PAZ DO OUTONO ( In the Peace of Fall ) and MODINHA( A Popular Tune ) composed by Mr. Lobos besides other songs by Tom Jobim , Vinicius de Moraes and Carlos Lyra and was accompanied by the North-Northeast Philarmonic Orchestra (conducted by Mr. Aylton Escobar). In this performance, she was considered extraordinary by both the critics and the press. In 1995 she produced and recorded a CD called VIDA REAL (Real Life), a movie-play, which was known as one of the best in her career. To celebrate her fifty years as a singer, Claudette launched a CD called COMO EH GRANDE O MEU AMOR POR VOCES(How Big is My Love for You) by Som Livre in the year 2000. Several other famous singers also took part in this recording such as Roberto Menescal, Garganta Profunda, Claudinha Telles, Velha Guarda da Mangueira, Lucinha Lins, Regininha, Daniel Gonzaga, Paulinho da Viola, Jorge Benjor, Fabio Júnior and Fafá de Belem among others. In 2001, Claudette Soares recorded various CD, among which three entitled O AMOR ( Love ),O SORRISO (The Smile ) and A FLOR (The Flower ) produced by Roberto Menescal.In addition,she sang others like, A HISTORIA DA BOSSA NOVA(The Story of Bossa Nova ) produced by Lula Freire and CASA DA BOSSA ( The House of Bossa ) (Universal-produced by Jose Milton), where she sings SAMBA EM PRELUDIO (Samba in Prelude ) together with Guilherme Arantes composed by Baden Powell and Vinicius de Moraes. In a show in 2002, she launched a CD called Claudette Soares and Leandro Braga (CID) together with Leandro Braga.This show was in a disco in Rio de Janeiro known as Mistura Fina. In an interview later, Mr. Braga, the orchestra conductor, said the following about the singer in question: The show, which was a duet of voice and piano, with Claudette Soares, the marvelous shortie, allows me to feel at ease while playing, enables me to propose challenges and she never derails.This is very stimulating! In October 2003, she was again in a show in Sao Paulo- Memorial of Latin America, conducted by Mr Roberto Sion, where she presented AO POETINHA COM CARINHO ( To the Poet with Love ), a tribute to Vinicius de Moraes.Two other musicians took part in it-a pianist and the saxophone player. In February 2004, Claudette went back to the legendary stage of Teatro Princesa Isabel in Rio de Janeiro with the show CLAUDETTE BOSSA. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.