Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
17009146 | Play | Restless | 05:31 Tools | |
17009147 | Play | The 10th Victim | 04:17 Tools | |
17009149 | Play | Brasilia Freestylee | 02:26 Tools | |
17009148 | Play | Deliver The Weird (Dorian Concept Remix) | 03:28 Tools | |
17009150 | Play | Deliver the Weird | 05:23 Tools | |
17009152 | Play | I Wish I Was a Motown Star | 04:15 Tools | |
17009151 | Play | Soulbath | 04:17 Tools | |
17009155 | Play | Concrete Cats | 05:46 Tools | |
17009156 | Play | Skippy's First Samba Lesson | 04:26 Tools | |
17009154 | Play | Ms. Looney's Last Embrace | 04:47 Tools | |
17009159 | Play | Ridiculo | 01:47 Tools | |
17009153 | Play | earth vs me | 04:34 Tools | |
17009157 | Play | Kula World | 05:23 Tools | |
17009158 | Play | brasilia freestyle | 03:18 Tools | |
17009160 | Play | Giant Jumps | 04:48 Tools | |
55790199 | Play | restless-sb | 04:48 Tools | |
17009162 | Play | A Different Forres | 04:10 Tools | |
87582380 | Play | A Different Forrest | 04:10 Tools | |
17009161 | Play | Mad Filla | 04:05 Tools | |
17009164 | Play | A Different Forest | 04:11 Tools | |
17009167 | Play | Gaint Jumps | 04:48 Tools | |
17009170 | Play | I Was Young and I Needed the Money! | 04:36 Tools | |
17009168 | Play | Kuia World | 05:23 Tools | |
17009169 | Play | I Was Young and I Needed the Money | 00:00 Tools | |
87582381 | Play | B-low | 00:00 Tools | |
87582382 | Play | marvello | 00:00 Tools | |
17009211 | Play | Ms Looneys Last Embrace | 04:46 Tools | |
17009179 | Play | Earth vs. Me | 04:33 Tools | |
17009183 | Play | Old Dog New Tricks (Pt. 2) | 00:00 Tools | |
17009189 | Play | Skippys First Samba Lesson | 00:00 Tools | |
17009191 | Play | Do it Now Worry About it Later! | 00:00 Tools | |
17009172 | Play | I was young and I needed the m | 00:00 Tools | |
17009171 | Play | old dog new tricks (pt.2) | 00:00 Tools | |
17009174 | Play | deliever the weird | 05:22 Tools | |
17009175 | Play | Brazilia Freestylee | 03:18 Tools | |
55790201 | Play | A Diffrent Forest | 05:22 Tools | |
17009173 | Play | Old Dog New Tricks (pt 2) | 00:00 Tools | |
17009190 | Play | Clifford Gilberto - Restless | 00:00 Tools | |
17009177 | Play | I wish I was a motion star | 04:15 Tools | |
55790202 | Play | old dog new tricks | 04:15 Tools | |
17009193 | Play | giant jumes | 04:48 Tools | |
17009184 | Play | Do It Now-Worry About It Later | 00:00 Tools | |
55790203 | Play | Flagstaff's Abstract | 00:00 Tools | |
17009220 | Play | restless (vizion remix) | 00:00 Tools | |
55790204 | Play | old dog new tricks pt2 | 00:00 Tools | |
17009178 | Play | Do it Now - Worry About it Later! | 00:00 Tools | |
17009192 | Play | Brasiia Freestylee | 00:00 Tools | |
17009196 | Play | Do It Now Worry About Later | 04:21 Tools | |
17009182 | Play | i wish a was a motown star | 04:15 Tools | |
17009181 | Play | ms.looneys last embrace | 04:47 Tools | |
17009208 | Play | Do It Now - Worry About It Later | 04:21 Tools | |
55790206 | Play | Do It Now - Worry About It Lat | 04:21 Tools | |
55790205 | Play | Blow | 04:21 Tools | |
17009185 | Play | giants jumps | 04:48 Tools | |
55790207 | Play | Mad Mafia | 04:48 Tools | |
55790208 | Play | Do It Now Worry About It Later | 04:48 Tools | |
17009199 | Play | Deliver the Weird! | 00:00 Tools | |
55790209 | Play | I Was Young and Needed the Money | 00:00 Tools | |
17009187 | Play | Do It Now-Worry About It Later! | 04:21 Tools | |
55790210 | Play | I Was Young and I Needed The.. | 04:21 Tools | |
55790214 | Play | restiess | 04:21 Tools | |
55790211 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / I Wish I Was a Motown Star | 04:21 Tools | |
55790212 | Play | Old Dog, New Tricks | 04:21 Tools | |
55790213 | Play | ms. looneys last embrace | 04:21 Tools | |
17009180 | Play | Hood In Tha 'Hood | 05:00 Tools | |
17009197 | Play | Restles | 05:32 Tools | |
55790215 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Pista de audio 01 | 05:32 Tools | |
55790216 | Play | Flagstaff's Abstract (Linus' Theme) | 05:32 Tools | |
55790221 | Play | Rhythm Combination | 05:00 Tools | |
55790217 | Play | Ms Looney's Last Embrace | 05:32 Tools | |
55790218 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Ms. Looney's Last Embrace | 05:32 Tools | |
55790219 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Deliver the Weird | 05:00 Tools | |
55790220 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Soulbath | 05:00 Tools | |
17009200 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / A Different Forrest | 04:11 Tools | |
17009206 | Play | Concrete Cars | 05:48 Tools | |
55790222 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Skippy's First Samba Lesson | 04:11 Tools | |
55790223 | Play | brasilia frees tyree | 05:48 Tools | |
55790224 | Play | Ridicuso | 05:48 Tools | |
55790225 | Play | 01 - Restless | 05:48 Tools | |
55790226 | Play | 02 - Deliver the weird | 05:48 Tools | |
55790227 | Play | Skippy’s First Samba Lesson | 05:48 Tools | |
55790228 | Play | earth vs me (2) | 05:48 Tools | |
17009186 | Play | Clifford Gilberto - The 10th Victim | 00:00 Tools | |
55790229 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Giant Jumps | 05:48 Tools | |
55790230 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Ridiculo | 05:48 Tools | |
55790231 | Play | 10 - Giant jumps | 05:48 Tools | |
55790232 | Play | Ms. Looney’s Last Embrace | 05:48 Tools | |
55790233 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Brasiia Freestylee | 00:00 Tools | |
55790234 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Concrete Cats | 00:00 Tools | |
55790235 | Play | skippys first samba lesson (2) | 00:00 Tools | |
55790236 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Earth Vs Me | 00:00 Tools | |
55790237 | Play | 06 - Soulbath | 00:00 Tools | |
55790238 | Play | soulbath (2) | 00:00 Tools | |
17009188 | Play | Soul Bath | 04:19 Tools | |
55790239 | Play | wish i was a motown star | 04:19 Tools | |
55790240 | Play | 11 - Concrete cats | 04:19 Tools | |
55790241 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / I Was Young and I Needed the M | 04:19 Tools | |
55790242 | Play | Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combi / Kula World | 04:19 Tools | |
55790243 | Play | I was young & I needed the mon | 04:19 Tools | |
55790244 | Play | 09 - earth vs me | 04:19 Tools | |
55790245 | Play | Ms. Iooney's Last Embrace | 04:19 Tools | |
55790246 | Play | kuia world (2) | 04:19 Tools | |
55790247 | Play | 14 - Ridiculo | 04:19 Tools | |
55790248 | Play | 12 - Brasilia freestyle | 04:19 Tools | |
55790249 | Play | Ms.Looney´s Last Embrace | 04:19 Tools | |
55790250 | Play | Skippy´s First Samba Lesson | 04:19 Tools | |
55790251 | Play | i was young and i needed he money | 04:19 Tools | |
55790252 | Play | Do It Now Worry About It Later | 04:19 Tools | |
17009212 | Play | The 10th Victim - Clifford Gilberto | 04:18 Tools | |
55790253 | Play | 06 - marvello | 04:18 Tools | |
55790254 | Play | 05 - A Different Forrest | 04:18 Tools | |
55790265 | Play | Different Forrest | 04:18 Tools | |
55790255 | Play | Do It Now, Worry About It Later | 04:18 Tools | |
55790256 | Play | 04 - Ms. looney's last embrace | 04:18 Tools | |
55790257 | Play | Brasilia Freestyiee | 04:18 Tools | |
55790258 | Play | Old Dog New Tricks (Part 2) | 04:18 Tools | |
55790259 | Play | Marvella | 04:18 Tools | |
55790263 | Play | Flagstaff's Abstract [Linus' Theme] | 04:18 Tools | |
55790261 | Play | Deliver The Wierd | 04:18 Tools | |
55790262 | Play | 05 - b-low | 04:18 Tools | |
55790264 | Play | 02 The 10Th Victim | 04:18 Tools | |
17009214 | Play | i was young & i needed the money | 04:36 Tools | |
55790267 | Play | 07 - Kula world | 04:36 Tools | |
87582383 | Play | 10th Victim | 04:36 Tools | |
55790268 | Play | Do It Now Worry About It Lat | 04:36 Tools | |
55790269 | Play | 01 - deliver the weird_retry | 04:36 Tools | |
55790260 | Play | ridicuio | 04:18 Tools | |
55790270 | Play | Flagstaff Abstract (Linus Theme) | 04:36 Tools | |
55790271 | Play | 04 - mad filla | 04:36 Tools |
Track name
Clifford Gilberto, the unknown lovechild of Astrud Gilberto and Stan Getz, was born 28 years ago in the middle of nowhere... When he was only 9 years old, his parents moved from the middle of nowhere to Germany, where he lived until he was 16. He moved to the U.S. to go to high-school and worked on a junkyard and a farm until he had enough money to buy a beat-up GrandAm (pictured on his debut album) and went on a half year trip across the U.S. When he was 19, he moved back to Germany to study product design in Frankfurt. Bored by his school's design approach, he decided that designing spaceships for movies was much more fun and started to work as a production designer and 3D-animator in a german film company. He now lives in London where he runs hi-res!, a graphic design company. Clifford has been a classically trained pianist since the age of 8. When he was 13 he started to get into Thelonius Monk and Charlie Mingus and drove his piano teacher up the wall by trying to improvise on top of Rachmaninoff preludes. He played in several bands, being influenced by both old school-jazz and nitzer ebb, but eventually decided that he could achieve more by himself. Actually, he never thought about releasing his material, until his girlfriend made him send a demo tape to his favourite label and a week later, sitting in an L.A. hotel room (now that's what I call rock'n roll), he got a call from Ninja Tune. And so The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination was born... Clifford released his debut album 'I Was Young and I Needed the Money' in October 1998 and went on an extensive tour through the UK, Europe and Australia. He has since written two soundtracks, performed all over Europe and played both the prestigious North Sea Jazz Festival in The Hague in 1999 and the first ever North Sea Jazz Festival in Capetown, South Africa, in March 2000. His music has taken a sharp turn from the hyperactive beats of the first album into a more relaxed, accessible and more musical direction. it is essentially a soundtrack to an imaginative film. it emphazises on the contrast of 70's funk and 00's digital datamanipulation, or as Clifford describes it : "It's like playing pong on a dreamcast while listening to a curtis mayfield-CD with dropouts, or like wearing a really funky shirt with lots of pens and a calculator in the shirt-pocket... " Whatever that means. Next year will see the release of his new album "Shift!" and the single "The 10th Victim" and, of course, his own website. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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