Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
17909104 | Play | Freedom | 05:49 Tools | |
17909105 | Play | I Am | 05:33 Tools | |
17909109 | Play | You Are Worthy | 06:27 Tools | |
17909113 | Play | Prepare the Way | 10:35 Tools | |
17909106 | Play | Lion of Judah | 06:40 Tools | |
17909108 | Play | Rescue | 06:22 Tools | |
17909110 | Play | Here I Am | 02:30 Tools | |
17909111 | Play | Jesus Said It | 02:09 Tools | |
17909112 | Play | Call To the Nations | 06:23 Tools | |
17909107 | Play | You Are Jehovah | 06:51 Tools | |
17909114 | Play | The Name of Jesus Is Lifted High | 03:25 Tools | |
17909128 | Play | Free to Worship | 05:09 Tools | |
17909115 | Play | As The Deer | 06:47 Tools | |
17909116 | Play | I'm Sending the Fire | 05:07 Tools | |
17909120 | Play | Let It Rain | 03:40 Tools | |
17909124 | Play | How Great Is Our God | 02:56 Tools | |
17909119 | Play | I Need You | 02:29 Tools | |
17909141 | Play | Free to Run | 03:40 Tools | |
17909118 | Play | I Exalt Thee | 10:00 Tools | |
17909137 | Play | Lord You're | 06:46 Tools | |
17909146 | Play | House of Prayer (feat. Jayna Cullens) | 07:56 Tools | |
17909117 | Play | I Love You Lord | 04:17 Tools | |
17909154 | Play | Because of You | 04:03 Tools | |
17909123 | Play | You've Been So Faithful | 06:04 Tools | |
77135021 | Play | Breakthrough | 06:19 Tools | |
17909122 | Play | I Am (Live) | 05:33 Tools | |
17909129 | Play | I Need You (Live) | 07:05 Tools | |
17909130 | Play | Surround Me O Lord | 09:26 Tools | |
17909138 | Play | God | 07:17 Tools | |
17909125 | Play | Holy | 06:46 Tools | |
17909131 | Play | Agnus Dei | 10:04 Tools | |
17909121 | Play | I Am Yours | 07:08 Tools | |
17909144 | Play | Arise | 05:27 Tools | |
17909150 | Play | I'm Addicted | 04:17 Tools | |
17909132 | Play | Rua | 04:53 Tools | |
77135022 | Play | Better Is One Day | 05:35 Tools | |
17909145 | Play | New Creation | 06:47 Tools | |
17909194 | Play | Her Mama Won't Leave Us Alone | 02:47 Tools | |
17909156 | Play | He's Alive | 07:08 Tools | |
17909134 | Play | Worship the One | 04:58 Tools | |
17909135 | Play | I AM (Studio) | 04:39 Tools | |
17909173 | Play | Lou's Prayer | 06:03 Tools | |
77135023 | Play | Give Thanks | 07:02 Tools | |
17909190 | Play | Prepare/Holy Visitation | 09:18 Tools | |
17909127 | Play | Dance With Me | 00:00 Tools | |
17909126 | Play | Lord You're Holy (Studio) | 06:39 Tools | |
17909136 | Play | We Win | 06:09 Tools | |
17909182 | Play | Reap What You Sow | 02:34 Tools | |
17909157 | Play | Freedom (Live) | 00:30 Tools | |
17909133 | Play | Lion Of Judah / My Praise Is A Weapon | 08:00 Tools | |
17909140 | Play | Freedom (Studio) | 05:42 Tools | |
17909143 | Play | I Will Bless the Lord | 05:45 Tools | |
17909151 | Play | I Love You | 00:30 Tools | |
17909152 | Play | Fire (feat. Jayna Cullens & Micayla Burnes) | 07:51 Tools | |
17909139 | Play | Jesus Said It (reprise) | 02:13 Tools | |
17909167 | Play | Jesus Paid It All | 05:02 Tools | |
89533378 | Play | Lookin' for Jim Morrison | 00:30 Tools | |
17909163 | Play | i can't get used to (living without you) | 02:56 Tools | |
17909142 | Play | Draw Nigh | 06:34 Tools | |
17909162 | Play | Awakening | 06:52 Tools | |
17909148 | Play | Rend | 05:27 Tools | |
17909186 | Play | It's Time | 06:23 Tools | |
17909147 | Play | Nazarite Cry | 06:07 Tools | |
17909208 | Play | How I Love You | 07:03 Tools | |
17909172 | Play | You've Ruined Me | 06:34 Tools | |
17909175 | Play | Free To Worship (studio) | 05:04 Tools | |
77135024 | Play | Magnify | 07:10 Tools | |
77135027 | Play | Saved | 04:51 Tools | |
17909171 | Play | That Same Spirit Praise Break (Jesus Said It Reprise) | 04:32 Tools | |
17909168 | Play | Shift (feat. Kyle Evans) | 04:27 Tools | |
17909181 | Play | The Name of Jesus Is Lifted | 10:52 Tools | |
17909159 | Play | When I Think About The Lord (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 04:27 Tools | |
17909169 | Play | Breathe On Me (feat. Bryn Waddell) | 07:41 Tools | |
17909165 | Play | Name of the Lord is Great | 06:19 Tools | |
17909149 | Play | He's Here | 07:19 Tools | |
77135026 | Play | No Longer Slaves | 00:30 Tools | |
17909255 | Play | All I Have To Offer You (is Me) | 02:44 Tools | |
56447926 | Play | The Streets | 02:52 Tools | |
17909178 | Play | Lift Jesus Higher | 10:52 Tools | |
17909153 | Play | Tis So Sweet | 05:59 Tools | |
17909191 | Play | How Great Thou Art | 00:30 Tools | |
77135025 | Play | Come Yeshua Come | 07:11 Tools | |
87633352 | Play | No Place I'd Rather Be: Set a Fire (feat. Dante Bowe) | 05:57 Tools | |
17909214 | Play | Lion of Judah/ My Prase Is A Weaon | 07:58 Tools | |
17909198 | Play | The Dream | 06:50 Tools | |
77135029 | Play | Holy Spirit | 00:00 Tools | |
17909166 | Play | Blessed Assurance | 00:30 Tools | |
77135036 | Play | I'm Blessed | 00:30 Tools | |
17909164 | Play | Joy (feat. Catherine Mullins) | 05:36 Tools | |
89533379 | Play | Jesus | 10:30 Tools | |
17909155 | Play | Your Face (feat. Nick Franklin & Emma Back) | 07:27 Tools | |
17909189 | Play | Leviticus 6:13 (feat. Jonathan Thompson) | 02:22 Tools | |
17909193 | Play | Prepare/ Holy Visitation | 09:16 Tools | |
77135028 | Play | Be Healed | 00:00 Tools | |
17909203 | Play | It's Because of You | 04:03 Tools | |
17909177 | Play | It Is Well | 05:36 Tools | |
17909170 | Play | You Reign (feat. Nick Franklin & Alicia Evans) | 05:30 Tools | |
17909176 | Play | Go Tell It On the Mountain | 05:32 Tools | |
17909197 | Play | Great Is Thy Faithfulness | 05:55 Tools | |
17909228 | Play | Love Lifted Me | 01:53 Tools | |
77135030 | Play | My Heart Belongs to You | 03:08 Tools | |
56447927 | Play | Lion of Judah (Live) | 05:28 Tools | |
56447938 | Play | We Win (feat. Emma Back) | 00:00 Tools | |
17909160 | Play | Emmanuel | 05:41 Tools | |
17909216 | Play | Holy Spirit Come (feat. Jayna Cullens & Tanisha Brown) | 07:10 Tools | |
17909192 | Play | Pass Me Not | 07:24 Tools | |
89533380 | Play | Name Above All Names | 07:24 Tools | |
17909218 | Play | The Name Of The Lord Is Great | 05:07 Tools | |
89533381 | Play | Joy | 07:26 Tools | |
87633353 | Play | Spirit Break out (feat. Dante Bowe & Michelle Danae) | 00:30 Tools | |
17909205 | Play | Wrap Me In Your Arms | 10:29 Tools | |
17909234 | Play | My Soul Says Yes | 06:00 Tools | |
17909209 | Play | God of Wonders | 00:00 Tools | |
56447932 | Play | That Same Spirit (feat. Elijah Schoofield) | 08:00 Tools | |
17909179 | Play | Be It Unto Me | 04:00 Tools | |
56447931 | Play | My Promise | 06:08 Tools | |
77135032 | Play | He Lives | 00:30 Tools | |
89533382 | Play | Better Than Life | 00:30 Tools | |
17909267 | Play | My Praise Is A Weapon | 04:59 Tools | |
17909158 | Play | Holy Spirit Come (feat. Jayna Cullens & Tanisha Mimms) | 07:10 Tools | |
17909277 | Play | Lord We Praise You (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 00:30 Tools | |
17909180 | Play | Victory (Feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 05:13 Tools | |
56447937 | Play | God (feat. Thomas Holsey) | 00:00 Tools | |
77135034 | Play | The Name (feat. Michelle Danae, Charity Bush, Crystal Robertson & Penny Pace) | 00:30 Tools | |
17909174 | Play | That Same Spirit (feat. Elijah Schoolfield) | 04:39 Tools | |
17909161 | Play | Jesus Saves | 11:11 Tools | |
17909187 | Play | God of Wonders (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 05:28 Tools | |
77135042 | Play | Breathe On Me | 02:50 Tools | |
17909211 | Play | All I Have To Offer You Is Me | 03:08 Tools | |
77135039 | Play | Grace (feat. Dante Bowe) | 06:39 Tools | |
17909184 | Play | The Battle (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 00:30 Tools | |
56447930 | Play | Why I Grind | 03:09 Tools | |
89533383 | Play | Adonai | 03:09 Tools | |
56447928 | Play | I Can Only Imagine | 04:17 Tools | |
17909265 | Play | Strong and Mighty | 03:43 Tools | |
17909245 | Play | Your Worthy | 06:31 Tools | |
17909199 | Play | Tell Him What You Want (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 06:23 Tools | |
56447929 | Play | Famous One | 06:23 Tools | |
87633355 | Play | Overcomer (feat. Joe L Barnes & Jason Gabbard) | 01:30 Tools | |
89533384 | Play | Abba (Radio Version) (feat. Zeal & Jesse Cline) | 01:30 Tools | |
56447933 | Play | Lord Have It Your Way (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 04:23 Tools | |
17909206 | Play | O, Lord I Worship You | 09:36 Tools | |
89533385 | Play | Worthy | 09:36 Tools | |
17909262 | Play | House Of Prayer | 07:56 Tools | |
17909201 | Play | I Praise and Lift You High | 06:32 Tools | |
87633354 | Play | Lord You're Holy (feat. Alicia Hudson) | 00:30 Tools | |
77135033 | Play | I Love You Lord (feat. Joe L Barnes & Tenacia Leak) | 00:30 Tools | |
89533386 | Play | Come Lord Jesus | 00:30 Tools | |
17909241 | Play | Jesus Fan | 03:34 Tools | |
17909212 | Play | My Hope Is in the Name | 10:52 Tools | |
17909261 | Play | Grace | 04:45 Tools | |
17909266 | Play | Victory | 05:31 Tools | |
17909276 | Play | Lion of Judah/My Praise Is A Weapon (Praise Medley) | 08:00 Tools | |
77135035 | Play | Power (feat. Ashley Brison & Patricia Miller) | 00:30 Tools | |
77135037 | Play | Breathe (feat. Aaron Moses) | 01:30 Tools | |
17909231 | Play | You | 03:48 Tools | |
17909202 | Play | Keep Trusting (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 00:30 Tools | |
87633358 | Play | Elohim (Part II) [feat. Jesse Cline] | 00:30 Tools | |
17909283 | Play | Jesus Said It (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
89533387 | Play | Magnify the Message (feat. Todd Hoskins) | 01:30 Tools | |
17909229 | Play | Jesus Sait It Reprise | 02:09 Tools | |
17909207 | Play | Faith (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 08:09 Tools | |
87633359 | Play | Elohim (Part I) [feat. Jesse Cline] | 00:30 Tools | |
87633360 | Play | This Is That (feat. Dante Bowe & Michelle Danae) | 00:30 Tools | |
89533388 | Play | Exodus | 00:30 Tools | |
89533389 | Play | Better Than Life (Radio Version) (feat. Jaila Grubbs & Jesse Cline) | 00:30 Tools | |
17909257 | Play | Honor (feat. Phoenix Mass Choir) | 04:43 Tools | |
56447935 | Play | More Than Anything | 04:43 Tools | |
17909274 | Play | Abba | 08:25 Tools | |
56447934 | Play | Tshalach | 08:25 Tools | |
17909253 | Play | Honor | 00:00 Tools | |
17909183 | Play | I'll Praise Him | 02:47 Tools | |
17909264 | Play | Truly | 07:21 Tools | |
17909236 | Play | God Is Able | 05:10 Tools | |
17909219 | Play | He's a Healer | 05:48 Tools | |
17909232 | Play | Psalm 23 | 00:00 Tools | |
56447936 | Play | Sunrise | 00:00 Tools | |
17909263 | Play | Lord You're Holy | 06:39 Tools | |
56447940 | Play | Jesus Loves Me | 07:21 Tools | |
56447942 | Play | You're Worthy | 05:57 Tools | |
87633357 | Play | You Are Jehovah (Live) | 05:57 Tools | |
17909270 | Play | Prepare | 14:45 Tools | |
17909195 | Play | Jesus Said It Reprise | 02:11 Tools | |
17909227 | Play | Let the Fire Fall | 05:52 Tools | |
17909256 | Play | This Is What I'll Do | 00:30 Tools | |
56447939 | Play | Prepare / Holy Visitation | 00:30 Tools | |
17909215 | Play | Praise Medley: Lion of Judah / My Praise Is a Weapon | 00:30 Tools | |
56447943 | Play | T Shalach | 01:30 Tools | |
89533390 | Play | The More I Seek You (feat. Johncy Triunfel) | 01:30 Tools | |
87633356 | Play | You Are Worthy (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
89533391 | Play | Draw Nigh (feat. Crystal Robertson) | 01:30 Tools | |
17909200 | Play | The Walk | 03:46 Tools | |
17909185 | Play | Her Mamma Won't Leave Us Alone | 02:50 Tools | |
56447945 | Play | City Lights | 01:30 Tools | |
17909281 | Play | Higher | 10:52 Tools | |
56447941 | Play | Desperation | 04:42 Tools | |
17909275 | Play | Everything | 00:30 Tools | |
56447944 | Play | Freedom - Eddie James | 01:30 Tools | |
89533392 | Play | I'm Sending the Fire (Live) | 01:30 Tools | |
77135038 | Play | Magnify, The Message (feat. Pastor Todd Hoskins) | 01:30 Tools | |
77135041 | Play | Rock-N-Roll Is My Religion | 02:50 Tools | |
77135044 | Play | Daddy Never Sinned On Sunday | 05:59 Tools | |
89533393 | Play | I've Got It (feat. Zach King) | 05:59 Tools | |
17909223 | Play | Lion of Judah-My Praise Is a Weapon | 07:58 Tools | |
87633361 | Play | Fire | 07:58 Tools | |
56447946 | Play | I Worship The One | 06:39 Tools | |
89533394 | Play | Holy (Live) [feat. Emma Back & Crystal Robertson] | 06:39 Tools | |
89533395 | Play | I Will Bless the Lord (Live) [feat. Jarrod Pugh] | 06:39 Tools | |
56447947 | Play | Father's Heart | 06:39 Tools | |
56447948 | Play | All the Way | 10:35 Tools | |
56447949 | Play | Prayer for Fire | 06:39 Tools | |
17909188 | Play | Sad Sad Feeling | 02:05 Tools | |
89533396 | Play | How I Love You (feat. Joey Jackson) | 02:05 Tools | |
77135040 | Play | I Don't Want to Be Lost | 02:50 Tools | |
89533397 | Play | Te Amo | 02:50 Tools | |
89533398 | Play | Eddie James - Jesus Said It | 02:50 Tools | |
77135043 | Play | Extreme Love | 05:59 Tools | |
89533399 | Play | A Song for Maddie | 05:59 Tools | |
56447950 | Play | I Am (Sound Track) | 05:59 Tools | |
17909233 | Play | Yet Will I Trust Him | 05:14 Tools | |
77135045 | Play | Passion | 05:14 Tools | |
89533400 | Play | He Might Be My Lord | 05:14 Tools |
Track name
Eddie James, born in Phoenix, AZ, accepted Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of 8. He entered into music ministry at the tender age of 9 and it is for this reason that Eddie recognizes the gifts of God inside of young people. God has placed a burden inside of Eddie James, to minister to those who are hurting and lost, with an extraordinary emphasis on youth and young adults. As a result of his efforts, God has established Eddie James as a leader of music and ministry in America and around the world. Eddie James recorded his first national album entitled Higher with The Phoenix Mass Choir; this project debuted at number 10 and went to number 3 on the national charts. Since then he has recorded ten other projects that have been equally impressive. His group ColourBlind, a culturally diverse group of five young men, released an album called The David Story. This album contains twelve chapters of the book of Psalms put to music. They also recorded a soundtrack to their musical production called Break the Walls. Break the Walls is a musical production designed for high school and college youth that deals with the issues of drugs, violence, pre-marital sex, racism, and dysfunctional families. Eddie James along with ColourBlind has reached over 200,000 youth in America with this musical drama presentation. Through this message of hope, countless numbers of lives have been changed. Eddie James' music ministry continues to broaden and climb to unbelievable heights. You can hear his music not only on projects that he's recorded himself, but also with leading Christian leaders such as Helen Baylor, Mississippi Mass Choir, Mark Condon (from Turning Point Church, Christ Church in Nashville, TN), Karen Wheaton and many more. Eddie James has toured throughout America, Europe, Mexico, and Japan. His ministry has placed him on the platform the greatest in the church as well as the secular world, such as Bishop TD Jakes, Benny Hinn, Paula White, Tommy Barnett, Marilyn Hickey, 4 Him, Kirk Franklin, Plus One, Third Day, Judy Jacobs, P-Diddy, Stevie Wonder, Brian McKnight, Usher, Kelly Prince and so many more. Eddie James founded "Eddie James Ministries" in 1993. Under this umbrella he has established the following groups: - The Phoenix Mass Choir - ColourBlind - Asaph - Tab - Ultimate Call Eddie James is in full time ministry and travels all over the world leading worship, dramas, seminars, workshops, as well as preaching the Gospel. He also is on staff with Karen Wheaton Ministries as the Music & Performing Arts Director for her youth ministry, Chosen. Eddie James ministers at The Ramp, Hamilton, Alabama, a youth center founded and established by Karen Wheaton. Eddie James also ministers with Karen Wheaton and Chosen on occasion on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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