Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
87471464 | Play | A Fine Day To Die | 00:00 Tools | |
14604423 | Play | Awakening | 08:07 Tools | |
14604417 | Play | Myrding | 07:11 Tools | |
54526932 | Play | Midsommarblot | 10:23 Tools | |
14604425 | Play | By Honour | 08:25 Tools | |
14604427 | Play | Winter Wonderland | 07:21 Tools | |
14604430 | Play | Perennial | 04:39 Tools | |
14604421 | Play | A New but Past Day | 06:46 Tools | |
14604418 | Play | The Gathering Of Witches | 05:39 Tools | |
14604424 | Play | Our Failure | 05:36 Tools | |
14604433 | Play | Dark Nymph | 07:02 Tools | |
14604422 | Play | The Entering (Myrding Prologue) | 04:18 Tools | |
14604432 | Play | Wizard | 10:23 Tools | |
14604435 | Play | Ereb altor | 07:22 Tools | |
14604443 | Play | Balder's Fall (The End, Part I) | 06:25 Tools | |
14604447 | Play | Vargavinter (The End, Part II) | 06:05 Tools | |
14604408 | Play | Fire Meets Ice | 09:29 Tools | |
14604446 | Play | The Final War (The End, Part III) | 11:48 Tools | |
14604410 | Play | Nifelheim | 06:14 Tools | |
14604419 | Play | Dance Of Darkness | 06:19 Tools | |
54526934 | Play | Nattramn | 04:21 Tools | |
54526933 | Play | The Son Of Vindsvalr | 04:21 Tools | |
87471465 | Play | En Synd Svart Som Sot | 08:19 Tools | |
54526935 | Play | The Dance Of The Elves | 08:19 Tools | |
14604409 | Play | The Chosen Ones | 06:31 Tools | |
14604436 | Play | My Ravens | 04:21 Tools | |
14604420 | Play | Dispellation | 06:41 Tools | |
89421297 | Play | With Fire in My Heart... | 06:41 Tools | |
14604411 | Play | Sacrifice | 08:19 Tools | |
54526936 | Play | Dark Waters | 04:13 Tools | |
14604439 | Play | Boatman's Call | 05:38 Tools | |
87471466 | Play | Song to Hall up High | 05:17 Tools | |
14604412 | Play | The Deceiver Shall Repent | 04:13 Tools | |
14604426 | Play | The Mistress Of Wisdom | 08:25 Tools | |
54526937 | Play | Across The Giant's Blood | 05:17 Tools | |
14604413 | Play | Our Legacy | 05:17 Tools | |
14604429 | Play | Seven | 06:11 Tools | |
54526938 | Play | The Nemesis Of Frei | 05:17 Tools | |
54526941 | Play | Twilight Of The Gods | 06:15 Tools | |
87471468 | Play | Ulfven | 06:15 Tools | |
87471467 | Play | Home of Once Brave | 05:17 Tools | |
87471469 | Play | Av Blod Är Jag Kommen | 06:15 Tools | |
89421298 | Play | The Rite Of Kraka | 06:15 Tools | |
89421299 | Play | Queen of All Seas | 06:15 Tools | |
87471473 | Play | Völuspá | 06:15 Tools | |
87471472 | Play | Wolfcurse | 06:15 Tools | |
87471471 | Play | Woman of Dark Desires | 06:15 Tools | |
89421300 | Play | Prepare for War | 06:15 Tools | |
87471474 | Play | Gleipnir | 03:20 Tools | |
54526943 | Play | Blood Fire Death | 06:15 Tools | |
87471475 | Play | Bloodline | 06:15 Tools | |
14604414 | Play | Helheimsfard | 03:20 Tools | |
14604437 | Play | I Djupet Så Svart | 06:15 Tools | |
14604415 | Play | Post Ragnarok | 03:20 Tools | |
89421301 | Play | Avgudadyrkans Väg | 03:20 Tools | |
54526945 | Play | The Return of Darkness and Evil | 04:37 Tools | |
89421302 | Play | Alliance in Blood | 04:37 Tools | |
89421303 | Play | Chained | 04:37 Tools | |
89421304 | Play | Hvergelmir | 04:37 Tools | |
89421305 | Play | My Demon Inside | 04:37 Tools | |
14604441 | Play | Helheimsfärd | 06:41 Tools | |
14604442 | Play | Post Ragnarök | 04:37 Tools | |
89421306 | Play | ...and Blood on My Hand | 04:37 Tools | |
14604440 | Play | I Djupet Sе Svart | 06:15 Tools | |
54526944 | Play | The Return Of The Darkness And Evil | 04:37 Tools | |
14604445 | Play | The Awakening | 06:42 Tools | |
14604444 | Play | Winter | 05:07 Tools | |
14604452 | Play | Vargavinter - The End Part II | 06:07 Tools | |
14604455 | Play | Balder'S Fall - The End Part I | 06:27 Tools | |
87471476 | Play | One With The Dark (bonus) | 04:37 Tools | |
14604513 | Play | The Entering - Myrding Prologue | 04:20 Tools | |
87471477 | Play | Av Blod Ar Jag Kommen | 04:37 Tools | |
87471478 | Play | Voluspa | 11:49 Tools | |
87471479 | Play | The Ghost (bonus) | 11:49 Tools | |
14604449 | Play | mad-max.nnm.ru_Perennial | 04:37 Tools | |
14604451 | Play | The Final War - The End Part III | 11:49 Tools | |
87471480 | Play | The Loss Of Light (bonus) | 11:49 Tools | |
54526947 | Play | The Lake Of Blood | 11:49 Tools | |
54526949 | Play | Fire Meets Ice (Acoustic Version) | 06:15 Tools | |
54526946 | Play | The Nemesis Of Frej | 11:49 Tools | |
89421307 | Play | One With the Dark | 11:49 Tools | |
89421308 | Play | The Loss of Light | 11:49 Tools | |
54526952 | Play | Twilight Of The Gods (Bathory cover) | 06:15 Tools | |
87471483 | Play | A Fine Day To Die (Bathory cover) | 06:15 Tools | |
87471485 | Play | The Ghost | 06:15 Tools | |
89421309 | Play | Song to Hall Up High (Bathory cover) | 06:15 Tools | |
89421310 | Play | Home Of Once Brave (Bathory cover) | 06:15 Tools | |
87471486 | Play | Woman of Dark Desires (Bathory cover) | 06:06 Tools | |
89421311 | Play | Blood Fire Death (Bathory Cover) | 06:06 Tools | |
14604450 | Play | The Entering | 04:04 Tools | |
14604467 | Play | Balder's Fall | 06:06 Tools | |
54526957 | Play | The Return Of The Darkness And Evil (Bathory cover) | 06:15 Tools | |
14604463 | Play | I Djupet Sĺ Svart | 06:15 Tools | |
54526953 | Play | The Return Of The Darkness And | 06:15 Tools | |
54526956 | Play | Across the Giants Blood | 06:15 Tools | |
89421312 | Play | With Fire In My Heart | 06:15 Tools | |
14604456 | Play | The Boatman's Call | 05:38 Tools | |
54526958 | Play | Midsommarblod | 05:38 Tools | |
14604468 | Play | Vargavinter | 06:06 Tools | |
14604495 | Play | Post Ragarök | 04:33 Tools | |
89421313 | Play | ...and blood on my hands | 04:33 Tools | |
14604484 | Play | I Djupet Só Svart | 06:15 Tools | |
87471487 | Play | Twilight Of The Gods ( Clip) | 06:06 Tools | |
54526960 | Play | Nattramn (Official Lyrical) | 06:35 Tools | |
54526969 | Play | The Return of Darkness and Evil (Bathory cover) | 04:19 Tools | |
54526966 | Play | Nifelheim (lyric video) | 06:26 Tools | |
14604453 | Play | Helheimsfrd | 06:35 Tools | |
14604529 | Play | Wizards | 10:23 Tools | |
14604542 | Play | The Final War | 11:48 Tools | |
14604454 | Play | Post Ragnark | 04:33 Tools | |
54526959 | Play | 04_The Dance Of The Elves | 06:35 Tools | |
89421314 | Play | Sacrifice (bonus track) | 06:35 Tools | |
89421315 | Play | Av Blod Är Jag Kommen (Live) (Bonus Track) | 06:35 Tools | |
54526961 | Play | 02_Midsommarblot | 04:33 Tools | |
54526962 | Play | 03_Nattramn | 04:33 Tools | |
89421316 | Play | Sacrifice (Live) (Bonus Track) | 04:33 Tools | |
14604528 | Play | The Entering_Myrding Prologue | 04:19 Tools | |
54526963 | Play | 05_Dark Waters | 04:19 Tools | |
54526964 | Play | 06_Across The Giant's Blood | 04:19 Tools | |
14604492 | Play | Balder's Fall (The End Part II) | 06:06 Tools | |
89421317 | Play | Av Blod är jag Kommen (bonus track) | 06:06 Tools | |
54526965 | Play | End, The - Myrding (7:13) | 06:06 Tools | |
87471488 | Play | Sleipnir | 11:48 Tools | |
14604524 | Play | Vargavinter (The End Part I) | 06:26 Tools | |
54526967 | Play | Our Failure - The End | 06:26 Tools | |
14604469 | Play | [2010 - The End] - The Entering (Myrding Prologue) | 04:19 Tools | |
54526968 | Play | 07_The Nemesis Of Frei | 04:19 Tools | |
87471490 | Play | The Ghost (bonus track) | 06:06 Tools | |
89421318 | Play | One With the Dark (Bonus Track) | 06:06 Tools | |
54526970 | Play | A Fine Day to Die (By Bathory) | 04:19 Tools | |
54526974 | Play | Gastrike - Seven (6:11) | 06:06 Tools | |
89421319 | Play | The Loss Of Light (Bonus Track) | 06:06 Tools | |
54526971 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - The Chosen Ones (6:30) | 11:48 Tools | |
54526972 | Play | Gastrike - The Gathering Of Witches (5:39) | 11:48 Tools | |
54526977 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - Sacrifice (8:10) | 06:26 Tools | |
54526973 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - My Ravens (4:16) | 11:48 Tools | |
14604497 | Play | Balder's Fall_The End Part II | 06:06 Tools | |
54526975 | Play | 01_The Son Of Vindsvalr | 06:06 Tools | |
54526976 | Play | Balder's fall [The end Part I] | 06:06 Tools | |
87471493 | Play | Midsommarblot (Official Videoclip) | 01:00 Tools | |
87471491 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - Post Ragnarok (4:33) | 06:06 Tools | |
14604487 | Play | Vargavinter_The End Part I | 06:26 Tools | |
14604485 | Play | End, The - Balder's Fall (The End Part I) (6:26) | 11:06 Tools | |
14604478 | Play | Gastrike - The Mistress Of Wisdom (8:25) | 01:00 Tools | |
54526986 | Play | End, The - Our Failure (5:36) | 11:48 Tools | |
54526978 | Play | [2008 - By Honour] - Ereb Altor | 01:00 Tools | |
89421320 | Play | Vargavinter (The End, Pt. II) | 01:00 Tools | |
89421321 | Play | Balder's Fall (The End, Pt. I) | 01:00 Tools | |
54526979 | Play | Vargavinter [The end Part II] | 11:06 Tools | |
14604502 | Play | 06. Wizard. | 10:23 Tools | |
54526981 | Play | The final war [The end Part III] | 11:06 Tools | |
54526980 | Play | Vargavinter The End Part I | 11:06 Tools | |
89421322 | Play | Av Blod Är Jag Kommen (Bonustrack) | 11:06 Tools | |
54526982 | Play | The Final War The End Part III | 10:23 Tools | |
54526983 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - The Deceiver Shall Repent (4:10) | 10:23 Tools | |
89421323 | Play | Sacrifice (Bonustrack) | 10:23 Tools | |
87471494 | Play | End, The - A New But Past Day (6:44) | 10:23 Tools | |
89421324 | Play | Av Blod Дr Jag Kommen | 10:23 Tools | |
14604514 | Play | The Final War_The End Part III | 11:48 Tools | |
54526984 | Play | Fire Meets Ice - Fire Meets Ice (9:23) | 11:48 Tools | |
89421325 | Play | Nattramn - Dark Waters (8:58) | 11:48 Tools | |
54526985 | Play | Nattramn - The Nemesis Of Frei (7:58) | 11:48 Tools | |
87471495 | Play | The dance of the elves (Lyrics) | 11:48 Tools | |
87471496 | Play | By Honour (Full album) | 11:48 Tools |
Track name
This epic metal band was formed in the early 90's by the sole two members still making up Ereb Altor. Growing up having Bathory's epic era in our hearts it was inevitable that the music we created somehow was going to be influenced by our house gods. Having Bathory's music as a foundation we created our own branch of this so called "epic viking metal" genre. Lyric-wise the topics differed slightly. After a break lasting over a decade due to being busy with other bands we decided to breathe life into this sleeping beauty. A recording was done late 2003 with some of the over ten years old songs (slightly modified). Epic Viking Doom Metal influenced by Bathory. After a 2003 demo called "The Awakening", their debut full-length "By Honour" was released by I Hate Records in March 2008. Their second album called "The End" was released in March 2010 by Napalm Records. Official site Band info MySpace page Interview with Mats Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.