Focus on the Family Radio Theatre

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Prologue 12:04 Tools
Epilogue 12:04 Tools
Into the Wardrobe 12:04 Tools
Digory and Polly 00:00 Tools
The Wrong Door 00:00 Tools
Letter 25: Merely Christian 00:00 Tools
Letter 22 Addendum: Pshaw On Transformation 00:00 Tools
Magic Rings 00:00 Tools
Lucy and Mr. Tumnus 00:00 Tools
Letter 21: Mine! 00:00 Tools
The Queen of Narnia 00:00 Tools
Charn 00:00 Tools
Letter 1: The Eternal Benefits of Jargon 00:00 Tools
Back From Beyond the World 00:00 Tools
The Deplorable Word 00:00 Tools
C.S. Lewis and Douglas Gresham 00:00 Tools
Lucy Betrayed 00:00 Tools
Letter 22: Love, Noise And Becoming A Centipede 00:00 Tools
The Golden Bell 00:00 Tools
What Happened at the Front Door 00:00 Tools
Letter 29: The Benefits And Dangers Of Cowardice 00:00 Tools
Letter 27: Tips On Twisting Prayer 00:00 Tools
Letter 28: Real Worldliness: A Work Of Time 00:00 Tools
Letter 2: The Church: Our Ally 00:00 Tools
Letter 3: Daily Pinpricks 00:00 Tools
Letter 24: Spiritual Pride 00:00 Tools
Letter 12: Great Results From Small Sins 00:00 Tools
Letter 31: The Inexplicable End 00:00 Tools
Letter 18: Love And Marriage 00:00 Tools
Letter 11: Joy, Fun, The Joke Proper, And Flippancy 00:00 Tools
Letter 13: Pains And Pleasures 00:00 Tools
Letter 4: The Painful Subject of Prayer 00:00 Tools
Letter 23: The "Historical Jesus" 00:00 Tools
Letter 26: Official, Legal And Nominal Unselfishness 00:00 Tools
Letter 30: Fatigue, And The Meaning Of The Word "Real" 00:00 Tools
Letter 17: Gluttony Through Delicacy 00:00 Tools
Letter 19: The Enemy Loves The Human Vermin 00:00 Tools
Letter 14: Extracting Pride From Humility 00:00 Tools
Letter 5: War 00:00 Tools
Letter 20: The Terrestrial And Infernal Venus 00:00 Tools
Letter 16: Church Hopping 00:00 Tools
Letter 15: The Future 00:00 Tools
The Council of Dancing Lawn 00:00 Tools
Letter 8: The Law of Undulation 00:00 Tools
Letter 6: The Art of Redirection 00:00 Tools
Farewell to the Shadow-Lands 00:00 Tools
The Wood Between the Worlds 00:00 Tools
Poggin's Story 00:00 Tools
Letter 7: Patriotism or Pacifism 00:00 Tools
Aravis and Lasaraleen 00:00 Tools
The Wooden Doorway 00:00 Tools
Night Falls on Narnia 00:00 Tools
Letter 9: Trough Periods 00:00 Tools
The King's Rashness 00:00 Tools
Weapons and Preparation 00:00 Tools
Aslan in Narnia? 00:00 Tools
C.S. Lewis Bonus Tracks 00:00 Tools
Shift & Puzzle 00:00 Tools
Help Arrives 00:00 Tools
Tash has Come 00:00 Tools
Inside The Stable 00:00 Tools
The Second Joke 00:00 Tools
Narnia's Last Battle 00:00 Tools
A Good Night's Work 00:00 Tools
Letter 10: Potential Benefits From New Acquaintances 00:00 Tools
In the Tisroc's Chamber 00:00 Tools
Tirian the Captive 00:00 Tools
A - Prologue 00:00 Tools
Two Tragedies 00:00 Tools
The End End 00:00 Tools
Douglas Gresham Bonus Tracks 00:00 Tools
The Old Days 00:00 Tools
Trumpkin The Dwarf 00:00 Tools
The Tombs of the Ancient Kings 00:00 Tools
The Prince Corin 00:00 Tools
Narnia is No More 00:00 Tools
Lord Shift 00:00 Tools
Strawberry's Adventure 00:00 Tools
Called Back To Narnia 00:00 Tools
Talking Beasts 00:00 Tools
Emeth & Aslan 00:00 Tools
The Great Bonfire Meeting 00:00 Tools
The Picture In The Bedroom 00:00 Tools
The Founding of Narnia 00:00 Tools
Danger To The Prince 00:00 Tools
Back with the Hermit 00:00 Tools
The Race to Anvard 00:00 Tools
Across the Desert 00:00 Tools
Javert's Dismissal 00:00 Tools
The Planting of the Tree 00:00 Tools
The Ruins of Cair Paravel 00:00 Tools
The Untangling of Uncle Andrew 00:00 Tools
A Miracle 00:00 Tools
Closing 00:00 Tools
On Board The Dawn Treader 00:00 Tools
The Ride to Arras 00:00 Tools
Lamont Rescues 00:00 Tools
A Knight and a Lady 00:00 Tools
An Unexpected Meeting 00:00 Tools
The Lone Islands 00:00 Tools
Blown To Narnia 00:00 Tools
Rabadash's Harangue 00:00 Tools
The Thenardiers 00:00 Tools
To the Shipyard 00:00 Tools
Humble Beauty 00:00 Tools
The Other Valjean 00:00 Tools
Lamont Rescued 00:00 Tools
Fantine 00:00 Tools
The Purchase of a Soul 00:00 Tools
Marius In Love 00:00 Tools
Jondrette's Blindness 00:00 Tools
A Good Name 00:00 Tools
The Gravedigger's Refuge 00:00 Tools
Branches for Pruning 00:00 Tools
The Tarkaan Stranger 00:00 Tools
A Volunteer & A Victim 00:00 Tools
Introduction 00:00 Tools
At the Gates of Tashbaan 00:00 Tools
Shasta Falls in With the Narnians 00:00 Tools
Eustace And Reepicheep 00:00 Tools
Reepicheep's Wounds 00:00 Tools
The People's Mayor 00:00 Tools
An Arrest Is Made 00:00 Tools
A Young Galley Slave 00:00 Tools
Games in the Shadows 00:00 Tools
The Trap's Trap 00:00 Tools
Storm on the Horizon 00:00 Tools
The Purchase of a Daughter 00:00 Tools
Wars and Words 00:00 Tools
Bree-Hinny-Brinny-Hoohy-Hah 00:00 Tools
Young Arrius in Antioch 00:00 Tools
"They Won't Take Us in Again!" 00:00 Tools
More Than Meets the Eye 00:00 Tools
"But it Wasn't a Joke!" 00:00 Tools
Oh Trees! Wake Won't You? 00:00 Tools
Help From the Beavers 00:00 Tools
How All Were Very Busy 00:00 Tools
The High King in Command 00:00 Tools
Blowing Queen Susan's Horn 00:00 Tools
Woods on the Move 00:00 Tools
The Spell Is Breaking 00:00 Tools
Sorcery and Sudden Vengeance 00:00 Tools
The Combat of Miraz and Peter 00:00 Tools
Aslan Makes a Door in the Air 00:00 Tools
"Voices," Performed By Joe Brooks 00:00 Tools
"Love My Neighbor," Performed By Andy Read 00:00 Tools
"In The Clouds," Performed By Jessica Oyelowo 00:00 Tools
Golgotha 00:00 Tools
Freedom 00:00 Tools
A Final Reckoning 00:00 Tools
Sharpshooters 00:00 Tools
A Wayside Adventure 00:00 Tools
Return to Jerusalem 00:00 Tools
"Who Stands With Me?" 00:00 Tools
The Deliverance of the Child 00:00 Tools
Pieces 00:00 Tools
An Old Friend 00:00 Tools
B - The Early Years 00:00 Tools
"The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs!" 00:00 Tools
The Sailing Of The King 00:00 Tools
E - Oppression of the Jews 00:00 Tools
Curious Inquiries 00:00 Tools
Suspicious Minds 00:00 Tools
The Fords of Beruna 00:00 Tools
The Master Of The House 00:00 Tools
The Return of the Lion 00:00 Tools
Meeting Aslan 00:00 Tools
What Lucy Saw 00:00 Tools
"What Is Real?," Performed By Andy Read 00:00 Tools
Doxology 00:00 Tools
The Barricades Fall 00:00 Tools
Javert's Executioner 00:00 Tools
A Wager 00:00 Tools
The Tombs of En-Rogel 00:00 Tools
In The Lair of the Emperor 00:00 Tools
The Wood Between the Woods 00:00 Tools
Narnia, Awake! 00:00 Tools
"Further Up and Further In" 00:00 Tools
The greater adventure 00:00 Tools
Worrying developments 00:00 Tools
Puddleglum 00:00 Tools
Serving Rome 00:00 Tools
Judah and Messala 00:00 Tools
Giants, Not Rocks 00:00 Tools
C - America: Gospel Music 00:00 Tools
Live Wire 00:00 Tools
The Rightful Heir 00:00 Tools
"It's Father Christmas!" 00:00 Tools
G - Introduction By Host 00:00 Tools
The Island Of The Voices 00:00 Tools
D - America: A Great Liberation 00:00 Tools
F - Close by Host 00:00 Tools
Trapped 00:00 Tools
Bree's Humbling 00:00 Tools
"Undo the wrong" 00:00 Tools
"Sittin' By The Water's Edge," Performed By Joe Brooks 00:00 Tools
"So This Is Love," Performed By Andy Read 00:00 Tools
The Secret Shared 00:00 Tools
An audience with Pilate 00:00 Tools
Valjean and Javert 00:00 Tools
Parade of the charioteers 00:00 Tools
The Truth Remains Hidden 00:00 Tools
Messala's Secret 00:00 Tools
The little sister 00:00 Tools
Undo the Wrong 00:00 Tools
New Recruits 00:00 Tools
Thenardier Tries Again 00:00 Tools
A day at the races 00:00 Tools
Messala the Charioteer 00:00 Tools
The Signs 00:00 Tools
The Chariot Race 00:00 Tools
The Orchard of Palms 00:00 Tools
Sentenced Without Trial 00:00 Tools
The Reason 00:00 Tools
No Water for the Prisoner 00:00 Tools
A Spy in the House of Hur 00:00 Tools
A Parliament Of Owls 00:00 Tools
"Bound By A Spell" 00:00 Tools
Number Sixty 00:00 Tools
H - A Spoke In The Wheel 00:00 Tools
The House of Harfang 00:00 Tools
Deathwater Island 00:00 Tools
Home 00:00 Tools
Playing It Cool 00:00 Tools
Governor Gumpas 00:00 Tools
I - The Voice 00:00 Tools
A Roman Triumph 00:00 Tools
The Storm And What Came Of It 00:00 Tools
K - Kristallnacht 10:06 Tools
The Magician's Book 00:00 Tools
A Roll in the Grass 00:00 Tools
Gazing into the Battle 00:00 Tools
The Hill of the Strange Trenches 00:00 Tools
Rabadash the Ridiculous 00:00 Tools
Shasta and the Dwarves 00:00 Tools
Prince Shasta 00:00 Tools
Edmund Goes to the Witch 00:00 Tools
J - Finkenwalde 00:00 Tools
Vicarage Fields 00:00 Tools
Treasures 00:00 Tools
"Oh Trees! Wake won't you?" 00:00 Tools
"Narnia, Awake!" 00:00 Tools
"Dancing Through The Shadows," Performed By Jem Cooke 00:00 Tools
"Prisoner Of Hope," Performed By Jessica Oyelowo 00:00 Tools
A Young Rajah 00:00 Tools
Finally, the Great Day Came 00:00 Tools
Mr. Craven Returns to Misselthwaite 00:00 Tools
Fresh Air and Exercises 00:00 Tools
In the Secret Garden 00:00 Tools
Becoming Good Friends 00:00 Tools
"I Don't Want to Be Strange" 00:00 Tools
"The Most Selfish Boy I Ever Saw" 00:00 Tools
Colin's Tantrum 00:00 Tools
The Black Knight 00:00 Tools
Judah's Resolve 00:00 Tools
The Magician's Nephew 00:00 Tools
Messala Sees a Ghost 00:00 Tools
The Truth Is Revealed 00:00 Tools
The Marches of the Underland 00:00 Tools
The Children of Ilderim 00:00 Tools
Golg 00:00 Tools
Dragon Island 00:00 Tools
Ben-Hur Revealed 00:00 Tools
Dufflepuds 00:00 Tools
The Wise Men and the Child 00:00 Tools
The Dark Island 00:00 Tools
The favor of Iras 00:00 Tools
The Doctor 00:00 Tools
A Procession for Gratus 00:00 Tools
They Won't Take Us in Again! 00:00 Tools
Poor, Poor Girl 00:00 Tools
Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve 00:00 Tools
The End of the Underworld 00:00 Tools
Consequences 00:00 Tools
The Disappearance of Jill 00:00 Tools
Bloemendaal 00:00 Tools
Dug Up into Narnia 00:00 Tools
The Pith of Avaris' Story 00:00 Tools
The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs! 00:00 Tools
No One's Story But Their Own 00:00 Tools
Four on Frith 00:00 Tools
The Witch's Triumph 00:00 Tools
Kings & Queens in Narnia 00:00 Tools
Three Sleepers 00:00 Tools
Bright River Station 00:00 Tools
P - Tegel Prison 00:00 Tools
"Here And Now," Performed By Philip Sherlock And Juliet Howland 00:00 Tools
"This Is A War," Performed By Laura Michelle Kelly 00:00 Tools
The Golden Girl 00:00 Tools
Molly 00:00 Tools
Prisoners of the Emperor 00:00 Tools
The Beginning / Epilogue 00:00 Tools
Prologue: Slaughter of the Innocents 00:00 Tools
"Further Up and Further In!" 00:00 Tools
Who Stands With Me? 00:00 Tools
The Visions 00:00 Tools
How They Discovered Something Worth Knowing 00:00 Tools
The Bosom of Jesus 00:00 Tools
So Much Work to Do 00:00 Tools
Just Like Betsie 00:00 Tools
The Wardrobe Door/Epilogue 00:00 Tools
Entlassen 00:00 Tools
Windowboxes 10:06 Tools
The S.S. Man 00:00 Tools
The Healing of Harms 00:00 Tools
Narnia Restored 00:00 Tools
The Lady of the Green Kirtle 00:00 Tools
N - Essential Services 00:00 Tools
A Girl And Her Father 00:00 Tools
M - Introduction By Host 00:00 Tools
O - Arresting The Wheel 00:00 Tools
The Wonders Of The Last Sea 00:00 Tools
The Very End Of The World 00:00 Tools
  • 11,056
  • 463
  • 11056
    top track count

For decades, Focus on the Family's Radio Theatre has been entertaining families with its award-winning versions of timeless classics like "Billy Budd, the Sailor", "The Chronicles of Narnia" and many other titles. Famous actors and actresses make these adventures come alive and help modern day families to get interested in the classics again. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.