Francisco de Peñalosa

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Por las sierras de Madrid 00:00 Tools
Missa Nunca Fue Pena Major: V. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Missa Nunca Fue Pena Major: Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Sancta mater istud agas 00:00 Tools
Sancta Maria succure miseris 00:00 Tools
Motets: Inter vestibulum et altare 00:00 Tools
Penalosa: Inter vestibulum et altare, a 4 00:00 Tools
Magnificat quarti toni 00:00 Tools
Versa est in luctum 00:00 Tools
Penalosa: Magnificat quarti toni, a 4 00:00 Tools
Inter vestibulum et altare 00:00 Tools
Unica est columba mea 00:00 Tools
Nigra sum sed formosa 00:00 Tools
Adoro Te, Domine Jesu Christe 00:00 Tools
Danza 00:00 Tools
Ne reminiscaris, Domine 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 1. 00:00 Tools
Sancta Maria 00:00 Tools
Instrumental piece 00:00 Tools
Lamentationes Jeremiae Feria VI 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 2. 00:00 Tools
Lamentationes Jeremiae Feria V 00:00 Tools
Ave, Vere Sanguis Domini 00:00 Tools
Pater Noster 00:00 Tools
Por las sierras de Madrid (Quodlibet) 00:00 Tools
In Passione Positus 00:00 Tools
Sacris solemniis 00:00 Tools
Missa l'homme armé: II. Gloria in excelsis Deo 00:00 Tools
Sancta mater istud agas (Instrumental) 00:00 Tools
Ave, Vera Caro Christi 00:00 Tools
Deus, Qui Manus Tuas 00:00 Tools
Domine, Secundum Actum Meum 00:00 Tools
Precor Te, Domine Jesu Christe 00:00 Tools
O domina sanctissima 00:00 Tools
Ave verum corpus natum 00:00 Tools
Ave vera caro Christe 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 3. 00:00 Tools
Ave Verum Corpus 00:00 Tools
Ave Regina Caelorum 00:00 Tools
Adoro te, domine 00:00 Tools
Sancta Mater 00:00 Tools
Emendemus in melius 00:00 Tools
Tribularer, Si Nescirem 00:00 Tools
Nigra sum, sed formosa 00:00 Tools
Missa l'homme armé: III. Credo in unum Deum 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 5. 00:00 Tools
Domine Jesu Christe, Qui Neminem 00:00 Tools
Transeunte Domino Jesu 00:00 Tools
Los braços trayo 00:00 Tools
Missa l'homme armé: V. Agnus Dei 00:00 Tools
Peñalosa: Inter vestibulum et altare 00:00 Tools
Nunca fue pena mayor: Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Precor te, Domine 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 4. 00:00 Tools
Missa "L'homme armé": Credo 00:00 Tools
Absolve, Domine 00:00 Tools
Sacris solemnis 00:00 Tools
Ave regina celorum 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 6. 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 1. Kyrie 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 3. Credo 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 4. Sanctus 00:00 Tools
Missa Ave Maria peregrina - 2. Gloria 00:00 Tools
Peñalosa: Adoro Te, Domine Jesu Christe 00:00 Tools
  • 4,002
  • 1,033
  • 4002
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Spanish composer(b Talavera de la Reina, c1470; d Seville, 1 April 1528). More works by him survive than by any of his Spanish contemporaries, even though it is also clear that quite a considerable number of his compositions have been lost. Six complete masses, six Magnificat settings, five hymns, three Lamentation settings, over 20 motets and 11 songs are attributed to him in Iberian or New World sources; surprisingly, it appears that none of his music has been preserved elsewhere. Relatively little is known about his life before his appointment to the Aragonese royal chapel on 11 May 1498; the document recording his appointment gives only his place of birth. He served there until the death of King Ferdinand in 1516, his salary having been increased in May 1501 to 30,000 maravedís, the maximum paid to a singer-chaplain in that household. Although Cristóbal de Villalón described him as maestro de capilla (Ingeniosa comparación entre lo antigua y lo presente, Valladolid, 1539), he is not referred to elsewhere under this title. He was, however, ‘maestro de música’ (music teacher) to the king’s grandson, Ferdinand, who was brought up and educated in Burgos; Peñalosa held this position from 1511. In December 1505 he had been presented, at royal request, to a canonry at Seville Cathedral, but the position was contested and it was several years before the case was decided in his favour. He visited Seville from time to time while continuing to se rve at court, but he took up residence there following the king’s death. In the autumn of 1517 he received an invitation to go to Rome, and he served as a member of the papal choir until the death of Leo X (December 1521). Even the high esteem of the pope was insufficient to convince the chapter of Seville Cathedral to allow Peñalosa to receive the income from the canonry in absentia, and in the summer of 1518 he renounced it for the position of Archdeacon of Carmona. After the pope’s death he returned to Seville, resumed his canonry and in March 1525 was granted the rights to the post of treasurer. He died in Seville on 1 April 1528 and was buried in the cathedral. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.