Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
19961336 | Play | Dodirni me | 05:50 Tools | |
19961337 | Play | Digni ruku | 03:13 Tools | |
19961340 | Play | Kotor | 03:49 Tools | |
19961339 | Play | Da Li Si Spavala | 03:08 Tools | |
19961341 | Play | Na tvojim usnama | 03:11 Tools | |
19961338 | Play | Trube | 03:37 Tools | |
19961342 | Play | skadarska | 04:14 Tools | |
19961343 | Play | Da me nisi | 03:54 Tools | |
19961344 | Play | Jos Uvek Sanjam | 04:41 Tools | |
19961345 | Play | korak do slobode | 02:51 Tools | |
19961356 | Play | Kad me pogledaš | 04:38 Tools | |
19961354 | Play | Zebre I Bizoni | 03:03 Tools | |
19961346 | Play | Gospi | 04:49 Tools | |
19961352 | Play | seti se maja | 03:17 Tools | |
19961355 | Play | Decimen | 09:45 Tools | |
19961348 | Play | sloboda | 03:59 Tools | |
19961360 | Play | Avanturista | 04:27 Tools | |
19961362 | Play | Još uvek sanjam | 04:41 Tools | |
19961358 | Play | mi znamo sudbu | 03:25 Tools | |
19961357 | Play | kao boja tvoga oka | 05:31 Tools | |
19961350 | Play | Burna Pijana Noc | 04:12 Tools | |
19961408 | Play | Pravoslavlje | 04:19 Tools | |
19961347 | Play | Možda sam lud | 06:18 Tools | |
19961351 | Play | Mozda sam lud | 06:15 Tools | |
19961353 | Play | Čujem Te Lepo Kako Dišeš | 05:59 Tools | |
19961403 | Play | Uzalud se trudiš | 05:42 Tools | |
19961364 | Play | Trava | 06:59 Tools | |
19961388 | Play | Noć | 04:07 Tools | |
19961525 | Play | Kaća | 03:56 Tools | |
19961359 | Play | Pismo | 04:55 Tools | |
19961370 | Play | Promenilo se sve | 04:55 Tools | |
19961367 | Play | Otkad te nema | 03:32 Tools | |
19961366 | Play | moj brat i ja | 03:14 Tools | |
19961385 | Play | Put | 07:43 Tools | |
19961371 | Play | Pravo Slavlje | 04:20 Tools | |
19961396 | Play | Mlada, Lepa I Pametna | 04:46 Tools | |
19961422 | Play | dimitrijo | 05:09 Tools | |
19961372 | Play | Milica | 05:59 Tools | |
19961398 | Play | Ja nisam odavde | 04:43 Tools | |
19961380 | Play | Ljubavna Pesma | 03:28 Tools | |
19961368 | Play | Imali Smo Krila | 04:30 Tools | |
19961381 | Play | Ona je moja | 03:46 Tools | |
19961382 | Play | Narode moj | 04:20 Tools | |
19961393 | Play | Zena Koje Nema | 04:07 Tools | |
19961377 | Play | Pevaju Jutra | 03:12 Tools | |
19961379 | Play | Pevajmo | 03:09 Tools | |
19961505 | Play | Ne mogu da tebe ne poželim | 03:08 Tools | |
19961533 | Play | Na Drini ćuprija | 02:52 Tools | |
19961376 | Play | Burna pijana noć | 04:13 Tools | |
19961407 | Play | Pod Noktima | 03:04 Tools | |
19961400 | Play | Godina | 03:43 Tools | |
19961394 | Play | Letnja pesma | 04:27 Tools | |
19961383 | Play | Ti mozes sve | 05:36 Tools | |
19961401 | Play | Ne Idi | 03:55 Tools | |
19961414 | Play | To nisi ti | 03:49 Tools | |
19961434 | Play | Petlovi | 02:49 Tools | |
19961412 | Play | Okreni Beograd | 02:32 Tools | |
19961438 | Play | Kaži Mi | 05:29 Tools | |
19961395 | Play | U tajnama je stvar | 05:26 Tools | |
19961365 | Play | Uzalud | 04:22 Tools | |
19961619 | Play | Niš | 06:59 Tools | |
19961363 | Play | Poljubi me | 03:50 Tools | |
19961415 | Play | Posrednik | 07:32 Tools | |
19961461 | Play | Stare trube | 03:39 Tools | |
19961386 | Play | Pesma za dobro jutro | 03:11 Tools | |
19961421 | Play | Karavan | 03:54 Tools | |
19961519 | Play | Život Je Lep | 05:08 Tools | |
19961458 | Play | Pege | 00:00 Tools | |
19961524 | Play | Proleće | 03:40 Tools | |
19961428 | Play | Veruj mi | 03:04 Tools | |
19961429 | Play | Ja Sam Sam | 03:51 Tools | |
19961384 | Play | Vera | 06:27 Tools | |
19961423 | Play | Nedelja | 03:39 Tools | |
19961397 | Play | Kao i obicno | 04:02 Tools | |
19961404 | Play | Posle vatre | 03:17 Tools | |
19961503 | Play | Mađioničar | 04:39 Tools | |
19961452 | Play | Beg | 03:41 Tools | |
19961416 | Play | Bilo Je to Jednom | 06:25 Tools | |
19961418 | Play | Bluz za velikog majstora | 00:00 Tools | |
19961420 | Play | Ko Bi Drugi | 03:49 Tools | |
19961435 | Play | Da Li Postoji Put | 07:45 Tools | |
19961443 | Play | Sta cu ti sad | 02:51 Tools | |
58025532 | Play | Moskva-balkan | 07:45 Tools | |
19961514 | Play | Prava Reč Je Dovoljna | 05:49 Tools | |
19961405 | Play | Ti možeš sve | 05:34 Tools | |
19961375 | Play | Srbija | 02:30 Tools | |
19961425 | Play | Na Tvojoj Strani Kreveta | 04:36 Tools | |
19961497 | Play | Nasmeši se | 04:07 Tools | |
58025533 | Play | Tvoj Heroj Ostaće Mlad | 02:30 Tools | |
19961402 | Play | Kopaonik | 04:03 Tools | |
19961431 | Play | Jabukovac | 05:39 Tools | |
19961447 | Play | U Suton | 05:26 Tools | |
19961440 | Play | Ona još ne zna | 03:54 Tools | |
19961479 | Play | Ipak verujem u sebe | 02:26 Tools | |
19961433 | Play | Nebo nad Makarskom | 03:50 Tools | |
19961468 | Play | Dodirni me (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 00:00 Tools | |
19961506 | Play | Balada o očevima | 05:07 Tools | |
19961391 | Play | Kada prestane sve | 03:51 Tools | |
19961387 | Play | Cvetom do nje | 03:12 Tools | |
19961518 | Play | Možda Spava | 04:37 Tools | |
19961470 | Play | Neka Bude Sve Tebi U Cast | 06:07 Tools | |
19961430 | Play | Bubanj I Bas | 04:19 Tools | |
19961456 | Play | Moj Deda Je Bio Roker | 04:10 Tools | |
19961390 | Play | Ja sam od onih | 05:01 Tools | |
19961629 | Play | Školarci | 04:17 Tools | |
19961451 | Play | Ja I Moj Auto | 03:37 Tools | |
19961424 | Play | Hodnici Secanja | 03:43 Tools | |
19961445 | Play | Bez Naslova | 03:26 Tools | |
19961413 | Play | Bilo Je Dobro | 04:01 Tools | |
58025534 | Play | Kaži Kaži Libe Stano | 05:32 Tools | |
19961449 | Play | Igra Kolo Na Livadi | 05:32 Tools | |
19961411 | Play | Intimni Odnosi | 02:59 Tools | |
19961453 | Play | Ona zna sve | 02:42 Tools | |
19961467 | Play | Nije ti otac kriv | 03:48 Tools | |
19961417 | Play | Svaki Dan Sa Njom | 03:49 Tools | |
19961409 | Play | Jednom | 05:07 Tools | |
19961399 | Play | Sviraj | 03:39 Tools | |
58025535 | Play | Da li si spavala (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:40 Tools | |
19961455 | Play | Uteha | 05:00 Tools | |
19961419 | Play | Igraj Kad Si Sam | 03:06 Tools | |
19961594 | Play | Kalčina kafana | 05:28 Tools | |
19961486 | Play | Smiljana | 05:01 Tools | |
19961437 | Play | Winter's Coming | 04:09 Tools | |
19961406 | Play | San | 04:58 Tools | |
19961432 | Play | Meksiko | 04:51 Tools | |
19961446 | Play | Orlovi Rano Lete | 05:15 Tools | |
19961492 | Play | Tikve | 04:24 Tools | |
19961473 | Play | Svet Kroz Sareno Staklo | 04:30 Tools | |
19961609 | Play | Švabica | 02:25 Tools | |
19961476 | Play | Da Znajes Mori Mome | 05:28 Tools | |
19961441 | Play | Pesma | 02:53 Tools | |
19961426 | Play | Sok | 03:53 Tools | |
19961462 | Play | Zar Moram Bas Nesto Mudro Da Kazem | 03:19 Tools | |
19961457 | Play | Vreme ti je za zene | 04:11 Tools | |
19961483 | Play | Bicu Tu | 03:02 Tools | |
19961466 | Play | Snosti si minav mamo | 04:32 Tools | |
19961502 | Play | Oni Bi Bas Hteli Da Ja Stanem | 03:53 Tools | |
19961496 | Play | Tacno U 5 I 30 | 04:14 Tools | |
19961520 | Play | Stare trube (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:33 Tools | |
19961472 | Play | Žena Koje Nema | 04:09 Tools | |
19961459 | Play | Trudim se (da zaboravim) | 03:40 Tools | |
19961501 | Play | Ti Me Svojom Hladnocom Ne Kusaj | 05:33 Tools | |
19961571 | Play | Mnogo Sam Zena Pozeleo | 04:08 Tools | |
19961484 | Play | Ce me volis | 02:30 Tools | |
19961464 | Play | U napad | 03:46 Tools | |
19961460 | Play | Otkad te nema (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:22 Tools | |
19961454 | Play | Čuvam ti mesto pored prozora | 04:50 Tools | |
19961478 | Play | Meni si lepa | 05:37 Tools | |
19961545 | Play | Dali si spavala | 03:09 Tools | |
58025547 | Play | Još uvek sanjam (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:33 Tools | |
77162958 | Play | Kad me pogledaš (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 04:55 Tools | |
19961450 | Play | Kao i obično | 04:00 Tools | |
19961521 | Play | Da me nisi (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 00:00 Tools | |
19961474 | Play | Kako mi se svidjas | 04:07 Tools | |
19961493 | Play | Cuvam ti mesto pored prozora | 04:52 Tools | |
19961475 | Play | Ne tugujem ja | 05:13 Tools | |
19961513 | Play | Trudim Se | 03:40 Tools | |
19961499 | Play | Neka te niko ne pozeli ove noci | 03:11 Tools | |
19961427 | Play | Šta ću ti sad | 02:51 Tools | |
19961581 | Play | Moj Deda Je Bio Rocker | 04:20 Tools | |
19961535 | Play | Neka bude sve tebi u čast | 05:51 Tools | |
19961494 | Play | Novembar - maj | 04:15 Tools | |
19961582 | Play | Voleti voleti (1997.) Kaca | 03:59 Tools | |
19961527 | Play | Zločin i kazna | 04:39 Tools | |
19961490 | Play | Vise nisam tvoj | 04:08 Tools | |
19961448 | Play | Zlocin i kazna | 04:58 Tools | |
19961613 | Play | Oni bi baš hteli da ja stanem | 03:54 Tools | |
19961465 | Play | Kakav dzez | 03:34 Tools | |
19961471 | Play | Kako Mi Se Sviđaš | 04:07 Tools | |
19961504 | Play | Sto se bore misli moje | 05:00 Tools | |
19961531 | Play | Ti me svojom hladnoćom ne kušaj | 05:26 Tools | |
58025536 | Play | Vreme ti je za žene | 00:00 Tools | |
19961564 | Play | Tačno u 5 i 30 | 04:06 Tools | |
19961485 | Play | Moskva - Balkan | 03:26 Tools | |
19961546 | Play | Nije Ti Otac | 03:55 Tools | |
19961570 | Play | Zar moram baš nešto mudro da kažem | 03:16 Tools | |
19961566 | Play | Svet kroz šareno staklo | 04:19 Tools | |
58025545 | Play | Zonina Pesma | 04:11 Tools | |
58025537 | Play | Galija - Digni Ruku | 03:55 Tools | |
58025539 | Play | Galija - Dodirni Me | 03:55 Tools | |
19961537 | Play | Oni Bas Hteli Da Ja Stanem | 03:57 Tools | |
58025540 | Play | Jo? uvek sanjam | 03:55 Tools | |
58025541 | Play | Galija - Jos uvek sanjam | 03:57 Tools | |
58025538 | Play | Voleti voleti (1997.) Kotor | 03:55 Tools | |
19961517 | Play | Biću tu | 03:02 Tools | |
19961591 | Play | Sanjam | 06:33 Tools | |
58025543 | Play | Zona Zamfirova | 04:04 Tools | |
19961511 | Play | Hodnici sećanja | 03:48 Tools | |
87728137 | Play | Mlada, lepa i pametna (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 04:55 Tools | |
19961489 | Play | Više nisam tvoj | 04:04 Tools | |
19961516 | Play | Moskva, Balkan | 03:25 Tools | |
58025542 | Play | Da li si sanjala | 07:00 Tools | |
58025586 | Play | Sloboda (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:59 Tools | |
19961526 | Play | Što se bore misli moje | 05:00 Tools | |
87728139 | Play | U raju iznad oblaka | 03:59 Tools | |
58025546 | Play | Gospa | 04:48 Tools | |
58025544 | Play | Dodirni Me (live) | 03:48 Tools | |
19961625 | Play | Ke Me Volis | 02:30 Tools | |
89598308 | Play | Nesto me goni | 04:09 Tools | |
58025548 | Play | Da Me Nisi Toliko Volela | 04:34 Tools | |
19961624 | Play | Galija - Trube | 03:33 Tools | |
19961523 | Play | Kakav džez | 03:31 Tools | |
19961522 | Play | 6 Kotor!!s | 03:48 Tools | |
58025553 | Play | Mi nismo sami | 03:26 Tools | |
58025549 | Play | Mlada I Pametna | 03:25 Tools | |
89598309 | Play | Svira muzika | 04:28 Tools | |
19961634 | Play | Će me voliš | 05:12 Tools | |
89598310 | Play | Kad Bi Ti Otisla Iz Ovoga Grada | 05:12 Tools | |
19961498 | Play | Od kad te nema | 03:44 Tools | |
58025554 | Play | Galija - Kotor | 05:13 Tools | |
58025550 | Play | Neka te niko ne pozeli ove no | 02:49 Tools | |
58025551 | Play | Sta cu sad | 03:48 Tools | |
58025552 | Play | Da znaješ mori mome | 02:30 Tools | |
19961588 | Play | 04 - Vise nisam tvoj | 04:04 Tools | |
19961515 | Play | 10 - Ne Tugujem Ja | 05:13 Tools | |
19961644 | Play | 01 - Kako Mi Se Svidjas | 04:07 Tools | |
77162959 | Play | Moj brat i ja (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 04:07 Tools | |
58025555 | Play | Ne mogu da te.. | 04:07 Tools | |
19961636 | Play | Jos uvijek sanjam | 04:42 Tools | |
58025556 | Play | Bez Naglih Skokova | 04:07 Tools | |
19961528 | Play | 03 - Cuvam Ti Mesto Pored Prozora | 04:50 Tools | |
19961562 | Play | 07 - Meni Si Lepa | 05:37 Tools | |
19961605 | Play | Kotor (live) | 03:49 Tools | |
89598311 | Play | Voleo sam | 03:49 Tools | |
58025561 | Play | Šok | 04:55 Tools | |
89598312 | Play | Samo Se Smej | 04:55 Tools | |
19961617 | Play | 09 - Kakav Dzez | 03:31 Tools | |
77162960 | Play | Gospi (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 04:07 Tools | |
19961509 | Play | Ona zna za sve | 02:42 Tools | |
58025559 | Play | Ti se nikad nisi pitala | 04:42 Tools | |
19961538 | Play | 08 - Novembar - Maj | 04:15 Tools | |
58025557 | Play | Voleti voleti (1997.) Milica | 03:49 Tools | |
89598313 | Play | Don Ramiro | 03:49 Tools | |
89598314 | Play | Predosecam | 04:49 Tools | |
58025567 | Play | Burna pijana noæ | 04:07 Tools | |
19961549 | Play | 04_Da li si spavala | 04:10 Tools | |
19961640 | Play | neka te niko ne pozeli | 03:11 Tools | |
58025558 | Play | Galija - Na tvojim usnama | 03:31 Tools | |
87728138 | Play | Dodirni me / Tri boje zvuka | 05:00 Tools | |
58025560 | Play | Cujem te kako lepo dises | 05:58 Tools | |
19961557 | Play | Skadarska (live) | 04:14 Tools | |
89598315 | Play | Ziv sam | 04:14 Tools | |
58025562 | Play | Milica (live) | 04:55 Tools | |
58025575 | Play | Pevajmo (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:10 Tools | |
58025566 | Play | Galija - Trinaest - 07 - Poljubi me | 04:07 Tools | |
19961627 | Play | 05 - Sto Se Bore Misli Moje | 05:00 Tools | |
19961601 | Play | 06 - Zlocin I Kazna | 04:55 Tools | |
19961559 | Play | Ma digni ruku | 03:14 Tools | |
58025563 | Play | Galija - Otkad te nema | 03:14 Tools | |
19961508 | Play | 02 - U Napad | 03:46 Tools | |
19961554 | Play | Da Li Si Spavala (Acoustic) | 03:06 Tools | |
19961579 | Play | Dimitrijo, sine Mitre | 00:00 Tools | |
58025564 | Play | Dodirni me (acoustic) | 00:00 Tools | |
58025565 | Play | Da mi nisi toliko znacila | 00:00 Tools | |
58025573 | Play | Da Me Nisi Volela | 03:06 Tools | |
89598316 | Play | Muzika izgubljenih dusa | 03:06 Tools | |
19961638 | Play | Noæ | 04:07 Tools | |
19961551 | Play | Da me nisi toliko volela (live) | 01:59 Tools | |
58025568 | Play | Gosppi | 01:59 Tools | |
19961532 | Play | Trudim se - da zaboravim | 03:45 Tools | |
19961610 | Play | Voleti voleti (1997.) Pismo | 04:55 Tools | |
58025569 | Play | Galija - Da li si spavala | 03:06 Tools | |
89598317 | Play | NEŠTO ME GONI | 03:06 Tools | |
58025570 | Play | Josh uvek sanjam | 03:06 Tools | |
58025571 | Play | Zebri I Bizoni | 03:06 Tools | |
58025572 | Play | Još Uvek Sanjam (live) | 03:06 Tools | |
89598318 | Play | Ja nisam odavde (Acoustic, 6.1.1995) | 03:06 Tools | |
19961623 | Play | Da li si spavala? | 03:10 Tools | |
58025574 | Play | Hodnici Sjecajnja | 03:10 Tools | |
58025576 | Play | Ja Nisam Odavde (live) | 03:10 Tools | |
58025577 | Play | Naci ces cvet | 03:10 Tools | |
77162961 | Play | Neka te niko ne poželi ove noći | 03:10 Tools | |
58025578 | Play | 04 dimitrijo | 03:10 Tools | |
19961565 | Play | 2 Kaca!!s | 03:59 Tools | |
58025579 | Play | Galija - Godina | 03:59 Tools | |
58025580 | Play | Galija - Da Me Nisi | 03:59 Tools | |
58025581 | Play | Maj | 03:59 Tools | |
58025582 | Play | 16_Trube | 03:59 Tools | |
58025583 | Play | Fandalism - Uzalud se trudis by Galija MP3 music | 03:59 Tools | |
58025584 | Play | Ceme Volis | 03:59 Tools | |
58025585 | Play | Kad Me Pogkedas | 03:59 Tools | |
89598319 | Play | Dodirni me (Sava centar, 23.10.2011) | 03:59 Tools | |
58025587 | Play | Galija - Trinaest - 08 - Kada prestane sve | 03:59 Tools | |
58025590 | Play | Stare Trube (live) | 03:59 Tools | |
77162962 | Play | 06. gospi | 03:59 Tools | |
77162963 | Play | 02. letnja pesma | 03:59 Tools | |
58025588 | Play | Cujem te lapo kako dises | 03:59 Tools | |
58025589 | Play | "Kotor" | 03:59 Tools |
Track name
Galija (Serbian Cyrillic: Галија; trans. Galley) is a Serbian and former Yugoslav rock band from Niš, Serbia. They released their first album in 1979 and have been a mainstay on the rock scenes of the former Yugoslavia and Serbia ever since. The central figures of the group are brothers Nenad Milosavljević (lead vocals) and Predrag Milosavljević (background vocals). 1970s and 1980s The band was formed in 1977 by former Dva Lustera members. The first lineup of Galija featured Nenad Milosavljević (guitar and vocals), Goran Ljubisavljević (guitar), Predrag Branković (bass guitar), Nenad Tančić (drums) and Branislav Stamenković (keyboards). The band was named after a famous kafana in Niš. Tančić soon left the band due to his army obligations, and was replaced by Boban Pavlović who will, during the following years, remain one of the rare permanent members of the band. In 1978, with a new keyboard player Zoran Stanković, Galija won the first place at Gitarijada festival in Zaječar. Several months later they performed at Omladinski festival in Subotica with Ljubodrag Vukadinović playing the keyboard. During the year they performed as an opening band on Smak tour. The band released its debut LP Prva plovidba (The First Sail) in 1979 with Nenad Milosvaljević's brother Predrag Milosavljević as a new member. He wrote most of the album lyrics. Album brought hits "Avanturista", "Gospi" and "Decimen". After band's performance at Bijelo Dugme's rock spectacle on JNA Stadium Ljubisavljević, Branković and Vukadinović left the band. bass guitarist Zoran Radosavljević, guitarist Dušan Radivojević and keyboardist Nebojša Marković became the new members. Album Druga plovidba (The Second Sail) was recorded in 1979. It was produced by Gordi guitarist Zlatko Manojlović. In 1980 the band performed at Split festival. They played at Poljud Stadium with thirteen other bands. They achieved great success with audience in Bosnia and Herzegovina and until the beginning of the Yugoslav wars the band had the biggest fanbase in Bosnia. Boban Stamenković left the band in 1980, and was replaced by Zoran Stamenković. That summer they performed in Makarska, and during the years they continued to hold regular concerts in the town. In 1982 Ipak verujem u sebe (Nevertheless, I Believe in Myself) was released, bringing hits "Još uvek sanjam" and "Burna pijana noć". At the beginning of 1982 Boban Pavlović returned to the band. Galija was an opening band at Joe Cocker's concert in Pionir Hall in Belgrade, and on the June 10, 1983 they held a big concert at Belgrade's Taš with Potop and Kerber as the opening bands. Potop leader, keyboardist Saša Lokner soon became a member of Galija. In the October they recorded their fourth studio album Bez naglih skokova (Without Bounces) in Manchester. Producer was Nightwing bass guitarist Gordon Rowley. Material was mixed in California but the album did not bring any hits. At the end of 1983 they were voted "the best live event on the shore" by Split youth. During the year the band started playing regular concerts in Muzički klub 81 in Niš. The same year Lokner joined Bajaga i Instruktori, and was replaced by Aleksandar Ralev. Soon Belgian of Zaire origin Jean-Jacques Roscam, a former D' Boys member, joined Galija as the lead guitarist. In 1986 the band released album Digni ruku (Raise Your Hand), featuring Roscam's song "Winter Coming" with lyrics written by Vaya Con Dios singer Dani Klein. Keyboard and flute player Bata Zlatković and songwriter Radomir Kanjevac brought new ideas to the band. Kanjevac brought up an idea of releasing a trilogy which would deal with problems of Yugoslavia in transition. Album Daleko je sunce (Distant is the Sun), named after Dobrica Ćosić's novel, featured numerous guest musicians: Kornelije Kovač, Saša Lokner, Nenad Stefanović, Ivan Vdović, Fejat Sejdić trumpet orchestra and others. Songs were named after the works of Dobrica Ćosić, Branko Ćopić, Ivo Andrić, Laza Lazarević and Aleksa Šantić. Greatest hits were ballad "Da li si spavala" and folk oriented "Mi znamo sudbu". Other hits included "Intimni odnosi", "Orlovi rano lete" and "Kao i obično". The song "Zebre i bizoni" was dealing with enigma of Josip Broz Tito's residence at Brijuni, and only "Zebre i bizoni" lyrics were not printed on the inner sleeve. After this album was released Zoran Radosavljević left the band, and was replaced by Predrag Milanović. Album Korak do slobode (One Step to Freedom) was released in 1989. Album was produced by Saša Habić. Song "Sloboda" featured Kerber frontman Goran Šepa on vocals. Album hits include "Na tvojim usnama", "Kopaonik", "Korak do slobode" and "Kad me pogledaš". Roscam's reggae song "Ljubavna pesma" had an ironic text about growing nationalism in Yugoslavia. That same year Nenad Milosavljević won the best composer prize at MESAM festival, although Zlatković was the band's main author. New bass guitarist Dušan Karadžić soon joined Galija. 1990s At the beginning of 1990 Galija, alongside Riblja Čorba, Valentino, Viktorija and Bajaga i Instruktori, performed at three-day concerts in Timişoara. The same year compilation album Još uvek sanjam (I'm Still Dreaming) was released. Some of the old songs were re-recorded for this album. At the time of the first multi-party elections in Yugoslavia Galija recorded a promotive record with songs "On je isti kao on" (which compared Tito and Slobodan Milošević), "Ti si moja jedina Partija", "Posle svega" and "Komunista" (which featured Romani musician Šaban Bajramović on vocals). Because of the political censorship record was never released. With the album Istorija ti i ja (History, You and Me) released in 1991 trilogy was complete. Album was produced by Valentino member Nikša Bratoš. Album featured some of the band's greatest hits including "Skadarska", "Trube", "Da me nisi", "Trava" and "Seti se maja". In June Galija was an opening band on Bob Dylan's concert in Zemun. In August they had their last concert in Sarajevo. Because of the tensions in the country Roscam left the band and went back to Belgium. Dragutin Jakovljević replaced him. The band, in the new lineup, released compilation album Ni rat ni mir (Neither War nor Peace), which consisted of songs from the trilogy, and two new songs "Pravoslavlje" and "Na Drini ćuprija". Single with these two songs was given as a present to the audience on their concert in Sava Centar. A year later they held another concert in Sava Centar, as a part of celebration of Srpska književna zadruga hundred years existence. They recorded another gift-single with cover of Film's song "Mi nismo sami" and Indexi's song "Sanjam" (which featured a recording of Ivo Andrić's voice). At the beginning of 1993 Zlatković left the band. Oliver Jezdić became the new keyboard player, and Bratislav Milošević became the new bass guiarist. The new album Karavan (Caravan) was recorded in Cyprus and produced by Saša Habić. After the album was released Kanjevac ended his cooperation with the band. During the summer a tour was organized, and the album was promoted with a large number of free concerts, one of them being a concert in the park outside Old Palace. At the time Galija began to cooperate with Socialist Party of Serbia, which has provoked a part of the critics and fans, who have proclaimed Galija a "state's band". In 1996 album Trinaest (Thirteen) was released. Alongside Predrag Milosavljević's lyrics, Trinaest songs featured lyrics from Branko Radičević, Stevan Raičković and Petar Pajić's poems. The next year band released compilation album Večita plovidba (Eternal Sail) and studio album Voleti voleti (To Love to Love). Recording of the concert they held in Čair Hall was released on the live album Ja jesam odavde (I Am From Here). That evening band performed in the following lineup: Nenad Milosavljević (acoustic guitar and vocals), Saša Ranđelović and Dragutin Jakovljević (guitars), Saša Lokner (keyboard), Boban Pavlović (drums) and Slaviša Pavlović (bass guitar). In 1999 the band released album Južnjačka uteha (Southern Comfort) with covers of old Serbian folk songs. 2000s In 2005 the band released its latest studio album Dobro juto, to sam ja ("Good Morning, It's Me"). Studio albums * Prva plovidba (1979) * Druga plovidba (1980) * Ipak verujem u sebe (1982) * Bez naglih skokova (1984) * Digni ruku (1986) * Daleko je Sunce (1988) * Korak do slobode (1989) * Istorija, ti i ja (1991) * Karavan (1994) * Trinaest (1996) * Voleti voleti (1997) * Južnjačka uteha (1999) * Dobro jutro, to sam ja (2005) Live albums * Ja jesam odavde (1998) Compilations * Još uvek sanjam (Najveći hitovi) (1990) * Ni rat ni mir (Odlomci iz trilogije) (1991) * Večita plovidba (1997) Singles * "Pravoslavlje" / "Na Drini ćuprija" (1991) * "Mi nismo sami" / "Sanjam" (1992) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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