
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Jeweled Turtle 13:06 Tools
I 04:30 Tools
II 10:16 Tools
The Planks 03:10 Tools
Arthur, Elsie And Frances 10:50 Tools
III 10:28 Tools
King Lindorm 15:37 Tools
IV 12:53 Tools
Twisted Stems: The Heliotrope 07:30 Tools
V 07:53 Tools
Twisted Stems: The Selenotrope 07:43 Tools
Mictlan 08:57 Tools
Topan 06:36 Tools
I. 03:33 Tools
II. 11:51 Tools
Ceasefire Ends 04:44 Tools
Otaku 02:44 Tools
Action Jackson 02:55 Tools
III. 10:18 Tools
L'Enfer, C'est les Autres 01:05 Tools
Ditch 01:44 Tools
IV. 05:43 Tools
Big Black Delivery 03:47 Tools
V. 12:56 Tools
FQIH 02:47 Tools
Cargo Cult 04:29 Tools
Untitled 01:00 Tools
52 Pick-up 05:02 Tools
Bottle Washer 02:50 Tools
Flower Machine 05:50 Tools
Repeat To Fade 03:52 Tools
The Pilman Radiant 26:15 Tools
Five Suns - I 00:00 Tools
Complex #7 04:46 Tools
Blessed Albania 16:01 Tools
Five Suns - II 00:00 Tools
Tremors From the Future 11:15 Tools
Mountain of the Five Elements 02:43 Tools
Zero for Conduct 03:45 Tools
Five Suns - III 00:00 Tools
Five Cornered Square 04:15 Tools
Sakura 04:23 Tools
Ten Years of Heisei 05:07 Tools
Five Suns - IV 00:00 Tools
Perfect Blue 01:15 Tools
Five Suns - V 00:00 Tools
Five Suns I 04:31 Tools
El Topo 03:31 Tools
Five Suns II 10:18 Tools
Five Suns (Part 1) 00:00 Tools
Five Suns III 10:30 Tools
[untitled] 01:00 Tools
Five Suns (Part 2) 00:00 Tools
Five Suns V 07:54 Tools
Five Suns IV 12:56 Tools
The Heliotrope 07:25 Tools
Five Suns (Part 3) 00:00 Tools
The Selenotrope 07:46 Tools
Pharaoh 07:25 Tools
Five Suns [Live @ NEARfest 2006] 32:21 Tools
Five Suns (Part 4) 00:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge I 00:00 Tools
Shaolin Drunk Monkey 02:11 Tools
not entitled 00:00 Tools
Cantopop 09:02 Tools
Five Suns (Part 5) 00:00 Tools
Five Suns pt I 04:31 Tools
Essence Absorbing Stance 02:28 Tools
Five Suns pt II 10:17 Tools
Orca 01:37 Tools
King Lindorm [Live] 16:03 Tools
Twisted Stems- The Heliotrope 07:32 Tools
Twisted Stems- The Selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Five Suns pt III 10:30 Tools
Egasuka 00:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge II 00:00 Tools
Boomerang 00:00 Tools
Five Suns, Part 1 04:31 Tools
Shongo 04:06 Tools
Obscure Knowledge III 07:54 Tools
Five Suns, Part 2 10:18 Tools
Golden Fist of Hirohito 08:49 Tools
Phunzura 06:27 Tools
Maoists vs. Taoists 04:32 Tools
Five Suns pt IV 12:56 Tools
Tomiato 02:45 Tools
Five Suns, Part 3 10:30 Tools
Gossyapparagale 01:26 Tools
Five Suns pt V 07:54 Tools
Guru 09:52 Tools
Amaih 04:54 Tools
Five Suns, Part 4 12:56 Tools
Five Suns 00:00 Tools
Five Suns - Part 1 04:32 Tools
Five Suns, Part 5 07:54 Tools
Flapple 02:49 Tools
Five Suns - Part 2 10:20 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part I] 02:49 Tools
Hunger Stack 25:36 Tools
Five Suns - Part 3 10:30 Tools
The Pilman Radiant ["radio edit"] 06:03 Tools
Reverse Virus 05:00 Tools
towers open fire 03:52 Tools
Rooms within rooms 02:49 Tools
guapo called the law 01:19 Tools
zeuhl 1 00:58 Tools
Five Suns - Part 4 12:58 Tools
zeuhl 2 01:10 Tools
Five Suns - Part 5 07:55 Tools
iron chicken 02:07 Tools
Idios Kosmos 17:20 Tools
uranium 03:33 Tools
Twisted Stems - The Selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Twisted Stems - The Heliotrope 07:32 Tools
Five Suns (Continued) 00:00 Tools
Silenced 01:06 Tools
Obscure Knowledge (Wire Tapper Edit) 00:00 Tools
[Untitled Track] 01:00 Tools
Five Suns (II) 10:18 Tools
The Pilman Radiant [radio edit] 06:03 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part II] 11:53 Tools
Five Suns (I) 04:31 Tools
(silence) 01:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part III] 11:53 Tools
Black Oni I. 03:33 Tools
Five Suns (III) 10:30 Tools
Black Oni II. 11:53 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part II] 05:44 Tools
Black Oni III. 10:20 Tools
Glass House 00:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part III] 04:31 Tools
Five Suns (IV) 10:20 Tools
Five Suns (V) 07:54 Tools
Obscure Knowledge [Part I - "Radio" Edit] 12:59 Tools
Black Oni V. 12:59 Tools
Black Oni IV. 05:44 Tools
Five Suns 1 04:31 Tools
Five Suns 2 00:00 Tools
Five Suns 3 10:30 Tools
Twisted Stems:The Selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Five Suns 4 12:56 Tools
Five Suns - 5 05:13 Tools
Just Don't Know 00:00 Tools
Five Suns 5 00:00 Tools
Arthur, Elsie & Frances 10:53 Tools
Reverse Vírus 05:00 Tools
Ocean and Sky 00:00 Tools
Space Tourist 00:00 Tools
Black Oni I 00:00 Tools
Justin Destroyer 00:00 Tools
Reverse 05:13 Tools
Klaus Kombalad 06:28 Tools
Black Oni II 11:54 Tools
Black Oni III 10:20 Tools
Fake French 00:00 Tools
Underground 00:00 Tools
Black Oni V 12:59 Tools
Black Oni IV 12:59 Tools
a man who loved holes 16:23 Tools
Reapeat to Fade 12:59 Tools
I Don't Care 12:59 Tools
Hawks 00:00 Tools
The Time: Night 00:00 Tools
Chongo 04:06 Tools
The Pilman Radiant (Radio Edit) 06:03 Tools
#Knight 06:03 Tools
Kdios Iosmos, He Two Loved Holes 17:31 Tools
Hidden Track 10:45 Tools
Outro 10:46 Tools
(untitled) 10:46 Tools
Amaïh 04:54 Tools
Five Suns Part 1 10:46 Tools
Obscure Knowledge Part II 00:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge I (excerpt) [from 'Obscure Knowledge'] 03:29 Tools
King Lindorm (Live) 14:44 Tools
Obscure Knowledge Part III 10:30 Tools
Intro 04:31 Tools
Twisted Stems (The Selenotrope) 00:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge Part I 10:30 Tools
F.Q.I.H. 04:31 Tools
Five Suns Part 2 04:54 Tools
03 Twisted Stems_ The Heliotrope 04:54 Tools
Twisted Stems_ The Heliotrope 07:32 Tools
Five Suns Part 3 00:00 Tools
Part I 03:29 Tools
Five Suns, Pt. 2 00:00 Tools
Hittin Licks (feat. Dre & A1 Black) 03:29 Tools
Twisted Stems (The Heliotrope) 03:29 Tools
01 - The Heliotrope 03:29 Tools
Mictlan I 03:29 Tools
Five Suns Part 4 03:29 Tools
Five Suns Part 5 00:00 Tools
02 - The Selenotrope 00:00 Tools
Part II 00:00 Tools
Five Suns - Part II 10:18 Tools
Five Suns, Pt. 3 00:00 Tools
Twisted Stems_ The Selenotrope 00:00 Tools
04 Twisted Stems_ The Selenotrope 00:00 Tools
Not a Fan 00:00 Tools
Five Suns (Live @ NEARfest 2006) 35:13 Tools
Five Suns - Part I 04:31 Tools
five suns, part I 04:31 Tools
Obscure Knowledge I (Excerpt) 04:31 Tools
Five Suns, Pt. 1 10:18 Tools
Black Oni 07:45 Tools
chairman mao's fitness workout record 10:18 Tools
Part III 35:13 Tools
Five Suns - Part III 10:30 Tools
Five Suns, Pt. 4 04:31 Tools
five suns, part III 10:30 Tools
five suns, part IV 10:30 Tools
Five Suns, Pt. 5 04:31 Tools
Five Suns - Part V 07:54 Tools
maoists vs taoists 12:56 Tools
five suns, part II 07:54 Tools
Obscure Knowledge (Part II) 04:31 Tools
Twisted Stems The Heliotrope 07:32 Tools
The Pillman Radiant 01:00 Tools
five suns, part V 04:06 Tools
Obscure Knowledge 15:40 Tools
Five Suns I 04:31 Tools
Five Suns - Part IV 12:56 Tools
Five Suns V 07:54 Tools
Fat City 07:54 Tools
Intermission 01:00 Tools
Obscure Knowledge (Part III) 01:00 Tools
Five Suns II 01:00 Tools
My Bird Sings 04:06 Tools
Lie 04:06 Tools
Chango 12:56 Tools
Joe Coleman Song 04:06 Tools
Arthur, Elsie Frances 07:45 Tools
Black Oni - I 07:45 Tools
Five Suns Pt. I 07:45 Tools
Rumbledream 12:56 Tools
Bac 2 da Trap 12:56 Tools
Five Suns IV 12:56 Tools
Five Suns III 12:56 Tools
Pimped out Limousine 12:56 Tools
PKD 12:56 Tools
[silence] 07:45 Tools
Twisted Stems The Selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Number One Son 04:31 Tools
O.K. (Wire edit) 07:45 Tools
COLDER 07:45 Tools
twisted stems-the selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Strapped Up 07:45 Tools
Black Oni - II 15:40 Tools
N.W.T.M.S. 15:40 Tools
Five Suns Pt. V 04:56 Tools
Five Suns Pt. II 01:00 Tools
Black Oni - III 15:40 Tools
Zoey 15:40 Tools
Rhyme Scene/Rhyme Dream 07:45 Tools
52 Pick Up 15:40 Tools
Five Suns Part I 04:31 Tools
Eat A Car 07:32 Tools
Guapo - King Lindorm 15:40 Tools
Reverse Vнrus 07:45 Tools
Black Oni - IV 04:56 Tools
twisted stems-the heliotrope 15:40 Tools
Super/Stition 15:40 Tools
Scars pt 2 15:40 Tools
Laser Eyes 15:40 Tools
Black Oni - V 01:00 Tools
Five Suns (Part II) 15:40 Tools
Obscure Knowledge (Live at The Lexington) 15:40 Tools
Inevitability 15:40 Tools
When You See It (Feat. Migos) 15:40 Tools
Go Up 01:00 Tools
Arthur Elsie And Frances 01:00 Tools
The Pilman Radiant ("Radio Edit") 06:04 Tools
Five Suns Pt. IV 06:04 Tools
Guapo - Jeweled Turtle 15:40 Tools
Guapo - Twisted Stems The Heliotrope 07:32 Tools
Silence 07:32 Tools
Obscure Knowledge (Part I) 07:32 Tools
Guapo - Planks 03:11 Tools
Guapo - Twisted Stems The Selenotrope 07:45 Tools
Five Suns (Part I) 03:11 Tools
Amaïn 04:56 Tools
- 01:00 Tools
Dissapointment Spelled With "V" 01:00 Tools
Buildables 01:00 Tools
Clock 01:00 Tools
Elguapolis 01:00 Tools
Only 01:00 Tools
01 - Five Suns - I 01:00 Tools
Fuck 01:00 Tools
Being Boulevards 01:00 Tools
Extra 01:00 Tools
Five Suns Pt. III 01:00 Tools
Time Crisis II 01:00 Tools
02 - Five Suns - II 10:18 Tools
03 - Five Suns - III 10:30 Tools
Your... 06:04 Tools
Nicotine 06:04 Tools
Guapo Is No More 06:04 Tools
  • 297,677
  • 22,535
  • 297677
    top track count

ANCIENT HISTORY: Three years have passed since “Black Oni” (Ipecac Records). Four years since “Five Suns”(Cuneiform Records). The new album by Guapo is finally here and thus concludes the recondite triptych they set out to accomplish. Flux is not uncommon here, every record taking on new musical hues and offering disparate ideas and perspectives. However an upheaval in the line-up, which of recent years has been anchored by the trio of Daniel O’Sullivan, Matthew Thompson and David Smith, triggered a change in course when Thompson left the band just prior to the release of Black Oni in 2005. RECENT HISTORY: In the interim O’Sullivan and Smith have been active with an abundance of other projects. Both members perform in the antique-prog band Miasma & the Carousel of Headless Horses. O’Sullivan’s work with Æthenor (Vhf Records), Mothlite (Southern Records), Grumbling Fur (Aurora Borealis Records) as well as moonlighting in the live line-up of Sunn O))) has been keeping him extremely busy. Smith created a large scale, multi media installation entitled “The Other Side of the Island” for which he made a soundtrack with O’Sullivan and Antti Uusimaki under The Stargazers Assistant moniker (the recordings of which were released on Aurora Borealis last year). Smith also plays with members of Coil, Cyclobe and Shockheaded Peters in the Amal Gamal Ensemble. Despite these distractions, Guapo has been maintained as a primary focus and “Elixirs” has been three years in the making. It is unequivocally Guapo’s most poignant and powerful work to date. ELIXIRS: “It lay quite still; he touched it, it was dead. Accustomed no doubt to a sedentary life, an uneventful existence spent under its humble carapace, it had not been able to support the dazzling splendour imposed on it, the glittering garment in which it had been clad, the pavement of precious stones wherewith they had inlaid its poor back like a jewelled pyx.” J.K. Huysmans (A Rebours, 1884) The house of the idealist is teeming with the most unlikely of treasures. Fairies, jewelled turtles, lindworms and moon worshipping plants are but a few residents. But in these fragments contain a cognitive universe propelled by an unspoken and unheard pantheon. Guapo give voice to this realm, where the mystical philosophies of Huysmans, Kircher, Conan Doyle, Hyltén-Cavallius and many others are used as facilitators and indeed, guardians for the music conceived on “Elixirs”. As a result, Elixirs transcends any musical antecedents that Guapo have been acknowledged for in the past. Instead, the music here explores the outer-most regions of psychedelic composition. Flickers of Popol Vuh, This Heat, Magma, Third Ear Band, Moondog and early 70’s Miles Davis are present here as over-arching themes are morphed and mined through serpentine asymmetrical structures. Chiming rounds and canons swim through a sapphirine ocean of polyrhythmic mantra. All sullenly overcast with compositions so mercurial, the paths you can take are infinite. The dense orchestration and finespun virtuosity (seamlessly captured by engineer / producer Antti Uusimaki) create a richness previously hinted at but never fully realized until now. On “Elixirs” Guapo have opened a secret vault of treasures where jewels of sulphurous green and ashen blue blossom dwell. Where springs of fire feverishly burst through a vista of golden chrysoberyls. Let the ceremony commence. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.