John Luther Adams

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Become Ocean 00:00 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter B 03:43 Tools
The Farthest Place 10:52 Tools
Inuksuit: Part II 00:00 Tools
The Light that Fills the World 12:59 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: Sky with Four Suns 12:59 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: I. Sky with Four Suns 03:47 Tools
The Immeasurable Space of Tones 26:54 Tools
Tukiliit 03:47 Tools
Dream in White On White 16:26 Tools
The Wind in High Places: II. Maclaren Summit 04:11 Tools
The Wind in High Places: Above Sunset Pass 16:26 Tools
The Wind in High Places: Maclaren Summit 16:26 Tools
Ilimaq: The Sunken Gamelan 04:11 Tools
In The White Silence: Beginning 04:11 Tools
dark waves 12:26 Tools
Inuksuit: Part I 12:26 Tools
Dream of the Canyon Wren 02:35 Tools
Night Peace 14:52 Tools
The Wind in High Places: Looking Toward Hope 14:52 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: Sky with Four Moons 04:11 Tools
In a Room 08:35 Tools
Four Thousand Holes 32:51 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: Sky with Nameless Colors 04:11 Tools
Among Red Mountains 11:04 Tools
Canticles Of The Sky: Sky With Endless Stars 32:51 Tools
songbirdsongs: Wood Thrush 04:35 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: VII. The Hour of the Doves 02:35 Tools
Among Red Mtns (excerpt) 02:35 Tools
Strange Birds Passing 06:42 Tools
Become Desert 06:42 Tools
At The Still Point 12:31 Tools
The Wind in High Places: I. Above Sunset Pass 03:47 Tools
In the Rain 08:58 Tools
Ilimaq: Descent 03:54 Tools
The Far Country of Sleep 16:38 Tools
songbirdsongs: Morningfieldsong 03:54 Tools
The Place We Began 08:15 Tools
qilyuan 15:34 Tools
songbirdsongs: Meadowdance 03:46 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: I. Sky with Four Suns 03:20 Tools
songbirdsongs: Mourning Dove 05:50 Tools
songbirdsongs: August Voices 04:34 Tools
songbirdsongs: Apple Blossom Round 01:55 Tools
Inuksuit: Part III 04:11 Tools
Beginning 04:11 Tools
...and bells remembered... 10:06 Tools
The Wind in High Places: III. Looking Toward Hope 03:47 Tools
songbirdsongs: Notquitespringdawn 03:43 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter C 03:43 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: II. Sky with Four Moons 03:47 Tools
songbirdsongs: Joyful Noise 03:20 Tools
Ilimaq: Under the Ice 07:02 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: III. Sky with Nameless Colors 03:47 Tools
Canticles of the Sky: IV. Sky with Endless Stars 03:47 Tools
The Place Where You Go To Listen 03:20 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter D 04:03 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: II. The White Wind 10:06 Tools
Inuksuit: Part IV 03:20 Tools
songbirdsongs: Evensong 07:02 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter E 03:59 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter G 02:49 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter F 03:34 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: I. Burst 09:17 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: III. Dream of the Hermit Thrush 02:57 Tools
Red Arc / Blue Veil 12:31 Tools
Inuksuit: Part V 09:17 Tools
Ilimaq: Untune the Sky 05:05 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: IV. Sky with Four Moons 07:04 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter H 05:05 Tools
Drums Of Winter 03:34 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter I 04:05 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter J 04:00 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter K 02:57 Tools
Ilimaq: Ascension 04:56 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter Q 04:06 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: V. The Singing Tree 01:51 Tools
Letter H 05:05 Tools
...and bells remembered… 10:06 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter L 04:08 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter N 03:40 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter R 05:06 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter O 02:52 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter M 04:00 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter P 04:56 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: II. Rumble 07:44 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: VI. The Blue Wind 08:34 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: VIII. Sky with Nameless Colors 03:36 Tools
minor seconds, rising 04:50 Tools
Pointed Mountains Scattered All Around 07:25 Tools
Red Arc/Blue Veil 12:26 Tools
Letter P 04:56 Tools
Clouds of mixed Seconds 02:15 Tools
The Circle Of Suns And Moons 08:00 Tools
In The White Silence: Letter S 04:10 Tools
The Circle Of Winds 07:04 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: III. Shimmer 09:01 Tools
diminished bells 02:48 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: XII. Sky with Endless Stars 03:33 Tools
Deep And Distant Thunder 13:05 Tools
Major Seconds, rising 01:51 Tools
Everything That Rises 04:03 Tools
River With No Willows 07:08 Tools
Forgotten Triads 02:20 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: X. The Yellow Wind 04:06 Tools
Clouds of Seconds and thrids 03:43 Tools
Letter C 03:43 Tools
Lost Chorales 01:24 Tools
One That Stays All Winter 08:34 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: IX. Cadenza of the Mockingbird 02:49 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: IV. Roar 10:47 Tools
Drums of Fire, Drums of Stone 08:49 Tools
Letter B 03:43 Tools
Where The Waves Splash, Hitting Again And Again 03:40 Tools
Clouds of Perfect Fouths 03:36 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: V. Thunder 08:49 Tools
Letter D 04:03 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: XI. Dream of the Canyon Wren 08:43 Tools
Clouds of mixed Thirds 03:02 Tools
Letter F 03:34 Tools
Part II 03:34 Tools
Letter E 03:59 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: XIV. The Dark Wind 04:00 Tools
Letter G 02:49 Tools
B 03:43 Tools
D 04:03 Tools
Triads, remembered 01:50 Tools
Canticles of the Holy Wind: XIII. The Hour of the Owls 08:40 Tools
Turbulent Changes 05:10 Tools
Chorales return 02:07 Tools
Dark Wind 13:18 Tools
Letter I 04:05 Tools
Part I 04:05 Tools
Clouds of Perfect Fifths 03:31 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: VI. Wail 07:13 Tools
solitary and time-breaking waves 10:44 Tools
Letter K 02:57 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: VII. Crash 07:41 Tools
Letter J 04:00 Tools
Letter N 03:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Minor Seconds, Rising 08:40 Tools
Letter O 02:52 Tools
In a Treeless Place, Only Snow 04:00 Tools
Clouds of mixed Sixths 04:16 Tools
Letter L 04:08 Tools
Letter M 04:00 Tools
C 03:43 Tools
minor sevenths, rising 01:48 Tools
E 03:59 Tools
Letter Q 04:06 Tools
Letter R 05:06 Tools
L 04:08 Tools
clusters on a quadrilateral grid 2 04:36 Tools
Measure 93 08:40 Tools
Burst 09:16 Tools
Letter S 04:10 Tools
F 03:33 Tools
Clouds of Sixthsand sevenths 05:06 Tools
G 02:49 Tools
The Mathematics of Resonant Bodies: VIII. Stutter 08:43 Tools
Roar 10:46 Tools
H 05:05 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Mixed Seconds 08:40 Tools
Measure 315 08:40 Tools
Shimmer 09:00 Tools
J 04:00 Tools
I 04:05 Tools
K 02:57 Tools
M 04:00 Tools
Become Ocean(excerpt) 09:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Major Seconds, Rising 08:22 Tools
velocities crossing in phase-space 09:40 Tools
... and bells, again ... 09:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Seconds And Thirds 08:22 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Lost Chorales 08:40 Tools
Rumble 07:43 Tools
Clouds of mixed Sevenths 03:58 Tools
Major Sevenths, rising 05:41 Tools
Measure 537 08:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Mixed Thirds 02:48 Tools
Letter X 05:37 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Forgotten Triads 08:22 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Diminished Bells 02:48 Tools
N 03:40 Tools
O 02:52 Tools
P 04:55 Tools
Wail 08:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Perfect Fourths 02:48 Tools
Q 04:06 Tools
Letter Ff 06:00 Tools
The Colorado: Cathedrals in the Desert 03:47 Tools
S 04:10 Tools
R 05:06 Tools
Become Ocean(end) 05:37 Tools
Thunder 08:48 Tools
Sky With Four Suns 03:44 Tools
Measure 759 08:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Turbulent Changes 04:35 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Chorales Return 04:35 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Perfect Fifths 03:44 Tools
Crash 07:41 Tools
...dust into dust... 08:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Minor Sevenths, Rising 03:44 Tools
Part III 08:40 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Mixed Sixths 03:47 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds Of Sixths And Sevenths 02:58 Tools
triadic iteration lattices 08:22 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Triads, Remembered 02:58 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Clouds of mixed Sevenths 02:58 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: Major Sevenths, Rising 03:47 Tools
Clouds of Forgetting, Clouds of Unknowing: ...and bells, again 04:08 Tools
Stutter 08:40 Tools
Meadowdance 02:32 Tools
Nunataks 09:16 Tools
songbirdsongs 04:35 Tools
Wood Thrush 05:56 Tools
Apple Blossom Round 02:32 Tools
Part IV 02:48 Tools
Songbirdsongs: V. Mourning Dove 02:48 Tools
Songbirdsongs: I. Wood Thrush 02:48 Tools
August Voices 04:53 Tools
Mourning Dove 04:08 Tools
Morningfieldsong 02:58 Tools
clusters on a quadrilateral grid 1 02:48 Tools
Part V 04:35 Tools
Evensong 02:58 Tools
The Wind in High Places: II. Maclaren Sunset 08:43 Tools
clusters on a quadrilateral grid 3 02:58 Tools
Songbirdsongs: II. Morningfieldsong 02:58 Tools
Joyful Noise 03:47 Tools
...and dust rising... 08:43 Tools
Canticles of the Sky - Sky with Four Suns 08:43 Tools
clusters on a quadrilateral grid 4 02:58 Tools
… and bells remembered … 09:16 Tools
Canticles of the Sky - Sky with Endless Stars 08:43 Tools
Canticles of the Sky - Sky with Nameless Colors 08:43 Tools
The Wind in High Places - I. Above Sunset Pass 08:43 Tools
Songbirdsongs: VI. Apple Blossom Round 08:43 Tools
Math-roar-1 04:08 Tools
Canticles of the Sky - Sky with Four Moons 08:43 Tools
The Wind in High Places - III. Looking Toward Hope 10:06 Tools
The Wind in High Places - II. Maclaren Summit 09:16 Tools
3 High Places: No. 2. The Wind at Maclaren Summit 08:43 Tools
Songbirdsongs: IV. August Voices 08:43 Tools
Songbirdsongs: IX. Evensong 08:43 Tools
The Sunken Gamelan 07:43 Tools
3 High Places: No. 1. Above Sunset Pass 10:54 Tools
Measure 08:40 Tools
Songbirdsongs: III. Meadowdance 08:40 Tools
Not-quitespringdawn 04:25 Tools
I. Burst 09:16 Tools
5 Athabascan Dances: No. 1. Grandpa Joe's Travelling Song 04:00 Tools
Ponted Mountains Scattered All Around 07:25 Tools
dust into dust 10:06 Tools
Songbirdsongs: VIII. Joyful Noise 10:06 Tools
For Lou Harrison: Measure 93 02:00 Tools
For Lou Harrison: Beginning 10:46 Tools
Dreams Oo Winter 09:16 Tools
...and bells remembered? 10:06 Tools
The Light Within 10:54 Tools
john luther adams 10:54 Tools
Songbirdsongs: VII. Notquitespringdawn 10:54 Tools
II. Rumble 07:43 Tools
Songbirdsong (1974/1980) 03:36 Tools
5 Athabascan Dances: No. 2. They will all go 05:03 Tools
5 Athabascan Dances: No. 3. Deenaadai' 03:36 Tools
5 Athabascan Dances: No. 4. Grandpa Joe's Hunting Song 03:36 Tools
In The White Silence 07:43 Tools
Ascension 05:03 Tools
2. The Light that Fills the World 07:43 Tools
Inuksuit Part 1 07:43 Tools
3 High Places: No. 3. Looking Toward Hope 02:00 Tools
Become Ocean (Excerpt) 02:00 Tools
3 High Places: No.1. Above Sunset Pass 03:59 Tools
Inuksuit - Part I 05:03 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Measure 93 07:41 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Beginning 02:00 Tools
Descent 03:40 Tools
5 Athabascan Dances: No. 5. Potlach Song of a Lonely Man 05:03 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Letter P 10:46 Tools
Minor 2nds, Rising 07:43 Tools
Solitary&TimeBreakingWaves 07:43 Tools
Veils / Vespers 02:00 Tools
3 High Places: No.2. The Wind at Maclaren Summit 03:49 Tools
Clouds of 2nds and 3rds 02:00 Tools
Minor Sounds, Rising 02:00 Tools
Red Arc-Blue Veil 09:59 Tools
Notquitespringdawn 03:59 Tools
V. Thunder 08:48 Tools
VI. Wail 07:12 Tools
IV. Roar 10:46 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Letter FF 07:41 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Measure 759 09:00 Tools
Untune the Sky 08:43 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Measure 537 08:43 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Letter X 07:41 Tools
Among Red Mtns 03:59 Tools
velocity crossing in phase-space 03:40 Tools
In the White Silence - 02. Let 03:43 Tools
Sky with Endless Stars 03:43 Tools
Major 2nds, Rising 01:51 Tools
3 High Places: No.3. Looking Toward Hope 05:03 Tools
Become Ocean f/ Seattle Symphony Orchestra & Ludovic Morlot 01:51 Tools
Inuksuit Part II 03:59 Tools
VII. Crash 07:41 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Letter H 08:43 Tools
Under the Ice 09:00 Tools
for Lou Harrison (2003-04) Measure 315 08:43 Tools
In the White Silence - 03. Let 03:40 Tools
In the White Silence - 05. Let 04:00 Tools
...And Bells, Again 04:00 Tools
In the White Silence - 01. Beg 04:00 Tools
Inuksuit, part 1 04:00 Tools
5 Yup'ik Dances: No. 1. Invitation to the Dance 03:40 Tools
Place Where You Go to Listen 03:59 Tools
VIII. Stutter 08:43 Tools
III. Shimmer 09:00 Tools
Inuksuit Part 2 09:00 Tools
In the White Silence - 07. Let 02:47 Tools
In the White Silence - 06. Let 03:34 Tools
...and Bells Remembered 03:34 Tools
The Wind At MacLaren Summit 03:34 Tools
In the White Silence - 08. Let 05:03 Tools
Clouds of Mixed 2nds 05:03 Tools
Clouds of Mixed 3rds 05:03 Tools
5 Yup'ik Dances: No. 2. Jump Rope Song 05:03 Tools
5 Yup'ik Dances: No. 3. Shaman's Moon Song 05:03 Tools
Earth and the Great Weather - 01. The Place Where You Go to Listen 03:49 Tools
In the White Silence - 03. Letter C 05:03 Tools
No. 1. Above Sunset Pass 05:03 Tools
Inuksuit Part I 05:03 Tools
Inuksuit Part 3 05:03 Tools
Veils Vesper (Fragment Uit Veils) 05:03 Tools
Become Ocean (OST The Revenant) 05:03 Tools
Shaker Loops - 1. Shaking and Trembling 05:03 Tools
In the White Silence - 09. Let 04:02 Tools
Clusters on a Quadrilateral Grid: II. — 04:02 Tools
for Lou Harrison 04:04 Tools
songbirdsongs: Notequitespringdawn 04:02 Tools
Clusters on a Quadrilateral Grid: I. — 04:02 Tools
In the White Silence - 04. Let 04:04 Tools
In the White Silence - 10. Let 04:04 Tools
Looking Toward Hope 04:04 Tools
Inuksuit 1 04:04 Tools
In the White Silence - 13. Let 04:00 Tools
The Wind in High Places 04:00 Tools
In the White Silence - 16. Let 04:55 Tools
In the White Silence - 14. Let 03:40 Tools
Sila: The Breath of the World 03:40 Tools
Inuksuit: Pt. II 03:36 Tools
. . . And Bells, Again . . . 03:40 Tools
5 Yup'ik Dances: No. 4. Juggling Song 03:40 Tools
5 Yup'ik Dances: No. 5. It Circles Me 03:40 Tools
Clouds of Perfect 4ths 03:36 Tools
Dream in White On Hwite 03:49 Tools
In the White Silence - 01. Beginning 03:49 Tools
In the White Silence - 02. Letter B 03:49 Tools
  • 144,095
  • 24,130
  • 144095
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John Luther Adams (born January 23, 1953 in Meridian, Mississippi) is a composer whose music is inspired by nature, especially the landscapes of Alaska where he has lived since 1978. Like many composers of his generation, John Luther Adams did not grow up immersed in scored music. Adams began playing music as a teenager, as a drummer in rock bands. Through his experience in rock bands, friends introduced him to the music of Frank Zappa. Through the liner notes of a Zappa album, he discovered Edgard Varèse. Similarly, Varèse's liner notes brought him to John Cage. But it was not until Adams discovered Morton Feldman that he found his calling. Adams attended Cal Arts as an undergraduate in the early 1970s, where he studied with James Tenney and Leonard Stein. His group of classmates includes the composers Lois V Vierk and Peter Garland. After graduating from Cal Arts, Adams began work in environmental protection. This work first brought him to Alaska in 1975. His deep love for the location led to his permanent migration there in 1978. It continues to be the driving force in his music to this day. In 1993, he was awarded a grant from the Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grants to Artists Award. Adams's musical work spans many genres and media. He has composed for television, film, children's theater, voice, acoustic instruments, orchestra, and electronics. His frequent use of static textures and subtle changes show his obvious affinities with minimalism, and his tendencies toward extended, meditative, and intuitive structures convey his true love of the music of Morton Feldman. Lou Harrison said he is "one of the few important young American composers," while Adams himself says: "My music has always been profoundly influenced by the natural world and a strong sense of place. Through sustained listening to the subtle resonances of the northern soundscape, I hope to explore the territory of 'sonic geography' - that region between place and culture...between environment and imagination." Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.