
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Krakilsk 02:56 Tools
Ei jævla tragedie 02:25 Tools
Du e feig 01:54 Tools
Permafrost 02:35 Tools
Alltid beredt 01:09 Tools
Ei etasje opp 01:55 Tools
Kem ska forme fremtida 01:55 Tools
Kriminell 01:35 Tools
Alle kan ta feil 02:15 Tools
Veien nedover 01:34 Tools
Krigshisser 01:35 Tools
Tenk hvis alle hadde alt 01:43 Tools
Dei du ikke ser 02:41 Tools
Juggernaut 01:36 Tools
Slipstryne 01:12 Tools
Bedratt 01:43 Tools
Grovdrift 01:41 Tools
Nedbygning Av Statsmakten 00:30 Tools
Oppreist Til Det Siste 02:49 Tools
Gravøl 01:55 Tools
Vi tenne våre bluss 00:42 Tools
Punkere, stå sammen 02:49 Tools
Feil Fokus 02:01 Tools
Penga 01:57 Tools
Outro 00:56 Tools
Nikkedukke 00:42 Tools
Kem skal forme fremtida 01:53 Tools
Vi tenne vĺre bluss 00:42 Tools
Kapitalist 02:03 Tools
ATOMBOMBA 01:40 Tools
Stein for Stein 01:40 Tools
Du Vil At E Ska Slå 01:40 Tools
Motkult 00:57 Tools
Vi tenne vеre bluss 00:42 Tools
Frihet Far Du Aldri 01:49 Tools
Vi tenne vare bluss 00:42 Tools
Siste Kvilen 02:11 Tools
Åpne Sår 03:16 Tools
Blodpunk 02:03 Tools
Livslogn 03:22 Tools
Hidden Track 00:57 Tools
Daukjott 03:22 Tools
Edder og galle 03:20 Tools
Frihet får du aldri 03:20 Tools
På Vei Nedover 01:37 Tools
Livsløgn 03:22 Tools
Daukjøtt 03:22 Tools
Unrest 01:49 Tools
Talerøret 03:22 Tools
Dying Degree 03:22 Tools
Intro 00:30 Tools
UFFA 01:41 Tools
Du vil at e skal slå 01:30 Tools
Ungdom for fri aktivitet 03:20 Tools
vi tenne vre bluss 00:42 Tools
Ei jćvla tragedie 00:41 Tools
Pе Vei Nedover 01:37 Tools
Nedbygging av statsmakten 02:28 Tools
Livstid - Penga 01:57 Tools
Ei Jжvla Tragedie 02:28 Tools
Livstid - Feil Fokus 02:03 Tools
02. vi tenne vre bluss 02:03 Tools
Livstid - Grovdrift 01:41 Tools
Livstid - Nikkedukke 00:41 Tools
Gravшl 00:41 Tools
Pĺ Vei Nedover 00:41 Tools
Gravřl 00:41 Tools
UFFA (alt skal okkuperes) 00:41 Tools
06 Ei Etasje Opp 00:41 Tools
Punkere, Sta Sammen 02:50 Tools
Skjult spor 02:50 Tools
Du Vil At E Ska Slе 02:50 Tools
  • 118,107
  • 3,940
  • 118107
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Livstid met in the most crust punk way imaginable, at a floor show in Bergen during the summer of 2006. It didn’t take long before they took up arms against the cultural elite – since then, they’ve spent years working on perfecting the most conservative and uniform genre of today: D-beat hardcore. Here’s a fist of frenzied punk, played fast, hard and with the dedication required of a band bearing having a real agenda. Livstid started out self-releasing 7-inches amidst tours through both Scandinavia and European countries like Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Finland and Hungary. Through the Norwegian independent label Fysisk Format, their spirit was captured on a full album in 2011. Their self-titled debut includes comments on classic lyrical themes like sexism, racism, environmentalism/animal rights, but at the same time covering individual isolation, social fragmentation and a solid kick upwards to the herders of a psychotic society. Livstid represent a lesson learned on the status quo from an underground perspective. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.