Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
22798154 | Play | Fandangos De Onuba | 04:07 Tools | |
22798101 | Play | Caballo Negro | 03:26 Tools | |
22798137 | Play | Sevillanas De Las Cuatro Esquinas | 03:24 Tools | |
22798224 | Play | Colombianas De Bajo Guía | 04:23 Tools | |
22798146 | Play | Herencia Oriental | 05:36 Tools | |
22798123 | Play | Duelo De Guitarras | 03:48 Tools | |
22798118 | Play | Alegrías de Torre Tavira | 03:53 Tools | |
22798100 | Play | Maestranza | 04:03 Tools | |
22798156 | Play | Andares Gaditanos | 03:20 Tools | |
22798144 | Play | Taranto Del Santo Rostro | 05:47 Tools | |
60501011 | Play | Bulerías De Las Gitanas Marquesas | 04:38 Tools | |
22798108 | Play | Tercio De Vara | 04:31 Tools | |
22798102 | Play | Maletilla | 04:05 Tools | |
22798105 | Play | Nacencia | 05:46 Tools | |
22798127 | Play | De Muleta | 05:17 Tools | |
22798103 | Play | Banderillas | 03:17 Tools | |
22798106 | Play | Puerta Del Principe | 03:38 Tools | |
22798128 | Play | Bulerias Flamencas | 03:31 Tools | |
22798119 | Play | Puerta del Príncipe | 03:41 Tools | |
22798124 | Play | Solear | 04:27 Tools | |
22798138 | Play | Alegrias | 04:10 Tools | |
22798110 | Play | ...De Capote | 04:57 Tools | |
22798107 | Play | ORACIóN | 04:38 Tools | |
22798104 | Play | Al Viento | 03:41 Tools | |
22798111 | Play | Oracion | 04:38 Tools | |
22798109 | Play | ...De Muleta | 05:15 Tools | |
22798116 | Play | Esmeralda | 04:06 Tools | |
22798115 | Play | Mezquita | 04:04 Tools | |
22798150 | Play | Farruca | 05:09 Tools | |
22798112 | Play | Angustias | 05:05 Tools | |
22798133 | Play | Normas | 09:30 Tools | |
22798122 | Play | Velero | 03:54 Tools | |
22798148 | Play | Carta a Doña Rosita | 05:55 Tools | |
22798113 | Play | Mi farruca | 06:05 Tools | |
22798121 | Play | Laberinto | 06:46 Tools | |
22798114 | Play | Taranta del pozo viejo | 05:46 Tools | |
22798145 | Play | Guajira Merchelera | 03:46 Tools | |
22798135 | Play | Puerta De Príncipe | 03:38 Tools | |
22798125 | Play | Farolillos caracoles | 03:16 Tools | |
22798134 | Play | Ana Maria | 03:34 Tools | |
22798130 | Play | Soleá pasito a paso | 04:41 Tools | |
22798117 | Play | Antonio El Del Cante Jondo | 02:20 Tools | |
22798162 | Play | Peineta Cubana | 03:40 Tools | |
22798120 | Play | Elegía al Niño Ricardo | 06:09 Tools | |
22798192 | Play | Campo | 06:20 Tools | |
22798129 | Play | ¡Viva Jerez! | 04:02 Tools | |
22798126 | Play | Brindis para Alberto Vélez | 06:10 Tools | |
22798141 | Play | Son de Negros en Cuba | 04:46 Tools | |
60501012 | Play | La Puerta Del Principe - Manolo Sanlucar | 04:41 Tools | |
22798205 | Play | Adán | 08:26 Tools | |
22798173 | Play | Gacela del Amor Desesperado | 07:51 Tools | |
22798132 | Play | El Poeta Pide a su Amor que le Escriba | 05:17 Tools | |
60501013 | Play | Tercio De Vara(Manolo Sanlucar) | 05:17 Tools | |
22798210 | Play | En Mis Libros Yo Te Veo | 02:56 Tools | |
22798140 | Play | Guarija | 04:39 Tools | |
22798168 | Play | El poeta pide al amor que le escriba (canción-buleria) | 05:16 Tools | |
22798159 | Play | Carta a Doña Rosita (versión corta) | 03:43 Tools | |
60501016 | Play | Candela | 03:33 Tools | |
22798158 | Play | Bulerias de las Gitanas Marquesas | 04:41 Tools | |
60501014 | Play | Acaba Pena, Pena | 02:56 Tools | |
60501015 | Play | El Poeta Pide A Su Amor Que Le Escriba(Canción-Bulería) | 02:56 Tools | |
22798208 | Play | Caireles | 04:40 Tools | |
22798225 | Play | Ana María | 03:33 Tools | |
22798188 | Play | A La Luz De Este Farol | 02:02 Tools | |
89667952 | Play | Patio jerezano (Bulerías flamencas) | 02:02 Tools | |
22798171 | Play | Fantasmas De La Guerra | 04:21 Tools | |
22798202 | Play | Raza | 04:08 Tools | |
60501018 | Play | Viva Jerez | 04:40 Tools | |
60501017 | Play | Sevillanas Flamencas | 04:40 Tools | |
60501026 | Play | Bulerías Flamencas | 04:21 Tools | |
60501021 | Play | ... De Muleta | 04:51 Tools | |
22798226 | Play | Bienaventuranzas | 04:51 Tools | |
60501019 | Play | La Puerta del Príncipe | 04:40 Tools | |
22798169 | Play | Caminito de Alcalá (Soleares) | 04:31 Tools | |
22798153 | Play | Farrúca | 05:11 Tools | |
60501020 | Play | Los grillos y las cadenas | 04:40 Tools | |
60501027 | Play | Los Caireles (Zapateado) | 03:32 Tools | |
60501022 | Play | Recuerdo de Javier Molina (Farruca) | 04:51 Tools | |
60501030 | Play | Puertatierra (Alegrías) | 02:26 Tools | |
60501023 | Play | Tientos | 05:11 Tools | |
60501029 | Play | Dialogos | 02:26 Tools | |
22798197 | Play | Obertura | 02:38 Tools | |
60501024 | Play | A los humildes | 02:38 Tools | |
60501025 | Play | En las carreras | 02:38 Tools | |
60501032 | Play | Llanto Minero (Tarantas) | 00:30 Tools | |
60501034 | Play | Puerto de Málaga (Malagueñas) | 04:31 Tools | |
60501031 | Play | Colombiana De Bajo-Guia | 02:26 Tools | |
22798177 | Play | Fiesta | 03:39 Tools | |
22798234 | Play | Pincelada (Tientos) | 01:27 Tools | |
60501037 | Play | El Cañaveral (Guajira) | 04:13 Tools | |
22798200 | Play | Patio Jerezano (Bulerías) | 03:32 Tools | |
22798232 | Play | Nacencia [A Don Álvaro Domecq] | 00:30 Tools | |
22798170 | Play | Maletilla [A Paco Ojeda] | 00:30 Tools | |
22798184 | Play | Maestranza [A Pepe Luis Y Manolo Vázquez] | 00:30 Tools | |
60501040 | Play | ... De Capote | 04:55 Tools | |
22798203 | Play | Amargura | 02:26 Tools | |
60501028 | Play | Adan | 02:26 Tools | |
60501051 | Play | Alfarero | 01:11 Tools | |
22798151 | Play | Colombiana De Bajo-Guía | 04:24 Tools | |
60501061 | Play | Oripando | 04:28 Tools | |
22798235 | Play | Oración [A Curro Romero] | 00:30 Tools | |
60501036 | Play | ...De Capote [A Antonio Ordóñez] | 04:13 Tools | |
60501039 | Play | Tercio De Vara [A Rafael De Paula] | 04:48 Tools | |
60501050 | Play | Puerta De Príncipe [A José Martínez, Limeño] | 04:24 Tools | |
60501043 | Play | Cosillas Del Alosno | 04:48 Tools | |
60501059 | Play | Soleá Por Mi Pare Isidro | 06:11 Tools | |
87831109 | Play | Solidaridad | 05:57 Tools | |
87831112 | Play | Como Un Trozo De Ti | 01:11 Tools | |
22798142 | Play | Tercio De Vara (Manolo Sanlucar) | 04:31 Tools | |
60501033 | Play | Taranto del Santo Rostr | 04:31 Tools | |
22798216 | Play | Alegrías | 04:13 Tools | |
60501046 | Play | Castellanas (Bulerías clasicas) | 04:24 Tools | |
22798193 | Play | Guajira | 04:41 Tools | |
22798229 | Play | Saqueo | 04:48 Tools | |
60501038 | Play | A Dar Gritos Me Ponia | 04:48 Tools | |
60501048 | Play | ...De Muleta [A Antonio Chenel, Antoñete] | 04:24 Tools | |
60501049 | Play | Banderillas [A Luis Miguel Dominguín] | 04:24 Tools | |
22798244 | Play | Las cárceles | 02:44 Tools | |
60501041 | Play | Sintonía Canal+ | 04:48 Tools | |
60501042 | Play | Bienaventuranzas (Bulerías) | 04:48 Tools | |
87831119 | Play | Callejon Del Carmen | 06:08 Tools | |
87831110 | Play | Recreación (Tientos) | 04:13 Tools | |
87831111 | Play | Garrotín del Calzoncillo | 04:13 Tools | |
87831120 | Play | Kato-San | 03:58 Tools | |
60501044 | Play | Alegrias: Puertatierra | 04:48 Tools | |
22798196 | Play | Seducción | 05:57 Tools | |
60501035 | Play | Bulerias Flamencas: Patio Jerezano | 04:13 Tools | |
22798206 | Play | Jornaleros | 04:24 Tools | |
22798215 | Play | Riña | 01:11 Tools | |
60501052 | Play | Se Que No Te Debo Ver | 01:11 Tools | |
60501053 | Play | Sé que no te debo ver | 01:11 Tools | |
60501060 | Play | Cuando Un Gitano Mira Al Cielo | 04:28 Tools | |
22798185 | Play | A Don Ramón Montoya | 06:11 Tools | |
60501054 | Play | El Rocio Es Mas Que Roma | 06:11 Tools | |
60501055 | Play | El Rocío es mas que Roma | 06:11 Tools | |
60501056 | Play | Colombiana de bajo guía | 06:11 Tools | |
89667953 | Play | Japon, Siempre Japon | 06:11 Tools | |
87831113 | Play | Amanecer Malagueño (Malagueña) | 06:11 Tools | |
87831115 | Play | Romero Y Jara (Serrana) | 04:24 Tools | |
87831117 | Play | Barrenero (Minera) | 04:24 Tools | |
60501057 | Play | Malaguenas: Puerto De Malaga | 06:11 Tools | |
60501045 | Play | Guajira: El Canaveral | 04:24 Tools | |
60501047 | Play | Tarantas: Llanto Minero | 04:24 Tools | |
87831114 | Play | diálogos | 04:24 Tools | |
87831116 | Play | puerto de málaga | 04:24 Tools | |
87831118 | Play | Malagueñas | 04:24 Tools | |
22798155 | Play | Soledad | 02:22 Tools | |
89667954 | Play | Alba Rociera | 02:22 Tools | |
22798139 | Play | Aceituneros | 06:08 Tools | |
22798182 | Play | Corrida real | 03:58 Tools | |
22798176 | Play | Tiempo Del Dolor | 02:46 Tools | |
22798219 | Play | La Venganza | 01:24 Tools | |
22798241 | Play | La Ofrenda | 02:43 Tools | |
22798243 | Play | Conjuro | 04:59 Tools | |
89667955 | Play | Soleá pa mi padre Isidro | 04:59 Tools | |
22798147 | Play | El Hambre II | 04:28 Tools | |
60501062 | Play | La Caceria | 04:28 Tools | |
60501063 | Play | Que Garbosa Va En La Jaca | 04:28 Tools | |
22798227 | Play | Penas, Compas Y Sentimientos | 02:22 Tools |
Track name
Manolo Sanlúcar is a flamenco composer and guitarist born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cadiz) in 1945. Manolo Sanlúcar (Manuel Muñoz Alcón) is considered one of the most important composers of present times, and together with Paco de Lucía and Serranito, main figures in the evolution of the flamenco guitar in recent years. His first teacher was his father, Isidro Sanlúcar, a baker and old style guitarist, who frequently came home with people who were fond of cante and playing; from his childhood he was exceptionally skilled to follow in his steps. His brothers also decided on the same vocation and, among them, Isidro. He soon began to research, aware that the guitar had infinite possibilities that had hardly been explored. The most ambitious of his contributions to the art is his constant striving to integrate flamenco in symphonic music. Several works of the greatest interest which have placed his name among the great composers of our time, encourage this concern by the creator: Fantasía para guitarra y orquesta, Trebujena, Medea and Soleá - that toured the world as a ballet -, Tauromagia or Aljibe. Some of them were recorded. The guitarist explained his guiding intentions: "I wish the experts in universal music to understand that they may approach flamenco, so they do not consider it something tribal and topical, so they see a branch of music in flamenco that allows very profound musical analysis and has extraordinary poetic and musical quality". Going into the same problem, he declared on another occasion: "Flamenco is a philosophy, the way of thinking and feeling of a whole people and its historical tradition. That is why I feel the need to tell more things about flamenco with other sounds and I take to the orchestra and try to get the orchestra to play siguiriyas, but take note, not for the orchestra to accompany siguiriyas and a singer, but for the orchestra to take on the feeling of the flamenco and, as if it were a sole instrument, to tell that spirit and magic sound of flamenco". Manolo Sanlúcar also composed a sort of flamenco opera on an idea by Lebrijano, to be played on the stage, although it has not yet been produced: Ven y sígueme. He has performed in some films. Most important records are Tauromagia (1988), Locura de Brisa y Trino (2000) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.