Marek Biliński

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Dom w Dolinie Mgieł 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z Tropiku 00:00 Tools
Caliope for ever 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Radości 00:00 Tools
Porachunki z Bliźniakami 00:00 Tools
Taniec w Zaczarowanym Gaju 00:00 Tools
Po drugiej stronie świata 00:00 Tools
śpiew rajskich ptaków 00:00 Tools
Kosmiczne Opowiadania 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - Ucieczka Z Tropiku Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Bulwary nad Rzeką Wspomnień 00:00 Tools
Sen Mistrza Alberta 00:00 Tools
Gwiezdne Oranżerie 00:00 Tools
Ogród w Przestworzach 00:00 Tools
Blekitne Nimfy 00:00 Tools
Król świtu 00:00 Tools
Wśród kwiatów zapomnienia 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słońca 00:00 Tools
House in the Foggy Valley - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Wolne Loty 00:00 Tools
Super 515 00:00 Tools
Błękitne Nimfy 00:00 Tools
House In The Foggy Valley 00:00 Tools
Początek światła 00:00 Tools
Escape from the Tropics - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropiku '93 00:00 Tools
On The Other Side Of The World 00:00 Tools
Wolne loty - stare dobre czasy 00:00 Tools
Gorace lato 00:00 Tools
Fountain of Joy - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
On the Other Side of the World - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Settle With Twins 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics (Piekny Stefan Remix) 00:00 Tools
Szukajac cienia 00:00 Tools
Caliope for Ever - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
The Child of the Sun - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Czad 00:00 Tools
Blogoslaw Rojne Miasta 00:00 Tools
E!=mc2 00:00 Tools
Dancing in a Magic Grove - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Szalony koń 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgiel '93 00:00 Tools
Kwiaty krwi 00:00 Tools
Ostrze ognia 00:00 Tools
Faces of Desert 00:00 Tools
Super 00:00 Tools
Master Albert's Dream 00:00 Tools
Błyski kolorów I 00:00 Tools
Strumień iskier 00:00 Tools
Gorące lato 00:00 Tools
Andante Maestoso / Samotność 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Slonca - Piesn Switu 00:00 Tools
Rose - Edition 2014 00:00 Tools
Wielkie łowy 00:00 Tools
Fountain Of Joy - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Gdzie rodzą się gwiazdy 00:00 Tools
Błyski kolorów II 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropiku (wersja full) 00:00 Tools
Rose 00:00 Tools
Andante Molto Expressivo - Wiara 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - 1993 00:00 Tools
Little Prince Prologue 00:00 Tools
Farewell to Rose 00:00 Tools
Tempo di Bolero - Tesknota 00:00 Tools
Mad Horse 00:00 Tools
Szukając Cienia 00:00 Tools
Cosmic Tales - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Escape from the Tropics 00:00 Tools
Zacmienie - Piesn zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
Oaza - Piesn Nadziei 00:00 Tools
House In The Foggy Valley - 1993 00:00 Tools
Wolkenreise - Acoustic Version (Eroc) 00:00 Tools
Little Prince and Banker 00:00 Tools
Ksiezycowa Roza - Piesn Milosci 00:00 Tools
E≠mc² 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgieł '93 00:00 Tools
Wolkenreise - drums version (Eroc) 00:00 Tools
E#mc2 00:00 Tools
Błogosław Rojne Miasta 00:00 Tools
Poczatek Swiatla - Piesn zycia 00:00 Tools
Melissa - Rhythm Version (Francis Lai) 00:00 Tools
The Actor - harmonica version (Jasha Richter) 00:00 Tools
The Actor - Panpipe Version (Jasha Richter) 00:00 Tools
The Blue Nymphs - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Little Prince Landing 00:00 Tools
Escape from the Tropics (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
The Non-Equivalence Of Mass & Energy - E≠mc² 00:00 Tools
Garden In The Air - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Dancing Oscillators 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z Tropiku | Escape From The Tropics 00:00 Tools
Kapitan Nemo 00:00 Tools
The Singing Birds Of Paradise - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Dancing In A Magic Grove - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Phat 00:00 Tools
On the Desert 00:00 Tools
On the Earth 00:00 Tools
In The Flowers Of Oblivion - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Hot Summer - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
The King Of Dawn - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Loneliness 00:00 Tools
Catastrophe 00:00 Tools
The song of dawn 00:00 Tools
Fireblade 00:00 Tools
House in the Foggy Valley (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
Melissa 00:00 Tools
E#mc^2 00:00 Tools
Incendies 00:00 Tools
Boulevards On The River Of Recollections - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Chase (Giorgio Moroder) 00:00 Tools
Conversation With Viper 00:00 Tools
Caliope For Ever - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Melissa (Francis Lai) 00:00 Tools
Chase 00:00 Tools
The song of the road 00:00 Tools
Little Prince Final 00:00 Tools
Flowers of Blood 00:00 Tools
The Child of the Sun (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
Love 00:00 Tools
Remembrance of Rose 00:00 Tools
E=Mc2 00:00 Tools
Input Output 00:00 Tools
Open Flights - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Star Orangeries - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Bilitis 00:00 Tools
Once Upon a Time in America (Ennio Morricone) 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropiku '93 (Marek Biliński) 00:00 Tools
Super 515 (bonus track) 00:00 Tools
Bilitis (Francis Lai) 00:00 Tools
On the Other Side of the World (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
Looking For The Shadow - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
A Favor of a Viper 00:00 Tools
Fountain of Joy (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z Tropiku '93 (Marek Bilinski) 00:00 Tools
Grand Hunt 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgiel '93 (Marek Bilinski) 00:00 Tools
Where the Stars Are Born 00:00 Tools
Faith 00:00 Tools
Once upon a time in America 00:00 Tools
Sparkjet 00:00 Tools
Pills 00:00 Tools
Flashes of Colours 1 00:00 Tools
Caliope for Ever (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
The Song of Hope 00:00 Tools
Flashes of Colours 2 00:00 Tools
Super 515 - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - Piekny Stefan Remix 00:00 Tools
The song of love 00:00 Tools
Bless The Busy Cities - Original Mix 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie Światła 00:00 Tools
Fountain of joy 00:00 Tools
The song of life 00:00 Tools
The Blue Nymphs 00:00 Tools
Dancing in a Magic Grove (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
Przyjaciel Wesołego Diabła 00:00 Tools
The song of twilight 00:00 Tools
Stare Dobre Czasy 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics (Ucieczka Z Tropiku Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Pożegnanie Róży 00:00 Tools
Na Ziemi 00:00 Tools
Rose (Edition 2014) 00:00 Tools
In the flowers of oblivion 00:00 Tools
Na Pustyni 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - Tigermaan Remix 00:00 Tools
Katastrofa 00:00 Tools
Porachunki Z Bliżniakami 00:00 Tools
Pogorzelisko 00:00 Tools
Wspomnienie Róży 00:00 Tools
Dancing in a Magic Grove 00:00 Tools
Po drugiej stronie świata (Vinyl Record) 00:00 Tools
Garden in the air 00:00 Tools
Hot Summer 00:00 Tools
Róża 00:00 Tools
Rozmowa ze Żmiją 00:00 Tools
Przysługa Żmiji 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - Junkie Punks Remix 00:00 Tools
Andante Molto Expressivo / Wiara 00:00 Tools
Dom w dolinie mgie³ 00:00 Tools
Oaza - Pieśń nadziei 00:00 Tools
The Singing Birds of Paradise 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie - Pieśń zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
Cosmic Tales 00:00 Tools
The King of Dawn 00:00 Tools
Tempo di Bolero - Tęsknota 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słońca - Pieśń Świtu 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Slonca , Piesn switu 00:00 Tools
Miłość 00:00 Tools
Początek Światła - Pieśń życia 00:00 Tools
Mały Książę prolog 00:00 Tools
E=/mc2 00:00 Tools
Gwiezdne oran¿erie 00:00 Tools
Mały Książę i bankier 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics - Seb Skalski & Masta P Feat. Ganko 00:00 Tools
Tempo di Bolero / Tęsknota 00:00 Tools
Księżycowa róża / Pieśń miłości 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słońca / Pieśń Świtu 00:00 Tools
Maly Ksiaze i bankier 00:00 Tools
Andante Maestoso , Samotnosc 00:00 Tools
Loara - Largo 00:00 Tools
Ogród W Przestworzach (Garden In The Air) 00:00 Tools
Mały Książę lądowanie 00:00 Tools
Oaza / Pieśń nadziei 00:00 Tools
Roza 00:00 Tools
Tempo di Bolero , Tesknota 00:00 Tools
Księżycowa róża - Pieśń Miłości 00:00 Tools
Sevilla - Allegro Molto 00:00 Tools
Boulevards On The River Of Recollections 00:00 Tools
The Non-Equivalence of Mass Energy 00:00 Tools
Szalony koñ 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropików 00:00 Tools
Maly Ksiaze ladowanie 00:00 Tools
Początek światła / Pieśń życia 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie / Pieśń zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
Milosc 00:00 Tools
Oaza , Piesn nadziei 00:00 Tools
Początek Swiatła 00:00 Tools
Maly Ksiaze prolog 00:00 Tools
Andante Molto Expressivo , Wiara 00:00 Tools
Toscania - Moderato 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z Tropiku'93 00:00 Tools
Looking For The Shadow 00:00 Tools
The Non-Equivalence of Mass & Energy (E≠mc²) 00:00 Tools
Escape from the Tropics (1993) 00:00 Tools
Open Flights 00:00 Tools
Gor±ce lato 00:00 Tools
10. ucieczka z tropiku 00:00 Tools
Cosmic Tales (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Gdzie rodza siê gwiazdy 00:00 Tools
Caliope for Ever (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
B³yski kolorów I 00:00 Tools
Strumieñ iskier 00:00 Tools
Wielkie ³owy 00:00 Tools
Blyski kolorow I 00:00 Tools
Bolero - Andante Maestro 00:00 Tools
Boulevards On the River of Recollections (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Slonca / Piesn switu 00:00 Tools
Andante Maestoso / Samotnosc 00:00 Tools
Ksiezycowa roza , Piesn milosci 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropiku [bonus] 00:00 Tools
Wsród Kwiat W Zapomnienia 00:00 Tools
The Child of the Sun 00:00 Tools
Samotność 00:00 Tools
B³ogos³aw rojne miasta 00:00 Tools
Tempo di Bolero / Tesknota 00:00 Tools
Król Switu 00:00 Tools
B³yski kolorów II 00:00 Tools
Zacmienie , Piesn zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
Taniec w Zaczarowanym Gaju (ФРУ-89) 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Slońca 00:00 Tools
Mały Książę finał 00:00 Tools
Looking for the Shadow (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Bless the Busy Cities 00:00 Tools
B³êkitne Nimfy 00:00 Tools
Oaza / Piesn nadziei 00:00 Tools
Matplaneta 00:00 Tools
Maly Ksiaze final 00:00 Tools
Porachunki z bliƒniakami 00:00 Tools
House in the Foggy Valley (1993) 00:00 Tools
Dom w dolinie mgieł'93 00:00 Tools
Open Flights (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
blogosław rojne miasta 00:00 Tools
Bless the Busy Cities (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Escape From The Tropics (Junkie Punks Remix) 00:00 Tools
Gorące lato . 00:00 Tools
Oaza 00:00 Tools
Poczatek swiatla , Piesn zycia 00:00 Tools
Dom w dolinie mgieł [bonus] 00:00 Tools
Wiara 00:00 Tools
e=mc2 (Dub) 00:00 Tools
Taniec W Zaczarowanym Gaju (Dancing In A Magic Grove) 00:00 Tools
Pod Drugiej Stronie Świata 00:00 Tools
Porachunki z bliŸniakami 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie Œwiata 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgie³ '93 00:00 Tools
14. porachunki z blisniakami 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie ‘wiata 00:00 Tools
Bulwary nad rzek± wspomnieñ 00:00 Tools
Star Orangeries 00:00 Tools
Bulwary Nad Rzek¹ Wspomnieñ 00:00 Tools
Twarze Pustyni - Wiara 00:00 Tools
Hot Summer (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Super 515 (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Radości (Fountain Of Joy) 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słońca (Pieśń Świtu) 00:00 Tools
Zacmienie / Piesn zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
E_(not)_mc^2 00:00 Tools
Porachunki Z BliŸniakami 00:00 Tools
The Actor 00:00 Tools
Piesn switu 00:00 Tools
Szukaj±c cienia 00:00 Tools
Star Orangeries (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Twarze Pustyni - Samotnosc 00:00 Tools
Król Świtu (The King Of Dawn) 00:00 Tools
Twarze Pustyni - Tesknota 00:00 Tools
Wśród Kwiatów Zapomnienia (In The Flowers Of Oblivion) 00:00 Tools
01. super-515 00:00 Tools
09. poczatek swiatla 00:00 Tools
03. fontanna radosci 00:00 Tools
Oaza (Pieśń Nadziei) 00:00 Tools
Błyski Kolorów 00:00 Tools
Mały Książe Finał 00:00 Tools
Krol Świtu 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Radoœci 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgieł - 1984 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Radoœci 00:00 Tools
Java-n-garda 00:00 Tools
Śpiew Rajskich Ptaków (The Singing Birds Of Paradise) 00:00 Tools
Błękitne Nimfy (The Blue Nymphs) 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 01 MALY KSIAZE 00:00 Tools
Pieśń Świtu 00:00 Tools
Ksiezycowa roza / Piesn milosci 00:00 Tools
Once Upon A Time 00:00 Tools
Œpiew rajskich ptaków 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 04 POZEGNANIE ROÚY 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 05 MALY KSIAZE LADOWANIE 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 06 NA ZIEMI 00:00 Tools
Poczatek swiatla / Piesn zycia 00:00 Tools
Andante Molto Expressivo - Wia 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 07 NA PUSTYNI 00:00 Tools
Start 00:00 Tools
01 Input Output 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z Tropiku - 1984 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie Świata - 1984 00:00 Tools
Caliope For Ever - 1986 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie Świata (On The Other Side Of The World) 00:00 Tools
Taniec w Zaczarowanym Gaju - 1983 00:00 Tools
Sen Mistrza Alberta (Master Albert's Dream) 00:00 Tools
gor¹ce lato 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie (Pieśń Zmierzchu) 00:00 Tools
Caliope For Ewer 00:00 Tools
Po Drugiej Stronie Œwiata 00:00 Tools
Helios, Solar, Solaris 00:00 Tools
In The Flowers Of Oblivion (Original Mix) 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 03 MALY KSIAZE I BANKIER 00:00 Tools
Początek Światła (Pieśń Życia) 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 02 ROZA 00:00 Tools
Nokturn 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 09 POGORZELISKO 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 08 KATASTROFA 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 10 MILOSC 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słonca 00:00 Tools
Bulwary bad rzeka wspomnien 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka z tropiku (bonus) 00:00 Tools
Błogoslaw rojne miasta 00:00 Tools
Taniec w zaczarowanym ogrodzie 00:00 Tools
Mały książe-Prolog 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie/Pieśń zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka Z Tropiku (Escape From Tropic) 00:00 Tools
Zaćmienie-Pieśń Zmierzchu 00:00 Tools
szukaj¹c cienia 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Radości - 1983 00:00 Tools
Tempo di bolero (Tęsknota) 00:00 Tools
Król Œwitu 00:00 Tools
Szukąjac Cienia 00:00 Tools
Escape from the Tropics (Tigermaan Remix) 00:00 Tools
Time for Enterprise 00:00 Tools
Tesknota 00:00 Tools
Przyjaciel weso³ego diab³a 00:00 Tools
The Actor-panpipe version 00:00 Tools
Andante Molto Expressivo-Wiara 00:00 Tools
Ksiezycowa Roza - Piesn Milosc 00:00 Tools
Melissa-rythm version 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 11 ROZMOWA ZE ZMIJA 00:00 Tools
E=mc^2 00:00 Tools
Stare, dobre czasy 00:00 Tools
E<>Mc^2 00:00 Tools
Mały Książe i Bankier 00:00 Tools
Dom W Dolinie Mgieł (House In The Foggy Valley) 00:00 Tools
Porachunki Z Bliźniakami (Getting Back At The Twins) 00:00 Tools
Ucieczka Z Tropiku '93 (Escape From Tropic '93) 00:00 Tools
Porachunki Z Bliżniakami (Getting Back At The Twins) 00:00 Tools
Dziecko Słońca - 1995 00:00 Tools
Fontanna Rado 00:00 Tools
Dom W Dolinie Mgieł '93 (House In The Foggy Valley '93) 00:00 Tools
Dom w Dolinie Mgiel '93 (Marek 00:00 Tools
Kosmiczne Opowiadania (Cosmic Tales) 00:00 Tools
Początek światła/Pieśń życia 00:00 Tools
Magic Java 00:00 Tools
Gorące Lato (Hot Summer) 00:00 Tools
Andante maestoso (Samotność) 00:00 Tools
Pieśń miłości 00:00 Tools
Róża - 2010 00:00 Tools
Dom w dolinie mgie³'93 00:00 Tools
Wolkenreise-drums version 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 12 WSPOMNIENIE ROZY 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 14 MALY KSIAZE FINAL 00:00 Tools
Tęsknota 00:00 Tools
Marek Bilinski / 13 PRZYSLUGA ZMIJI 00:00 Tools
  • 207,104
  • 12,630
  • 207104
    top track count

Marek Biliński is one of the most famous Polish composers and multi - instrumentalists, using the newest, electronic keyboard instruments. He is an alumnus of the Academy of Music in Poznan (Music College in Poznan). He acquired his popularity on the music market thanks to his bestseller album "The Garden of the King of Dawn" and video clip "Escape from Tropics", which were accepted by TV audience as the best clip of 1984. In those times he had already procured his succeeding “Golden Disc" and many concerts in Poland and abroad (he gave performances inter alias in Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, Prague, Moscow and Kuwait). Moreover, he was awarded the first prize for the most popular multi-instrumentalist for five consecutive years (1981 - 1985). For the next 4 years (1986-1990) he was a lecturer in the Academy of Music in Kuwait. At this period of time he created compositions with Arabic influences. The most well known composition in Poland that emerged from this period of time was the symphonic fantasia "Faces of the Desert". This composition was supposed to be used in the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Kuwait’s independence, but the Iraqi invasion precluded realization of the event. After the Persian Gulf War, the "Faces of the Desert" (which was visualized by photos of artist-photographer Jacek Wozniak ) represented Kuwait on the Global Exhibition EXPO’92 in Seville, Spain. After returning to Poland he regained his place in instrumental music. He transferred his earlier albums to compact discs. In 1994 he produced a new CD called "The Child of the Sun". Inspired by his music, choreographer Ewa Wycichowska created the ballet called “The Child of the Sun” which was performed by the Polish Theater of Dance. The premiere of this event took place in The Great Theater in Poznan at the end of November 1995. Among other performances, he presented a recital called "Music Tales" for TVP2 (Polish TV Station 2). As a composer, musician and juror he often takes part in radio and TV programs. His music appeared in cinema and television films (inter alias "Friend of Merry Devil" and "Close encounters with Merry Devil" directed by Jerzy Lukaszewicz.). Likewise his music was used in "The Wheel of Fortune" quiz show, in the Gala of the Polish Phonographic Industry Awards - "Fryderyk’96", "Fryderyk’97" and on CD-ROM discs in Poland and abroad, mainly in "The Minden Pictures Collection" in USA. In collaboration with another composer, Wojciech Trzcinski, Marek Bilinski had written a music for a drama, "Brother of Our God", written by Karol Wojtyla - Pope John Paul II, and directed by Andrzej Maria Marczewski. Marek Bilinski was awarded as the best composer and virtuoso of synthesizers in 1995 in the Polish professional magazine "Music". In 1998 he was commissioned to write a suite, "Reflection: I - Toscania, II - Loara, III - Bolero, IV - Seville", in celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the artistic work of Agnieszka Duczmal and her Chamber Orchestra "Amadeus". This piece was composed for chamber orchestra and percussion and each movement bears the names of the places where the orchestra performed. The premiere of the suite occurred in November 1998 at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw. "Reflections" were received very enthusiastically by the audience. As the first in Poland and in this part of Europe, following the steps of Jean - Michel Jarre, he performed great outdoor concerts of music and light in Szczecin (93) and Krakow (94), which were viewed together by 50,000 spectators. Other Concerts of this type were the following: In July 1996 during the Festival of Euro-Eko Meeting in Zlotów, Marek Bilinski presented an very unusual concert - " The Beginning of the Light", with international musicians: Hannibal Means (tenor)- USA, Sarhan Kubeisi (ethnic percussion instruments) - Syria, Edyta Kulczak (soprano)- Poland, Stanislaw Skoczynski (percussion instruments) - Poland and others. With laser, light and picture most of his important compositions were played at the concert. TVP1 recorded and showed the entire concert on September 1st 1996. It was recognized as one of the most interesting artistic events of the year. In March 12, 2000 in Gniezno he performed a concert, "Gniezno - 2000 - Sound - Fire - Light - Color", in honor of Five European Presidents Summit. Marek Bilinski shared the stage with Michal Grymuza, Wojciech Pilichowski, Michal Dabrówka, Piotr "Jackson" Wolski and others. They used the biggest drums in Europe for this occasion. The show was on live transmission by TVP1. In June 21, 2003 in Old Town of Gdansk on the bank of Motlawa, he gave a multimedia performance, "St. John’s - Night". Marek Bilinski played with Piotr Cugowski, Marek Raduli, Mieczyslaw Jurecki, Mariusz "Fazi" Mielczarek, Tomasz Losowski, Ryszard Bazarnik, Krzysztof Krzyskow. The whole music program was embellished by the dancers on the boats. In June 30, 2005 taken place solemn concert under the patronage of the President of the capital city of Warsaw on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Warsaw of the Future” in the city centre on the main square next to the Palace of Culture and Science. In this concert taken part, together with Marek Biliński, leading instrumentalists of the rising generation: Wojciech Pilichowski, Tomasz Łosowski and Krzysztof Misiak. The setting of the concert included visualisation on the LED screens, laser projection as well as fireworks show. Marek Bilinski’s compositions deduces from the best standards of classical and romantic music. His talent and knowledge unite tradition with vision of modern world sounds. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.