Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
19971384 | Play | The Lake (BATHORY cover) | 06:45 Tools | |
19971386 | Play | The Mown Dawns Lie on the Ground | 05:14 Tools | |
19971408 | Play | ...07.22... | 12:15 Tools | |
19971389 | Play | The Lake | 06:38 Tools | |
19971462 | Play | Мне Поведали Зори... | 04:44 Tools | |
19971436 | Play | The Echo Of Forgotten Battles | 07:24 Tools | |
19971534 | Play | On the Verge of the Worlds (Epilogue) | 06:30 Tools | |
19971431 | Play | Raven-Croaking | 07:32 Tools | |
19971412 | Play | I Was Confided By Dawns... | 04:44 Tools | |
19971539 | Play | On the Verge of the Worlds (Prologue) | 03:27 Tools | |
19971455 | Play | Aquarius' Epoch | 08:27 Tools | |
19971385 | Play | ВЕРОломство | 07:16 Tools | |
19971486 | Play | The Golden Throne of Svarog (The Ode) | 05:57 Tools | |
19971451 | Play | Summerside | 30:42 Tools | |
19971454 | Play | Voronograi | 07:32 Tools | |
19971456 | Play | Mne Povedali Zori... | 04:44 Tools | |
19971459 | Play | Epoha Vodoleya | 08:27 Tools | |
19971457 | Play | Na Grani Mirov (Prolog) | 03:27 Tools | |
19971434 | Play | ...07.22.... | 06:30 Tools | |
19971448 | Play | Echo Zabytyh Srazheniy | 07:24 Tools | |
19971670 | Play | Night Side | 31:38 Tools | |
19971497 | Play | Winterside | 30:04 Tools | |
19971507 | Play | Under The Wings Of Starry Darkness (The Nightflight) | 04:17 Tools | |
19971441 | Play | In A Whisper Of Leaves Or In Rolls Of Thunder | 05:57 Tools | |
19971417 | Play | The Thick Wood | 02:05 Tools | |
19971435 | Play | Мне Поведали Зори | 04:44 Tools | |
19971453 | Play | The Frozen Waters | 05:15 Tools | |
19971394 | Play | Раскаты Грома С Огненных Небес | 05:57 Tools | |
19971442 | Play | Father-Sun | 09:39 Tools | |
19971402 | Play | Пылающий Танец Бога Войны | 02:28 Tools | |
19971409 | Play | In Those Times When Earth Was Breathing | 03:46 Tools | |
19971450 | Play | Thunderdreams | 03:48 Tools | |
19971411 | Play | Main Theme | 03:02 Tools | |
19971388 | Play | Время Героев | 05:01 Tools | |
19971421 | Play | The Huntsmen's Camp | 03:24 Tools | |
19971422 | Play | The Pirates' Bay | 04:20 Tools | |
19971387 | Play | Глаза Бездны | 05:17 Tools | |
19971438 | Play | Карпатський щит | 06:08 Tools | |
19971414 | Play | Icymphony | 07:46 Tools | |
19971447 | Play | Magic Dance Of Autumn Leaves | 04:01 Tools | |
19971433 | Play | Destroyed By The gold crosses | 09:25 Tools | |
19971545 | Play | Блеск Грозовых Мечей | 08:14 Tools | |
19971452 | Play | Fern Flowering | 05:21 Tools | |
19971443 | Play | Мать-Луна (Восход) | 03:04 Tools | |
19971503 | Play | The Legend of Sviatoslav | 04:45 Tools | |
19971587 | Play | Навье шествие | 05:09 Tools | |
19971487 | Play | Darker Than Black | 06:24 Tools | |
19971420 | Play | The Old Fort | 03:47 Tools | |
19971490 | Play | Overlimiting Chambers of Kromeshniks | 05:36 Tools | |
19971419 | Play | The Orks' Lair | 02:50 Tools | |
19971669 | Play | The Day Side | 35:05 Tools | |
19971429 | Play | The Graveyard | 02:42 Tools | |
19971460 | Play | Предание Святослава | 04:30 Tools | |
19971531 | Play | The Brilliance of the Thundering Swords | 08:46 Tools | |
19971415 | Play | The Deathland | 02:58 Tools | |
19971585 | Play | Запредельные чертоги кромешников | 05:17 Tools | |
58030878 | Play | V Shepote Listiev il v Groma Raskatah | 02:50 Tools | |
19971474 | Play | Mother-Moon (Sunrise) | 03:04 Tools | |
19971439 | Play | Drums of Doom | 01:03 Tools | |
19971423 | Play | ...And the Story Has Begun | 02:32 Tools | |
19971426 | Play | The Temple of the Skull | 03:08 Tools | |
19971470 | Play | Властелин Болотных Топей | 03:45 Tools | |
19971492 | Play | Father-Sun (intro) | 09:26 Tools | |
19971515 | Play | Epoch of Aquarius | 08:27 Tools | |
19971477 | Play | Mother-Moon | 03:53 Tools | |
19971501 | Play | The Call of Bereginias | 06:10 Tools | |
19971522 | Play | Twilight of Judeochrist | 05:51 Tools | |
19971582 | Play | Чернее Черного | 06:05 Tools | |
19971449 | Play | The Ancient Ruins | 03:14 Tools | |
19971562 | Play | Мистерии Русалий и Полыни | 05:49 Tools | |
19971573 | Play | Зов Берегинь | 05:13 Tools | |
19971500 | Play | On The Verge Of The Worlds | 06:29 Tools | |
19971489 | Play | The Lord of the Bog Swamps | 03:47 Tools | |
19971498 | Play | Thunderdreams (The Sleeping Perun) | 03:38 Tools | |
19971478 | Play | The Frozen Waters (Cold Silence of the Seas) | 04:29 Tools | |
19971584 | Play | The Mysteries of Rusaliyas and Wormwood | 05:49 Tools | |
19971547 | Play | Предрассветный Танец Денницы | 07:44 Tools | |
19971571 | Play | The Preceding Dawn Dance of Dennitsa | 07:27 Tools | |
19971400 | Play | The Raven Croak | 07:34 Tools | |
19971514 | Play | ..."07.22"... | 12:17 Tools | |
19971485 | Play | Icymphony (Triumph of Winter) | 07:17 Tools | |
19971506 | Play | Father-Sun (Sunset) | 05:03 Tools | |
19971493 | Play | The Procession of Nav' | 05:17 Tools | |
19971469 | Play | V Shepote Listiev il v Groma R | 05:57 Tools | |
19971480 | Play | Отец-Солнце (Закат) | 05:03 Tools | |
19971510 | Play | Echo of the Forgotten Battles | 07:24 Tools | |
87728606 | Play | В Шёпоте Листьев Иль В Грома Раскатах | 08:27 Tools | |
19971491 | Play | Эра Водолея | 08:27 Tools | |
19971481 | Play | Fern Flowering (Kupala-Night) | 05:08 Tools | |
19971495 | Play | Эхом Забытых Сражений | 07:24 Tools | |
19971437 | Play | Под ногами рассветы скошены… | 05:13 Tools | |
19971496 | Play | Magic Dance Of Autumn Leaves (Before Long Cold Winter) | 01:33 Tools | |
19971509 | Play | Mother-Moon (Outro) | 03:57 Tools | |
19971551 | Play | Âîðîíîãðàé | 07:32 Tools | |
58030879 | Play | Vlastelin bolotnyh topej | 12:15 Tools | |
19971401 | Play | Крада ч. II : Сурья | 04:06 Tools | |
19971578 | Play | In a Whisper of Leaves or in Rolls of Thunderax | 05:57 Tools | |
19971627 | Play | Epilog (hidden track) | 12:15 Tools | |
19971405 | Play | Крада ч. III : Огонь | 04:12 Tools | |
19971513 | Play | В Шёпоте Листьев Иль В Громах | 05:57 Tools | |
19971549 | Play | Lord Of The Bog Swamps | 03:34 Tools | |
58030880 | Play | Nav'e shestvie | 04:11 Tools | |
19971719 | Play | Zapredel'nye chertogi kromeshnikov | 00:00 Tools | |
58030881 | Play | mat'-luna (voshod) | 03:34 Tools | |
19971527 | Play | Nav' Procession | 05:11 Tools | |
19971589 | Play | Сумерки жидохриста | 05:51 Tools | |
19971574 | Play | Íà Ãðàíè Ìèðîâ (Ïðîëîã) | 03:27 Tools | |
19971524 | Play | На грани миров | 03:27 Tools | |
19971488 | Play | Гиперборея | 06:08 Tools | |
19971523 | Play | Untitled | 30:42 Tools | |
19971504 | Play | In Leaves Whisper or in Bursts of the Thunder… | 05:57 Tools | |
87728607 | Play | Крада Ч. I: Кровь | 31:37 Tools | |
19971557 | Play | Под Ногами Рассветы Скошены... | 05:15 Tools | |
19971518 | Play | Brilliance Of The Thundering Swords | 08:29 Tools | |
19971528 | Play | Сторона Ночи (Parts 1-6) | 31:37 Tools | |
19971561 | Play | Íà Ãðàíè Ìèðîâ (Ýïèëîã) | 06:30 Tools | |
58030882 | Play | Predrassvetnyj tanets dennitsy | 31:37 Tools | |
19971529 | Play | В Шепоте Листьев И В Грома Раскатах | 05:57 Tools | |
58030883 | Play | Chernee chjornogo | 07:44 Tools | |
19971738 | Play | Ýïîõà Âîäîëåÿ | 08:27 Tools | |
19971687 | Play | Ýõî Çàáûòûõ Ñðàæåíèé | 07:24 Tools | |
58030884 | Play | blesk grozovyh mechej | 05:57 Tools | |
19971520 | Play | Вороноград | 07:32 Tools | |
19971502 | Play | Сумерки | 05:42 Tools | |
58030885 | Play | misterii rusalij i polyni | 08:29 Tools | |
19971505 | Play | Destroyed By The gold crosses: Part I: Requiem, Part II: Retribution | 08:57 Tools | |
19971586 | Play | Â Øåïîòå Ëèñòüåâ Èëü Â Ãðîìà Ðàñêàòàõ | 05:57 Tools | |
19971750 | Play | Сторона Дня (Parts 1-6) | 35:03 Tools | |
19971580 | Play | Ìíå Ïîâåäàëè Çîðè... | 04:44 Tools | |
87728608 | Play | Сторона Дня | 04:44 Tools | |
58030889 | Play | Day side | 05:15 Tools | |
58030886 | Play | predanie svjatoslava | 35:05 Tools | |
19971526 | Play | Mother Moon (Moonrise) | 02:59 Tools | |
19971595 | Play | Крада I: Кровь | 07:45 Tools | |
19971742 | Play | otets-solntse (zakat) | 05:03 Tools | |
58030887 | Play | Mother-Moon (Moonrise) | 05:15 Tools | |
19971666 | Play | Крада II: Сурья | 04:05 Tools | |
58030888 | Play | zov beregin' | 05:15 Tools | |
19971594 | Play | Крада III: Огонь | 04:12 Tools | |
19971555 | Play | Сторона Ночи | 31:35 Tools | |
19971610 | Play | sumerki zhidohrista | 05:51 Tools | |
19971556 | Play | Мне поведали зори… | 04:45 Tools | |
19971543 | Play | ...7:22... | 12:17 Tools | |
19971399 | Play | Крада ч. I : Кровь | 07:41 Tools | |
19971622 | Play | В Шепоте Листьев иль в Громах Раскатах | 05:57 Tools | |
19971536 | Play | В Шёпоте Листьев | 05:57 Tools | |
19971508 | Play | Огненный Танец Бога Войны | 02:28 Tools | |
19971609 | Play | Эхо Забатых Сражений | 07:24 Tools | |
19971612 | Play | A Whisper Of Leaves Or In Rolls Of Thunder | 05:57 Tools | |
87728609 | Play | Под ногами рассветы скошены | 05:57 Tools | |
19971579 | Play | The Mysteries Of Rusalias And Wormwood | 06:32 Tools | |
19971729 | Play | The Pre-Dawn Dance of Dennitsa | 07:50 Tools | |
19971623 | Play | The Golden Throne Of DAZHD'BOG | 07:07 Tools | |
58030891 | Play | The Pre-Dawn Dance ]Dennitsa | 05:13 Tools | |
58030890 | Play | The Live Track | 07:07 Tools | |
58030892 | Play | 08 | 05:13 Tools | |
19971588 | Play | Ýðà Âîäîëåÿ | 08:27 Tools | |
58030893 | Play | 5. I Was Confided By Dawns... | 08:27 Tools | |
58030894 | Play | Na Grani Mirov (epilog) | 08:27 Tools | |
19971628 | Play | Ýõîì Çàáûòûõ Ñðàæåíèé | 07:24 Tools | |
19971521 | Play | ...and the Story Has Begu | 02:35 Tools | |
58030895 | Play | 2. Raven-Croaking | 07:24 Tools | |
58030896 | Play | 4. Aquarius' Epoch | 07:24 Tools | |
19971542 | Play | Aquarius Epoch | 08:27 Tools | |
58030898 | Play | 1. On The Verge Of The Worlds | 07:24 Tools | |
19971548 | Play | Tomhet (Burzum cover) | 12:22 Tools | |
19971590 | Play | The Mown Dawns Lie On The Ground - feat. Masha "Scream" (ARKONA, Russia) | 05:13 Tools | |
19971591 | Play | The Night Side (parts 1-6) | 31:38 Tools | |
19971552 | Play | Властелин болтных топей | 03:47 Tools | |
58030897 | Play | Live | 07:24 Tools | |
58030899 | Play | Âîđîíîăđŕé | 07:50 Tools | |
58030900 | Play | The Brilliance Of The Thundering Swords (Live) | 07:50 Tools | |
58030901 | Play | В Шепоте Листьев Иль Грома Раскатах | 07:50 Tools | |
58030902 | Play | 7. On The Verge Of The Worlds (Epilogue) | 07:50 Tools | |
19971572 | Play | Блеск Грозовых Мечей (Live) | 08:15 Tools | |
19971650 | Play | Ìíå Ïîâåäàëè Çîðè | 04:44 Tools | |
58030906 | Play | Hyperborea (Bonus Track) | 05:57 Tools | |
58030903 | Play | Voronograj | 02:35 Tools | |
19971652 | Play | The Day Side (parts 1-6) | 35:05 Tools | |
19971746 | Play | В Шепоте Листьев Иль В Грома Раскk | 05:57 Tools | |
58030904 | Play | Â Řĺďîňĺ Ëčńňüĺâ Čëü Â Ăđîěŕ Đŕńęŕňŕő | 05:57 Tools | |
58030913 | Play | Fern Flowering (Kupala Night) | 05:57 Tools | |
19971630 | Play |  ظïîòå Ëèñòüåâ Èëü  Ãðîìàõ | 05:57 Tools | |
58030905 | Play | 3. In A Whisper Of Leaves Or In Rolls Of Thunder | 05:57 Tools | |
19971532 | Play | Крада ч.1- Кровь | 07:44 Tools | |
19971525 | Play | Крада ч. 2- Сурья | 04:05 Tools | |
19971672 | Play | 6. The Echo Of Forgotten Battles | 07:23 Tools | |
58030907 | Play | Ýďîőŕ Âîäîëĺ˙ | 07:23 Tools | |
58030908 | Play | Mat'-luna - Voshod | 07:23 Tools | |
58030909 | Play | Íŕ Ăđŕíč Ěčđîâ (Ýďčëîă) | 04:05 Tools | |
58030910 | Play | Íŕ Ăđŕíč Ěčđîâ (Ďđîëîă) | 04:05 Tools | |
19971749 | Play | Mother Moon (Outro) | 00:00 Tools | |
58030911 | Play | На грани миров(Эпилог) | 00:00 Tools | |
58030912 | Play | Epocha Vodoleja | 00:00 Tools | |
19971607 | Play | В Шепоте Листьев Иль В Грома Р | 05:57 Tools | |
58030914 | Play | Ýőî Çŕáűňűő Ńđŕćĺíčé | 05:57 Tools | |
58030921 | Play | In Leaves’ Whisper Or In Bursts Of The Thunder... | 04:11 Tools | |
19971546 | Play | Крада ч.3- Огонь | 04:11 Tools | |
58030935 | Play | Hyperborea - Bonus Track | 05:57 Tools | |
58030915 | Play | Echo zabytych srazhenii | 04:11 Tools | |
58030916 | Play | На Грани Миров(Пролог) | 04:11 Tools | |
19971550 | Play | Initiation of Spring | 00:00 Tools | |
58030917 | Play | Ěíĺ Ďîâĺäŕëč Çîđč... | 04:11 Tools | |
58030920 | Play | Mne Povedali Zori | 04:11 Tools | |
58030924 | Play | The Golden Throne Of Dazhd'bog ( The Ode) | 00:00 Tools | |
58030945 | Play | Magic Dance Of Autumn Leaves ( Before Long Cold Winter) | 07:34 Tools | |
58030925 | Play | Thunderdreams ( The Sleeping PERUN) | 06:05 Tools | |
58030918 | Play | Father-Sun(Sunset) | 04:11 Tools | |
58030923 | Play | ВЕРОломство / CREEDamage | 00:00 Tools | |
87728610 | Play | В Шёпоте Листьев Иль Грома Раскатах | 00:00 Tools | |
58030922 | Play | Overlimiting Chambers | 04:11 Tools | |
19971601 | Play | Tomhet | 12:26 Tools | |
19971533 | Play | In Leaves’ Whisper or in Bursts of the Thunder… | 05:57 Tools | |
19971717 | Play | В Шёпоте Листьев Иль В Громах Раскатах | 05:57 Tools | |
19971575 | Play | Воронграй/The Raven Croak | 07:30 Tools | |
19971541 | Play | In Leaves Whisper Or In Bursts Of The Thunder... | 05:57 Tools | |
19971537 | Play | The Lake (BATHORY cover) - feat. Wulfstan (FOREFATHER, UK) | 06:58 Tools | |
58030933 | Play |  ظïîòå Ëèñòüåâ | 05:57 Tools | |
19971733 | Play | .."07.22"... | 12:14 Tools | |
19971704 | Play | Карпатський Щит [Carpathians’ Shield] | 06:05 Tools | |
58030936 | Play | Fern Flowering ( Kupala Night) | 05:57 Tools | |
58030928 | Play | V shjopote list'ev il' groma raskatah | 12:14 Tools | |
58030926 | Play | Vlastelin Bolotnyh Topej / The Lord of the Bog Swamps | 12:14 Tools | |
58030927 | Play | Властелин Болотных Тоией | 12:14 Tools | |
58030929 | Play | Orijanskie Skazanja | 12:14 Tools | |
58030930 | Play | Epocha Vodoleya | 05:57 Tools | |
58030931 | Play | V schepote listjev il v groma raskatach | 05:57 Tools | |
58030932 | Play | Destroyed by the Gold Crosses (part 1) | 05:57 Tools | |
58030934 | Play | Live Side [Bonus] | 05:57 Tools | |
58030944 | Play | And The Story Has Begun | 07:34 Tools | |
19971713 | Play | Мистерии Руслий И Полыни | 05:49 Tools | |
58030937 | Play | Chernee Chjornogo / Darker than Black | 05:49 Tools | |
58030953 | Play | Destroyed by the Gold Crosses, Part I | 07:34 Tools | |
58030954 | Play | Destroyed by the Gold Crosses, Part II | 07:34 Tools | |
58030938 | Play | Эпоха Водолея (live) | 05:49 Tools | |
58030939 | Play | Bljesk Grozowych Mjeciej | 05:49 Tools | |
58030940 | Play | Track 1 | 05:49 Tools | |
19971638 | Play | Воронограn | 07:34 Tools | |
58030958 | Play | Initiation Of Spring (Recorded 2013 AD) | 07:50 Tools | |
58030943 | Play | Father- Sun (Intro) | 07:34 Tools | |
58030941 | Play | Track 3 | 07:34 Tools | |
58030942 | Play | The Brilliance Of The Thundering Swords (Live) (Bonus track) | 07:34 Tools | |
58030946 | Play | ?? ????? ????? (??????) | 07:34 Tools | |
58030947 | Play | Mat'-luna (voshod) / Mother-Moon (Sunrise) | 07:34 Tools | |
58030962 | Play | Initiation Of Spring (Recorded 2013) (Bonus) | 07:40 Tools | |
58030948 | Play | Предрассветный Танец Денниц | 07:34 Tools | |
58030949 | Play | Predrassvetnyj Tanets Dennitsy / The Preceding Dawn Dance Of Dennitsa | 07:34 Tools | |
58030950 | Play | Nav'e Shestvie / The Procession of Nav' | 07:34 Tools | |
58030951 | Play | Misterii Rusalij i Polyni / The Mysteries Of Rusaliyas And Wormwood | 07:34 Tools | |
58030952 | Play | Zapredel'nye Chertogi Kromeshnikov / Overlimiting Chambers Of Kromeshniks | 07:34 Tools | |
58030955 | Play | ????? ??????? | 07:34 Tools | |
58030956 | Play | ?????????? | 07:34 Tools | |
58030957 | Play | Black Sun (Dead Can Dance cover) | 07:34 Tools | |
87728611 | Play | Íà Ãðàíè Ìèðîâ | 06:08 Tools | |
19971568 | Play | Hyperborea (single 2008) | 06:08 Tools | |
89598492 | Play | ... 07.22 .... | 06:08 Tools | |
19971598 | Play | Pre-Dawn Dance Of Dennitsa | 07:50 Tools | |
89598493 | Play | -E> 01KBKE !@065=89 | 07:50 Tools | |
58030959 | Play | The Mown Dawns Lie On The Ground - feat. Masha | 07:50 Tools | |
89598494 | Play | The Lake (BATHORY cover) feat. Wulfstan (FOREFATHER) | 07:50 Tools | |
58030960 | Play | Ðàñêàòû ãðîìà ñ îãíåííûõ íåáåñ | 07:50 Tools | |
89598495 | Play | Carpathians’ Shield [Карпатський Щит] | 07:50 Tools | |
89598496 | Play | Creedamage - Krada I: The Blood (7:40) | 07:50 Tools | |
19971576 | Play | Krada I The Blood | 07:40 Tools | |
58030961 | Play | Predanie Svjatoslava / The Legend Of Sviatoslav | 07:40 Tools | |
58030963 | Play | Sumerki Zhidohrista / Twilight Of judeochrist | 07:40 Tools | |
58030964 | Play | Zov Beregin' / The Call Of Bereginias | 07:40 Tools | |
58030965 | Play | ??? ???????? ???? | 07:40 Tools | |
58030966 | Play | ??? ??????? ???????? | 07:40 Tools |
Track name
The debut album of the project named SILENTIUM was presented to judgement of listeners in autumn of 1995. This capacious word was reflection of the author's calm state of soul. At the same time being a drummer of extreme metal band NOKTURNAL MORTUM the author tried to evade emotionally impetuous compositions dedicating his own creative activity to darkly melancholic keen feelings of anxiety for fate of Mother Nature. SILENTIUM's demo "The Ancients' Wisdom" includes 18 electronic compositions that were written during the period from 1988 to 1993. They were recorded using a non-professional double-cassette tape recorder by means of repeated re-recording. That's why the album had rather mediocre sound and was arranged in minimalistic manner. The second brainchild was born in spring of 1997. Although "Yav', Nav' i Prav'" was recorded in the same primitive manner, it turned out to be brighter and more "grown-up" than the first-born. 10 tracks flow smoothly from one to another and are listened to without taking a breath. All of the tracks are bound by a common conception of Slavonic Aboriginal Religion's renaissance. That's why the demo was called by the name of the most ancient Weltanschauung of Slavonic Nations. This Weltanschauung is the basis of all Being: the Real World, reality; the World of the Dead Ones inhabited with Spirits, and the Law of Gods that keeps both Worlds in equilibrium. The author understood subsequent incompatibility of his idea with the project's name in Latin and decided to give a new name to his creation. After a long quest the author made decision to take his own pseudonym MUNRUTHEL, which he used playing in Nokturnal Mortum, so the new album "Yav', Nav' i Prav'" was released by ORIANA as MUNRUTHEL, and it was the beginning for something new. Then, in summer of 1999, Munruthel recorded his offensive epic sympho-ambient album "Oriyanskiye Skazan'ya" ("Oriana's Tales") also in domestic conditions, but using eight-channel digital equipment. 12 compositions being recorded in non-stop manner for 66 minutes will immerse you into the World of GODS, Spirits, Slavonic Wizards and Mysteries. The demo is adorned with wonderful lyrics written for all tracks including instrumentals. The album had been distributed in C.I.S. countries as well as in foreign ones, and became the favourite work of art for many listeners. An official web site and several unofficial ones including articles, reviews, lyrics and printed music appeared in Internet. A great number of letters addressed to Munruthel was received by ORIANA. Munruthel left Nokturnal Mortum after a record-session of "Nechrist" CD because of an inner conflict and mustered a full value band: G. Sevruk (Munruthel's student) - drums, Wrolok (Runes Of Dianceht) and Bal-a-Myth (Lucifugum) - guitars, Saturious (Nokturnal Mortum) - keyboards, Munruthel - vocal and bass. As before, Munruthel did all the music and arrangements - the same sympho-ambient with metal sound. Six compositions were prepared on rehearsals to be included in MUNRUTHEL's new album. Then a live performance on KOLOVOROT Annual Festival of Pagan music followed, Munruthel was back to Nokturnal Mortum, and as a result he lost his interest in his own solo-project. The new long-awaited album of Nokturnal Mortum was finally released in 2003 after long painstaking rehearsals and the same record session that prolonged for a year. A new more serious inner conflict made Munruthel to put an end to his part of Nokturnal Mortum history. A qualitatively new project was formed in summer of 2003. Munruthel managed to develop his home studio and new self-requirements to sound, composition and arrangements were appeared. The author started working also as a multimedia composer using various loops, grooves, ethnic samples as well as live instruments, e.g., flutes, sopilkas (Ukrainian folk pipes). The last became possible owe to an amazing intimate familiarity with a professional flutist Ann, who became a part of the composer's music and life. The project's style remains the same - it is a kind of soaring ambient, but with strongly pronounced folklore leitmotif and powerful clear-cut (almost rock) rhythm-section. The new project's name became a title of a never-recorded MUNRUTHEL's album - "K O L O" (CIRCLE in Ukrainian in its Sacral meaning). Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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