P. Mobil

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Kétforintos dal 00:00 Tools
Menj tovább 03:59 Tools
Miskolc 00:00 Tools
Utolsó cigaretta 07:29 Tools
Rocktóber 00:00 Tools
Örökmozgó 00:00 Tools
Asszonyt akarok 00:00 Tools
Lámpagyár 00:00 Tools
Főnix éjszakája 00:00 Tools
Varjúdal 00:00 Tools
Alkohol blues 00:00 Tools
A király 00:00 Tools
Mobilizmo 00:00 Tools
Metálmánia 00:00 Tools
Forma I. 00:00 Tools
Embered voltam 00:00 Tools
Intro 00:00 Tools
A zöld, a bíbor és a fekete 00:00 Tools
Oh Yeah 00:00 Tools
Rock 'n' roll 00:00 Tools
Dugjatok a 220-ba 00:00 Tools
Tűzimádó 00:00 Tools
Menj Tovább - Remake 00:00 Tools
A pofádat befogod! 00:00 Tools
Csillag leszel 00:00 Tools
Egyszer az életben 00:00 Tools
Szép volt 00:00 Tools
Élsz-e még 03:51 Tools
Átlagember 00:00 Tools
Ha újra kezdeném 00:00 Tools
Maradsz aki voltál 00:00 Tools
Örökké szeress 00:00 Tools
Buta fiúk, kövér lányok 00:00 Tools
Nem változol semmit 00:00 Tools
Az óra körbejárt 00:00 Tools
A vonat 00:00 Tools
Ketforintos dal 00:00 Tools
Pokolba tartó vonat 00:00 Tools
Kutyából szalonna 00:00 Tools
Menj tovabb 00:00 Tools
Szívpörkölt 00:00 Tools
Aranyásó szakkör 00:00 Tools
Piros, metál, zöld 00:00 Tools
Szerettél már szamuráj? 00:00 Tools
A főnix éjszakája 00:00 Tools
Ez az élet, Babolcsai néni 00:00 Tools
Pléhkrisztus 00:00 Tools
Hányas a kabát 00:00 Tools
Heavy Medal 00:00 Tools
Ne állj mögém 00:00 Tools
Csizma az asztalon 00:00 Tools
Újrakezdeném 00:00 Tools
Kiveszőben Vagyok 00:00 Tools
A hülyeség napja 00:00 Tools
Újra kezdeném 00:00 Tools
Az utolsó Rock 'n' Roll 00:00 Tools
Kétforintos Dal - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
Babba Mária 00:00 Tools
A Zöld, a Bibor és a Fekete 00:00 Tools
Dől a lé 00:00 Tools
Billy, a kölyök 00:00 Tools
Visszajövök 00:00 Tools
Lőj rám! 00:00 Tools
A Zöld, A Bíbor És A Fekete - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
A gálya 00:00 Tools
Műholdra néz az ablakom 00:00 Tools
Harcok 00:00 Tools
Hajsza 00:00 Tools
Lőj rám 00:00 Tools
Vándorlások 00:00 Tools
Simli show 00:00 Tools
Drága Arankám 00:00 Tools
Istennel szemben 00:00 Tools
A két legnehezebb szó 00:00 Tools
Ne engedd elmenni a mamát 00:00 Tools
Keresztfa 00:00 Tools
Átverés 00:00 Tools
Ha jössz hozzám, késő 00:00 Tools
Fönix éjszakája 00:00 Tools
Benzinkút 00:00 Tools
Őshaza 00:00 Tools
A zenekar játszott 00:00 Tools
Most is azt érzem 00:00 Tools
Vérszerződés 00:00 Tools
Nélküled 00:00 Tools
Rock'n'roll 00:00 Tools
Szerettél már 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás 00:00 Tools
Utolsó Rock & Roll 00:00 Tools
Baró Roma Csaj 00:00 Tools
Csóró roma csávó 00:00 Tools
Adj Király katonát! 00:00 Tools
Ötven éves férfi 00:00 Tools
Egészség és térerő 00:00 Tools
Móóóbil 00:00 Tools
Transsylvania 00:00 Tools
Új Haza 00:00 Tools
Forma 1. 00:00 Tools
Kopaszkutya 00:00 Tools
Vonat 00:00 Tools
Heavy Medál 00:00 Tools
Utolso Cigaretta 00:00 Tools
Menj tovább! 00:00 Tools
Sámánének 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Harcok 00:00 Tools
Lódentánc 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Új haza 00:00 Tools
Fõnix Éjszakája 00:00 Tools
Tuzimado 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Vándorlások 00:00 Tools
Az út másik felén - Rocktóber 00:00 Tools
Farkasok Völgye Kárpát-Medence 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás szvit 00:00 Tools
Rock and roll 00:00 Tools
Tüzimádó 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Miskolc - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
Nem érhet baj - Piros, metál, zöld 00:00 Tools
Rock & Roll 00:00 Tools
Tûzimádó 00:00 Tools
Hol voltál King Kong? 00:00 Tools
Adj király katonát 00:00 Tools
Bíborlepke 00:00 Tools
Löj rám 00:00 Tools
Hol voltál King Kong 00:00 Tools
Dugjatok a 220-ba! 00:00 Tools
A Csitári Hegyek Alatt - Remake 00:00 Tools
Bonobó 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Vérszerződés 00:00 Tools
Az utolsó rock'n'roll 00:00 Tools
A csitári hegyek alatt 00:00 Tools
Csoda történt! 00:00 Tools
Oh yeah! 00:00 Tools
Ha megszólalnál 00:00 Tools
Az ördög tudja 00:00 Tools
Gyöngyök és disznók 00:00 Tools
Fellegajtó Nyitogató 00:00 Tools
Egyszer az eletben 00:00 Tools
Lampagyar 00:00 Tools
Hazám, hazám 00:00 Tools
Pokolba taró vonat 00:00 Tools
Tudom, hogy ki vagyok 00:00 Tools
Újhaza 00:00 Tools
Kiveszoben vagyok 00:00 Tools
Nagyon fáj 00:00 Tools
Hógolyó 00:00 Tools
Ez az élet Babolcsai néni! 00:00 Tools
Vírus leszek 00:00 Tools
Nyomjad Papa! 00:00 Tools
Börtönbolygó 00:00 Tools
Józsi, gyere haza! 00:00 Tools
Ha ujra kezdenem 00:00 Tools
Ez Az Élet, Babolcsi Néni 00:00 Tools
Láncos Körhinta 00:00 Tools
Utolsó rock 'n' roll 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás II. Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Nem érzek semmit 00:00 Tools
Oh jeah 00:00 Tools
Ne féljetek, nem megyünk haza 00:00 Tools
Mivel szeretnél 00:00 Tools
Lõj rám! 00:00 Tools
Intro '96 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás I. Intro 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (Szvit) 00:00 Tools
Billy A Kölyök 00:00 Tools
Plehkrisztus 00:00 Tools
Helló, Hogy Vagy? 00:00 Tools
50 éves férfi 00:00 Tools
Örökmozgó lettem 00:00 Tools
Embered voltam (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Mobillizmo 00:00 Tools
Kiveszõben vagyok 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas 00:00 Tools
Ez az elet, Babolcsai neni 00:00 Tools
Szep Volt 00:00 Tools
Főnix Éjszakája - Remake 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás: Őshaza 00:00 Tools
A fõnix éjszakája 00:00 Tools
Kétforintos Dal - Live 00:00 Tools
Lõj rám 00:00 Tools
Vérszerzõdés 00:00 Tools
Soha nem elég 00:00 Tools
Nem akartam megszületni 00:00 Tools
Piros, Metal, Zold 00:00 Tools
Ne Játszd Újra Sam! 00:00 Tools
Nem érhet baj 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás- Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Szexrabszolga 00:00 Tools
Atlagember 00:00 Tools
Babba Maria 00:00 Tools
Dõl a lé 00:00 Tools
Utolsó Rock & Roll - Remake 00:00 Tools
Nem Erhet Baj 00:00 Tools
Miskolc - Remake 00:00 Tools
Te és én 00:00 Tools
Rock & Roll - Remake 00:00 Tools
A galya 00:00 Tools
Az Ora Korbejart 00:00 Tools
Az Utolsó Rock'n Roll 00:00 Tools
A Hindu Szöge 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás I.-V. 00:00 Tools
Kaszárnya, Kaszárnya 00:00 Tools
A pofádat befogod, igen!? 00:00 Tools
Forma1 00:00 Tools
Orokke szeress 00:00 Tools
Ne játszd újra, Sam! 00:00 Tools
Élve vagy halva 00:00 Tools
Rocktóber - Remake 00:00 Tools
Az út másik felén (Rocktóber) 00:00 Tools
Fenix Ejszakaja 00:00 Tools
Felejts el 00:00 Tools
Főnix Éjszakája - Live 00:00 Tools
Az anyaszív (Ófrancia dal) (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
A pofadat befogod! 00:00 Tools
Mûholdra néz az ablakom 00:00 Tools
Az Andocsi Máriához 00:00 Tools
Az Ut Masik Felen/Rocktober 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas-Oshaza 00:00 Tools
Aranyaso szakkor 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás: Harcok 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás: Vándorlások 00:00 Tools
Forma 1 - Remake 00:00 Tools
Neked Adnám A Világot 00:00 Tools
Menj Tovább - Live 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas-Verszerzodes 00:00 Tools
Kiveszöben vagyok 00:00 Tools
Õshaza 00:00 Tools
Ne engedd elmenni a mamat 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas-Vandorlasok 00:00 Tools
Zöld csillag 00:00 Tools
Varludal 00:00 Tools
Utolsó Cigaretta - Live 00:00 Tools
Pléh - Krisztus 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás: Vérszerződés 00:00 Tools
Móóóbil! 00:00 Tools
Gondolsz-e majd rám? 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás: Új haza 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas-Uj Haza 00:00 Tools
Oh Yeah - Remake 00:00 Tools
Ez az élet, Babólcsai néni 00:00 Tools
Szarettel Mar Szamuraj 00:00 Tools
Ómen 00:00 Tools
Örökmozgó - Remake 00:00 Tools
Az út másik felén 00:00 Tools
Utolsó Cigaretta - Remake 00:00 Tools
Ne féljetek, nem megyünk haza! 00:00 Tools
Asszonyt Akarok - Remake 00:00 Tools
Hanyas a kabat 00:00 Tools
Lámpagyár - Remake 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - 1 - Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Maradsz, Aki Voltál - Remake 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Vérszerzõdés 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas-Harcok 00:00 Tools
Ha jössz hozzám, késõ 00:00 Tools
Forma 1 - Live 00:00 Tools
Tűzimádó - Live 00:00 Tools
A Csitári Hegyek Alatt - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Õshaza 00:00 Tools
Két forintos dal 00:00 Tools
Oh Yeah: Oh yeah 00:00 Tools
A dongó 00:00 Tools
Rokolba Tarto Vonat 00:00 Tools
Vágtass velem! 00:00 Tools
Billy A Kolyok 00:00 Tools
Csizma Az Asztalon (bonus) 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás-Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Miskolc (bonus) 00:00 Tools
Nem érhet baj / Piros, Metál, Zöld 00:00 Tools
Szivporkolt 00:00 Tools
Kutforintos Dal 00:00 Tools
Miskolc - Live 00:00 Tools
Intro - Live 00:00 Tools
Kaszárnya, kaszárnya (bonus track) 00:00 Tools
Az anyasziv (Ofrancia dal) (Bo 00:00 Tools
Halálkatlan 00:00 Tools
Babylon 00:00 Tools
Csillag leszel (demó) 00:00 Tools
Tűzmadár 00:00 Tools
Maradsz, Aki Voltal 00:00 Tools
Az utolso Rock'n'roll 00:00 Tools
Atveres 00:00 Tools
Atveres (bonus) 00:00 Tools
Rock N' Roll 00:00 Tools
Menj Tovább - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
Acélváros 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - 2 - Vándorlások 00:00 Tools
Honfgolalás - 5 - Új haza 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - 4 - Vérszerződés 00:00 Tools
Aranyásó szakkör 00:00 Tools
Kutyából Szalonna - Demo 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Szvit 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - 3 - Harcok 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás V. Újhaza 00:00 Tools
Metál mánia 00:00 Tools
Kaszárnya, kaszárnya (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Nem érhet baj (Piros, metál, zöld) 00:00 Tools
Alkohol Blues/Oh Yeah 00:00 Tools
Acélváros (Miskolc) 00:00 Tools
Kaszarnya, kaszarnya (Bonus) 00:00 Tools
Oh, yeah! 00:00 Tools
A zöld a bíbor és a fekete 00:00 Tools
Király - Remake 00:00 Tools
Miért kell elfelednem? 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás-Vándorlások 00:00 Tools
Utolsó Rock&Roll 00:00 Tools
Csillag Leszel (bonus) 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás-harcok 00:00 Tools
Mobilizmo - Remake 00:00 Tools
Varjúdal - Remake 00:00 Tools
Most is azt erzem 00:00 Tools
Rock 'n Roll 00:00 Tools
Ijra Kezdenum 00:00 Tools
Hányas A Kabát? 00:00 Tools
Hányas kabát? 00:00 Tools
Mobilizmó 00:00 Tools
A Kiraly/The King 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (The Conquest Of The Homeland): III. Harcok (Fights) 00:00 Tools
Loj Ram/Shoot Me 00:00 Tools
A Vonat - Live 00:00 Tools
Fenix Ujszakaja 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (The Conquest Of The Homeland): I. Őshaza (Original Home) 00:00 Tools
Lőj rám (demo) 00:00 Tools
Újrakezdeném - 2010, Live in Diósgyőr 00:00 Tools
Ha jössz hozzám késő 00:00 Tools
Lőj Rám - Live 00:00 Tools
Nem Változol Semmit - Live 00:00 Tools
Hellbound train 00:00 Tools
Hányas kabát 00:00 Tools
Az utolsó rock n' roll 04:25 Tools
Oshaza 00:00 Tools
Névtelen hős 00:00 Tools
Lodentanc 00:00 Tools
Mivel szeretnél? 00:00 Tools
Otvenes ferfi 00:00 Tools
Kétforintos Dal (Bónusz) 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás-vérszerződés 00:00 Tools
Ez az élet, Babocsai néni! 00:00 Tools
Utolsó cigaretta (élő) 00:00 Tools
Metalmánia 00:00 Tools
Miskolc - 2010, Live in Diósgyőr 00:00 Tools
Night Of Phoenix 00:00 Tools
Embered voltam (bonus track) 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás 1983 - Live 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalas (Szvit) 00:00 Tools
Urukmozgó 00:00 Tools
A Főnix Éjszakája - Live In Diósgyőr 2010 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás - Szvit - Live 00:00 Tools
III. Harcok 00:00 Tools
Maradsz aki voltál - Nem változol semmit 00:00 Tools
Szivpurkult 00:00 Tools
Szabad vér 00:00 Tools
Óh, Yeah 00:00 Tools
Embered Voltam - Akusztikus Live 00:00 Tools
Kétforintos Dal - Akusztikus 00:00 Tools
Hol voltal King Kong 00:00 Tools
Adj Kiraly Katonat! 00:00 Tools
Embered Voltam - Live In Diósgyőr 2011 00:00 Tools
Tűzimádó - Pyrolater 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (The Conquest Of The Homeland): V. Új Haza (New Home) 00:00 Tools
Baro roma csaj 00:00 Tools
Pyrolater 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (The Conquest Of The Homeland): IV. Vérszerződés (Bloody Contract) 00:00 Tools
Honfoglalás (The Conquest Of The Homeland): II. Vándorlások (Migration) 00:00 Tools
Az óra körbe jár 00:00 Tools
I. Őshaza 00:00 Tools
Forma 1 (Demo) 00:00 Tools
Vérszerzödés 00:00 Tools
Az utolso Rock and Roll 00:00 Tools
Rocktóber - Live 00:00 Tools
Forma I/Formula I 00:00 Tools
Kétforintos Dal - 2010, Live in Diósgyőr 00:00 Tools
Rock And Roll - Live 00:00 Tools
Rock'n roll 00:00 Tools
One more drag 00:00 Tools
Transylvania 00:00 Tools
Az Anyaszív - Ófrancia Dal 00:00 Tools
Utolsó cigaretta/One More Drag 00:00 Tools
Fonix éjszakája 00:00 Tools
A király/The King 00:00 Tools
A pofádat befogod ! 00:00 Tools
  • 59,434
  • 1,793
  • 59434
    top track count

The history of Gesarol-P. Mobil 1969-2015. If somebody spends more than forty five years under the sign of rock and roll, it’s time to make an account. Let’s see! 1969. On the 20th of august in the Youth Park of Lőrinci, the Haus Byrds played a double show. At the beginning of the second part, the front man of the band made an important statement: “Ladies and gentleman please welcome on the stage: The Gesarol.” It was the official name-giving ceremony of the band. 1970. Until the beginning of summer the line up: Gábor Szakács, László Szakács, József Sándor, Ágoston Pótz Nagy, Lóránt Schuster was act more or less calmly, than the singer Gábor Szakács got the sack. At the same time the “musicians of the insectmortal” –as they called themselves- took into the band a talented guitarist, Sándor Cziránku. From the autumn, a new front singer, Gyula Vikidál and a vocalist, Györgyi Huszár joined to the group. 1971. In April, with reference to better financial opportunities -the brilliant singer- Vikidál states that he leave the group, and go on with gig-bands, in Miskolc and Szolnok. Sándor Tóth arrived to the front, who got the honourable nickname “Varnya”. He was a shell-proof singer. 1972. The Gesarol apply for the famous talent show called “Ki-Mit-Tud?” (Who-What-Knows?). In the category of beat-bands they got the “upscale” second place behind the Universal. There were some other member trucks in this year, namely: behind the drums László Szakács went and András Póta came, on the bass József Sándor went and László Losó arrived who was a talented singer as well. 1973. Lóránt Schuster put an advertisement in the Esti Hírlap (Evening Print), after the name Gesarol was censored by the National Organizer Office. The advertisement let knew that Gesarol after the 1st of May work on and they continue their career under a new name: P. Mobil (Perpetuum Mobile). After Sándor Cziránku played a whole show back on the public, he had to gone, and Sándor Bencsik joined. On the 10th of June, already as P. Mobil was their first appearance, on the first Pop Festival ever in Hungary, in Diósgyőr. 1974. The bass guitarist László Losó leave and László Kékesi came, who got the nick “Bajnok” (Champ). The drummer changed as well, Zoltán Pálmai took András Póta’s seat. In the person of Gábor Lengyel a new guitarist arrived beside Bencsik. With this act took shape the first two-guitar line-up of the band. Lengyel wasn’t only the second guitarist, because he was an expert of violin and piano as well. This two-guitar line-up broke off until Bencsik spend his army days. 1975. Bencsik demobilized after some month and immediately returned to P. Mobil. They wrote their first concept programme, the Fortunate of the street-organist. The man of idea Schuster create a new genre for this opus, it was the “rock-operetta”. The cultural leadership couldn’t understand the story that tells a relationship of a street-organist and a suburban band. In the end they didn’t get any opportunities to record this opus. 1976. In the beginning of spring Vikidál and Lengyel was kicked out and Gábor Szegváry came from the band Wastaps. Szegváry was quite a character; nevertheless it was a short period, because he couldn’t fulfil the band’s hope. After this half year P. Mobil took back Vikidál, which were the third and the last case. 1977. They played first time in the great Soviet Union, in a forty days tour. One more first experience in this year: a tour in Transylvania. For more complete sound P. Mobil need an organist, so they took István Cserháti and this formation become later the “legendary line-up”. In the summer they started to work on their greatest piece of music. It was the Conquest suite in five movements. 1978. Pálmai got his call-up paper from the army, so the band was forced to get somebody on the empty post. They found István Mareczky (nicknames: Totó, Zsír /Fat/) who played previously in the band of Theatre Operetta. Finally the first official record of P. Mobil, in the shape of an SP released: Kétforintos dal/Menj tovább (Tuppence song/Go on). They presented the Conquest suite, but for political reasons they couldn’t record it. On the 15th of October P. Mobil played on the III. Festival of Solidarity, than on the 26th of October the Hungarian Radio recorded their show in the Láng (Flame) arts centre, for the first P. Mobil LP. 1979. The promised LP by the Record Producer Company never realized only an SP released from that concert: Forma 1/Utolsó cigaretta (Formula 1/One more drag). The last show with Vikidál was on the 1st of May in the legendary Youth Park of Buda. He left the band for a newly founded group called Dinamit (Dynamite). Between the 13th and the 27th of June P. Mobil had a tour in Holland, without Vikidál and any lead vocalist. Bajnok, the bassist solved this “small” problem very well and sang the whole programme. On the 17th of July the new singer Péter Tunyogi introduced to the public in Szekszárd. The beginning became difficult, because Schuster was prohibit from the stage at that time, so he announced only from the sides. 1980. The third SP released, already with Tunyogi, up on it a live song and an instrumental one: Miskolc/Csizma az asztalon (Miskolc/Boots on the table). The band recorded four songs on the 19th of March, in the studio of the National Radio: Forma 1, Utolsó cigaretta, Örökmozgó, Csillag leszel (Formula 1, One more drag, Perpetual motion, You’ll be a star). As a special guest, the well-known István Bergendy took part in the Csillag leszel on saxophone. On the 23rd of August there was the legendary Black Sheep Festival in Óbuda, on the Hajógyári sziget (Ship Work Island). The Beatrice, the Hobo Blues Band and the P. Mobil, so three black sheep bands played in one night. They got the special “black sheep status”, because the regime find them undesirable, nevertheless or that’s exactly why they were packing the crowd in. Bencsik (the main composer) and Cserháti left the band to found a new group together under the name of P. Box (Pandora’s Box). Their last show with P. Mobil was in Ajka, on the 15th of September. Three month later on the 15th of December the “new” P. Mobil debuted in Szeged with Vilmos Sárvári on guitars, and András Zeffer on the organ. 1981. In April the cinemas presented the Kopaszkutya (Bald dog). Beside the whole Hobo Blues Band Schuster as the main character, Mareczky as a supporting actor took part in the movie. The two bands settled a short “Kopaszkutya” tour to promote the production. The whole Hungarian rock elite thus P. Mobil as well played on the Rock Festival of Dorog on the 27th of June. On the 22nd of August the National Organizer Office tried to repeat the Black Sheep Festival, but the performers list was very mixed. After many-many fight finally the first P. Mobil LP the Mobilizmo released in the month of November. After a short time it reached the Gold status, which was 100 000 sold copy at that time in Hungary. 1982. The new Sports Arena in the Capital was opened to the public on the 12th of February. Two days later the Canadian Saga played the first concert in the Arena and the warm up band was P. Mobil with a special guest László Benkő from Omega. 1983. 1983 was the year of the 10th anniversary of the P. Mobil. After three and a half years Mobil back to the Youth Park of Buda in the 29th of April. This show and the backstage conversation served as a basis to a documentary about the band. The director Gábor Koltay followed P. Mobil in the spring and recorded many-many situations before, and after the concerts among the public. This documentary recorded a quite bold and rebellious scene during the first song, when Schuster pull down a wall which was built in the middle of the stage. At the end of July the second P. Mobil LP, Heavy Medal released, and just like the Mobilizmo it also became Gold. On the 27th of August István Mareczky defected. Temporarily András Gyenizse sat down behind the drums, whose first show was on the 10th anniversary of the Miskolc Rock festival. In November Tibor Donászy joined as the official drummer of P. Mobil, who played among others Edda and Beatrice. 1984. As shown by the third P. Mobil LP’s title, it contains finally the epoch-making opus the Conquest. Beside the suite all those “classic” Mobil songs get on the record, which made the band famous, and not as yet recorded. This album also reached the 100 000 sold copy and became Gold. On the 4th of August in Pusztavacs there was a Peace Festival and it ending in failure. It so happened that the programme was slide, and the crowd become more and more angry and claimed P. Mobil on stage. The police and other security forces started to sort the people out, but the crowd answered it in the shape of flying beer-bottles. All the hell broke loose. It was kind a civil war, but the P. Mobil show finally passed off. A newer age ended in the history of the Hungarian rock, the legendary Youth Park closed on the 23rd of September, with a P. Mobil show titled. “Electric funeral”. 1985. In the beginning of the summer between the 1-6th of June P. Mobil organized a unique tour on the Danube River. The legendary “Aquatic-tour” tended from north to south and stopped in offshore cities, and docks. The band played on the deck of a ship and the public listen from the coast. Mobil wrote all the songs for the next LP (Ez az élet Babolcsai néni), and recorded it on a demo tape, but the studio recording wasn’t realized. The drummer Tibor Donászy declared that he leaving the band at the end of the year. The Hungarian Live Aid organized on the 26th of December with the whole Hungarian rock elite. The P. Mobil played its penultimate show there and two days later in Kaposvár was the last one until 8 and half year. 1986. In January Lóránt Schuster gave in an official report to the National Organiser Office about the band stay the work for indefinite time. 1987. The last show ever, with the last group (Bill és a Box Company) of Sándor Bencsik in July 21st in Veszprém. On the 23rd of September, in the Austrian Trausdorf’s refugee camp Bencsik jumped out from the second floor and died. 1988. In June Schuster back on stage for two songs (Menj tovább, Maradsz, aki voltál) as a special guest in an EDDA show. 1991. Lóránt Schuster ran into Vilmos Sárvári in the Kagyló (Shell) Presszó, and this meeting adumbrate the possibility of restart. 1992. In autumn one unprompted show under the name of P. Mobil, but in a special line up: Péter Tunyogi vocal, Vilmos Sárvári guitar, László Kékesi bass, Tamás Szekeres guitar, Dezső Döme drums and Lóránt Schuster. 1993. During the summer in a small resort called Kerekdomb the P. Mobil (Mareczky, Kékesi, Sárvári, Schuster, Tunyogi) finalize the songs of Babolcsai néni. The Stage Power, a double compilation record released in October, which contains the three Mobil LP. In the Sport Arena at New Year’s Eve gala P. Mobil played two songs. 1994. The Babolcsai néni CD and cassette released in April. The 11th of June is the official comeback day of P. Mobil. The Schuster-Sárvári-Mareczky, Tunyogi-Kékesi-Zeffer line up P. Mobil played in the Stadium of Ferencváros, Mareczky returned to Australia, and leave the band, András Póta –the early drummer of the band- came back for some month as a session drummer. In October pith of the Fradi show released on a single CD, as the first live tape of P. Mobil. 1995. In March Dezső Döme became the drummer. On the outdoor stage of Petőfi Hall P. Mobil played a double full house show for the memory of Sándor Bencsik on the 31st of March and the 1st of April, with István Bergendy and the four rock tenors: Vikidál, Varga, Deák and Tunyogi. A memory record released with songs of Sándor Bencsik, and a new one with the four rock tenors. In June another obligate change behind the drums. Gábor Németh arrived to the P. Mobil bound. On the 20th of October the new P. Mobil CD released, which is the biggest undertaking in the history of the band. This record is the symphonic version of the Conquest suite cooperating with the State Concert Orchestra. The live premiere of the symphonic suite was in the Budapest Congressional Centre with the whole State Concert Orchestra on the 28th of December. The rest of the comeback show released supplement with 5 ancient Mobil songs rerecorded versions. 1996. In the year of the Hungarian Conquest mille centennial, P. Mobil rerecorded the Conquest suite in an up to date sound and completed with an intro and a bonus track. The bonus is an old disabled version of the Metalmania, with the original lyrics Transsylvania. The Memory Commission of the Mille Centennial honoured P. Mobil for their work about the Conquest suite. On the 28th of December P. Mobil held a great show in the Budapest Circle Hall, with special guests, as István Cserháti, Alajos Németh, Egon Póka, Béla Tolcsvay, and the daughters of Péter Tunyogi. Nobody knows at that night, but it was the last show –as a P. Mobil member- of Péter Tunyogi, László Kékesi, András Zeffer. 1997. Only two musicians arrived to the three places, Egon Póka on bass, and József Rudán (Joe) become the singer. On the 12th of June, in the festival of Csörge tói Rockmaraton was the first performance of the new line up: Gábor Németh, Egon Póka, Joe Rudán, Vilmos Sárvári, Lóránt Schuster. It was the first show of the “Hey Joe!” tour. The music of the new record finalized in the autumn of this year. 1998. The new P. Mobil CD –Kutyából szalonna- released in the spring, and the same time the rhythm section leave the band. Sándor Herpai became the drummer and one of the roadies, Péter Lieber got the bass position. After some month Lieber went and András Szkladányi arrived with Gyula Papp as the new organist. 1999. After some month Papp and Szkladányi leave the band and Póka came back. Two releases in this year. The first one was a live CD which finally contains the whole 1978 show from the Láng arts centre. The second one was a special compilation. On this CD -called Színe-Java-, the band rerecorded their biggest hits with a special scoring without any organs and piano. In June starts the 30th anniversary tour with Gyula Vikidál as a special guest. The enthronization of the tour was in the Népstadion as the warm up band of Omega. 2000. On the 18th of June in the Paks Gastroblues Festival they reissued the Conquest suite with János Fogarasi on the organ. 2001. In October Gábor Németh return to the band. At the same time Ferenc Tornóczky jr. become the second guitarist who played in the blues band of Gyula Deák Bill. 2002. After a long silence period a new song debuted, called Hol voltál King-Kong? (Where were you King-Kong?) 2003. A special 3000 numbered copies official book released about the history of P. Mobil in August by Vilmos Sárvári. The book contains an official bootleg compilation CD from the early years. Rock gala about the 30th anniversary of the Miskolc Rock festival, in the 21st and the 22nd of November. The P. Mobil got “Rockstar 30” award on the first night and the second night they played a full house show in the Sports hall of Miskolc. 2004. An outstanding anniversary again, the 35th. The celebrated it in the castle of Diósgyőr with a special guest Péter Tunyogi, who came through in very hard times after a spine surgery. A special DVD with 2CDs released about the ’83 10th anniversary show, called Magyar Fal (Hungarian wall). 2005. On the 21st of August István Cserháti –the one-time organist of the P. Mobil- died. The band held two special memory shows with their previous (1983-1985) line ups. 2006. Mobil rescore some of their songs in acoustic sound, and presented in the summer festivals and outdoor shows. 2007. A Sports Arena show in the Rock Arena Festival in February. On the 7th of May by general compact, the path of Joe Rudán and P. Mobil diverged. István Mareczky visit home for some weeks and P. Mobil organise a “Tunyogi years” retrospective tour. Unfortunately only one show was complete in Kaposvár, because in the middle of the second show Péter Tunyogi swooned, and then the whole tour cancelled. 2008. The new singer is László Baranyi. New singer, new songs, P. Mobil started to write the new -for a long while current- album. The first ones were Fegyvert veszek (Take gun), and Gyöngyök és disznók (Pearls and pigs). On the 1st of November Péter Tunyogi met with an accident on the stairway of the Rocktogon Club. Despite hospitalization Tunyogi died on the 9th of November. The last show with Gábor Német on the 28th of December in the Josefina Blues Bell Club. 2009. Mátyás Szakadáti officially joined on the 28th of February as the new drummer of P. Mobil. The new CD released on the 2nd of July, under the name of Mobileum. The 40th anniversary show was in the Bozsik Stadium in Kispest, on the 8th of August. After the last show of the Mobileum tour, on the 27th of September Póka, Tornóczky, Szakadáti leave the band. Until the end of the year P. Mobil line up filled up. Two young guy became the rhythm section; Zsolt Szebelédi drums, Dániel Tarnai bass. After 10 years (and not Ten years after) Gyula Papp and the sound of organ and piano come back to P. Mobil. 2010. The first performance of the new P. Mobil was in the Josefina Blues Bell Club in Budapest on the 13th of February. On the last concert of the year P. Mobil presented two new songs: Nagyon fáj (Its hurt so), A nagy lalala (The great lalala). 2011. On the 28th of May was the opening ceremony of the first Rock museum of the Carpathian basin in Nyitragerencsér. The ceremony ended with a great P. Mobil show, the warm up band was Gesarol. On the 7th and 8th of October a charitable festival was in Szilice, In the organisation of Lóránt Schuster and the P. Mobil. A new song debuted on the last show of the year, called Nyomjad Papa! (Come on Daddy!). 2012. A new double concert CD, Miskolci kocsonya (Miskolc jelly) released in the spring, which was edited from three shows. Heavenly Band Festival. On the 30th of September in the Petőfi Hall the Hungarian rock elite tribute to the three legendary guitarist: Tamás Barta, Béla Radics, Sándor Bencsik. The host band was P. Mobil. Such as the last two years P. Mobil presented a new song on the last show the year. This year it was the title song of the upcoming P. Mobil CD; Farkasok völgye-Kárpát-medence (Valley of the Wolves-Carpathian basin). 2013. In the summer István Mareczky visited Hungary again, and played some shows with P. Mobil and celebrate his 60th birthday together in a great summer night show. In the middle of the summer this line up broke up, and Gyula Papp got out, Péter Szabó became the organist. Forty + four years ferial full house show in the Budapest Park on the 19th of August. 2014. In the spring Lóránt Schuster nebulized, and the band played without him. Nobody know anything about Schuster, until the great 45th anniversary show, when he came back to stage. It was on the 16th of August in the Budapest Park. At the after party in the Club of P. Mobil he knowing everybody about his condition. On the 9th of October the Valley of the Wolves-Carpathian basin is out! 2015. "I know how i am" tour in whole year. From May until September 5 events on Beertent of City Park in Budapest. With many guests such as Török Ádám,Kékesi Bajnok László,Vörös István,Koroknai Árpád, Losó László, Tóth János Rudolf Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.