Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
12436821 | Play | A spotless Rose | 03:40 Tools | |
53490263 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "Hallelujah" | 03:40 Tools | |
12436808 | Play | Kyrie | 05:15 Tools | |
12437043 | Play | Cancion (Guerrero) | 02:44 Tools | |
12436929 | Play | Oratio | 01:24 Tools | |
12436839 | Play | Pater noster | 01:25 Tools | |
12436924 | Play | Gloria | 04:23 Tools | |
12436863 | Play | Introitus | 03:11 Tools | |
12436991 | Play | Cancion Ecce sacerdos magnus | 00:00 Tools | |
12436887 | Play | Cancion (Rogier) | 01:49 Tools | |
12437140 | Play | Tiento del quinto tono (Cabez | 00:00 Tools | |
12436904 | Play | Postcommunio | 01:12 Tools | |
12436931 | Play | Kyrie (Morales) | 05:30 Tools | |
12437194 | Play | Tiento del quarto tono (Cabez | 00:00 Tools | |
12437165 | Play | Prefatio | 01:44 Tools | |
12437223 | Play | Graduale Subiendo amor (Guerr | 00:00 Tools | |
12436997 | Play | Evangelium secundum Mattheum | 02:00 Tools | |
12437259 | Play | Epistola ad Timotheum | 01:55 Tools | |
12436994 | Play | Graduale Todos aman (Guerrero | 00:00 Tools | |
12436911 | Play | Credo (Morales) | 08:59 Tools | |
12437146 | Play | O Doctor optime (Guerrero) | 03:40 Tools | |
12436883 | Play | Elevatio Mille regretz (Gombe | 00:00 Tools | |
12436823 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Sonata [6] à 8 'pian e forte' (Giovanni Gabrieli, 1597) | 05:17 Tools | |
12436990 | Play | Ite missa est | 00:50 Tools | |
12436891 | Play | Agnus Dei (Morales) | 06:58 Tools | |
12437155 | Play | Offertorium (Cabezon) | 01:04 Tools | |
12437141 | Play | Sanctus (Morales) | 05:29 Tools | |
12437023 | Play | Emendemus in melius (Morales) | 06:09 Tools | |
12436996 | Play | Del modo de taner a corcheas | 00:00 Tools | |
12437354 | Play | Recessional Cancion (Rogier) | 01:50 Tools | |
12437154 | Play | Communio: Fidelis servus et p | 00:00 Tools | |
53490264 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) / Part 1 - 18. Aria: "As with rosy steps the morn" (Irene) - Sc.4 | 00:00 Tools | |
12436809 | Play | Gloria in excelsis Deo | 02:04 Tools | |
12436819 | Play | Sanctus | 02:30 Tools | |
12436810 | Play | Laudamus Te | 04:47 Tools | |
12436826 | Play | Salvator noster a 15, C 80 | 04:13 Tools | |
12436811 | Play | Gratias agimus | 01:02 Tools | |
12436820 | Play | Benedictus | 01:23 Tools | |
12436812 | Play | Domine Deus | 02:46 Tools | |
12436813 | Play | Qui tollis | 04:03 Tools | |
12436814 | Play | Quoniam tu solus | 03:51 Tools | |
12436837 | Play | Agnus Dei | 02:55 Tools | |
12436815 | Play | Jesu Christe | 00:34 Tools | |
12436999 | Play | Howells: A spotless Rose | 03:38 Tools | |
12436822 | Play | No.4 Evangelist, Chorus I/II, Jesus: "Da versammelten sich die Hohenpriester" | 03:12 Tools | |
12436816 | Play | Cum Sanctu Spiritu | 03:40 Tools | |
12436817 | Play | credo in unum deum | 03:17 Tools | |
12436818 | Play | Et incarnatus est | 07:49 Tools | |
53490269 | Play | Gardanum (Tomás Luis de Victoria)-O magnum mysterium | 05:10 Tools | |
53490270 | Play | Motetti de la Corona (Josquin des Prés) - Praeter rerum seriem | 05:06 Tools | |
12436829 | Play | Canon in Festis Duplicibus "Pater Noster" | 01:51 Tools | |
12436828 | Play | Kyrie à 5 | 01:58 Tools | |
53490265 | Play | Josquin Des Pres: Motetti de la Corona - Praeter rerum seriem | 01:58 Tools | |
12436951 | Play | Introit | 03:04 Tools | |
53490266 | Play | Handel: Serse - Performance Edtion by King's Music / Act 1 - Arioso: Ombra mai fù | 01:58 Tools | |
12436824 | Play | No.8 Aria (Soprano): "Blute nur, du liebes Herz" | 05:03 Tools | |
53490267 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "For unto us a Child is born" | 05:03 Tools | |
12437144 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.39 Aria (Alto): "Erbarme dich" | 06:13 Tools | |
12436953 | Play | Gloria à 16 | 05:10 Tools | |
53490268 | Play | Handel: Tamerlano HWV 17 - Performance Edition by Benjamin Bayl & Paul McCreesh / Act 1 - Aria: Ciel e terra armi di sdegno | 05:10 Tools | |
12436913 | Play | Christe à 8 | 02:06 Tools | |
12436853 | Play | Kyrie à 12 | 03:07 Tools | |
53490271 | Play | Epistola | 05:06 Tools | |
12436825 | Play | No.20 Aria (Tenor, Chorus II): "Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen" | 05:06 Tools | |
53490272 | Play | Gabrieli: In Ecclesiis à 14 (C78) | 05:06 Tools | |
12437152 | Play | Collect | 01:02 Tools | |
12436935 | Play | Preface | 02:52 Tools | |
53490273 | Play | George Frideric Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2 - "Hallelujah" | 05:06 Tools | |
12436876 | Play | Overture | 03:26 Tools | |
12437103 | Play | Officium Defunctorum: Antifona | 03:10 Tools | |
12436843 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Canzona [9] à 10 (Giovanni Gabrieli, 1597) | 04:20 Tools | |
53490274 | Play | Schein: Sonata: Padouana a 5 - Banchetto musicale (Leipzig, 1617) | 02:52 Tools | |
53490275 | Play | Gabrieli: Sonata con tre violini (XXI from Canzoni et Sonate, 1615) | 02:52 Tools | |
12437029 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No.5 Recitative (Alto): "Du lieber Heiland du" | 01:01 Tools | |
12436962 | Play | Arrival of the Doge: Toccata 26 | 01:01 Tools | |
12437045 | Play | No.35 Aria (Tenor): "Geduld" | 03:41 Tools | |
12436831 | Play | No.38 Evangelist, Ancilla I/II, Petrus, Chorus II: "Petrus aber sass draussen im Palast" | 02:23 Tools | |
12437393 | Play | Epistle | 00:59 Tools | |
53490277 | Play | Evangelium | 01:51 Tools | |
12437319 | Play | Gospel | 01:51 Tools | |
12436834 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Domine ad adiuvandum a 6 | 01:52 Tools | |
12436988 | Play | No.19 Recitative (Tenor, Chorus II): "O Schmerz! hier zittert das gequälte Herz" | 01:51 Tools | |
12437257 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No.6 Aria (Alto): "Buss und Reu" | 04:15 Tools | |
53490276 | Play | Graduale: Requiem aeternam | 01:51 Tools | |
12436830 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Psalmum 109: Missus est Angelus Gabriel | 00:36 Tools | |
53490278 | Play | Tractus: Absolve, Domine | 06:51 Tools | |
12436870 | Play | No.33 Evangelist, Pontifex, Testis I/II: "Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten" | 01:04 Tools | |
12437085 | Play | Sequentia: Dies irae | 06:51 Tools | |
12436858 | Play | No.5 Recitative (Alto): "Du lieber Heiland du" | 01:01 Tools | |
53490279 | Play | Handel: "Hallelujah" (Messiah) | 06:51 Tools | |
53490280 | Play | Officium Defunctorum: Salmo 94 | 06:51 Tools | |
12436841 | Play | No.16 Evangelist, Jesus, Petrus: "Petrus aber antwortete" | 01:04 Tools | |
12436909 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Psalmum 112: Ave Maria gratia plena | 00:41 Tools | |
12437004 | Play | Britten: A Hymn to the Virgin (1930, rev. 1934) | 03:49 Tools | |
53490281 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 - Overture | 03:49 Tools | |
12437281 | Play | O magnum mysterium | 03:50 Tools | |
12437121 | Play | Communio: Lux aeterna | 02:55 Tools | |
12436856 | Play | No.1 Chorus I/II: "Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen" | 06:06 Tools | |
12436998 | Play | Tavener: Hymn To The Mother Of God | 03:32 Tools | |
53490283 | Play | J.S. Bach: "Erbarme dich" (St. Matthew Passion) | 03:32 Tools | |
12436901 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Psalmus II: Laudate, pueri Dominum a 8 | 05:48 Tools | |
53490282 | Play | 50. Air: As great Jehovah lives | 03:49 Tools | |
12436857 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Motet: Omnes gentes à 16 (Giovanni Gabrieli, 1597) | 04:24 Tools | |
12437272 | Play | Holst: Nunc Dimittis | 03:11 Tools | |
12437214 | Play | No.6 Aria (Alto): "Buss und Reu" | 04:15 Tools | |
12436854 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Gloria à 16 (Andrea Gabrieli, 1587) | 05:10 Tools | |
12436868 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Psalmum 121: Ne timeas Maria | 00:51 Tools | |
12437342 | Play | Josquin Des Pres: Ave Maria - (4vv) | 07:03 Tools | |
53490284 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Kyrie | 07:03 Tools | |
53490285 | Play | Allegro | 07:03 Tools | |
53490286 | Play | Introit "Dominus dixit" - Psalm "Quare fremuerunt" | 07:03 Tools | |
12437091 | Play | Harris: Bring us, O Lord God | 04:11 Tools | |
12436850 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Psalmus I: Dixit Dominus a 6 | 07:06 Tools | |
12436907 | Play | No.22 Recitative (Bass): "Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder" | 00:50 Tools | |
53490287 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Almighty Power " | 00:50 Tools | |
12436938 | Play | No.3 Choral: "Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen" | 00:38 Tools | |
53490288 | Play | Schütz: Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV435 (1664) - Beschluss: Dank sagen wir alle Gott... | 05:10 Tools | |
12436881 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Psalmus III: Laetatus sum a 6 | 06:25 Tools | |
12437367 | Play | Missa Pro Defunctis: Introitus Requiem Aeternam | 08:44 Tools | |
53490291 | Play | de Victoria: Gardanum - O magnum mysterium | 03:11 Tools | |
12436961 | Play | No.10 Choral: "Ich bin's, ich sollte büssen" | 00:40 Tools | |
53490289 | Play | Intonazione settimo ton | 00:40 Tools | |
12436855 | Play | No.13 Aria (Soprano): "Ich will dir mein Herz schenken" | 03:11 Tools | |
12436889 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Nigra sum a 1 | 03:20 Tools | |
12436862 | Play | No.21 Evangelist, Jesus: "Und ging hin ein wenig" | 00:42 Tools | |
53490292 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - Symphony | 00:42 Tools | |
12436884 | Play | No.18 Evangelist, Jesus: "Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe" | 01:48 Tools | |
12437135 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No.13 Aria (Soprano): "Ich will dir mein Herz schenken" | 03:11 Tools | |
53490290 | Play | 43. Recitative: Ah! dearest Friend | 00:40 Tools | |
53490293 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "And the glory of the Lord" | 03:11 Tools | |
12437291 | Play | No.11 Evangelist, Jesus, Judas: "Er antwortete und sprach" | 03:22 Tools | |
12437015 | Play | Sanctus & Benedictus à 12 | 04:29 Tools | |
53490294 | Play | Gabrieli: Audite principes a 16, C 123 | 03:22 Tools | |
53490295 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Your harps and cymbals" | 03:22 Tools | |
53490300 | Play | Anonymous: Introitus - Puer natus est nobis | 04:29 Tools | |
53490302 | Play | Alonso Lobo: Versa est in luctum | 04:29 Tools | |
12436885 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Psalmus IV: Nisi Dominus a 10 | 04:24 Tools | |
12436852 | Play | No.42 Aria (Bass): "Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder" | 02:46 Tools | |
12436908 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Psalmum 126: Dabit ei Dominus | 00:47 Tools | |
53490296 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "All we like sheep have gone astray" | 04:29 Tools | |
12436838 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Et exultavit | 01:03 Tools | |
53490297 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Sacred raptures | 04:29 Tools | |
53490298 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.35 Aria (Tenor): "Geduld" | 04:29 Tools | |
53490299 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Imperial Salomon | 04:29 Tools | |
53490301 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.51 Recitative (Alto): "Erbarm es Gott" | 04:29 Tools | |
12436963 | Play | No.43 Evangelist, Pilatus, Jesus: "Sie hielten aber einen Rat" | 02:02 Tools | |
53490303 | Play | Byrd: Christe, qui lux es | 02:02 Tools | |
12436835 | Play | No.40 Choral: "Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen" | 01:03 Tools | |
53490304 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "And He shall purify the sons of Levi" | 01:03 Tools | |
12437162 | Play | No.51 Recitative (Alto): "Erbarm es Gott" | 00:58 Tools | |
12436946 | Play | No.25 Choral: "Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit" | 00:50 Tools | |
12437387 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No.12 Recitative (Soprano): "Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt" | 01:17 Tools | |
53490305 | Play | Grieg: Ave Maris Stella (Vesper Hymn c.9th century) - edited by John Rutter | 01:17 Tools | |
12436940 | Play | Elevation: Sarasinetta 2 | 01:01 Tools | |
53490306 | Play | J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Quia fecit mihi magna" (bass) | 01:17 Tools | |
12436846 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Magnificat anima mea | 00:34 Tools | |
12436866 | Play | Symphony | 08:42 Tools | |
12437062 | Play | No.46 Choral: "Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese Strafe" | 00:38 Tools | |
53490307 | Play | Larghetto | 00:38 Tools | |
53490308 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "His yoke is easy" | 01:03 Tools | |
12436832 | Play | Miserere nostri | 03:25 Tools | |
12437033 | Play | No.23 Aria (Bass): "Gerne will ich mich bequemen" | 04:56 Tools | |
53490309 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Gloria | 04:56 Tools | |
87382943 | Play | 2. Gloria | 00:51 Tools | |
53490310 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "Thus saith the Lord" | 04:56 Tools | |
12437190 | Play | No.12 Recitative (Soprano): "Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt" | 01:17 Tools | |
53490311 | Play | J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Quia respexit humilitatem" (soprano I) | 01:17 Tools | |
87382942 | Play | "Hallelujah" (Messiah) | 01:17 Tools | |
53490312 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion" | 01:17 Tools | |
12437028 | Play | No.57 Aria (Bass): "Komm, süsses Kreuz" | 06:49 Tools | |
12436906 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Psalmum 147: Ecce ancilla Domini | 00:39 Tools | |
12437372 | Play | Communion: O sacrum convivium à 5 | 03:59 Tools | |
53490313 | Play | Gregorian Chant: Deus in adjutorium - Domine ad adjuvandum | 06:49 Tools | |
53490314 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "And with His stripes we are healed" | 01:01 Tools | |
53490315 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - Pifa (Pastoral Symphony) | 01:01 Tools | |
53490316 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " With pious heart " | 08:42 Tools | |
12437256 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.31 Evangelist: "Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten" | 01:02 Tools | |
53490327 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.49 Aria (Soprano): "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" | 01:02 Tools | |
53490317 | Play | Stravinsky: Ave Maria | 08:42 Tools | |
53490318 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Haste to the cedar grove | 08:42 Tools | |
53490319 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.59 Recitative (Alto): "Ach Golgatha" | 08:42 Tools | |
53490320 | Play | J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 1. Sinfonia | 08:42 Tools | |
89358162 | Play | Ave Maria | 08:42 Tools | |
12436851 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Ave maris stella a 8 | 09:28 Tools | |
12436861 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad "Ave Maris stella": Ecce virgo concipiet | 00:31 Tools | |
53490330 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - "O del mio dolce ardor" | 00:31 Tools | |
53490321 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Symphony - Allegro | 09:28 Tools | |
12436910 | Play | No.15 Choral: "Erkenne mich, mein Hüter" | 00:51 Tools | |
53490322 | Play | Biber: Kyrie (Missa Salisburgensis) | 00:51 Tools | |
12436893 | Play | No.17 Choral: "Ich will hier bei dir stehen" | 00:54 Tools | |
53490323 | Play | Monteverdi: Domine ad adiuvandum a 6 (Vespro della Beata Vergine) | 00:54 Tools | |
12437013 | Play | No.26 Evangelist, Jesus, Judas: "Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend" | 02:20 Tools | |
53490324 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "The people that walked in darkness" | 02:20 Tools | |
53490325 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Bless'd be the Lord | 03:59 Tools | |
53490342 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.33 Evangelist, Pontifex, Testis I/II: "Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten" | 06:52 Tools | |
12436879 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Pulchra es a 2 | 04:06 Tools | |
53490343 | Play | Anonymous: Collect - Dominus vobiscum | 06:52 Tools | |
53490362 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena - Overture | 00:41 Tools | |
53490326 | Play | J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 2. Adagio | 03:59 Tools | |
53490329 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.55 Evangelist: "Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten" | 01:02 Tools | |
53490425 | Play | Praeter Rerum Seriem | 01:35 Tools | |
12437353 | Play | Dies irae | 07:42 Tools | |
53490347 | Play | Offertorium: Domine Iesu Christe | 07:42 Tools | |
12436919 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Psalmus V: Lauda Jerusalem a 7 | 04:04 Tools | |
87382944 | Play | The Seasons, Hob.XXI 3 Spring: No. 1, See Winter, Stern and Gloomy, Flees (Introduction & Accompagnato) | 00:31 Tools | |
12437389 | Play | Praetorius: Gradual hymn: 'Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her' | 04:03 Tools | |
12437040 | Play | No.14 Evangelist, Jesus: "Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten" | 00:57 Tools | |
53490331 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - " From the censer " | 00:57 Tools | |
12437021 | Play | No.7 Evangelist, Judas: "Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer" | 00:33 Tools | |
12437014 | Play | No.24 Evangelist, Jesus: "Und er kam zu seinen Jüngern" | 01:13 Tools | |
53490332 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "Behold the Lamb of God" | 01:13 Tools | |
53490333 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " May no rash intruder " | 01:13 Tools | |
53490334 | Play | 84. Solo and Chorus: O fatal Day | 01:13 Tools | |
53490335 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 1. Chorus: How excellent thy Name, O Lord | 01:13 Tools | |
53490336 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "Glory to God in the highest" | 01:13 Tools | |
12437167 | Play | No.52 Aria (Alto): "Können Tränen meiner Wangen" | 06:52 Tools | |
53490337 | Play | Traditional: Clangat pastor in tuba - Responsory & Prose for the feast of St. Thomas à Becket | 06:52 Tools | |
53490339 | Play | Morales: Officium defunctorum: Invitatorium - Antifona: "Circumdederunt me" | 06:52 Tools | |
53490340 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 78. Chorus: Mourn Israel | 06:52 Tools | |
53490341 | Play | Praetorius, Michael - Christmette - 19. Post-Communion: 'Der Herr sei mit euch' | 06:52 Tools | |
53490344 | Play | Gabrieli: Salvator noster a 15, C 80 | 04:06 Tools | |
53490345 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Throughout the land " | 04:06 Tools | |
53490346 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Thou fair inhabitant of Nile | 04:06 Tools | |
12437299 | Play | Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen | 00:38 Tools | |
53490348 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - " From the east unto the west " | 04:04 Tools | |
53490349 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Credo | 04:04 Tools | |
12437280 | Play | Praetorius: Processional: 'Christum wir sollen loben schon' | 03:14 Tools | |
53490350 | Play | J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 10. Recitativo: Wir sind erfreut (bass) | 03:14 Tools | |
53490404 | Play | Bendinelli: Tocada ... con vitoria (6 trumpets) | 03:18 Tools | |
53490351 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Sinfony | 03:14 Tools | |
12436849 | Play | No.44 Choral: "Befiel du deine Wege" | 00:56 Tools | |
53490352 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "For behold, darkness shall cover" | 00:56 Tools | |
53490338 | Play | 77. March | 06:52 Tools | |
12436827 | Play | No.39 Aria (Alto): "Erbarme dich" | 06:14 Tools | |
53490353 | Play | Andante larghetto | 06:14 Tools | |
53490354 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - What says the other | 06:14 Tools | |
53490355 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - When the sun o'er yonder hills | 06:14 Tools | |
53490356 | Play | J.S. Bach: Magnificat in D Major, BWV 243 - Aria: "Deposuit potentes" (tenor) | 06:14 Tools | |
53490357 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - Prais'd be the Lord | 06:14 Tools | |
53490385 | Play | Anonymous: Per omnia saecula saeculorum - Sursum corda - Praefation | 02:25 Tools | |
12436930 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Antiphona ad Magnificat: Spiritus sanctus in te descendet | 00:41 Tools | |
12436890 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Deposuit potentes | 02:25 Tools | |
53490358 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.60 Aria (Alto, Chorus II): "Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand" | 00:41 Tools | |
53490359 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.48 Recitative (Soprano): "Er hat uns allen wohl getan" | 00:41 Tools | |
53490360 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Indulge thy faith | 00:41 Tools | |
12436899 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Sonata sopra Sancta Maria a 1 | 06:39 Tools | |
12437047 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Quia respexit | 01:48 Tools | |
53490361 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.52 Aria (Alto): "Können Tränen meiner Wangen" | 00:41 Tools | |
53490363 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The First Day - Introduction: The Representation of Chaos | 00:41 Tools | |
53490364 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The Fourth Day - And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven | 00:41 Tools | |
53490427 | Play | Morales: Emendemus in melius | 01:35 Tools | |
53490365 | Play | Sonata No. 13, for 8 parts | 00:41 Tools | |
12436915 | Play | No.56 Recitative (Bass): "Ja freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut" | 00:45 Tools | |
12437041 | Play | No.63 Evangelist, Chorus I/II: "Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriss" | 02:29 Tools | |
12437304 | Play | No.61 Evangelist, Jesus, Chorus I/II: "Und von der sechsten Stunde an" | 02:11 Tools | |
53490366 | Play | Sonata for trumpet, No 333 | 02:11 Tools | |
53490367 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "Surely He hath borne our griefs" | 02:11 Tools | |
53490394 | Play | Gabrieli: Surrexit Christus a 11 (C66) | 01:01 Tools | |
53490395 | Play | L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part I: L’Allegro, Recitative Accompany'd "Hence! loathed melancholy" | 01:01 Tools | |
12437149 | Play | Praetorius: Collect: 'Der Herr sei mit euch' | 01:07 Tools | |
87382945 | Play | Le pré aux clercs: Ouverture | 01:07 Tools | |
53490368 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - " Swell, swell the full chorus " | 01:07 Tools | |
53490369 | Play | Franz Joseph Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 2 / The Sixth Day - Achieved is the glorious work | 01:07 Tools | |
53490370 | Play | Tavener: Song for Athene | 01:07 Tools | |
12437136 | Play | Anonymous: Organ prelude: Praeambulum | 01:09 Tools | |
12436920 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Sanctus & Benedictus à 12 (Andrea Gabrieli, 1587) | 03:48 Tools | |
12437131 | Play | No.49 Aria (Soprano): "Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben" | 04:58 Tools | |
53490371 | Play | Guerrero: Cançión (untitled) (à 6) | 04:58 Tools | |
12437232 | Play | Quem Vidistis pastores a 12, C 77 | 08:48 Tools | |
12437252 | Play | No.2 Evangelist, Jesus: "Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte" | 00:41 Tools | |
12437341 | Play | Anonymous: Organ prelude: 'Resonet in laudibus' | 01:08 Tools | |
53490372 | Play | Guerrero: Cançión "Subiendo amor" | 01:08 Tools | |
12436871 | Play | No.32 Choral: "Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht" | 00:35 Tools | |
12437090 | Play | Praetorius: Gloria (Missa: gantz Teudsch) | 07:35 Tools | |
12437390 | Play | Praetorius: Kyrie (Missa: gantz Teudsch) | 04:31 Tools | |
53490373 | Play | Samuel Scheidt: Organ prelude: 'Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern' | 04:31 Tools | |
53490374 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - Thy sentence, great king | 04:31 Tools | |
12437159 | Play | Samuel Scheidt: Credo: 'Wir glauben all an einen Gott' | 05:11 Tools | |
53490375 | Play | No.45 Evangelist, Pilatus, Uxor Pilati, Chorus I/II: "Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger Gewohnheit" | 05:11 Tools | |
53490376 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - " Israel' attend " | 05:11 Tools | |
53490377 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The Second Day - And God made the firmament | 05:11 Tools | |
53490410 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Kyrie à 12 (Andrea Gabrieli, 1587) | 00:00 Tools | |
53490378 | Play | Tomas Luis de Victoria: Gardanum - O magnum mysterium | 05:11 Tools | |
53490379 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 1 - "There were shepherds... And lo, the angel of the Lord...And the angel said unto them...And suddenly" | 05:11 Tools | |
12437200 | Play | Media vita in morte sumus (à 6) | 06:59 Tools | |
53490417 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Ballo | 00:00 Tools | |
53490380 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Then at once from rage remove | 06:59 Tools | |
53490381 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The Third Day - Rolling in foaming billows | 06:59 Tools | |
53490382 | Play | Sheppard: Media vita | 02:25 Tools | |
12436848 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Bells | 00:50 Tools | |
12437037 | Play | Ardens est cor meum | 02:44 Tools | |
53490383 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Welcome as the dawn of day | 02:25 Tools | |
12436952 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Sicut erat in principio | 01:35 Tools | |
53490384 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - Vain are the transient beauties | 02:25 Tools | |
12436964 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Quia fecit | 01:08 Tools | |
12436977 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Et misericordia | 02:14 Tools | |
53490386 | Play | Parsons: Ave maria - motet, 5vv | 02:25 Tools | |
53490387 | Play | 44. Air: But sooner Jordan's Stream, I swear | 01:48 Tools | |
53490388 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 8. Recitative: Behold, O King, the brave victorious Youth | 01:48 Tools | |
53490389 | Play | 16. Recitative: Thou, Merab, first in Birth - 17. Air: My Soul rejects the Thought - 18. Air: See, see with what a scornful Air - 19. Air: Ah! Lovely Youth! | 01:48 Tools | |
89358163 | Play | Missa Pro Defunctis: Introitus | 01:48 Tools | |
89358164 | Play | Praetorius: Introit: 'Puer natus in Bethlehem' | 01:48 Tools | |
89358165 | Play | PART ONE The First Day: - I. Introduction: The Representation of Chaos | 01:48 Tools | |
12437153 | Play | Blute nur, du liebes Herz! | 05:02 Tools | |
53490391 | Play | Mouton: Nesciens Mater virgo virum - motet: 8vv | 07:29 Tools | |
12437150 | Play | Sacrae Symphoniae: No. 6: Sonata pian e forte for 8 parts | 05:15 Tools | |
53490392 | Play | Rogier: Cançión (untitled) (à 6) | 05:15 Tools | |
12437111 | Play | Du lieber Heiland du | 01:01 Tools | |
53490428 | Play | Ich will dir mein Herze schenken | 05:02 Tools | |
12437362 | Play | Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte | 00:41 Tools | |
12436932 | Play | Ave Maris Stella | 03:26 Tools | |
53490393 | Play | Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten | 01:01 Tools | |
53490430 | Play | Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten | 02:17 Tools | |
53490396 | Play | Bendinelli: Surrexit Christus (chant) | 01:01 Tools | |
53490397 | Play | Toccata No 1 | 01:01 Tools | |
53490398 | Play | Sheppard: In pace in idipsum | 01:01 Tools | |
12437201 | Play | Praetorius: Epistle: 'So schreibt der heilig Propheten Jesajas' | 02:01 Tools | |
53490399 | Play | 2. Air: An Infant rais'd by thy Command - 3. Trio: Along the Monster Atheist strode | 02:01 Tools | |
53490400 | Play | Lassus: Missa "Congratulamini mihi": Gloria a 6 | 02:01 Tools | |
12437030 | Play | No.31 Evangelist: "Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten" | 01:01 Tools | |
53490406 | Play | Traditional: Ther is no rose of swych vertu | 03:16 Tools | |
12436833 | Play | Hymn To The Mother Of God | 03:33 Tools | |
53490401 | Play | Praetorius: Sanctus motet: 'Jesaja dem Propheten das geschah' | 03:48 Tools | |
12437368 | Play | Tallis: Miserere nostri | 03:25 Tools | |
53490499 | Play | Gregorian Chant: In medio ecclesiae aperuit os eius | 03:22 Tools | |
53490402 | Play | Lassus: Missa "Congratulamini mihi": Kyrie a 6 | 03:25 Tools | |
12436878 | Play | No.58 Evangelist, Chorus I/II: "Und da sie an die Stätte kamen" | 03:18 Tools | |
53490403 | Play | Rogier: Cançión "Ecce sacerdos magnus" (à 5) | 03:18 Tools | |
12436956 | Play | Christmas Mass - Processional:"Christum wir sollen loben schon" - arranged by Michael Praetorius / Har. Lucas Osiander | 03:16 Tools | |
53490405 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Music, spread thy voice around | 03:16 Tools | |
12437235 | Play | No.55 Evangelist: "Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten" | 00:56 Tools | |
12436836 | Play | Introduction: As God the Lord of Israel Liveth | 00:00 Tools | |
53490407 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Agnus Dei | 00:00 Tools | |
12437034 | Play | Sonata la leona | 02:15 Tools | |
12437031 | Play | Post communion prayer | 01:58 Tools | |
53490408 | Play | Howells: Take him, earth for cherishing (1963) (motet on the death of President Kennedy) - English text: Helen Waddell | 00:00 Tools | |
53490409 | Play | Palestrina: Missa "Hodie Christus natus est" - 1. Kyrie | 00:00 Tools | |
12436995 | Play | Audi, dulcis amica mea | 03:40 Tools | |
53490411 | Play | Deus qui beatum Marcum, motet for 10 voices | 00:00 Tools | |
53490412 | Play | 73. Accompagnato: Why hast thou forc'd me from the Realms of Peace | 00:00 Tools | |
12436976 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Gloria Patri et Filio | 02:37 Tools | |
53490413 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - With thee th'unshelter'd moor | 00:00 Tools | |
12436968 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Esurientes implevit | 01:26 Tools | |
12437002 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Suscepit Israel | 01:25 Tools | |
53490414 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Sanctus - Benedictus | 00:00 Tools | |
12437109 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Fecit potentiam | 00:58 Tools | |
53490415 | Play | 39. Air: No, no cruel Father, no | 00:00 Tools | |
53490416 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.34 Recitative (Tenor): "Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lügen stille" | 00:00 Tools | |
53490418 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The Third Day - And God said: Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together | 00:00 Tools | |
53490419 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - What tho' I trace | 00:00 Tools | |
53490420 | Play | Biber: Requiem in F minor - Kyrie | 00:00 Tools | |
53490421 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Bless'd the day " | 00:00 Tools | |
53490422 | Play | J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 5. Aria: Seele, deine Spezereien (soprano) | 00:50 Tools | |
53490462 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Non sdegnare | 02:44 Tools | |
53490423 | Play | 58. Symphony | 01:35 Tools | |
53490467 | Play | - II. Recitative (Raphael, Uriel) And Chorus: "In The Beginning God Created The Heaven And The Earth" - "And The Spirit Of God" | 02:44 Tools | |
53490426 | Play | Palestrina: Stabat Mater (8vv) - transcribed & edited by Jon Dixon | 01:35 Tools | |
53490429 | Play | Herbert Howells: A spotless Rose | 03:26 Tools | |
53490542 | Play | Gabrieli: Canzon XVII a 12 (C210) (Communio) | 04:19 Tools | |
87382946 | Play | Missa Salisburgensis | 03:26 Tools | |
12437403 | Play | No.9 Evangelist, Chorus I, Jesus: "Aber am ersten Tage der süssen Brot" | 02:17 Tools | |
12436965 | Play | No.41 Evangelist, Judas, Chorus I/II, Pontifex I/II: "Des Morgens aber hielten alle Hohepriester" | 01:37 Tools | |
53490431 | Play | Gabrieli: Introitus (chant) - Resurrexi et adhuc tecum sum, alleluia | 01:37 Tools | |
53490432 | Play | Guerrero: Cançión "Todos aman" | 01:37 Tools | |
12437230 | Play | Praetorius: Gospel: 'So schreibt der heilige Lukas' | 03:50 Tools | |
53490433 | Play | John Tavener: Hymn To The Mother Of God | 03:50 Tools | |
53490434 | Play | Schütz: Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV435 (1664) - Intermedium I: Fürchtet euch nicht... | 03:50 Tools | |
53490435 | Play | Bennett: A Good-Night | 03:50 Tools | |
12437071 | Play | Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester | 03:12 Tools | |
53490584 | Play | Gabrieli: Canzon VIII a 8 (C202) | 00:00 Tools | |
12436880 | Play | No.28 Evangelist, Jesus: "Und siehe, einer aus denen" | 02:04 Tools | |
53490436 | Play | Praetorius: Final hymn: 'Puer nobis nascitur' | 02:04 Tools | |
12437340 | Play | Arioso: Ombra mai fù | 02:45 Tools | |
53490437 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 32. Air: O Lord, whose Mercies - 33. Symphony | 02:45 Tools | |
12436936 | Play | No.30 Aria (Alto, Chorus II): "Ach nun ist mein Jesu hin" | 03:47 Tools | |
53490438 | Play | Gombert: Mille regretz | 03:47 Tools | |
12437326 | Play | No.27 Aria (Soprano, Alto, Chorus II): "So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen" - Chorus I/II: "Sind Blitze, sind Donner" | 05:08 Tools | |
12436941 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Duo seraphim a 3 | 05:41 Tools | |
53490525 | Play | Biber: Requiem in F minor - Sanctus | 04:55 Tools | |
53490439 | Play | Palestrina: Stabat Mater | 05:08 Tools | |
12437051 | Play | Praetorius: Pulpit hymn: 'Quem pastores laudavere' | 04:36 Tools | |
12437110 | Play | Praetorius: Organ voluntary: 'Nun lob mein Seel' | 03:04 Tools | |
53490440 | Play | Praetorius: Benediction: 'Der Herr segne dich und behuete dich' | 03:04 Tools | |
12437284 | Play | Er antwortete und sprach | 03:22 Tools | |
53490441 | Play | Johann Hermann Schein: Sonata: Padouana a 5 | 03:12 Tools | |
53490442 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "He trusted in God" | 03:12 Tools | |
53490443 | Play | The Lord's Prayer: 'Vater unser, der du bist im Himmel' | 03:12 Tools | |
12436845 | Play | "Hallelujah" | 03:34 Tools | |
12436983 | Play | No.59 Recitative (Alto): "Ach Golgatha" | 01:23 Tools | |
53490444 | Play | Symfony | 01:23 Tools | |
53490445 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 2 - See the tall palm | 01:23 Tools | |
53490446 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Thus rolling surge rise | 01:23 Tools | |
53490447 | Play | Intonatione Del Primo Tono for organ | 01:23 Tools | |
53490448 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "Let all the angels of God" | 01:23 Tools | |
12437035 | Play | Canzona No.14 à 10 (C207) | 02:52 Tools | |
53490449 | Play | Biber: Requiem in F minor - Introitus | 01:23 Tools | |
53490450 | Play | Mozart: Mass in C minor, K.427 "Grosse Messe" - Edited Maunder / Gloria - Gloria in excelsis Deo | 01:23 Tools | |
12437307 | Play | Sonata No.19 à 15 (C212) | 05:10 Tools | |
53490451 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Sonata Sancti Polycarpi | 01:58 Tools | |
53490452 | Play | J.S. Bach: Mass in F major, BWV 233 - 1. Kyrie | 01:58 Tools | |
53490453 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) / Overture - 1b. Trio | 01:58 Tools | |
53490454 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) / Overture - 1a. Ouverture | 01:58 Tools | |
12436989 | Play | Buccinate in neomenia tuba à 19 (C84) | 03:38 Tools | |
87382947 | Play | II. Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte | 03:38 Tools | |
53490511 | Play | Graduale Todos aman (Guerrero) | 03:40 Tools | |
53490455 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 5. Chorus: How excellent thy Name, O Lord | 01:58 Tools | |
53490514 | Play | VI. Buss und Reu | 03:40 Tools | |
53490607 | Play | III. Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen | 00:41 Tools | |
53490610 | Play | IV. Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester | 00:41 Tools | |
53490456 | Play | Geduld! Wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen | 01:58 Tools | |
53490457 | Play | Gregorian Chant: Collect And Benedicamus Domino Vobiscum | 01:25 Tools | |
12436942 | Play | Suscipe, clementissime Deus à 12 (C70) | 04:55 Tools | |
12436974 | Play | Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine - Magnificat I a 7 - Sicut locutus est | 00:48 Tools | |
53490458 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Symphony - Larghetto | 00:58 Tools | |
53490459 | Play | Riedl: Ein langer und schöner Aufzug (Ein schöner Aufzug by Pater Ignatius Augustiner) - Fanfare I (Riedl) + Fanfare II (Augustiner) | 00:58 Tools | |
53490460 | Play | 37. Air: Capricious Man | 00:58 Tools | |
53490461 | Play | Palestrina: Missa "Hodie Christus natus est" - 2. Gloria | 02:44 Tools | |
53490463 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 1 / The Fourth Day - In brightest splendour rises now the sun | 02:44 Tools | |
53490464 | Play | J.S. Bach: Kommt, eilet und laufet (Easter Oratorio), BWV 249 - Version: Paul McCreesh - 7. Aria: Sanfte soll mein Todeskummer (tenor) | 02:44 Tools | |
53490465 | Play | Swayne: Magnificat 1 | 02:44 Tools | |
53490466 | Play | Alonso Lobo: Versa est in luct | 02:44 Tools | |
53490468 | Play | Gabrieli: Hic est filius Dei a 18 (C132) (Motet) | 02:44 Tools | |
87382952 | Play | Mass in C minor, K.427 'Grosse Messe' - Kyrie | 02:54 Tools | |
87382948 | Play | Mass in C minor, K.427 'Grosse Messe' - Gloria - Gloria in excelsis Deo | 02:43 Tools | |
12437237 | Play | Dominus vobiscum | 02:54 Tools | |
53490469 | Play | Ich will hier bei dir stehen | 02:44 Tools | |
53490470 | Play | Giovanni Gabrieli: Audite Principes a 16, C 123 | 02:44 Tools | |
12436973 | Play | Cançión (untitled) (à 6) | 02:43 Tools | |
53490471 | Play | Lassus: Missa "Congratulamini mihi": Sanctus a 6 | 02:43 Tools | |
53490472 | Play | Gerne will ich mich bequemen | 02:43 Tools | |
53490473 | Play | Und ging hin ein wenig | 02:43 Tools | |
53490474 | Play | Gregorian Chant: Sacerdos in aeternum Christus (Antiphona) | 02:43 Tools | |
53490475 | Play | Rezitativ(Alt): Du lieber Heiland du | 02:43 Tools | |
53490476 | Play | Intonazione dell'ottavo tono, for organ | 02:43 Tools | |
53490477 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Judas): Da gimg hin der Zwölfen einer | 02:43 Tools | |
53490478 | Play | Gabrieli: Quem quaeritis (chant) | 02:43 Tools | |
53490479 | Play | Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen | 02:43 Tools | |
12437018 | Play | A Child's Prayer | 04:19 Tools | |
53490480 | Play | Gregorian Chant: Miserator Dominus (Antiphona) | 02:43 Tools | |
53490481 | Play | Arie(Alt): Buss' und Reu' | 02:43 Tools | |
53490555 | Play | Graduale Subiendo amor (Guerrero) | 06:05 Tools | |
53490482 | Play | Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hin! | 02:43 Tools | |
53490483 | Play | Gregorian Chant: Calicem salutaris accipiam (Antiphona) | 02:43 Tools | |
53490484 | Play | Gabrieli: Sequenta (chant) - Victimae paschali laudes | 02:43 Tools | |
53490485 | Play | Biber: Requiem in F minor - Dies irae | 02:43 Tools | |
53490486 | Play | Anonymous: Puer Natus in Bethlehem (Benedictine Processional,14th C.) | 02:43 Tools | |
12436980 | Play | No.53 Evangelist, Chorus I/II: "Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte" | 01:06 Tools | |
53490487 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - The name of the wicked | 01:06 Tools | |
12437192 | Play | Kommt, ihr T?hter, helft mir klagen / Choral: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig | 06:05 Tools | |
53490488 | Play | Lassus: Oratio (chant) : Dominus vobiscum / Oremus.Deus, qui hodiena die | 01:06 Tools | |
12437000 | Play | Grieg: Ave Maris Stella | 03:26 Tools | |
53490552 | Play | Praetorius: Recessional: 'In dulci jubilo' | 06:05 Tools | |
53490489 | Play | Schütz: Psalm 2 "Warum toben die Heiden" SWV23 | 03:26 Tools | |
53490490 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist): Aber am ersten Tage der süssen Brot' | 03:26 Tools | |
53490491 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - " Now a diff'rent measure" - " Shake the dome " | 03:33 Tools | |
53490492 | Play | Intonazione del terzo e quarto toni, for organ | 03:33 Tools | |
53490493 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus, Judas): Er antwortete und sprach | 03:33 Tools | |
53490494 | Play | Praetorius: Communion motet: 'Uns ist ein Kindlein heut geborn' | 03:33 Tools | |
53490495 | Play | J.S. Bach: Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen Cantata, BWV 65 - 2. Choral: Die Könige aus Saba kamen dar | 03:33 Tools | |
53490496 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 9. Air: O King, your Favours with Delight I take - 10. Recitative: O early Piety! | 03:33 Tools | |
53490497 | Play | Praetorius: Communion motet: 'Wie schon leuchtet der Morgenstern' | 03:33 Tools | |
53490498 | Play | Gabrieli: Sonata No.20 à 22 (C213) | 03:33 Tools | |
12436867 | Play | War Requiem, Op. 66: I | 00:00 Tools | |
53490562 | Play | Magnificat 1 | 00:33 Tools | |
53490500 | Play | Purcell: Hail, bright Cecilia!, Z. 328 Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Symphony | 03:22 Tools | |
12437288 | Play | No.64 Recitative (Bass): "Am Abend, da es kühle war" | 02:03 Tools | |
87382949 | Play | VIII. Blute nur, du liebes Herz! | 02:03 Tools | |
12436900 | Play | Aria: Hear Ye, Israel | 00:00 Tools | |
12437292 | Play | No.68 Chorus I/II: "Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder" | 05:40 Tools | |
53490501 | Play | 2º Atto"Ah! Dearest friend" | 05:40 Tools | |
53490502 | Play | Collect "Dominus vobiscum - Deus, qui hanc sacratissimam noctem" | 05:40 Tools | |
53490503 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "Lift up your heads" | 05:40 Tools | |
53490504 | Play | Rezitativ(Bass): Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder | 05:40 Tools | |
12437184 | Play | Sonata No.18 à 14 (C211) | 06:13 Tools | |
53490583 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - Dell'aurea sua stella - Ballo | 00:00 Tools | |
53490505 | Play | Choral(Chorus I/II): Ich will hier bei dir stehen | 06:13 Tools | |
53490586 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo A | 00:41 Tools | |
53490506 | Play | Sanctus - Benedictus | 05:10 Tools | |
53490507 | Play | Was mein Gott will, das d'scheh allzeit | 05:10 Tools | |
53490508 | Play | 2º Atto"Envy! Oldest-born of hell" | 05:10 Tools | |
53490587 | Play | Omnes gentes plaudite manibus, motet for 16 voices | 00:41 Tools | |
53490509 | Play | Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten | 05:10 Tools | |
53490510 | Play | Schütz: Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV435 (1664) - Intermedium VII: Stehe auf, Joseph... | 05:10 Tools | |
12436950 | Play | No.60 Aria (Alto, Chorus II): "Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand" | 02:52 Tools | |
53490601 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 2 - Stranier, la mia Regina | 00:41 Tools | |
53490512 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Graduale: "Requiem aeternam" | 03:40 Tools | |
53490513 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Oratio - Dominus vobiscum | 03:40 Tools | |
53490515 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Kyrie | 03:40 Tools | |
53490516 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 2 - 56. Duet: O Fairest of ten thousand Fair - 57. Chorus: Is there a Man | 03:40 Tools | |
53490603 | Play | XVII. Ich will hier bei dir stehen | 00:41 Tools | |
53490604 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Felice te, che possessor sarai | 00:41 Tools | |
53490517 | Play | Intonatione Del Settimo Tono for organ | 03:40 Tools | |
53490518 | Play | George Frideric Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " May no rash intruder " | 03:40 Tools | |
53490519 | Play | Gabrieli: Jubilate Deo | 03:40 Tools | |
53490520 | Play | Biber: Missa Salisburgensis - Motet "Plaudite tympana" | 03:40 Tools | |
53490522 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Thrice happy king | 03:40 Tools | |
53490526 | Play | Gabrieli: Sonata No.18 à 14 (C211) | 05:41 Tools | |
89358166 | Play | 74. Symphony | 05:41 Tools | |
53490528 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Evangelium | 05:41 Tools | |
53490529 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Tractus: "Absolve, Domine" | 05:41 Tools | |
53490530 | Play | Palestrina: Missa "Hodie Christus natus est" - 3. Credo | 05:41 Tools | |
53490531 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 2. Air: An Infant rais'd by thy Command - 3. Trio: Along the Monster Atheist strode | 05:41 Tools | |
53490532 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Symphony - Andante larghetto | 05:41 Tools | |
53490533 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 4. Chorus: The Youth inspir'd by Thee, O Lord | 05:41 Tools | |
53490534 | Play | Sarasinetta | 05:41 Tools | |
87382950 | Play | - III. Aria (Uriel) And Chorus: "Now Vanish Befor The Holy Beams" - "Despairing, Cursing Rage" | 05:41 Tools | |
89358167 | Play | Puer natus est nobis | 05:41 Tools | |
89358168 | Play | Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Gloria | 05:41 Tools | |
53490535 | Play | Choral: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen | 02:54 Tools | |
53490536 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 3 - 86. Chorus: Gird on thy Sword | 02:54 Tools | |
53490537 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus): Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte | 02:54 Tools | |
89358169 | Play | Silence and Music | 02:54 Tools | |
53490538 | Play | 2º AttoSymphony | 02:54 Tools | |
87382951 | Play | I. Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen; Choral: O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig | 02:54 Tools | |
53490539 | Play | Arie(Sopran): Blute nur, du liebes Herz | 02:54 Tools | |
12437386 | Play | No.48 Recitative (Soprano): "Er hat uns allen wohl getan" | 01:01 Tools | |
53490540 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist): Da versammelten sich die Hohenpriester | 04:19 Tools | |
89358170 | Play | Gabrieli: Sonata octavi toni 12 (C184) - Elevatio | 04:19 Tools | |
53490541 | Play | Chorus How excellent thy name, O Lord | 04:19 Tools | |
53490543 | Play | 2º Atto"At persecution i can laugh" | 04:19 Tools | |
53490544 | Play | Schütz: Historia der Geburt Jesu Christi, SWV435 (1664) - Die Geburt unsres Herren Jesu Christi (Reconstructed by Timothy Roberts) | 04:19 Tools | |
53490545 | Play | 72. Air: Infernal Spirits | 04:19 Tools | |
87382953 | Play | Concerto Grosso No. 1 in G Major, Op. 6, HWV 319: V. Allegro | 04:19 Tools | |
53490546 | Play | George Frideric Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Sinfony | 04:19 Tools | |
12437007 | Play | No.29 Choral: "O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß" | 06:03 Tools | |
53490547 | Play | 2º Atto"Your words, O King" | 06:03 Tools | |
53490548 | Play | Gabrieli: Benedictio (chant): Humilitate vos ad benedictionem... | 06:03 Tools | |
12436844 | Play | A Hymn to the Virgin (1930, rev. 1934) | 03:49 Tools | |
53490549 | Play | 2º Atto"O strange vicissitude!" | 03:49 Tools | |
53490550 | Play | Choral(Chorus I/II): Ich bin's, ich sollte büssen | 03:49 Tools | |
53490551 | Play | Choral: Erkenne mich, mein Hüter | 03:49 Tools | |
87382954 | Play | L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato, HWV 55, Part I: Il Penseroso, Air "Sweet bird, that shuns’t the noise of folly" | 06:05 Tools | |
87382955 | Play | Tiento del quarto tono (Cabezon) | 06:05 Tools | |
53490553 | Play | Sonatae tam aris quam aulis servientes: Sonata XII | 06:05 Tools | |
53490554 | Play | Bax: Mater ora filium | 06:05 Tools | |
53490556 | Play | Adès: The Fayrax Carol | 06:05 Tools | |
53490557 | Play | Rezitativ(Sopran): Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt | 06:05 Tools | |
12437378 | Play | Da ging hin der Zw?fen einer | 00:33 Tools | |
53490558 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 3 - "But thanks be to God" | 00:33 Tools | |
53490559 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus): Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten | 00:33 Tools | |
53490560 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 2 - "The Lord gave the word" | 00:33 Tools | |
87382956 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 3 - Ballo B | 00:33 Tools | |
53490561 | Play | Tiento del quinto tono (Cabezon) | 00:33 Tools | |
87382957 | Play | Anonymous: Per omnia saecula saeculorum - Pater noster | 00:33 Tools | |
87382958 | Play | Anonymous: Post Communion - Dominus vobiscum - Praesta quaesumus omnipotens Deus | 00:33 Tools | |
53490563 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) / Overture - 1c. Courante | 00:33 Tools | |
53490564 | Play | The Second Day: - IV. Accompanied Recitative (Raphael): "And God Made The Firmament" | 00:33 Tools | |
53490565 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Petrus, Jesus): Petrus aber antwortete | 00:33 Tools | |
53490566 | Play | 2º Atto"No, let the mighty tremble" | 00:33 Tools | |
53490567 | Play | Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm | 00:33 Tools | |
53490568 | Play | Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend | 00:33 Tools | |
53490569 | Play | Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe | 00:33 Tools | |
53490570 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus): Und ging hin ein wenig | 00:33 Tools | |
53490571 | Play | 2º Atto"At length thetime is come" | 00:33 Tools | |
53490572 | Play | J.S. Bach: Mass in F major, BWV 233 - 2. Gloria in excelcis | 00:33 Tools | |
53490573 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus): Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe | 00:33 Tools | |
53490574 | Play | Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 3 - Draw the tear from hopeless love | 00:33 Tools | |
53490575 | Play | 2º Atto"Author of peace" | 00:33 Tools | |
53490576 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) / Part 1 - 3. Aria: "Go, my faithful soldier, go" (Valens) - Sc.1 | 00:33 Tools | |
53490577 | Play | Handel: Theodora (1750) - alternative Scene 2/Part II / Part 1 - 2. Recitative: "'Tis Dioclesian's natal day" (Valens) - Sc.1 | 00:33 Tools | |
12436903 | Play | Chorus: Help, Lord! | 00:00 Tools | |
53490578 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 3 - "Since by man came death" | 00:00 Tools | |
53490579 | Play | Handel: Messiah / Part 3 - "Behold, I tell you a mystery" | 00:00 Tools | |
53490580 | Play | Chorus: May no rash intruder | 00:00 Tools | |
53490581 | Play | Gorecki: Totus Tuus, Op.60 | 00:00 Tools | |
87382959 | Play | IX. Aber am ersten Tage der süßen Brot | 00:00 Tools | |
53490582 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus, Judas): Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend | 00:00 Tools | |
53490585 | Play | Versa est in luctum | 00:00 Tools | |
12437400 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part One - No.2 Evangelist, Jesus: "Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte" | 00:41 Tools | |
87382960 | Play | Gluck: Paride ed Elena / Act 1 / Scene 1 - "Spiagge amate" | 00:41 Tools | |
53490588 | Play | Rezitativ(Evangelist, Jesus): Und er kam zu seinen Jüngern | 00:41 Tools | |
53490589 | Play | Choral(Chorus I/II): Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh' allzeit | 00:41 Tools | |
53490590 | Play | 2º Atto"O fatal consequence of rage" | 00:41 Tools | |
53490591 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.31 Evangelist: "Die aber Jesum gegriffen ha | 00:41 Tools | |
87382961 | Play | X. Erbarme dich, mein Gott | 00:41 Tools | |
53490592 | Play | Chorus: Your harps and cymbals sound | 00:41 Tools | |
87382962 | Play | XIV. Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten | 00:41 Tools | |
53490593 | Play | 2º Atto"But sooner, Jordan's stream" | 00:41 Tools | |
87382963 | Play | X. Ich bin's, ich sollte büßen | 00:41 Tools | |
53490594 | Play | George Frideric Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Throughout the land " | 00:41 Tools | |
87382965 | Play | XIII. Ich will dir mein Herze schenken | 00:41 Tools | |
87382966 | Play | XI. Er antwortete und sprach | 00:41 Tools | |
89358171 | Play | Morales: Missa "Mille regretz": Agnus Dei | 00:41 Tools | |
87382967 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Canzona [13] à 12 (Giovanni Gabrieli, 1597) | 00:41 Tools | |
87382968 | Play | A Venetian Coronation 1595: Preface | 00:41 Tools | |
53490595 | Play | George Frideric Handel: Solomon HWV 67 / Act 1 - " Your harps and cymbals" | 00:41 Tools | |
87382969 | Play | XV. Erkenne mich, mein Hüter | 00:41 Tools | |
87382970 | Play | XVI. Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm | 00:41 Tools | |
53490596 | Play | Chorus: With pious heart | 00:41 Tools | |
53490597 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Epistola | 00:41 Tools | |
53490598 | Play | Canzoni (unclassified): Canzona [16] à 15 | 00:41 Tools | |
53490599 | Play | Gabrieli: Magnificat à 33 (C151) - arr. Hugh Keyte | 00:41 Tools | |
53490602 | Play | Chorus: Throughout the land | 00:41 Tools | |
89358172 | Play | O Sacrum Convivium for 5 voices | 00:41 Tools | |
53490606 | Play | 1. Chorus: How excellent thy Name, O Lord | 00:41 Tools | |
53490608 | Play | Haydn: The Creation (Die Schöpfung) - Text adjustment: Paul McCreesh / Part 2 / The Fifth Day - And God created great whales | 00:41 Tools | |
89358173 | Play | Arie(Tenor): Geduld, wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen | 00:41 Tools | |
89358174 | Play | Benedictus Dominus Deus Sabaoth for 8 voices | 00:41 Tools | |
89358175 | Play | 49. Air: Sin not, o King, against the Youth | 00:41 Tools | |
53490613 | Play | Lobo: Versa est in luctum | 00:41 Tools | |
53490614 | Play | J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 / Part Two - No.33 Evangelist, Pontifex, Testis I/II: "Und | 00:41 Tools | |
53490615 | Play | Prence, la tua presenza | 00:41 Tools | |
53490616 | Play | Gabrieli: Canzona No.14 à 10 (C207) | 00:41 Tools | |
12436993 | Play | Luther: Christmas Mass - Processional:"Christum wir sollen loben schon" - arranged by Michael Praetorius / Har. Lucas Osiander | 03:14 Tools | |
53490617 | Play | Rezitativ(Tenor): Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lügen stille | 03:14 Tools | |
53490618 | Play | Morales: Missa pro Defunctis (1544) - Sequentia: "Dies irae" | 03:14 Tools | |
53490619 | Play | Handel: Saul, HWV 53 / Act 1 - 13. Air: Birth and Fortune I despise! | 03:14 Tools | |
53490621 | Play | Credo: "Wir glauben all an einen Gott" (1524) - Tabulatur-Buch hundert geistl. Lieder u. Psalmen - - Harmonization: Samuel Scheidt | 03:14 Tools |
Track name
Paul McCreesh (born May 24, 1960) is an English conductor. Paul McCreesh is founder and artistic director of the Gabrieli Consort & Players, with whom he has established himself at the highest level in the period instrument field; he is recognised for his authoritative and innovative performances on the concert platform and the opera house. He is artistic director of the Wratislavia Cantans Festival in Wrocław, Poland and of the Brinkburn Festival in England. With the Gabrieli Consort and Players, Paul McCreesh has performed in major concert halls and festivals across the world. In 2005 Loughborough University conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, on Paul McCreesh. Paul McCreesh specialises in the music of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. He also works with modern instrument orchestras including the DSO Berlin, RSO Berlin, Zurich Chamber Orchestra, Ensemble Orchestral de Paris, Detroit Symphony, Minnesota Orchestra, Gothenburg Symphony, Sinfónica de Euskadi, Stockholm Philharmonic and Beethovenhalle Bonn, the Netherlands Philharmonic and the Orchestra Sinfonica dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia di Roma. McCreesh began his career as a cellist and took his MusB from the University of Manchester in 1981. His directing début was at St John's, Smith Square in London, and a sensational Proms début led to an early signing with Deutsche Grammophon's Archiv label. The Gramophone Award winning album "Venetian Coronation" (released on Virgin Classics in 1990) represented a break-through for the Gabrieli Consort and Players. A new version of this musical reconstruction of the coronation of Marino Grimani was released in 2012 on Winged Lion. (Winged Lion is an independent label, which McCreesh established in 2011 as a subsidiary of Signum Records). Paul McCreesh has built a large discography for Deutsche Grammophon. McCreesh has conducted Handel’s Jephtha for Welsh National Opera and Gluck's Orphée & Eurydice, as well as Mozart’s The Magic Flute for Royal Danish Opera and, for Komische Oper Berlin, a new David Alden staging of Handel’s Alcina. He has also conducted Handel’s Rodelinda at the Beaune Festival and at the Brinkburn Festival which he founded and directs. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.