Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
16351402 | Play | Bracken | 03:20 Tools | |
16351394 | Play | Sirens | 07:21 Tools | |
16351396 | Play | Dawn reflects in the east | 03:38 Tools | |
16351393 | Play | Albatross I | 08:56 Tools | |
16351397 | Play | Message In The Village | 07:32 Tools | |
16351395 | Play | Albatross II | 09:50 Tools | |
16351405 | Play | 51° 43'.23 N 05° 40'.10 W | 08:53 Tools | |
16351399 | Play | Solicitude | 05:00 Tools | |
16351404 | Play | The Beckoning Arm | 05:06 Tools | |
16351398 | Play | Albatross III | 24:56 Tools | |
16351400 | Play | Albatross IV | 03:39 Tools | |
16351401 | Play | Drift | 00:42 Tools | |
16351418 | Play | Sea Oak I | 02:06 Tools | |
16351421 | Play | The Siren Murmur | 01:08 Tools | |
16351417 | Play | Makeshift Coffin | 00:55 Tools | |
16351408 | Play | 14 Bathwick Hill | 06:56 Tools | |
16351426 | Play | Under The Cabin | 01:06 Tools | |
16351425 | Play | Sea Oak II | 03:18 Tools | |
16351422 | Play | Terminus | 02:19 Tools | |
16351448 | Play | Madame Pockney's Vacation | 01:48 Tools | |
16351403 | Play | Albatross V | 07:15 Tools | |
16351406 | Play | The Woman And Piece Of Furniture | 02:11 Tools | |
16351441 | Play | St. David I | 01:00 Tools | |
16351416 | Play | The Sunken Carillon | 05:15 Tools | |
16351427 | Play | St. David II | 02:58 Tools | |
16351407 | Play | Winter Box | 03:47 Tools | |
16351431 | Play | Shepherd's Warning | 00:41 Tools | |
16351438 | Play | Hearth | 04:43 Tools | |
16351409 | Play | The London Necropolis Company | 02:08 Tools | |
16351411 | Play | Kay Harker | 00:00 Tools | |
16351428 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 1 | 02:11 Tools | |
16351414 | Play | Lulworth Calliope | 00:39 Tools | |
16351447 | Play | Victorian Machine Music | 01:00 Tools | |
16351413 | Play | Eight Tooth Movement | 01:52 Tools | |
16351410 | Play | Regina-Rattle | 01:28 Tools | |
16351412 | Play | The Musgrave Ritual | 01:02 Tools | |
16351415 | Play | Pinned Butterflies | 02:22 Tools | |
16351423 | Play | Episode Nine | 01:01 Tools | |
16351424 | Play | Cross Helical Gear | 02:21 Tools | |
16351420 | Play | Memory Box | 01:39 Tools | |
16351435 | Play | for C.S. | 02:33 Tools | |
16351429 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 4 | 05:36 Tools | |
16351432 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 3 | 00:39 Tools | |
16351437 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 2 | 01:28 Tools | |
16351430 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 5 | 01:38 Tools | |
16351436 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 6 | 03:46 Tools | |
16351433 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 7 | 01:06 Tools | |
16351439 | Play | Anniversary Waltz | 01:42 Tools | |
16351434 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 8 | 02:21 Tools | |
16351440 | Play | frey and gulliburstin | 06:24 Tools | |
16351442 | Play | St. Lucia's Day (Parts 1 to 3) | 08:05 Tools | |
16351443 | Play | Tom Bawcock's Eve | 13:03 Tools | |
16351451 | Play | Dulcimer Music 1 | 02:47 Tools | |
16351455 | Play | Dulcimer Music 3 | 02:17 Tools | |
16351462 | Play | Dulcimer Music 2 | 09:15 Tools | |
16351450 | Play | Dulcimer Music 5 | 04:25 Tools | |
16351465 | Play | Dulcimer Music 4 | 10:32 Tools | |
16351460 | Play | Dulcimer Music 6 | 02:48 Tools | |
55369006 | Play | In the bleak midwinter | 00:42 Tools | |
16351471 | Play | 05. Drift | 00:42 Tools | |
55369007 | Play | One Night As I Lay On My Bed | 00:42 Tools | |
16351470 | Play | Dulcimer Music 7 | 02:26 Tools | |
16351456 | Play | The Lichterkette Song | 00:56 Tools | |
16351452 | Play | Chapel Blues | 06:16 Tools | |
16351454 | Play | Bell Studies | 05:38 Tools | |
16351458 | Play | Peaks | 00:57 Tools | |
16351453 | Play | Crushed Spires | 03:14 Tools | |
16351449 | Play | A Thousand Ruby Tinctures | 03:01 Tools | |
16351459 | Play | Your Porcelain Throat In Amber | 05:35 Tools | |
16351519 | Play | vmm04 | 05:36 Tools | |
16351469 | Play | Llanthony Nocturnes | 01:30 Tools | |
16351461 | Play | arguments for vegans | 15:31 Tools | |
16351549 | Play | vmm01 | 02:11 Tools | |
16351457 | Play | Narwhal Thrones | 08:53 Tools | |
16351468 | Play | The Amputees | 03:15 Tools | |
16351464 | Play | Bella In The Wych-Elm | 01:33 Tools | |
55369008 | Play | lucia's day parts 1 to 3 | 08:53 Tools | |
16351490 | Play | St David II | 03:40 Tools | |
16351527 | Play | vmm05 | 01:38 Tools | |
16351554 | Play | vmm06 | 03:46 Tools | |
16351514 | Play | arguments against vegans | 21:24 Tools | |
55369009 | Play | Two comrades | 21:24 Tools | |
16351466 | Play | Where Kimmeridge meets Durlston | 03:39 Tools | |
55369010 | Play | Untitled 1 | 03:39 Tools | |
16351495 | Play | vmm03 | 00:39 Tools | |
16351545 | Play | vmm02 | 01:28 Tools | |
16351548 | Play | vmm07 | 01:06 Tools | |
16351532 | Play | III | 25:04 Tools | |
55369011 | Play | FINAL GOODBYE | 01:06 Tools | |
16351504 | Play | Sea Oak | 02:09 Tools | |
16351503 | Play | vmm08 | 02:21 Tools | |
87553216 | Play | I | 06:04 Tools | |
16351467 | Play | The Rest I Leave To The Poor | 41:42 Tools | |
55369012 | Play | hearth part 1 | 02:21 Tools | |
16351518 | Play | St. David | 01:02 Tools | |
55369018 | Play | plinth - vmm02 | 02:09 Tools | |
55369014 | Play | Untitled 3 | 02:21 Tools | |
55369013 | Play | Anni. Waltz | 02:21 Tools | |
55369015 | Play | REACHING THE LIGHTHOUSE | 02:09 Tools | |
16351482 | Play | Lulworth Callope | 00:42 Tools | |
55369016 | Play | MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE | 02:09 Tools | |
55369021 | Play | plinth - vmm05 | 02:37 Tools | |
55369022 | Play | plinth - vmm07 | 02:37 Tools | |
55369017 | Play | plinth - vmm03 | 02:09 Tools | |
16351522 | Play | Plinth - Sirens | 07:23 Tools | |
16351520 | Play | 01. two comrades | 02:37 Tools | |
55369019 | Play | UNEASE | 02:37 Tools | |
55369020 | Play | anni.waltz | 02:37 Tools | |
55369024 | Play | plinth - vmm04 | 00:42 Tools | |
55369025 | Play | plinth - vmm06 | 00:42 Tools | |
16351558 | Play | Bonus: In The Bleak Midwinter - Michael and Nicholas | 01:09 Tools | |
89476553 | Play | II | 01:09 Tools | |
16351525 | Play | IV | 03:42 Tools | |
55369023 | Play | plinth - vmm01 | 00:42 Tools | |
55369026 | Play | Victorian Machine Music #5 | 00:42 Tools | |
55369027 | Play | plinth - vmm08 | 00:42 Tools | |
16351542 | Play | St David I | 01:02 Tools | |
55369031 | Play | The Pitted Reels | 00:00 Tools | |
55369028 | Play | The Rest, I Leave To The Poor | 01:09 Tools | |
55369045 | Play | 43'.23 N 05¯ 40'.10 W | 06:04 Tools | |
55369029 | Play | wont wake up | 01:09 Tools | |
55369030 | Play | BECKONING ARM | 01:09 Tools | |
16351552 | Play | Dawn Reflects the East | 00:00 Tools | |
55369032 | Play | Vascanagina | 00:00 Tools | |
16351487 | Play | The Shore at Kimmeridge Bay | 10:26 Tools | |
16351505 | Play | Shepard's Warning | 00:44 Tools | |
16351529 | Play | 05 anni.waltz | 01:41 Tools | |
16351544 | Play | 06 untitled 3 | 06:26 Tools | |
89476554 | Play | Biker Girl | 06:26 Tools | |
16351515 | Play | Shepherd’s Warning | 00:43 Tools | |
55369034 | Play | THE EMPTY LIGHTHOUSE | 06:26 Tools | |
55369035 | Play | death and parsimony | 00:43 Tools | |
16351516 | Play | Siren Murmur | 01:09 Tools | |
16351496 | Play | 04 untitled 1 | 08:05 Tools | |
55369033 | Play | 51¯ 43'.23 N 05¯ 40'.10 W | 06:26 Tools | |
55369036 | Play | 03. message in a bottle (message sent) | 08:05 Tools | |
55369037 | Play | 04. a room, a corpse | 08:05 Tools | |
16351485 | Play | The Shore at Durlston Head | 07:28 Tools | |
16351551 | Play | The Shore at Dancing Ledge | 03:32 Tools | |
16351557 | Play | The Shore at Chapman's Pool | 07:20 Tools | |
55369038 | Play | Magenta | 01:02 Tools | |
55369039 | Play | Darlings and Demons | 01:02 Tools | |
55369040 | Play | Message in a bottle (message sent) | 01:02 Tools | |
55369041 | Play | A room, a corpse | 01:02 Tools | |
16351537 | Play | 03. wont wake up | 01:53 Tools | |
16351513 | Play | 03. message in a bottle | 01:00 Tools | |
16351499 | Play | 04. drift | 00:42 Tools | |
55369042 | Play | Victorian Machine Music 9 | 00:42 Tools | |
16351517 | Play | La Dlumbra Klxae Futcheon | 06:04 Tools | |
55369043 | Play | .Terminus | 06:04 Tools | |
55369044 | Play | 02.dawn reflects in the east | 06:04 Tools | |
87553215 | Play | Wintersongs | 06:04 Tools | |
55369046 | Play | Victorian Machine Music (in reverse) | 06:04 Tools | |
16351539 | Play | V | 07:17 Tools | |
55369047 | Play | Dulcimer Music | 03:42 Tools | |
16351506 | Play | 02. unease | 01:36 Tools | |
16351508 | Play | 12. the empty lighthouse | 01:31 Tools | |
89476555 | Play | Madam Pockney´s Vacation | 01:31 Tools | |
55369048 | Play | Its Not You mix | 01:31 Tools |
Track name
Plinth is the alias of Dorset based instrumentalist, sound engineer and composer Michael Tanner. Plinth first released "Bracken" on the Geographic compilation "You Don't Need Darkness To Do What You Think Is Right" in 2001 and founded the Dorset Paeans record label a year later. Recent releases are "Albatross" (Deadslacktring), and the short story and soundtrack "Music for Smalls Lighthouse" (Second Language). Other releases include "Wintersongs" and "Plays Victorian Machine Music" on Dorset Paeans and Rusted Rail, respectively - Both are now sold out. He is one half of 'The A Lords' with Nicholas Palmer (Directorsound) who released a full length LP on the Rif Mountian label in 2011 (Now sold out) and collaborated with cult songwriter Mark Fry on "I Lived In Trees" (Second Language). Away from his own music he has played live and recorded as/with Thalassing, Sharron Kraus, Pantaleimon, Directorsound, United Bible Studies and Tex La Homa. He has also recorded albums by Sharron Kraus (The Foxes wedding, Durtro 2006), United Bible Studies, The Rural Tradition and Rusalnaia. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.