
(Tracks on this page not available for listen and download because of a copyright notice.)
Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
Ob(Servant) 03:24 Tools
A Calculated Effort 06:28 Tools
Slaves Of Nil 05:59 Tools
The Colour of Sleep 05:05 Tools
The Shifting Equilibrium 04:26 Tools
Horde in Devolution 05:20 Tools
Skin Coffin 04:01 Tools
Alpha Breed 03:49 Tools
Removing The Common Bond 05:59 Tools
Lacertine Forest 04:08 Tools
Immortal Army Of One 05:58 Tools
Carriers of the Plague 06:07 Tools
Initiate 07:59 Tools
Battling the Misery of Organon 04:00 Tools
Blood Stained Lineage 04:53 Tools
Psycrology 04:55 Tools
Cruelty Incarnate 05:26 Tools
Missionaries Of A Future To Come 04:20 Tools
Merchants Of Deceit 05:29 Tools
Echoes To Come 03:22 Tools
A Planetary Discipline 03:55 Tools
Minions: The Fallen 03:53 Tools
Epoch of the Gods 05:14 Tools
Repairing The Dimensional Cluster 03:44 Tools
Our Evolutionary Architecture 04:40 Tools
An Experiment In Transience 04:54 Tools
Cleansing A Misguided Path 04:25 Tools
Forward To Submission 03:57 Tools
Euphorinasia 04:55 Tools
The Throne Of Kings 04:05 Tools
Carnival of Vulgarity 04:39 Tools
A Soul Once Lost 03:25 Tools
Unmasking The Traitors 03:56 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons Fire 04:57 Tools
Become The Cult 04:12 Tools
Frozen Gaze 04:12 Tools
Cold 05:25 Tools
The Sword of Uncreation 04:15 Tools
From Scribe To Ashes 03:50 Tools
We Were the Keepers 04:57 Tools
The Scepter of Jaar-Gilon 06:31 Tools
Deprivation 05:45 Tools
The Sleepers Have Awoken 04:09 Tools
Condemned by Discontent 04:22 Tools
Netherworld Reality 03:22 Tools
The World Discarded 05:25 Tools
The Isle of Disenchantment 03:25 Tools
Ending 05:25 Tools
Of Dull Eyes Borne 05:03 Tools
Psycroptipath 06:02 Tools
Beneath the Ground We Dwell 02:59 Tools
The Labyrinth 05:25 Tools
Setting The Skies Ablaze 05:25 Tools
Directive 05:25 Tools
Upon These Stones 05:25 Tools
Sentence Of Immortality 05:25 Tools
Ideals That Wont Surrender 05:25 Tools
Endless Wandering 05:25 Tools
Deadlands 05:25 Tools
As the Kingdom Drowns 05:25 Tools
Beyond the Black 05:25 Tools
Momentum of the Void 05:25 Tools
You Belong Here, Below 05:25 Tools
Ob[Servant] 03:22 Tools
The Scepter of Jaar Gilon 06:32 Tools
The Valley of Winds Beneath the Dragons Fire 04:57 Tools
The Alpha Breed 04:57 Tools
Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons Fire 04:57 Tools
Sceptor of Jaar-Gilon 06:32 Tools
The Sceptor of Jaar-Gilon 06:32 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath and 00:00 Tools
Repairing the Dimesional Cluster 06:33 Tools
Ideals That Won't Surrender 04:57 Tools
Blood Stained Linage 06:33 Tools
The Scepter of Ĵaar-Gilon 06:32 Tools
Gilon 06:33 Tools
The valley of winds breath and dragon's fire 04:57 Tools
Frozen Grace 04:57 Tools
Incarnate Solvent Abuse (Carcass cover) 03:55 Tools
The Valley of Wind's Breath and Dragon's Fire 00:00 Tools
The Valley Winds Breath And Dragons Fire 04:57 Tools
Observant 03:23 Tools
Behind The Crooked Cross 03:16 Tools
The Valley Of Winds' Breath And Dragons' Fire 00:00 Tools
A Calculated Effort (Live) 05:57 Tools
Ob(Servant) (Live) 03:41 Tools
Immortal Army Of One (Live) 05:06 Tools
Corporal jigsaw quandary 03:57 Tools
Incarnate Solvent Abuse 03:55 Tools
Ob (Servant) 03:22 Tools
The Immortal Army of One (New song) [Live at The Arthouse, 14/06/08] 03:22 Tools
Corporal Jigsore Quandary 03:55 Tools
Dawn Of The Angry 04:12 Tools
Thе Colour Of Sleep 05:05 Tools
The Scepter Of Jaar - Gilon 06:32 Tools
(Ob)Servant 03:16 Tools
The Throne Of Kings (New!) 04:05 Tools
The Scepter From Jaar-Gilon 04:05 Tools
The Valley Of Winds Breath And Dragon Fire 04:57 Tools
Behind the Crooked Cross [Slayer cover][*] 03:16 Tools
Carriers Of The Plague (New!) 05:05 Tools
Merchants Of Deceit (Live) 05:05 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath an 04:57 Tools
The Isle Of Disen 04:57 Tools
Valley of Winds Breath and Dra 04:12 Tools
Dawn of the Angry (Morbid Angel cover) 04:12 Tools
Alpha 04:12 Tools
Skin Coffin (Live) 04:12 Tools
Lacertine Forest (Live) 04:12 Tools
psycroptic 03:56 Tools
01 - Ob(Servant) 04:12 Tools
The Sword Of Uncreation (Live) 04:07 Tools
Track 08 04:12 Tools
The Colour Of Sleep (Live) 05:25 Tools
Carnival Of Vulgarity (Live) 04:30 Tools
AlphaBreed 04:07 Tools
Dawn of the Angry [Morbid Angel cover][*] 04:12 Tools
Initiate (live) 04:30 Tools
the valley 04:12 Tools
Corporal Jigsaw Quandary [Carcass Cover][*] 04:12 Tools
Cleaning A Misguided Path 03:51 Tools
Epoch Of The Gods (Live) 04:30 Tools
09 - The Scepter of Jaar-Gilon 04:30 Tools
The World Discarded (New!) 04:30 Tools
Corporal Jigsaw Quandary [Carcass Cover] 05:25 Tools
Behind The Crooked Cross (*) 03:16 Tools
Of Dull Eyes Born 04:30 Tools
Falling (Little River Band Cover) 04:30 Tools
01 The Colour of Sleep 04:30 Tools
Dawn Of The Angry (*) 04:30 Tools
Initiate (Long Version) 04:30 Tools
A Calculated Effort [Live in Melbourne, 2008][*] 05:57 Tools
Immortal Army of One [Live in Melbourne, 2008][*] 05:06 Tools
Corporal Jigsore Quandary (Carcass cover) (Bonus Track) 03:56 Tools
03 Lacertine Forest 05:06 Tools
Ob(servant) [Live in Melbourne, 2008][*] 03:41 Tools
Spur 23 03:22 Tools
02 Battling the Misery of Organon 03:41 Tools
07. The Valley Of Winds Breath And Dragons Fire 03:41 Tools
01 Carnival Of Vulgarity 03:22 Tools
Symbols Of Failure - Merchants Of Deceit (5:26) 03:41 Tools
Isle Of Disenchantment, The - Carnival Of Vulgarity (4:06) 03:41 Tools
05 Skin Coffin 03:41 Tools
epoch 03:41 Tools
06 Cruelty Incarnate 03:41 Tools
Ob(servant) - Initiate (8:01) 03:41 Tools
Psycology 03:41 Tools
Isle Of Disenchantment, The - Netherworld Reality (3:20) 03:41 Tools
02 The Sword Of Uncreation 03:41 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - The Scepter Of Jaar-Gilon (6:32) 06:03 Tools
A Horde in Devolution (Live) 06:03 Tools
Incarnated Solvent Abuse(Carcass cover) 05:05 Tools
Ob(servant) - Ob(servant) (3:23) 03:41 Tools
COLD (Official Music Video) 03:23 Tools
Minions : The Fallen 03:51 Tools
Psycroptic - The Colour of Sleep 05:05 Tools
Incarnated Solvent Abuse (Carcass Cover) 03:55 Tools
Isle Of Disenchantment, The - Psycroptipath (6:00) 04:01 Tools
Ob(servant) - A Calculated Effort (6:30) 11:06 Tools
Ob(Servant) (Live in Melbourne) 05:06 Tools
Our Evolutionary Architechture 06:03 Tools
Incarnate Solvent Abuse [*][Carcass Cover] 03:55 Tools
Corporal Jigsaw Quandary (Carcass Cover) 03:56 Tools
Psycroptic - Skin Coffin 04:01 Tools
07 - The Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons Fire 03:56 Tools
Inherited Repression, The - Carriers Of The Plague (6:07) 03:23 Tools
Isle Of Disenchantment, The - Of Dull Eyes Borne (5:01) 04:01 Tools
09 - Initiate 03:56 Tools
Psychrology 03:56 Tools
03 Condemned By Discontent 03:56 Tools
A calculated effort (live in melbourne) 04:01 Tools
09 The Scepter of Jaar-Gilon 06:21 Tools
Intro 04:55 Tools
Psycroptic - Battling the Misery of Organon 04:00 Tools
Immortal army of one (live in melbourne) 11:06 Tools
Psycroptic - Psycrology 04:55 Tools
Inherited Repression, The - Unmasking The Traitors (3:55) 01:00 Tools
The Inherited Repression 00:00 Tools
08 Beneath the Ground We Dwell 00:00 Tools
Immortle Army Of One 05:12 Tools
Scepter of Jaar-Gilon 05:12 Tools
Horde in devolution (live) 06:21 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons 05:12 Tools
The Scepter Of Jaar 05:12 Tools
08 A Planetary Discipline 06:21 Tools
Symbols Of Failure - An Experiment In Transience (4:54) 04:00 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - Psycrology (4:55) 01:00 Tools
Ob(servant) - Immortal Army Of One (5:11) 11:06 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - The Colour Of Sleep (5:05) 11:06 Tools
06 Of Dull Eyes Borne 11:06 Tools
04 Netherworld Reality 04:55 Tools
Ob(servant) - Slaves Of Nil (6:01) 04:55 Tools
a planetary 04:55 Tools
06 Epoch Of The Gods 04:44 Tools
the scepter 04:44 Tools
"Echoes to Come" (Official Music Video) 04:44 Tools
Corporal Jigsore Quandary [Carcass Cover] 03:23 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - Lacertine Forest (4:08) 06:21 Tools
01 Ob(Servant) 03:23 Tools
A calculated effort [Live] 07:37 Tools
Lacertine Forest [Live] 03:54 Tools
07 Psycroptipath 06:21 Tools
01-Psycroptic-the colour of sleep 01:00 Tools
Symbols Of Failure - Alpha Breed (3:49) 04:59 Tools
05 The Isle Of Disenchantment 01:00 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - The Valley Of Winds Breath And Dragons Fire (4:57) 04:59 Tools
Ob(servant) - The Shifting Equilibrium (4:27) 00:00 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath a.. 00:00 Tools
Symbols Of Failure - Epoch Of The Gods (4:44) 00:00 Tools
Echoes to Come (Album Version) 03:23 Tools
The Sceptre of Jaar-Gilon 00:00 Tools
Cruelty Inc 00:00 Tools
Ob(Servant) - [Ob(Servant)] (2008) 03:23 Tools
of dull eyes 03:23 Tools
Shifting Equilibrium 03:23 Tools
08 An Experiment In Transience 03:23 Tools
09 Cleansing A Misguided Path 03:23 Tools
Valley Of Wind's Breath And Dragon's Fire 03:23 Tools
07 Our Evolutionary Architecture 03:23 Tools
Dawn of the Angry [Morbid Ange 03:23 Tools
Ob(servent) 03:23 Tools
Psycroptic - The Valley of Winds Breath and Dragons Fire 03:23 Tools
09. The Sceptor Of Jaar-gilon 03:23 Tools
Clearing a Misguided Path 03:23 Tools
02 A Calculated Effort 03:23 Tools
Merchants of Deceit [Live] 05:29 Tools
Psycroptic - Lacertine Forest 05:29 Tools
06. Epoch of the Gods 05:29 Tools
Inherited Repression, The - The Throne Of Kings (4:04) 05:29 Tools
Ob(Servant) [Live] 04:01 Tools
04 Psycrology 04:01 Tools
Psycroptic - Cruelty Incarnate 03:23 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - Cruelty Incarnate (5:26) 03:23 Tools
03. Lacertine Forest 03:23 Tools
psycroptic - the scepter of the ancients - 07 - the valley 03:23 Tools
Corpaoral Jigsaw Quandary (Carcass Cover) 03:23 Tools
The Valley of Winds Breath 04:59 Tools
Scepter Of The Ancients, The - Skin Coffin (4:01) 04:59 Tools
04-Psycroptic-psycrology 04:59 Tools
Symbols Of Failure - Missionaries Of A Future To Come (4:18) 04:59 Tools
Condemned to Discontent 04:59 Tools
  • 2,005,611
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Psycroptic is a metal band from Hobart, Australia. The band is currently signed to Nuclear Blast and has so far released five full-length albums. They formed in 1999 by brothers Dave (drums) and Joe (guitar) Haley who had previously been involved in a band called Disseminate. That group had recorded a demo in 1998 before disbanding. Shortly afterward, the Haleys created Psycroptic with Cameron Grant on bass and vocalist Matthew Chalk, who soon after became a drummer with established local death metal act M.S.I.. With assistance from the Tasmanian Council of the Arts, the band recorded 'The Isle of Disenchantment' that was designed only as a demo but the result impressed the band enough to release it as a proper CD. Shortly after it was released the band was invited to play shows in Melbourne and in late 2001 they featured at the annual Metal for the Brain festival in Canberra for the first time, later also appearing in 2003 and 2005. The band recorded its second album 'The Scepter of the Ancients' in 2003 for release through American label Unique Leader. The same year the group played its first full Australian tour in support of American death metal band Incantation. The Haley brothers also joined Sydney-based industrial black metal band The Amenta during this period and recorded the album 'Occasus' with that group. Dave Haley also worked on an EP called "Atom and Time" with the Hobart black metal band Ruins. The year 2004, was a breakthrough year for the band as they played a second Australian tour, this time with Deeds of Flesh and then headed to Europe for a wide-ranging tour with Swedish bands Dismember and Anata. However, Chalk expressed reluctance to undertake the journey so his friend Jason Peppiatt from another Hobart band, Born Headless, was recruited to play the shows in his stead. On returning to Australia, Psycroptic played two legs of the Metal for the Brain in Canberra and Brisbane, and a final show in their hometown of Hobart. Following this, disharmony between the band saw Chalk leave Psycroptic, and Peppiatt replace him. Since his departure from Psycroptic, Chalk has continued to play drums with M.S.I. as well as a doom band called Space Raven and act in the vocal role in a number of other groups that includes Mephistopheles, playing bass in Born Headless and several other projects. They then did a handful of Australian dates with Hate Eternal before heading in to begin work on their third album, 'Symbols of Failure', their first for Neurotic. The album was released in 2006, and was followed by another European excursion with acts like America's Nile and another Australian tour followed, this time with Cannibal Corpse. ' Work began on the follow-up to Symbols of Failure' in early 2007 before some European shows with Deicide. Joe Haley collapsed after one show and suffered a seizure. He later recovered but the last few dates for the tour were cancelled. On 10 June Psycroptic featured at the Come Together Music Festival in Sydney. The Haley brothers seem to have since put their membership with The Amenta aside to concentrate on Psycroptic; however Dave Haley joined Blood Duster in September 2007. Both Dave and Joe are currently performing with Hobart based black metal band Ruins. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.