Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
11954926 | Play | A Monument to Your Failure | 01:56 Tools | |
11954929 | Play | The Summit of Sacrifice | 02:28 Tools | |
11954928 | Play | An Audience with Cronos | 02:03 Tools | |
11954927 | Play | Bring Her Back to Me | 02:08 Tools | |
11954935 | Play | Depths of Hades | 02:28 Tools | |
11954936 | Play | Bog of Lost Souls | 02:17 Tools | |
11954931 | Play | Atlas | 03:32 Tools | |
11954934 | Play | Palace of the Fates | 02:41 Tools | |
11954932 | Play | The Three Judges | 01:40 Tools | |
11954937 | Play | The Temple of Pandora | 00:37 Tools | |
11954933 | Play | The March of Tartarus | 01:59 Tools | |
11954939 | Play | The Lost Souls | 02:38 Tools | |
11954930 | Play | The Architect's Mysteries | 02:00 Tools | |
11954938 | Play | Pandoran Cyclopes Attack | 01:42 Tools | |
11954940 | Play | Labor of Destruction | 01:37 Tools | |
11954944 | Play | Kratos and Atropos (Bonus Track) | 01:31 Tools | |
11954943 | Play | Burning Visions | 01:15 Tools | |
11954942 | Play | The Fury of Ares | 01:26 Tools | |
11954941 | Play | Labour of Destruction | 01:37 Tools | |
53113450 | Play | Playful Joker | 01:43 Tools | |
11954945 | Play | Pandoran Cyclops Attack | 01:43 Tools | |
53113488 | Play | It's Not Even Breakfast | 02:46 Tools | |
11954956 | Play | Kratos and Atropos | 01:33 Tools | |
11954949 | Play | Batman 01 | 04:19 Tools | |
11954946 | Play | ThemeV3Detective | 03:20 Tools | |
11954963 | Play | Batman 02 | 04:16 Tools | |
11955124 | Play | Credits | 05:15 Tools | |
89333578 | Play | The Aslyum Cells | 05:15 Tools | |
11954951 | Play | B1 Combat 02 | 02:33 Tools | |
11954947 | Play | Hommlet | 08:33 Tools | |
11955116 | Play | Intro | 00:43 Tools | |
11954954 | Play | B1 Combat 01 | 02:41 Tools | |
89333579 | Play | Venom Factory | 02:41 Tools | |
11955018 | Play | Kratos And Atropos (Bonus Trac | 01:33 Tools | |
11954955 | Play | Combat | 08:18 Tools | |
11954997 | Play | ForensicTrail 02 | 01:40 Tools | |
11955025 | Play | ForensicTrail 01 | 01:40 Tools | |
11955026 | Play | ForensicTrail 03 | 01:39 Tools | |
11955072 | Play | Combat 02 | 04:15 Tools | |
11955013 | Play | Henchmen 02 | 04:36 Tools | |
11954996 | Play | Combat 01 | 04:16 Tools | |
11954990 | Play | CH3Admin A1 Combat 01 | 03:23 Tools | |
11954999 | Play | CH3Admin A1 Combat 02 | 03:25 Tools | |
11954989 | Play | Henchmen 01 | 04:34 Tools | |
11954958 | Play | Elemental Air | 08:43 Tools | |
11954979 | Play | CH3Admin A1 Combat 03 | 03:26 Tools | |
11954975 | Play | Depth of Hades | 02:54 Tools | |
11954948 | Play | Hommlet Combat | 06:52 Tools | |
11954967 | Play | Good Vignette | 08:50 Tools | |
11954987 | Play | LunaticMultiLoop 02 | 00:32 Tools | |
11954957 | Play | Moathouse Exterior | 08:02 Tools | |
11954959 | Play | Moathouse Combat | 07:12 Tools | |
11954965 | Play | Henchmen 03 | 04:35 Tools | |
11954964 | Play | Hommlet Temple | 08:08 Tools | |
11955023 | Play | IntroLoop 01 | 01:04 Tools | |
11954961 | Play | Elemental Water | 07:54 Tools | |
11954973 | Play | Evil Vignette | 08:08 Tools | |
11955068 | Play | LunaticMultiLoop 01 | 00:33 Tools | |
11955019 | Play | BossBane 02 | 04:21 Tools | |
11955004 | Play | Moathouse Combat R3 | 01:05 Tools | |
11955052 | Play | Bach02 | 02:31 Tools | |
11954966 | Play | Elemental Fire | 08:13 Tools | |
11954950 | Play | Elemental Combat | 08:01 Tools | |
11954977 | Play | IntroLoop 02 | 01:04 Tools | |
11955069 | Play | SPTutorial 01 | 01:18 Tools | |
11955014 | Play | VisitorCentre 01 | 04:17 Tools | |
11955008 | Play | IP V2 03 | 02:32 Tools | |
11955003 | Play | AtmosLoop | 01:39 Tools | |
11954980 | Play | BGM3 | 00:50 Tools | |
11955057 | Play | IP V2 01 | 02:31 Tools | |
11954988 | Play | SPTutorial 05 | 01:13 Tools | |
11955007 | Play | Pred Batman 02 | 04:14 Tools | |
11955098 | Play | IntroLoop 03 | 01:02 Tools | |
11955017 | Play | ChallCombat | 03:28 Tools | |
11954960 | Play | AlertIntro | 00:40 Tools | |
11954968 | Play | Nulb Combat | 08:17 Tools | |
11955021 | Play | Explore1Intro | 01:17 Tools | |
11955009 | Play | Mus A1Combat 02 | 02:44 Tools | |
11954986 | Play | OverWorldCombat 01 | 02:48 Tools | |
11954952 | Play | Elemental Earth | 08:04 Tools | |
11955001 | Play | Pizz1Shot | 00:39 Tools | |
11955005 | Play | Neutral Vignette | 08:19 Tools | |
11955041 | Play | SPTutorial 03 | 01:16 Tools | |
11955028 | Play | BatCaveBridge | 01:13 Tools | |
53113452 | Play | JokerOnCell | 01:13 Tools | |
11954985 | Play | CellsCombatIntro | 00:40 Tools | |
53113454 | Play | Explore1Loop | 01:13 Tools | |
11954974 | Play | Med B3Loop 01 | 01:08 Tools | |
53113451 | Play | CombatLoop6 | 01:08 Tools | |
53113459 | Play | BossJoker 03 | 04:22 Tools | |
11954976 | Play | Moathouse First Exterior | 08:10 Tools | |
11955074 | Play | IP V2 02 | 02:32 Tools | |
11955140 | Play | ThroneRoom | 01:15 Tools | |
11955030 | Play | BatCaveGlide | 00:37 Tools | |
53113453 | Play | ScareCrowGas | 01:13 Tools | |
11954991 | Play | ScareCrowloop | 02:55 Tools | |
11955078 | Play | BaneIntro | 01:49 Tools | |
53113455 | Play | TenseLoop | 01:13 Tools | |
11955134 | Play | BossBane 01 | 04:22 Tools | |
53113457 | Play | Pred Batman 01 | 01:17 Tools | |
11955136 | Play | OverWorldCombat 02 | 02:45 Tools | |
11955029 | Play | CombatDLC | 02:24 Tools | |
53113458 | Play | ParentsDeath | 01:16 Tools | |
11954998 | Play | Med B3Loop 02 | 01:11 Tools | |
11954983 | Play | CarCombatINtro | 00:32 Tools | |
11954993 | Play | Explore2Loop | 02:39 Tools | |
11955039 | Play | Explore2Intro | 00:59 Tools | |
11955034 | Play | VisitorC1r2 | 00:38 Tools | |
53113456 | Play | HarleyDropsLift | 01:13 Tools | |
11955049 | Play | CombatLoop3 | 00:34 Tools | |
11954969 | Play | BossJoker 02 | 04:27 Tools | |
11955092 | Play | BossBane 03 | 04:22 Tools | |
11955020 | Play | Zuggtmoy Combat | 09:41 Tools | |
11955031 | Play | SPTutorial 02 | 01:13 Tools | |
11955129 | Play | Mus A1Combat 01 | 02:45 Tools | |
11955105 | Play | BreakingNews | 02:06 Tools | |
53113461 | Play | MeetIvy | 01:22 Tools | |
11955047 | Play | C5PErcLoop1 | 00:33 Tools | |
11955135 | Play | JokerEscapes | 01:44 Tools | |
53113460 | Play | SniperIntroB | 08:19 Tools | |
11955063 | Play | DieFledermaus | 01:53 Tools | |
11955073 | Play | HostageStartLoop | 00:45 Tools | |
11955071 | Play | BossIvy 01 | 04:32 Tools | |
11955046 | Play | BossIvy 02 | 03:20 Tools | |
53113462 | Play | BossJoker 01 | 04:32 Tools | |
53113463 | Play | BossIvy 03 | 04:32 Tools | |
11954992 | Play | SPTutorial 04 | 01:12 Tools | |
53113466 | Play | VisitorCentre 02 | 08:00 Tools | |
11955121 | Play | AlertLoop | 00:32 Tools | |
11955137 | Play | JazzFa | 01:22 Tools | |
11955002 | Play | MedicalCorridors | 02:57 Tools | |
11954953 | Play | VisitorC1 | 01:00 Tools | |
11955132 | Play | LiftIntro1 | 01:28 Tools | |
11955107 | Play | Pad3 | 00:33 Tools | |
11954995 | Play | Temple Top Combat | 06:31 Tools | |
11955024 | Play | Numb Level | 08:00 Tools | |
53113464 | Play | WhiskeyTrailIntro | 03:20 Tools | |
11955128 | Play | Pad2 | 01:41 Tools | |
53113467 | Play | JokerDestroy | 00:38 Tools | |
11955144 | Play | Pad1 | 00:55 Tools | |
11955035 | Play | Cells Intro | 00:38 Tools | |
53113469 | Play | ClassicalJok | 01:40 Tools | |
11955006 | Play | Temple Top Level | 07:12 Tools | |
53113465 | Play | ChallCombatV2 | 08:00 Tools | |
53113471 | Play | Cave A | 01:43 Tools | |
11955119 | Play | HarleyKills | 01:40 Tools | |
11954994 | Play | OfficeCamScene | 00:48 Tools | |
53113468 | Play | OW A3Plants | 01:40 Tools | |
11955058 | Play | JazzSl | 01:13 Tools | |
53113472 | Play | Cells A1 | 01:43 Tools | |
11954982 | Play | Atlas Combat | 01:52 Tools | |
53113470 | Play | 06-Depths of Hades | 06:31 Tools | |
11955010 | Play | VenomTransform | 00:38 Tools | |
11955133 | Play | IvyAttack1 | 01:43 Tools | |
11955108 | Play | BGM4 2 | 01:37 Tools | |
11954981 | Play | Bog Ambient | 02:19 Tools | |
11955011 | Play | Pandora Combat | 01:10 Tools | |
11955015 | Play | Saving Pandora | 03:54 Tools | |
11955084 | Play | 412 JokerTriggers | 00:48 Tools | |
11954971 | Play | MaxA1 DoorsOpen | 01:29 Tools | |
11954984 | Play | Barbarian King | 02:03 Tools | |
11955016 | Play | Zuggtmoy Death | 00:38 Tools | |
11955042 | Play | MaxC6 Enter | 01:38 Tools | |
11955131 | Play | Zuggtmoy Banishment | 00:33 Tools | |
53113473 | Play | 08-Labour of destruction | 01:38 Tools | |
53113474 | Play | CombatB6 Loop | 01:38 Tools | |
11954970 | Play | General Suspense | 01:54 Tools | |
11955112 | Play | Zeus Combat | 01:59 Tools | |
53113475 | Play | 09-The three judges | 01:38 Tools | |
11955142 | Play | Zuggtmoy Level | 08:56 Tools | |
53113479 | Play | MaxB1 LiftLoop | 00:33 Tools | |
53113476 | Play | God of War II/Main Titles | 01:10 Tools | |
11955146 | Play | MaxB5 AfterGuard | 00:42 Tools | |
11955082 | Play | God Of War Trailer | 01:46 Tools | |
11955141 | Play | Pandora Theme | 00:32 Tools | |
53113477 | Play | 17-The march of Tartarus | 02:19 Tools | |
11955044 | Play | VenomIvyIntro | 00:55 Tools | |
11955012 | Play | MaxA1 Intro | 01:38 Tools | |
53113478 | Play | WardenIntro Front | 00:38 Tools | |
11955075 | Play | LiftIntroLoop2 conv | 00:35 Tools | |
11955022 | Play | Bog Suspense | 01:21 Tools | |
53113480 | Play | 10-The lost souls | 00:35 Tools | |
53113481 | Play | MAXB3 Leave | 01:38 Tools | |
11955100 | Play | Pandora Ambience | 02:00 Tools | |
11955027 | Play | Atlas Announcement | 00:43 Tools | |
11954962 | Play | A Rose For Respect | 00:00 Tools | |
11954972 | Play | Pee Green Bote | 03:31 Tools | |
11955094 | Play | Arkham City Main Theme | 01:56 Tools | |
53113487 | Play | Ivory Road | 02:46 Tools | |
53113482 | Play | God of War II/Phoenix Rising | 00:43 Tools | |
53113484 | Play | Main Theme | 03:36 Tools | |
53113483 | Play | Traccia 28 | 00:43 Tools | |
11955110 | Play | 19 - Atlas - | 03:36 Tools | |
53113485 | Play | 001 - ThemeV3Detective | 03:36 Tools | |
53113486 | Play | 16 - Bog Of Lost Souls - | 01:56 Tools | |
11955125 | Play | 20 - Palace Of The Fates - | 02:46 Tools | |
53113489 | Play | Theme V3 Detective | 02:46 Tools | |
53113490 | Play | 29 - Kratos And Atropos (Bonus Track) - | 02:46 Tools | |
53113491 | Play | Arkham Asylum | 02:46 Tools | |
11955077 | Play | 29-ron_fish-kratos_and_atropos_(bonus_track) | 01:33 Tools | |
11955064 | Play | CH3Admin_A1_Combat 03 | 03:26 Tools | |
53113492 | Play | 19-ron_fish-atlas | 01:33 Tools | |
87350442 | Play | Heaven On Earth | 02:44 Tools | |
53113493 | Play | Kratos And Atropos (Bonus Track)-AAN | 03:26 Tools | |
53113494 | Play | Traccia 25 | 03:26 Tools | |
53113495 | Play | 14 - An Audience With Cronos - | 03:26 Tools | |
53113496 | Play | 13 - The Summit Of Sacrifice - | 03:26 Tools | |
87350441 | Play | Bat-Cave | 03:26 Tools | |
11954978 | Play | A Monument To Your Fail | 01:56 Tools | |
11955115 | Play | CH3Admin_A1_Combat 02 | 03:26 Tools | |
11955093 | Play | CH3Admin_A1_Combat 01 | 03:24 Tools | |
53113497 | Play | The Dark Knight | 01:56 Tools | |
89333580 | Play | Pred_Batman 01 | 01:56 Tools | |
87350443 | Play | Cells_A1 | 02:44 Tools | |
11955066 | Play | Mus_A1Combat 01 | 02:44 Tools | |
87350444 | Play | MaxB5_AfterGuard | 02:44 Tools | |
53113498 | Play | God of War II/Colossus of Rhodes | 02:44 Tools | |
53113499 | Play | 14 - An Audience With Cronos | 02:44 Tools |
Track name
Ron Fish initially began his career as a drummer, playing with rock legend Chuck Berry. A graduate of the Berklee College of Music, Ron created sound design for independent features, before joining the Walt Disney Imagineering Sound Department. Ron worked with Walt Disney Imagineering for eight years. He was responsible for composing music and designing sound for many of the rides throughout their theme parks worldwide. Ron was a founding member of the team that created the first interactive park “Disney Quest”. Upon completion of this project, Ron’s interest in interactive audio led him to the video game field. Ron brought his award winning composition and design skills to Triple A titles such as the God of War franchise (Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences – best original composition), Batman: Arkham Asylum, and Black Hawk Down, amongst others. During this time, Ron began to collaborate with Warner Bros. Post Production. Ron won the coveted Promax award for his score for the WB show “The Supernatural” in 2005. Ron’s duties as composer and sound designer were required for Paul Allen’s Science Fiction Museum in Seattle, and once again for his award winning short “Doubletake: from Monet to Lichtenstein”. Ron received two nominations from the Motion Picture Sound Editor’s Guild for his sound design work on Justice League Heroes, and Space Chimps. Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.