Tatiana Stepa

Trackimage Playbut Trackname Playbut Trackname
copaci fara padure 00:00 Tools
Si totusi exista iubire 00:00 Tools
Spune-mi ceva 00:00 Tools
Copaci fără pădure 00:00 Tools
Iubirea De Lut 00:00 Tools
Ce departe esti 00:00 Tools
Poem cu umeri goi 00:00 Tools
Criza în întuneric 00:00 Tools
Duminica de ieri 00:00 Tools
Singuratate 00:00 Tools
Da doamne iarna 00:00 Tools
Ilogica serenada 00:00 Tools
Pe Patul Parasit 03:42 Tools
Drumul spre luna 00:00 Tools
Te iubesc 04:04 Tools
In intampinarea Craciunului 02:27 Tools
Fiul meu 00:00 Tools
Dreptul la mila 00:00 Tools
Balada pentru Basarabia 04:19 Tools
colindul gutuii din geam 00:00 Tools
Totusi Toamna 00:00 Tools
Dam foc felinarelor 00:00 Tools
Cina oamenilor singuri 03:47 Tools
Pietre 02:26 Tools
Ruga la Marea Neagra 00:00 Tools
Ramas bun 00:00 Tools
Mos Craciun bolnav 00:00 Tools
La o cana cu vin 02:54 Tools
Si Totusi Vine Toamna 00:00 Tools
Baladă Pentru Basarabia 00:00 Tools
Hristos a inviat 00:00 Tools
Dă, Doamne, iarnă 00:00 Tools
Taina 00:00 Tools
Dor de parinti 00:00 Tools
Durerea femeiasca 00:00 Tools
Gutuia 00:00 Tools
Ilogica serenadă 00:00 Tools
Singurătate 00:00 Tools
Criză În Întuneric 00:00 Tools
Pentru femei 04:28 Tools
Valsul zilelor pustii 00:00 Tools
Galbena gutuie 00:00 Tools
Noi amandoi 00:00 Tools
Cintec in noapte 00:00 Tools
Cântec În Noapte 00:00 Tools
Batrana 00:00 Tools
Foaie verde nuca seaca 00:00 Tools
Pe patul părăsit 00:00 Tools
viata de femeie 00:00 Tools
Femeia n-are totusi... 00:00 Tools
Imnul minerilor 00:00 Tools
Balada pentru Basarabia ...{Basarabia - Pamant Romanesc - www.romanism.net}... 00:00 Tools
Gara din Est 04:49 Tools
Totuși toamna 00:00 Tools
Drumul spre lună 00:00 Tools
În întâmpinarea Crăciunului 00:00 Tools
Ilogica mea serenada 00:00 Tools
De dragul mamei 00:00 Tools
Totuşi toamna 00:00 Tools
Fiii Lacrimilor Tale 00:00 Tools
Muntele 00:00 Tools
Totusi iubirea 00:00 Tools
Mama 00:00 Tools
Ruga pentru parinti 00:00 Tools
Partaj 00:00 Tools
Sfanta Noapte de Craciun 00:00 Tools
Baiatul meu, pierdutul meu 00:00 Tools
Rugă la Marea Neagră 00:00 Tools
Mor actorii 00:00 Tools
Maicuta cand m -o facut 00:00 Tools
Da, Doamne, iarna 00:00 Tools
Sarmanii 00:00 Tools
Creion 00:00 Tools
Mi-e dor 00:00 Tools
Europa de frati 00:00 Tools
Viaţa de femeie 00:00 Tools
Bocet 00:00 Tools
Pietre-n drum 00:00 Tools
Ce departe ești 00:00 Tools
Am devenit o soapta 00:00 Tools
Numai mama sa nu fii 00:00 Tools
Da, Doamne Iarna 00:00 Tools
O lume de 20 de ani 00:00 Tools
Numai mamă să nu fii 00:00 Tools
In intimpinarea Craciunului 00:00 Tools
Dar de nunta 00:00 Tools
Totusi, toamna 00:00 Tools
Mi-e bine, mi-e jale 00:00 Tools
Poem cu umerii goi 00:00 Tools
Da , Doamne ,iarna 00:00 Tools
Fii lacrimilor tale 00:00 Tools
Hristos a înviat! 00:00 Tools
Hristos A Înviat 00:00 Tools
Fantani 00:00 Tools
Sărmanii 00:00 Tools
Cantec pentru prieteni 00:00 Tools
Desculti prin zapada 00:00 Tools
Sfânta noapte de Crăciun 00:00 Tools
Capodopera de pe Cerna 00:00 Tools
Foaie verde spic de paine 00:00 Tools
Moș Crăciun bolnav 00:00 Tools
Un pachet de biscuiți 00:00 Tools
Va las cantecele mele 00:00 Tools
Dreptul la milă 00:00 Tools
Tu ce vii printre noi 00:00 Tools
Băiatul meu, pierdutul meu 00:00 Tools
Bieti lampagii 00:00 Tools
Mos Craciun 00:00 Tools
Noaptea despartirii dintre noi 00:00 Tools
Da,Doamne,iarna 00:00 Tools
Imn pentru Basarabia 00:00 Tools
Sfânta noapte de Craciun 00:00 Tools
  • 23,928
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  • 23928
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Tatiana Stepa (born. 21 aprilie 1963, Lupeni, Hunedoara, Romania — d. 7 august 2009, Bucharest, Romania) was a well-known romanian folk musician. She made her debut in september 1982, on the Făgăraş Stadium, with Cenaclul Flacăra with a song called "Şi-am să-mi fac o doină"(And shall I make my doina). Stepa remained an active member of Cenaclul Flacăra until 1985 when Cenaclul has been forbidden by the comuniste regime. From 1992 to 1996 was a member of Cenaclul "Totuşi Iubirea" and she performed in over 2000 shows reaching up to 50000 spectators in an aniversary concert in Galaţi, Romania. After 1985 when also she and the Cenaclul Flacăra have been forbidden, she worked for 11 years in the Mine from Lupeni and then as a book techno-writer in Bucharest. From 1996 until her death she performed over 1000 shows in the most big cities in Romania, Italy, Germany, France, Republic of Moldova and Bulgaria. She was yearly invited to the big folk fests in Romania (like Om Bun, Folk You, Sighişoara FolkFest, Bistriţa, Piatra Neamţ, Galaţi, etc.). She composed her own lyrics but she also used other poets' lyrics from the Romanian and worldwide literature like Federico Garcia Lorca, Esenin, Adrian Păunescu, Lucian Blaga, etc. She sang by herself and then along with Magda Puşkaş they formed the Partaj band. Her last performance has been within Folk You festival in Vama Veche on 31st July 2009. She died on August 7th 2009 in Bucharest suffering from Neoplasm. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.