Trackimage | Playbut | Trackname | Playbut | Trackname |
17323251 | Play | The Luck You Got | 02:49 Tools | |
17323255 | Play | There Was No One Before You, There Was No One Before Me | 03:09 Tools | |
17323258 | Play | The Baddest Ship | 02:26 Tools | |
17323252 | Play | The Lifestyle That Got Away | 02:34 Tools | |
17323254 | Play | Maybe You're Coming Down With It | 03:23 Tools | |
56081735 | Play | The Luck You Got (Main Title) | 03:56 Tools | |
17323253 | Play | What a Meddler | 02:58 Tools | |
17323260 | Play | Missed Easily | 03:08 Tools | |
17323266 | Play | So Dry | 02:21 Tools | |
17323262 | Play | She's Not Even Mad at You | 01:49 Tools | |
17323267 | Play | Arrow | 02:57 Tools | |
17323259 | Play | The Curator | 02:08 Tools | |
17323265 | Play | Watch Me Sustain the Early Days | 02:47 Tools | |
17323264 | Play | He's Got No Soul | 03:18 Tools | |
17323257 | Play | Never Saw It As Union | 02:10 Tools | |
17323269 | Play | I Recognize That Voice | 02:49 Tools | |
17323263 | Play | Childhood | 03:04 Tools | |
17323270 | Play | Truce | 03:25 Tools | |
17323284 | Play | Rope | 02:50 Tools | |
17323261 | Play | The Luck You Got (OST Shameless) | 02:49 Tools | |
17323268 | Play | Rimbaud / Rambo | 04:25 Tools | |
17323276 | Play | N Over C | 03:13 Tools | |
17323271 | Play | The Meddler | 04:06 Tools | |
17323277 | Play | Seems It's One Thing | 02:56 Tools | |
17323288 | Play | Real Stone | 03:02 Tools | |
17323272 | Play | Slowdown | 01:55 Tools | |
17323280 | Play | A Real Meal Ticket | 02:47 Tools | |
17323293 | Play | Wretched Boy | 01:55 Tools | |
17323283 | Play | In the Middle | 02:25 Tools | |
17323275 | Play | Here It Comes Again | 01:57 Tools | |
17323309 | Play | Guilt Is How I'm Built | 02:30 Tools | |
17323279 | Play | On Your Feet | 04:32 Tools | |
17323278 | Play | The Gentleman | 03:55 Tools | |
17323286 | Play | Extraordinary Times | 01:24 Tools | |
17323274 | Play | Anything Goes | 02:51 Tools | |
17323307 | Play | Out of Character | 02:09 Tools | |
17323300 | Play | Bad With My Hands | 02:26 Tools | |
17323303 | Play | Raise the Bar | 02:18 Tools | |
17323281 | Play | Rats, Rats, Rats | 03:16 Tools | |
17323282 | Play | At The Same Time | 04:18 Tools | |
17323273 | Play | Deck the Boy With Mettle and Manhood | 03:03 Tools | |
17323313 | Play | Anyone | 03:11 Tools | |
17323301 | Play | It's On | 03:31 Tools | |
17323285 | Play | Buried | 02:53 Tools | |
17323299 | Play | I Got Your Back | 02:17 Tools | |
17323315 | Play | Show a Sign of Life | 02:03 Tools | |
17323287 | Play | Sit Up Straight | 02:33 Tools | |
17323298 | Play | Ain't That Something | 02:44 Tools | |
17323256 | Play | Standing At The Door Of Self-Discovery | 02:48 Tools | |
17323330 | Play | House Party | 03:41 Tools | |
17323304 | Play | The Songbird | 01:59 Tools | |
17323310 | Play | The World's Smallest Violin | 03:56 Tools | |
17323295 | Play | ¿Posible O' Imposible? | 03:49 Tools | |
17323326 | Play | What A Meddler! | 03:01 Tools | |
17323292 | Play | Giant | 03:21 Tools | |
17323324 | Play | Real Nice Boy | 02:23 Tools | |
17323305 | Play | Throwaway | 02:27 Tools | |
17323311 | Play | I Got Frustration | 02:24 Tools | |
17323332 | Play | Stares Everywhere | 01:55 Tools | |
17323290 | Play | Sometimes It's Odd Sometimes It's Like God | 02:04 Tools | |
17323322 | Play | The Life Style That Got Away | 02:33 Tools | |
17323297 | Play | Deck The Boy | 03:04 Tools | |
17323323 | Play | Cocksure | 01:54 Tools | |
17323306 | Play | Rah Rah Rah! | 02:26 Tools | |
17323317 | Play | If the Night... | 02:59 Tools | |
17323294 | Play | Parachute | 03:32 Tools | |
17323354 | Play | Gravedigger | 03:50 Tools | |
17323302 | Play | Single / Alone | 02:19 Tools | |
17323289 | Play | You Can Hurry Up | 01:58 Tools | |
17323329 | Play | Got Your Back | 02:17 Tools | |
17323308 | Play | Model Boats | 03:51 Tools | |
17323312 | Play | On Your Way Up! | 02:58 Tools | |
17323318 | Play | Big Game Hunter | 03:43 Tools | |
17323314 | Play | Human | 03:43 Tools | |
17323319 | Play | Brain K | 02:49 Tools | |
17323372 | Play | Beautiful Summer | 03:38 Tools | |
17323350 | Play | Rimbaud/Rambo | 05:06 Tools | |
17323320 | Play | Black Mad Wheel | 02:18 Tools | |
17323328 | Play | I Want Us All To Relax | 02:44 Tools | |
17323321 | Play | Dragon Dicks | 01:43 Tools | |
17323296 | Play | Last Night Was… | 03:10 Tools | |
17323316 | Play | You Got History | 02:53 Tools | |
17323325 | Play | Decomposer | 01:41 Tools | |
17323335 | Play | Seeds | 01:01 Tools | |
56081736 | Play | King Drum | 03:35 Tools | |
17323327 | Play | As It Were | 01:53 Tools | |
17323331 | Play | Barn Party | 02:38 Tools | |
56081737 | Play | The Luck You Got (OST: Shameless / Бесстыжие) Заставка | 03:07 Tools | |
17323344 | Play | Wrecking Ball, Baby | 04:14 Tools | |
17323338 | Play | Figure Yourself Out | 03:25 Tools | |
17323342 | Play | I Need a Smart Girl | 02:18 Tools | |
17323353 | Play | King of the All-Nighter | 02:49 Tools | |
17323355 | Play | What A Difference A Day Makes | 04:08 Tools | |
17323343 | Play | Betsy Sergeant | 02:12 Tools | |
17323337 | Play | The Millionaire | 03:35 Tools | |
17323340 | Play | Blast It | 02:39 Tools | |
17323345 | Play | Decomposer, My Enthusiasm Is Beyond You | 01:52 Tools | |
17323366 | Play | Dungeon Mead | 01:18 Tools | |
17323365 | Play | Back To The Wishing Well | 03:07 Tools | |
17323341 | Play | No Love | 02:10 Tools | |
56081740 | Play | Really Very Careful | 02:34 Tools | |
17323351 | Play | Planet Korea | 02:03 Tools | |
17323357 | Play | Anyone (Acoustic) | 02:44 Tools | |
17323376 | Play | Bam Bam Bam | 03:01 Tools | |
17323377 | Play | In Dragonland | 01:13 Tools | |
17323334 | Play | California First | 02:58 Tools | |
17323363 | Play | Levitate | 05:58 Tools | |
17323373 | Play | Last Night Was... | 03:10 Tools | |
17323333 | Play | Luck You Got | 00:00 Tools | |
89512088 | Play | Darling Weirdo | 00:00 Tools | |
17323349 | Play | The Peaks of Vision | 05:05 Tools | |
17323422 | Play | Never Saw It As A Union | 02:09 Tools | |
56081741 | Play | Point of View | 02:34 Tools | |
17323419 | Play | Hum Bug | 03:25 Tools | |
17323369 | Play | Noa, Dear | 03:08 Tools | |
17323360 | Play | Bite of the Bait | 02:54 Tools | |
56081742 | Play | A Mansion Like This | 02:34 Tools | |
89512089 | Play | Riots of the Mind | 02:34 Tools | |
17323347 | Play | Never Never No | 03:28 Tools | |
17323364 | Play | Nothing Compares To You | 04:50 Tools | |
17323375 | Play | Not Another Word | 02:58 Tools | |
56081744 | Play | Half a Dream | 02:48 Tools | |
17323394 | Play | The Girl To Your Left | 02:24 Tools | |
17323417 | Play | A Leg, Maybe An Arm | 03:52 Tools | |
17323356 | Play | Nobody Puts You Out | 03:44 Tools | |
17323358 | Play | Where's My F*cking Actress | 04:24 Tools | |
56081743 | Play | Forever and Anon | 02:48 Tools | |
17323346 | Play | Posible O imposible | 03:49 Tools | |
56081738 | Play | Grave Digger | 03:49 Tools | |
56081739 | Play | Lounge Act - The High Strung | 02:24 Tools | |
89512090 | Play | Death for Us is a Mixture of Moods | 02:24 Tools | |
17323436 | Play | On Your Way Up | 02:58 Tools | |
17323406 | Play | For You For Now | 02:34 Tools | |
56081746 | Play | All Gone | 02:48 Tools | |
56081745 | Play | Imitation | 02:48 Tools | |
89512091 | Play | Hope Explodes | 02:48 Tools | |
56081747 | Play | Come Go Mad | 02:48 Tools | |
56081748 | Play | The Great Unknown | 00:00 Tools | |
17323339 | Play | The Luck You Got [Shameless Theme Song] | 02:48 Tools | |
89512092 | Play | If You Wanna Roll | 02:48 Tools | |
89512093 | Play | Rubik's Cube | 02:48 Tools | |
89512094 | Play | Eavesdropped Upon Again | 02:48 Tools | |
89512095 | Play | To Scale | 02:48 Tools | |
89512096 | Play | Legion | 02:48 Tools | |
89512097 | Play | When I Lay My Egg | 02:48 Tools | |
89512098 | Play | Summer of Night | 02:48 Tools | |
89512099 | Play | Letters First | 02:48 Tools | |
89512100 | Play | Goffin & King | 02:48 Tools | |
17323336 | Play | The Luck You Got (OST Бесстыжие) | 02:48 Tools | |
17323348 | Play | Here Comes The Cheer | 03:59 Tools | |
56081751 | Play | The Was No One Before You, There Was No One Before Me | 01:24 Tools | |
17323407 | Play | Long Distance News | 01:21 Tools | |
17323423 | Play | Real Meal Ticket | 00:00 Tools | |
89512101 | Play | Alien Madman | 00:00 Tools | |
17323368 | Play | "The Luck You Got" Shameless Theme Song | 00:30 Tools | |
17323393 | Play | Bass-Scape | 10:00 Tools | |
17323378 | Play | Robot | 03:50 Tools | |
56081750 | Play | Where's My Fucking Actress | 01:24 Tools | |
56081749 | Play | Nothing Compares 2 U | 03:50 Tools | |
17323384 | Play | Extraordianary Times | 01:24 Tools | |
56081752 | Play | Bassscape | 01:24 Tools | |
17323359 | Play | It's Christmas For You, Too | 04:39 Tools | |
56081755 | Play | Maybe You’re Coming Down With It | 02:25 Tools | |
56081753 | Play | The High Strung-What A Meddler | 01:24 Tools | |
17323381 | Play | Sonic Night | 04:16 Tools | |
56081761 | Play | The Luck You Got (звонок) | 03:33 Tools | |
17323388 | Play | Watch It Not End | 02:25 Tools | |
56081754 | Play | Seems It's One Think | 02:25 Tools | |
56081756 | Play | Pumpkins & Paisley | 02:25 Tools | |
56081758 | Play | The Worlds Smallest Violin | 04:39 Tools | |
17323361 | Play | The Luck You Got Shameless Theme Song | 02:48 Tools | |
56081785 | Play | The Luck You Got (Theme Song) | 02:48 Tools | |
56081757 | Play | The High Strung-The Baddest Ship | 02:48 Tools | |
17323402 | Play | Turned It Away | 03:33 Tools | |
17323409 | Play | Whatever He Wanted | 03:02 Tools | |
56081759 | Play | The High Strung-Raise The Bar | 03:33 Tools | |
56081760 | Play | The High Strung-So Dry | 03:33 Tools | |
56081772 | Play | Love and Death On Christmas Eve | 00:00 Tools | |
56081782 | Play | The Luck You Got (Shameless) | 03:04 Tools | |
56081762 | Play | Lifestyle That Got Away | 03:02 Tools | |
56081773 | Play | The Lucky You Got | 04:05 Tools | |
56081763 | Play | Noa Dear | 03:02 Tools | |
56081769 | Play | The High Strung-I Recognize That Voice | 02:19 Tools | |
56081764 | Play | Lounge Act 02/10/06 | 03:02 Tools | |
56081765 | Play | The High Strung-Arrow | 03:02 Tools | |
17323400 | Play | The High Strung-There Was No One Before You , There Was No One Before Me | 03:10 Tools | |
56081766 | Play | Drama | 03:10 Tools | |
17323427 | Play | Since You'Ve Been Gone | 04:05 Tools | |
17323374 | Play | Hum-Bug | 03:26 Tools | |
56081767 | Play | That Is All I Want From You | 03:26 Tools | |
17323370 | Play | Single_Alone | 02:19 Tools | |
56081768 | Play | The High Strung-Maybe You're Coming Down With It | 02:19 Tools | |
56081770 | Play | The High Strung-Watch Me Sustain The Early Days | 02:19 Tools | |
56081771 | Play | The High Strung-Missed Easily | 02:19 Tools | |
56081783 | Play | Never Say No | 03:04 Tools | |
17323411 | Play | Gentleman | 00:00 Tools | |
17323410 | Play | Deck The Boy With Mettle Manhood | 03:04 Tools | |
56081775 | Play | The High Strung-Grave Digger | 03:04 Tools | |
56081774 | Play | The High Strung-He's Got No Soul | 03:04 Tools | |
56081776 | Play | If The Night | 03:04 Tools | |
56081777 | Play | The High Strung-Childhood | 03:04 Tools | |
56081778 | Play | The Luck You Got (Shameless Theme) | 03:04 Tools | |
56081779 | Play | The High Strung-She's Not Even Mad At You | 03:04 Tools | |
56081780 | Play | The High Strung-The Meddler | 03:04 Tools | |
56081781 | Play | Hurry up | 03:04 Tools | |
17323389 | Play | Lounge Act 05/18/06 | 26:38 Tools | |
56081784 | Play | Tom & Jerry | 26:38 Tools | |
17323401 | Play | The Luck You Got (Shameless Theme Song) | 02:48 Tools | |
17323398 | Play | Lounge Act 04/21/06 | 29:27 Tools | |
56081786 | Play | The High Strung-Rimbaud / Rambo | 29:27 Tools | |
56081787 | Play | The High Strung-The Curator | 29:27 Tools | |
56081788 | Play | The Luck You Got Shameless Theme Song | 29:27 Tools | |
56081789 | Play | World's Smallest Violin | 29:27 Tools | |
56081790 | Play | One Fatal Shot | 29:27 Tools | |
17323415 | Play | Memories | 03:10 Tools | |
56081792 | Play | Hard Rock Bottom | 03:10 Tools | |
56081791 | Play | Possible O Impossible | 03:10 Tools | |
17323412 | Play | Give Me Wings | 03:06 Tools | |
17323403 | Play | Standing At the Door of Self D | 00:30 Tools | |
56081794 | Play | Charles Atlas | 00:30 Tools | |
56081795 | Play | Songbird | 00:30 Tools | |
56081796 | Play | Aint That Something | 00:30 Tools | |
56081797 | Play | I Believe In God | 00:30 Tools |
Track name
Josh Malerman, the voice of the High Strung, likes to say it's because the band has been best friends since they were eleven that they were able to live in a bus together for 300 shows a year, five years running. But he also says it's the songs... and the way Derek Berk (drums) and Chad Stocker (bass) play them... that gets them to love the experience as much now as when they were, well, eleven. The High Strung are a curious band. Extremely hard workers (Malerman once hung up on a potential manager who said a band wasn't good just because they work hard), they are often mistaken as something much more simple than they are. The High Strung are not a traditional rock and roll band. The High Strung don't have a bluesy bone in their body (though they sometimes long for one). And because of a vigorous tour schedule that wasn't planned but continued to feed off itself nonetheless, the High Strung do not belong to any one scene or "movement". They can't sit still! It is hard to say exactly who the band sounds like (the words "quirky" and "autonomous" are ascribed them often) and it's maybe more telling to explain them in unusual musical terms. Maybe the High Strung have the SPIRIT of The Flaming Lips. Guided By Voices. Bands who produce seemingly impossible numbers (1200 shows, 400 songs) and who's audience exists more from word of mouth than by being in the right place and the right time. Maybe the High Strung have the SPIRIT of the Merry Pranksters. Leaving their tour bus at the front door of the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame (with a plaque, making it look like a real exhibit) suggests they do. Maybe the High Strung have the SPIRIT of Lewis Carrol. Malerman's lyrics, one of the most striking features of the band, usually describe characters more likely found in the pages of an eerie children's book than those who so often adorn the rock n' roll cannon. A young girl who builds the world's biggest "something" in "Seems It's One Thing". A museum curator who's envy of the paintings he protects drives him to some very mischievous deeds in "The Curator". A workaholic who is mooched off in different ways for each stage of his life in "A Real Meal Ticket" (it's maybe worth noting that Bob Pollard called MOXIE BRAVO, the band's second record, and the one that includes many of these characters, a "masterpiece"). Or maybe the High Strung have the SPIRIT they had when they fell in love with rock n' roll in the first place. As kids. As teens who once heard The Zombies and Brian Eno and The Ramones and decided to make some noise of their own. There are other things, too, other properties that make the High Strung difficult to zero in on. Harder to describe than most. Chad Stocker, whom Malerman insists is the world's defacto bass player, is the band's lead guitarist. Derek Berk, sitting behind huge vistalite drums, is the band's MC, so to speak, informing the crowd, very nearly doing stand-up, and describing the songs, using whatever description he heard Malerman say in the bus. And Malerman writes horror novels too... something irreconcilable to some after hearing him sing twenty pop songs, but something that he insists is a "linear connection." NPR's This American Life did a feature on the band for a tour of public libraries they did this past summer. How does one explain that exactly? A band who doesn't play anything close to kids' music, playing libraries at three in the afternoon or seven at night... standing on their amps... answering questions about girlfriends and volume and beer? The press has been kind to the High Strung. Their Rolling Stone feature was bigger than Jewel’s on the same page. They had a full page in Entertainment Weekly. And the Washington Post named "The Songbird" the second best song to come out that year. NPR has done three separate features on the band. Playboy, Spin, MTV2. Stuff Magazine named "Never Saw It As Union", the lead-off track for Moxie Bravo, as the song to download that issue... ahead of Kanye West's enormous hit Goldigger. The band has finished their third album, Get The Guests, their most electrifying and unique work to date. Produced by dynamo Jim Diamond, the band admits that the best compliment they've received from the early listeners is that " Get The Guests is so unique, it would be impossible to say it sounds like this or that band, but instead should be looked at as what other bands may sound like in the near future." The High Strung are a band to root for. A band you can get behind. And the landscape (mountains, we'll say) created by a rhythm section who do not quit, and the bird-like voice that echoes off those mountains, makes for a hell of a back-drop for characters who do not fit exactly into the traditional rock n' roll landscape. Both the characters sung about and the ones doing the singing too. (from and it's all true!) Read more on User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply.
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